The NFL Clown Show with the so-called "black national anthem"

I put this in the same category as Kwansa, made up things to divide the country and destroy it. and you on the left are helping. you are tools and too dumb to know it.

At least Juneteenth celebrates an actual event, so it has that going for it.
See this is where republicans don't learn. Sure we have a unifying song, but why not have 2. Stop letting liberals define things. If republicans focus on the true meaning of the song highlighting it's christian message democrats will be caught off guard. Republicans should embrace the song and call for all schools to play the entire song before the Pledge of Allegiance. If this song helps encourage patriotism why would republicans object. They should object to using the song to separate us as Americans, but fully embrace the message of the song.
This is the worst idea ever.
The "Black" National Anthem part. How many times must this be explained to you

Nothing in the “Black National Anthem” excludes you
Why don’t you just enjoy it?

Oh yea……Conservatives oppose anything that acknowledges or honors blacks
The "Black" National Anthem part. How many times must this be explained to you
I guess using lib logic that makes the The Star-Spangled Banner the white national anthem

No wonder libs and black wokesters hate it so much
I wasn't called up for a paywall.

and all you need to do is look up "replace the national anthem" on google to find plenty more.
I'd love to replace it with James Brown's Living in America, or America, the Beautiful. The current anthem is terrible: No one can sing it, and no one gets it. Plus these are just cool:

I think I caught a little dust in my eye.

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