Zone1 The next 4 years under Trump vs Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Assuming first of all that neither man wins a supermajority in the Senate (60 votes), how much can either one really do? Much as every president wants more power to enact their agenda, our system of checks and balances precludes that to some degree. I don't foresee any major changes that a future president and Congress can't undo.

In Trump's case, I do not believe he's going to be able to do whatever he wants to even if the GOP controls the House and the Senate. Even if the GOP has a Senate majority (<60 votes), they won't be able to do much without some democrats' support and I don't see that happening. So, Trump will have to deal with the opposition and very little will get done unless the democrats get to spend a ton of money on their own agenda. And I also believe that the SCOTUS will not allow him to do as he pleases via EAs and EOs either, we've seen them rule against him before and they are not going to rubber stamp his policies. IOW, he'll be a lame duck president from day 1 in 2025 if he wins. So, a constipated federal gov't for 4 years.

Will it be any different if Biden wins, or whoever replaces him at the top of the DP ticket? I don't think so, the recent failure of the southern border bill illustrates that IMHO. Regardless of who control the Senate, they won't have 60 votes to do as they please either, and the GOP won't cooperate, so => gridlock. I do believe there would be a better chance of some bipartisan bills passing under Biden rather than Trump cuz no democrat is going to support anything close to legislation that Trump wants. IOW, repub congresspersons will be a bit more cooperative.

The only major issue I see between the 2 is the nominations to the Supreme Court and lower federal courts. If either one has a Senate majority then they will nominate and confirm whoever they want to fill any empty seats that occur. And that is a big deal, if the progressive liberals can replace a couple of conservative justices then the balance between the Left and Right shifts, maybe enough to make a difference. It could happen before Jan 2029. And that is why everyone should vote IMHO.
Assuming first of all that neither man wins a supermajority in the Senate (60 votes), how much can either one really do? Much as every president wants more power to enact their agenda, our system of checks and balances precludes that to some degree. I don't foresee any major changes that a future president and Congress can't undo.
There is zero chance of either having 60 Senators.

In Trump's case, I do not believe he's going to be able to do whatever he wants to even if the GOP controls the House and the Senate. Even if the GOP has a Senate majority (<60 votes), they won't be able to do much without some democrats' support and I don't see that happening. So, Trump will have to deal with the opposition and very little will get done unless the democrats get to spend a ton of money on their own agenda. And I also believe that the SCOTUS will not allow him to do as he pleases via EAs and EOs either, we've seen them rule against him before and they are not going to rubber stamp his policies. IOW, he'll be a lame duck president from day 1 in 2025 if he wins. So, a constipated federal gov't for 4 years.

This is exactly how it was the first time. Why people think it will suddenly be different is beyond me.

Will it be any different if Biden wins, or whoever replaces him at the top of the DP ticket? I don't think so, the recent failure of the southern border bill illustrates that IMHO. Regardless of who control the Senate, they won't have 60 votes to do as they please either, and the GOP won't cooperate, so => gridlock. I do believe there would be a better chance of some bipartisan bills passing under Biden rather than Trump cuz no democrat is going to support anything close to legislation that Trump wants. IOW, repub congresspersons will be a bit more cooperative.

The only major issue I see between the 2 is the nominations to the Supreme Court and lower federal courts. If either one has a Senate majority then they will nominate and confirm whoever they want to fill any empty seats that occur. And that is a big deal, if the progressive liberals can replace a couple of conservative justices then the balance between the Left and Right shifts, maybe enough to make a difference. It could happen before Jan 2029. And that is why everyone should vote IMHO.

SCOTUS has made some pretty bad rulings over the years with almost 40 years of a Republican majority on the court. That is simply not a valid enough argument.
There is zero chance of either having 60 Senators.

This is exactly how it was the first time. Why people think it will suddenly be different is beyond me.

SCOTUS has made some pretty bad rulings over the years with almost 40 years of a Republican majority on the court. That is simply not a valid enough argument.
By hook or by crook, Trump won't be permitted to regain power.

Could it be that the military will need to take over temporarily while the country sorts out it's differences? The make-believe world of Trump simply can't continue. His threats will have been considered by the military and it will be prepared.
SCOTUS has made some pretty bad rulings over the years with almost 40 years of a Republican majority on the court. That is simply not a valid enough argument.

I believe you are mistaken, until recently (like 2016) the SCOTUS has NOT been a Republican majority over the past 40 years. And I know of no bad rulings in recent years, but I do know of many bad rulings by liberal majority SCOTUSes that create constitutional rights out of thin air.

So, what does the past history of the SCOTUS have to do with being a factor in who a person votes for later this year?

Let's say Justice Thomas retires, would you be okay with a younger conservative person replacing him? Or if Biden is in office, what if he nominates a progressive liberal person?

Are you sure there's no valid substance there?
I believe you are mistaken, until recently (like 2016) the SCOTUS has NOT been a Republican majority over the past 40 years.

They have had a Republican majority since Reagan. This is EASILY verifiable information.
They have had a Republican majority since Reagan. This is EASILY verifiable information.

Maybe it depends on how a republican majority is determined. Clearly there have been a few justices that were nominated by a republican president that turned out to be somewhat less than conservative. And it could be that your definition of a 'pretty bad ruling' might not be shared by most other people. Up until recently it appears to me that the SCOTUS was NOT controlled by the republicans, and many decisions went against them. Can you provide your idea of a 'pretty bad ruling'?

In any event, my original point stands. The next president might nominate one or two new justices to the court, perhaps replacing conservative justices with progressive liberals, and that could be a very big deal.
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I am sure I will vote. I am equally sure it will be for neither of the two candidates being discussed.
By hook or by crook, Trump won't be permitted to regain power.

Could it be that the military will need to take over temporarily while the country sorts out it's differences? The make-believe world of Trump simply can't continue. His threats will have been considered by the military and it will be prepared.
I know this is from a movie. Seven Days in May type of takeover sounds reassuring.
I know this is from a movie. Seven Days in May type of takeover sounds reassuring.
I'm not familiar with what is being suggested, but always interested!

A stampede to Biden's replacement and even a stampede to Trump's replacement couldn't be easier.

However, there's no stampede to Haley brewing by the looks of it so far.
With the current congressional make up, No Biden nominee would be confirmed.

Really? I'd bet you big money (if I had any) that if Clarence Thomas drops dead tonight that Biden will nominate a progressive liberal replacement that the current Senate will confirm before election day. There may be a buncha democrats that don't support Biden for re-election, but putting another progressive liberal on the Supreme Court is the wet dream of every Lefty in America.
Really? I'd bet you big money (if I had any) that if Clarence Thomas drops dead tonight that Biden will nominate a progressive liberal replacement that the current Senate will confirm before election day. There may be a buncha democrats that don't support Biden for re-election, but putting another progressive liberal on the Supreme Court is the wet dream of every Lefty in America.
It would be interesting to see Biden and Schumer flip flop on their previous statements that no SCOTUS justice should be confirmed in an election year. LOL, I think it would be poetic justice if Sotomayor retired after DJT retakes the WH.
It would be interesting to see Biden and Schumer flip flop on their previous statements that no SCOTUS justice should be confirmed in an election year. LOL, I think it would be poetic justice if Sotomayor retired after DJT retakes the WH.

I have yet to see any scruples or integrity between Biden and Schumer or any other democrat. And if DJT wins in November, there's no way Sotomayor retires. They'd have to carry her out feet first.
Assuming first of all that neither man wins a supermajority in the Senate (60 votes), how much can either one really do? Much as every president wants more power to enact their agenda, our system of checks and balances precludes that to some degree. I don't foresee any major changes that a future president and Congress can't undo.

In Trump's case, I do not believe he's going to be able to do whatever he wants to even if the GOP controls the House and the Senate. Even if the GOP has a Senate majority (<60 votes), they won't be able to do much without some democrats' support and I don't see that happening. So, Trump will have to deal with the opposition and very little will get done unless the democrats get to spend a ton of money on their own agenda. And I also believe that the SCOTUS will not allow him to do as he pleases via EAs and EOs either, we've seen them rule against him before and they are not going to rubber stamp his policies. IOW, he'll be a lame duck president from day 1 in 2025 if he wins. So, a constipated federal gov't for 4 years.

Will it be any different if Biden wins, or whoever replaces him at the top of the DP ticket? I don't think so, the recent failure of the southern border bill illustrates that IMHO. Regardless of who control the Senate, they won't have 60 votes to do as they please either, and the GOP won't cooperate, so => gridlock. I do believe there would be a better chance of some bipartisan bills passing under Biden rather than Trump cuz no democrat is going to support anything close to legislation that Trump wants. IOW, repub congresspersons will be a bit more cooperative.

The only major issue I see between the 2 is the nominations to the Supreme Court and lower federal courts. If either one has a Senate majority then they will nominate and confirm whoever they want to fill any empty seats that occur. And that is a big deal, if the progressive liberals can replace a couple of conservative justices then the balance between the Left and Right shifts, maybe enough to make a difference. It could happen before Jan 2029. And that is why everyone should vote IMHO.

Trump had full support of ICE and the CBP in his migrant/illegal immigration policies that slowed illegal entry to a trickle and I expect he'll get near 100% of votes from those people in November. His economic policies put thousands of good dollars into pockets of all demographics and the space between the GDP and deficit was noticeably narrowing in his first three years before COVID hit. The only reason the national debt took such a huge jump was because of COVID with far less treasury revenues and dollars going out to keep businesses and individuals afloat during the lockdowns. Russia, China, Iran and North Korea all stopped saber rattling, our allies were paying a lot more of their fair share for NATO, four Arab countries made peace/trade agreements with Israel, and we had the closest thing to world peace any of us had ever seen.

P.S. He did that with a mostly hostile Congress and a 98% hostile media.

Biden has done absolutely nothing that wasn't harmful or destructive or divisive to the country in his first three years. There is no reason to think he'll do anything constructive, wise or helpful this year or in the next four years either either. We are being invaded by multi-millions of migrants with absolutely careless handling of who they are or where they are. Russia has invaded the Ukraine, Hamas attacked Israel--those wars continue as well as a new conflict in the Red Sea--and China, North Korea and Iran are all saber rattling again. The buying power of American families is down by thousands and, because of Obamacare more Americans are working part time with less benefits. Savings are dwindling and personal debt is exploding.

And that was with a mostly supportive Congress and mostly favorable media.

The smart vote in November for anybody capable of critical thinking at all is a no brainer.
Trump can and will reverse the petulant EO reversals of the childish democrat party and the economy will flourish again. Not to mention that this will work to stop enhancing funding of the Russian military.

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