The Obama College Myth Debunked By...

I'm referring to this thread, and the only people who have repeatedly stated Obama is "half-white", "not-black" and is a "half breed" are not politically aligned with Obama.:rolleyes:

Who has made those remarks? I would like the quotes.

Here's one.

Your worship of the half black messiah transcends rational thought and legitimate questions.

what's racist about that? Its a true statement. Many of you worship him BECAUSE he is half black. YOU are the racist in this discussion.
Who has made those remarks? I would like the quotes.

Here's one.

Your worship of the half black messiah transcends rational thought and legitimate questions.

what's racist about that? Its a true statement. Many of you worship him BECAUSE he is half black. YOU are the racist in this discussion.

It may or may not be racist but it is a lie and truly idiotic, as no one ‘worships’ Obama.

And only the right refers to Obama as ‘messiah.’

what's racist about that? Its a true statement. Many of you worship him BECAUSE he is half black. YOU are the racist in this discussion.

It may or may not be racist but it is a lie and truly idiotic, as no one ‘worships’ Obama.

And only the right refers to Obama as ‘messiah.’

sarcasm to make a point, geez, grow up.

But many of obama's supporters do border on religion in their blind faith in the guy. Tingles up the leg, etc. maybe not worship, but very close.

and if you are honest about it, you will admit that many support him solely because of skin color---------and that is racism.
Who has made those remarks? I would like the quotes.

Here's one.

Your worship of the half black messiah transcends rational thought and legitimate questions.

what's racist about that? Its a true statement. Many of you worship him BECAUSE he is half black. YOU are the racist in this discussion.

You may not be a racist, but going out of your way to point out that he is half black, half white is insensitive to say the least. And definitely not at all relevant to the discussion.

I don't worship anybody. And definitely not a politician. As far as my support for Obama goes, it has absolutely nothing to do with the color of his skin.
This has to fall in the top 5 complaints about Obama that don't matter, at all.

You're right about that, although it is just another little part of the pattern of deception, and secrecy behind this supposedly "brilliant" asshole who can't talk without "prepared" statements even to second graders, and stutters and stammers when off prompter.

Here's a guy who's presidency was supposed to be dedicated to transparency, rebuild the infrastructure, strengthen the economy, and supposed to change government for the better.

Everything is worse since he was elected, yet there were still enough stupid people to defend him no matter what he does, or fails to accomplish.
Why do people keep insisting the president isn't "black" simply because his mother is white. He's still black. If he committed a crime, they wouldn't report "a half white man did". :rolleyes:

The only time someone being "half white" is important is when you don't like being accused of being racist.

If his mother is white why isn't he white? just because his father was black?

Dumber than a box of rocks


My Father was Black. My Mother was Black. I am Black.

Barry's Father was Black. Barry's Mother was White. Barry is Bi-racial. A Half breed, mulatto, whatever the hell you want to call him, but he is NOT black.

Get your head out of your ass.
If his mother is white why isn't he white? just because his father was black?

Dumber than a box of rocks


My Father was Black. My Mother was Black. I am Black.

Barry's Father was Black. Barry's Mother was White. Barry is Bi-racial. A Half breed, mulatto, whatever the hell you want to call him, but he is NOT black.

Get your head out of your ass.

And do you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative?
Still waiting for one (just one) of you pseudo-intellectual left wing communists to explain how it is that the Department Head of Columbia, the tenured Doctor Henry Graff, who would have approved Barry Obama's Degree, has stated on NUMEROUS OCCASIONS that he "never met" this man; Never had him in ONE class, and NEVER approved matriculation for this man - How can it be that (while Barry apparently HAS a degree) - A noted Professor (Dr Graff) who ran the Department for 46 years - says "hogwash"?

Or is it (like the lemmings that you are) you just don't care any longer?
Dumber than a box of rocks


My Father was Black. My Mother was Black. I am Black.

Barry's Father was Black. Barry's Mother was White. Barry is Bi-racial. A Half breed, mulatto, whatever the hell you want to call him, but he is NOT black.

Get your head out of your ass.

And do you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative?

Why you would have to even entertain that question is beyond me.

My Father was Black. My Mother was Black. I am Black.

Barry's Father was Black. Barry's Mother was White. Barry is Bi-racial. A Half breed, mulatto, whatever the hell you want to call him, but he is NOT black.

Get your head out of your ass.

And do you consider yourself a liberal or a conservative?

Why you would have to even entertain that question is beyond me.

Here's another one for you google:)
Think about it, he has ruled like a Foreign Elitist who has a disdain for America. He has ruled like a Foreigner, because he is a Foreigner...


'Born in Kenya': Obama's Literary Agent Misidentified His Birthplace in 1991 - ABC News

His Agent told the truth. It was no 'innocent mistake' or an Evil Right Wing Plot. She simply stated the truth. It is what it is.
Why didn't the mods move this to the conspiracy section like they do with every thread that calls obozo a fraud.? The policy here is "anything that helps obama stays on the politics page".
Uh huh sure, just like they debunked this 'Myth'...


Yeah - the media debunked it by saying "it was a mistake". HAHAHA. The media wants us to think that Obozo's literary agency just assumed he was born in kenya since he has black skin!!

Obozo must have told them he was born in kenya and they must have checked it out (by contacting harvard) and believed it.
So what your saying is you don't have anything to contribute. Not one damn quote from a prominent conservative questioning a candidates race?

Does Limbaugh count?

Yes, because to my memory he only pointed out the hypocrisy and inherent racism of the left for questioning Obama's blackness, but where's the quote? What did he say exactly?
September 22, 2008
RUSH: These polls on how one-third of blue-collar white Democrats won't vote for Obama because he's black, and -- but he's not black. Do you know he has not one shred of African-American blood? He doesn't have any African -- that's why when they asked whether he was authentic, whether he's down for the struggle. He's Arab. You know, he's from Africa. He's from Arab parts of Africa. He's not -- his father was -- he's not African-American. The last thing that he is is African-American. I guess that's splitting hairs, I don't -- it's just all these little things, everything seems upside-down today in this country.
Does Limbaugh count?

Yes, because to my memory he only pointed out the hypocrisy and inherent racism of the left for questioning Obama's blackness, but where's the quote? What did he say exactly?
September 22, 2008
RUSH: These polls on how one-third of blue-collar white Democrats won't vote for Obama because he's black, and -- but he's not black. Do you know he has not one shred of African-American blood? He doesn't have any African -- that's why when they asked whether he was authentic, whether he's down for the struggle. He's Arab. You know, he's from Africa. He's from Arab parts of Africa. He's not -- his father was -- he's not African-American. The last thing that he is is African-American. I guess that's splitting hairs, I don't -- it's just all these little things, everything seems upside-down today in this country.

Rush is hardly alone in his assessment about barry's "authentic American blackness" so fucking what~

Morgan Freeman: Obama Not 'First Black President'

The Academy Award-winning actor pointed to the commander in chief's mixed-race heritage as evidence "America's first black president hasn't arisen yet."

Oddly, apparent doubts about the president’s racial identification now are being raised not by his critics but by one of his strongest supporters: Academy Award-winning actor Morgan Freeman. He told a surprised NPR interviewer this week that the United States has yet to see its "first black president."
The only people that have questioned Obama's "blackness" are political aligned with him. Would you like the quotes and news articles?

I'm referring to this thread, and the only people who have repeatedly stated Obama is "half-white", "not-black" and is a "half breed" are not politically aligned with Obama.:rolleyes:

Who has made those remarks? I would like the quotes.

On these boards The Rabbi says that Obama is not Black.

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