The Nuking of Nagasaki: Even More Immoral and Unnecessary than Hiroshima

Our top military leadership recognized that the war was rapidly coming to a close anyway, and that the atomic bomb did NOT play a material role in Japan's inevitable defeat.
It foes not matter what eisenhower thought but what hirohito thought

and the japanese high command retained illusions of a cease fire without foreign occupation of the home islands

yes an invasion by the allies, meaning America and russia was one option but it involved millions of casualties and a divided post war japan

the bomb avoided that
"Admiral William Leahy, White House chief of staff and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the war. Leahy wrote in his 1950 memoirs that "the use of this barbarous weapon at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was of no material assistance in our war against Japan. The Japanese were already defeated and ready to surrender." Moreover, Leahy continued, "in being the first to use it, we had adopted an ethical standard common to the barbarians of the Dark Ages. I was not taught to make war in that fashion, and wars cannot be won by destroying women and children."

President Dwight Eisenhower, the Allied commander in Europe during World War II, recalled in 1963, as he did on several other occasions, that he had opposed using the atomic bomb on Japan during a July 1945 meeting with Secretary of War Henry Stimson: "I told him I was against it on two counts. First, the Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing. Second, I hated to see our country be the first to use such a weapon."

Admiral William "Bull" Halsey, the tough and outspoken commander of the U.S. Third Fleet, which participated in the American offensive against the Japanese home islands in the final months of the war, publicly stated in 1946 that "the first atomic bomb was an unnecessary experiment." The Japanese, he noted, had "put out a lot of peace feelers through Russia long before" the bomb was used. "

The japanese were ready to negotiate a truce but not a surrender
It foes not matter what eisenhower thought but what hirohito thought

and the japanese high command retained illusions of a cease fire without foreign occupation of the home islands

yes an invasion by the allies, meaning America and russia was one option but it involved millions of casualties and a divided post war japan

the bomb avoided that
Read my last two posts.
Read my last two posts.
I did.

But your sources are mistaken

japan was militarily defeated long before we invaded Okinawa but kept on fighting

the japanese high command was ready to fight to the last man in order to preserve their honor
There you go again. Every time one of you 'scholars of insistence' starts running out of steam, you resort to the absolutely empty "I know history and you don't!" refrain. It's completely transparent. Throwing in some common knowledge as if it were the product of your own original research only makes you look more desperate.
Unk, you can try to blow smoke--but several things became very obvious. You don't know history, you believe the shit you post about America being the bad guys for bombing Japan or you want everyone else to believe your bullshit. My grandfather and all 5 of his brothers were in ww2 so I do know what actually went on. He was traumatized by what he saw till the day that he died. You are an asshole for making up and believing the bullshit that you post instead of looking up history or more likely not caring that you spread lies about the americans including our soldiers that were forced to fight the very EVIL Japanese. You can try to lie and then mix in insults about posters all you want, but that won't stop me from pointing out the obvious about you and your propaganda. Japan was evil, they needed to be bombed to stop them from being evil, they deserved the bombs and much much worse---------
.....My grandfather and all 5 of his brothers were in ww2 so I do know what actually went on. .....----
That conclusion is illogical. Personal experiences are not genetic. If my grandfather were a surgeon, would you want me to perform surgery on you?
Unk, you can try to blow smoke--but several things became very obvious. You don't know history, you believe the shit you post about America being the bad guys for bombing Japan or you want everyone else to believe your bullshit. My grandfather and all 5 of his brothers were in ww2 so I do know what actually went on. He was traumatized by what he saw till the day that he died. You are an asshole for making up and believing the bullshit that you post instead of looking up history or more likely not caring that you spread lies about the americans including our soldiers that were forced to fight the very EVIL Japanese. You can try to lie and then mix in insults about posters all you want, but that won't stop me from pointing out the obvious about you and your propaganda. Japan was evil, they needed to be bombed to stop them from being evil, they deserved the bombs and much much worse---------
Do you not recognize that you are merely responding emotionally? Read your own post.
Invasion was not the only other option. America's top military leaders recognized that the decision to use that terrible weapon was a political one, not a military necessity. It was widely understood on both sides that Japan was defeated for all intents and purposes. America's military leaders also saw that Japan was looking for a way to surrender and end the war. Over 75 years later, simpletons like you react like petulant children when confronted with a reality more complex than the comfortable narrative that has let you sleep at night all your life.
So many of these little boys who think they understand "Bushido" because they read a few comic books or watched a few cartoons seem to think that in the time when that philosophy really was followed - by only a very select segment of society - that fighters (and civilians apparently) never surrendered in any war or any battle. Everyone on the losing side killed themselves? Every farmer, merchant, or peasant? Only dimwitted children and/or those completely ignorant of Japanese history believe such nonsense. Bushido did not mean a complete disregard for life, or a love of death. It meant much more, but - uh oh, here it comes - "you just don't understand." By the 1930s and 40s not only had the social class associated with the philosophy long since passed, but the idea of Bushido was a mere tool in state propaganda, not something intended to be used by foolish apologist foreigners some 75 years later.

"But what about Okinawa?" you may say. Here's another "oh, you just don't understand!" moment. For all the "you're uneducated!" and "if only you understood as I do!" bullshit, I have yet to hear anyone recognize how the residents of Okinawa (to say nothing of even more outlying areas) were viewed by most people (and especially those in positions of influence) on Honshu and in the government. Are you familiar with the notion of "cannon fodder" in the western tradition? Why not turn up the propaganda on those in outlying areas and scare the bejeesus out of them about an inhuman enemy (ever see any propaganda posters produced by our own government in WWI/WWII about Germans and Japanese - even American citizens who happened to be of Japanese descent?) if it would serve the purpose of convincing the enemy that it would be too costly to try and take the real homeland? Just importing a few examples from the actual American media of the time would be enough to convince people with very little contact with the outside world prior to the war, that Americans were so full of hate and violence that death might be easier. Do you think any Americans at the time thought they would have been treated nicely if the tables were turned? How much easier did it make the work of propagandists to read story after story in American newspapers, replete with racial slurs, about American servicemen sending home the ears, and noses, and skulls of Japanese prisoners and war dead to their sweethearts back home?

But no, you who know so much more, never thought about any of that. So much easier and more comfortable to just snuggle up with a comfy narrative you never bothered to really think about. Just screaming "Yeh! Fuk 'em! Fuk yeah!" while you crush a Bud Lite on your empty forehead feels so much better than actually thinking.
That conclusion is illogical. Personal experiences are not genetic. If my grandfather were a surgeon, would you want me to perform surgery on you?
You obviously weren't raised to respect your elders or can even to begin understand not only a father but grandfathers and their brothers raising their kids and grandkids together and close by in small towns. I liked old people growing up---they were always a wealth of knowledge. Something I can see that you never understood and still don't understand....seeking anything that is knowledge seems to be a no-go for you and the rest of the communists. To many from WW2, or greatest generation, are gone now--but there was a time that if you wanted to actually know what happened then, instead of listening to communist propaganda like you do, that you would only have to open your ears and listen to your elders.

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