The Obama College Myth Debunked By...

OK, JED. Now the rest of the story. How did he pay for it? Columbia and Harvard are very expensive schools.

Only the radical right claimed that he never attended or graduated, the real question is did he commit fraud by taking scholarships and grants that were reserved for foreign students.

No. Next question.

OK, JED. Now the rest of the story. How did he pay for it? Columbia and Harvard are very expensive schools.

Only the radical right claimed that he never attended or graduated, the real question is did he commit fraud by taking scholarships and grants that were reserved for foreign students.

No. Next question.


I agree. I'd like to see links evidencing this alleged fraud Obama committed. And I'd like to see links showing where foreign students get preferential treatment over american students. Otherwise, this is nothing but pure unadulterated speculation on the part of the extremists.
Obama, not Reagan, told his publisher that he was born in Kenya

and only after he became President and was pointed out by people was it funny is that:eusa_whistle:

Again, he told the New York Times in an interview when he made Law Review that he was born in Hawaii. Why would he do that if he were fraudulently attending school as a foreigner?

I agree. I'd like to see links evidencing this alleged fraud Obama committed. And I'd like to see links showing where foreign students get preferential treatment over american students. Otherwise, this is nothing but pure unadulterated speculation on the part of the extremists.

I have Dan Rather on the phone right now. He says he can come up with something as soon as he boots up his computer.

I agree. I'd like to see links evidencing this alleged fraud Obama committed. And I'd like to see links showing where foreign students get preferential treatment over american students. Otherwise, this is nothing but pure unadulterated speculation on the part of the extremists.

The point I was making is you cannot say yes or no. Obama has had his records sealed. Obviously he has something to hide. Some who went to school with him said he applied as a foreign student but figure the odds on anyone ever testifying against him. This is another case of Obama covering his tracks and nobody being able to uncover the truth.

Sure doesn't make him look much like Lincoln or Washington. A president who hides his past from the public and has used an alias. More the acts of a criminal, not a honorable public statesman. Washington who said "I cannot tell a lie" or Lincoln who walked miles to return pennies to a customer who he had in his opinion ripped off.
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I agree. I'd like to see links evidencing this alleged fraud Obama committed. And I'd like to see links showing where foreign students get preferential treatment over american students. Otherwise, this is nothing but pure unadulterated speculation on the part of the extremists.

The point I was making is you cannot say yes or no. Obama has had his records sealed. Obviously he has something to hide. Some who went to school with him said he applied as a foreign student but figure the odds on anyone ever testifying against him. This is another case of Obama covering his tracks and nobody being able to uncover the truth.

Sure doesn't make him look much like Lincoln or Washington. A president who hides his past from the public and has used an alias. More the acts of a criminal, not a honorable public statesman. Washington who said "I cannot tell a lie" or Lincoln who walked miles to return pennies to a customer who he had in his opinion ripped off.

I am not sure if the political left has any more people like that. At least not anyone they are willing to run as POTUS.

btw, note that the original disclosure of this information (OP link), which was in Obamas favor, came from a Conservative Blog. Go figure....
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Here is how the liberal left should argue this.

Obama was in Occidental doing drugs and not doing well and one day had an epiphany, for whatever reason that he was ruining his life and had to change. He wanted to be a lawyer and the best way to be a lawyer was to graduate from Harvard. To get to Harvard he had to go to a more prestigious school then Occidental. So he petitions Columbia under the guise of being born in Kenya. A small lie considering his family, half any way, comes from Kenya, and he did live in overseas for a good bit of his youth. So Columbia takes him adding to their diversity. After all Obama apparently knows how to get good grades considering what he did at Harvard. While a Columbia he buckled down and really didn't stand out because he was concentrating on his studies, thus few remember him he did nothing remarkable.

If that be the case then I am alright with what he did. But it certainly seem strange that no one, including a professor that should have been teaching him, remembers him.

Thats not a bad scenario but why would it be easier for a Kenyan to get into Harvard than an American black man with affirmative action?

The more exotic the better may be the reason. Plus there was financial aid for foreign students. I don't really know.

The more exotic the better? :lol: Is that what your gut is telling you? The part in bold says it all.
Face it folks, Obama's life is all Manufactured...he wrote two books just to tell people all about HIMSELF....

oh brother I laugh at that...look at me me me me me me me me

his records are sealed. don't you wonder why?

Those records are private. Mine are private, yours are private and so are the Presidents.

And yet we say GWB's and Al Gore's and they were nothing to brag about.

Limbaugh Uses Dishonest College Transcripts Argument To Defend Romney | Blog | Media Matters for America

President George W. Bush's records at Yale became public only after they were leaked to The New Yorker in November 1999. Bush had declined to release his academic transcripts.

Most presidential nominees (at least of late) do not release their grades from college. Romney hasn't. John McCain disclosed his class rank in 2007, but not his grades. John Kerry made his Yale transcript public only after he lost the 2004 election. Sarah Palin didn't talk about her grades until after the 2008 election. One exception is Joe Biden, who released his undergraduate transcript in 1987 as a form of damage control.
Those records are private. Mine are private, yours are private and so are the Presidents.

And yet we say GWB's and Al Gore's and they were nothing to brag about.

Limbaugh Uses Dishonest College Transcripts Argument To Defend Romney | Blog | Media Matters for America

President George W. Bush's records at Yale became public only after they were leaked to The New Yorker in November 1999. Bush had declined to release his academic transcripts.

Most presidential nominees (at least of late) do not release their grades from college. Romney hasn't. John McCain disclosed his class rank in 2007, but not his grades. John Kerry made his Yale transcript public only after he lost the 2004 election. Sarah Palin didn't talk about her grades until after the 2008 election. One exception is Joe Biden, who released his undergraduate transcript in 1987 as a form of damage control.

awwww, mediamatters got their panties in a bunch?
you believe them if it help you
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I agree. I'd like to see links evidencing this alleged fraud Obama committed. And I'd like to see links showing where foreign students get preferential treatment over american students. Otherwise, this is nothing but pure unadulterated speculation on the part of the extremists.

The point I was making is you cannot say yes or no. Obama has had his records sealed. Obviously he has something to hide. Some who went to school with him said he applied as a foreign student but figure the odds on anyone ever testifying against him. This is another case of Obama covering his tracks and nobody being able to uncover the truth.

Sure doesn't make him look much like Lincoln or Washington. A president who hides his past from the public and has used an alias. More the acts of a criminal, not a honorable public statesman. Washington who said "I cannot tell a lie" or Lincoln who walked miles to return pennies to a customer who he had in his opinion ripped off.

No he didn't. His records aren't sealed.
his records are sealed. don't you wonder why?

Those records are private. Mine are private, yours are private and so are the Presidents.

NO, when you run for president you give up that privacy. The voters have the right to know everything about every candidate----------you on the left demanded Bush's military and college records, and you got them. Why is obama different? why is he exempt from scrutiny? why is he never held responsible for anything?

No, the left did not get them. They were not given up willingly by Bush. They were leaked. Another right-wing lie debunked.
And there ya have it, folks. You're pissed off that they let a Black guy into the WHITE House. You have no proof whatsoever that he entered college on any sort of foreign program, but you keep repeating it as if it were fact. If you had a brain in your skull, you'd know that grants to foreign students in this country are WAY more limited than those to citizens, so it would be stupid of Obama to pose as a foreign student.

Oh and before you mention it: He is not, nor was he ever a citizen of Indonesia. He was a minor at the time he was living there and a parent cannot renounce the US citizenship of their child.
There we go when proven wrong use the race card. Tell me if your so concerned abouf black people, where was your outrage when hermain cain was attacked?

Can you read? I did not bring up Obama's race in this thread. I was accused of being a racist because I support Obama.

And Herman Cain wasn't "attacked" and he wasn't scrutinized for being a black man. He was scrutinized for being a creepy womanizer.
But, but i thought you adored clinton a proven womanizer over and over again. Cain was accused of it, not proven. I guess you can get the hood out of the closet now.
I don't know of anyone who disputed him going to college.. Red is correct.. we want to know who paid his tuition? What does he application say? Did he come as a foreign exchange student seeking grants, government monies reserved for FOREIGN students?

Bullshit. People have questioned his attendance there. It's happening right now, on this board, in a thread by Freewill. Why would you lie like that?

And here's a funfact for Saturday morning: there is no such thing as a foreign exchange student in college. There just isn't.

It's really NOT that I question his "attendance" at Columbia. My question is how can it be that virtually no one knows him, remembers him (to include his Professors) and no one can ever remember ever seeing him in a classroom.

I graduated from the University of Lousville over 40 years ago. I remember Professors and classmates. THEY remember me. Yet, only one, maybe two have any recollection of this "man". Say what you want - I ain't buying it.
all this birfer stuff may have had a speck of relevance in his FIRST election. People voted for him this time KNOWING this & STILL elected him to be a two-termer. :afro:

Could it be that the people aren't buying what Rove & his secret $$$ are selling anymore :dunno: :eusa_whistle:
I don't know of anyone who disputed him going to college.. Red is correct.. we want to know who paid his tuition? What does he application say? Did he come as a foreign exchange student seeking grants, government monies reserved for FOREIGN students?

Bullshit. People have questioned his attendance there. It's happening right now, on this board, in a thread by Freewill. Why would you lie like that?

And here's a funfact for Saturday morning: there is no such thing as a foreign exchange student in college. There just isn't.

It's really NOT that I question his "attendance" at Columbia. My question is how can it be that virtually no one knows him, remembers him (to include his Professors) and no one can ever remember ever seeing him in a classroom.

I graduated from the University of Lousville over 40 years ago. I remember Professors and classmates. THEY remember me. Yet, only one, maybe two have any recollection of this "man". Say what you want - I ain't buying it.

link? Not from hannity or beck or horowitz or levin or either :)
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...The Blaze and Breitbart



The image above--never before released--is from public records at Columbia University that prove that Obama did, in fact, graduate in 1983 from the Ivy League school. Contrary to some conspiracy theories, Obama was a student within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences--not the less selective, “nontraditional” Columbia University School of General Studies (which only merged with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in 1990).

This never-before-seen document debunks a persistent myth that is unfairly unfavorable to the President.

Some “fact-checking” websites--such as and attempted to debunk the “Obama never graduated Columbia” conspiracy theory before. Yet they have relied almost entirely on secondary sources and mainstream media reports, which fail to cite primary sources. And the Obama campaign has not provided details of his admission to, or graduation from, the prestigious Ivy League school.


[P]erhaps no set of documents is more coveted due to its total unavailability than the President’s college records. These documents have sparked all sorts of conspiracy theories.

To be fair, Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush, didn’t release his college records either. Those only became public after a leak from inside Yale University, not due to any consent on the part of the former President.

Well, look no further. Below are five facts regarding Obama’s college years at Columbia, that are a starting point for the discussion.

#5. Barack Obama Did Attend Columbia University

This one is pretty much beyond dispute. Two of Obama’s former roommates, Sohale Siddiqi and Phil Boerner (the latter of whom was also an Occidental transfer) substantiate it, along with one of Obama’s former professors, Michael L. Baron (about whom more later). Politifact also uncovered and spoke to another alumna of Columbia who remembered Obama:

Cathie Currie, who currently teaches social psychology at Adelphi University, recalled Obama joining her group occasionally to play pick-up soccer games on the lawn outside the library. She was a graduate student at the time, and Obama was an undergrad.

He was a good soccer player, she said, even though basketball was his primary athletic passion.

Why not release the damned transcripts then? For fuck's sake you intellectually bankrupt hypocrites on the left droned on and on about Bush being a shit student and having poor grades but at least he was man enough to release his transcripts. All modern presidents have, but Mr Transparency and openness won't release his transcripts. And questioning this is...racist? Go fuck yourself.

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