The Obama College Myth Debunked By...

Those records are private. Mine are private, yours are private and so are the Presidents.

NO, when you run for president you give up that privacy. The voters have the right to know everything about every candidate----------you on the left demanded Bush's military and college records, and you got them. Why is obama different? why is he exempt from scrutiny? why is he never held responsible for anything?

No, the left did not get them. They were not given up willingly by Bush. They were leaked. Another right-wing lie debunked.

Well you are a regular Snopes huh? Yeah they were leaked by moralless leftists like yourself. We all know Columbia sure as hell isn't going to leak Obama's transcripts.

Your OP is pointless, your debunking myths your making up in your head. The right wing myth that Obama refuses to release his college transcripts, and the criticism over that decision is reality.
...The Blaze and Breitbart



The image above--never before released--is from public records at Columbia University that prove that Obama did, in fact, graduate in 1983 from the Ivy League school. Contrary to some conspiracy theories, Obama was a student within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences--not the less selective, “nontraditional” Columbia University School of General Studies (which only merged with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in 1990).

This never-before-seen document debunks a persistent myth that is unfairly unfavorable to the President.

Some “fact-checking” websites--such as and attempted to debunk the “Obama never graduated Columbia” conspiracy theory before. Yet they have relied almost entirely on secondary sources and mainstream media reports, which fail to cite primary sources. And the Obama campaign has not provided details of his admission to, or graduation from, the prestigious Ivy League school.


[P]erhaps no set of documents is more coveted due to its total unavailability than the President’s college records. These documents have sparked all sorts of conspiracy theories.

To be fair, Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush, didn’t release his college records either. Those only became public after a leak from inside Yale University, not due to any consent on the part of the former President.

Well, look no further. Below are five facts regarding Obama’s college years at Columbia, that are a starting point for the discussion.

#5. Barack Obama Did Attend Columbia University

This one is pretty much beyond dispute. Two of Obama’s former roommates, Sohale Siddiqi and Phil Boerner (the latter of whom was also an Occidental transfer) substantiate it, along with one of Obama’s former professors, Michael L. Baron (about whom more later). Politifact also uncovered and spoke to another alumna of Columbia who remembered Obama:

Cathie Currie, who currently teaches social psychology at Adelphi University, recalled Obama joining her group occasionally to play pick-up soccer games on the lawn outside the library. She was a graduate student at the time, and Obama was an undergrad.

He was a good soccer player, she said, even though basketball was his primary athletic passion.

Why not release the damned transcripts then? For fuck's sake you intellectually bankrupt hypocrites on the left droned on and on about Bush being a shit student and having poor grades but at least he was man enough to release his transcripts. All modern presidents have, but Mr Transparency and openness won't release his transcripts. And questioning this is...racist? Go fuck yourself.

Bullshit. People have questioned his attendance there. It's happening right now, on this board, in a thread by Freewill. Why would you lie like that?

And here's a funfact for Saturday morning: there is no such thing as a foreign exchange student in college. There just isn't.

It's really NOT that I question his "attendance" at Columbia. My question is how can it be that virtually no one knows him, remembers him (to include his Professors) and no one can ever remember ever seeing him in a classroom.

I graduated from the University of Lousville over 40 years ago. I remember Professors and classmates. THEY remember me. Yet, only one, maybe two have any recollection of this "man". Say what you want - I ain't buying it.

link? Not from hannity or beck or horowitz or levin or either :)

It took me 10 seconds to find this. Granted, it's nothing more than a commentary, but it DOES make note of a Esteemed Columbia Professor who says (basically) that it's BS. Obama woud have HAD to go through him to graduate, yet he has no knowledge of Barry.

Ghost of Columbia- Part II: Legendary Columbia Professor Never Heard of Obama |
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...The Blaze and Breitbart



The image above--never before released--is from public records at Columbia University that prove that Obama did, in fact, graduate in 1983 from the Ivy League school. Contrary to some conspiracy theories, Obama was a student within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences--not the less selective, “nontraditional” Columbia University School of General Studies (which only merged with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences in 1990).

This never-before-seen document debunks a persistent myth that is unfairly unfavorable to the President.

Some “fact-checking” websites--such as and attempted to debunk the “Obama never graduated Columbia” conspiracy theory before. Yet they have relied almost entirely on secondary sources and mainstream media reports, which fail to cite primary sources. And the Obama campaign has not provided details of his admission to, or graduation from, the prestigious Ivy League school.


[P]erhaps no set of documents is more coveted due to its total unavailability than the President’s college records. These documents have sparked all sorts of conspiracy theories.

To be fair, Obama’s predecessor, George W. Bush, didn’t release his college records either. Those only became public after a leak from inside Yale University, not due to any consent on the part of the former President.

Well, look no further. Below are five facts regarding Obama’s college years at Columbia, that are a starting point for the discussion.

#5. Barack Obama Did Attend Columbia University

This one is pretty much beyond dispute. Two of Obama’s former roommates, Sohale Siddiqi and Phil Boerner (the latter of whom was also an Occidental transfer) substantiate it, along with one of Obama’s former professors, Michael L. Baron (about whom more later). Politifact also uncovered and spoke to another alumna of Columbia who remembered Obama:

Cathie Currie, who currently teaches social psychology at Adelphi University, recalled Obama joining her group occasionally to play pick-up soccer games on the lawn outside the library. She was a graduate student at the time, and Obama was an undergrad.

He was a good soccer player, she said, even though basketball was his primary athletic passion.

Why not release the damned transcripts then? For fuck's sake you intellectually bankrupt hypocrites on the left droned on and on about Bush being a shit student and having poor grades but at least he was man enough to release his transcripts. All modern presidents have, but Mr Transparency and openness won't release his transcripts. And questioning this is...racist? Go fuck yourself.

Because he's already the president and releasing them now gains him nothing
Because when he was running no one important was asking for them and so releasing them would be caving to the nobodies like Trump
Because he most likely benefited from affirmative action
Why not release the damned transcripts then

You find it funny the lamestream media can dig up peoples Divorce records and RELEASE them, but couldn't ever find this...
And it isn't just his transcripts mr transparency had sealed from the American public it's his Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, files from his years as an Illinois state senator, Illinois State Bar Association records or his adoption records.

But when it comes to Republicans the media shows much more interest and a uncanny ability to get divorce records, medical records, passport records--can't find shit on Obama. Not one damn scandal currently surrounding president magoo was broken by any American news outlet. They are incapable of journalism, the NYT even edited an editorial to make it less damning to the president.
Or how about every other detail in his autobiography being bullshit?
His transcripts are not sealed. They are private. There is a big difference in the two.

That's fine. If you believe criticism of a sitting president who campaigned on openness and transparency for concealing several details of his life--inexplicably his college transcripts when all signs were he was a good student whose academic performance should have garnered scholarships--is out of bounds or motivated by racism you are delusional.

That's my point.
His transcripts are not sealed. They are private. There is a big difference in the two.

That's fine. If you believe criticism of a sitting president who campaigned on openness and transparency for concealing several details of his life--inexplicably his college transcripts when all signs were he was a good student whose academic performance should have garnered scholarships--is out of bounds or motivated by racism you are delusional.

That's my point.


I thought your point was he had his transcripts sealed. Which he didn't:) the rest of your post was a very nice rant, but totally meaningless, since I didn't mention any of that :)
I don't know of anyone who disputed him going to college.. Red is correct.. we want to know who paid his tuition? What does he application say? Did he come as a foreign exchange student seeking grants, government monies reserved for FOREIGN students?

Obama apologists are not interested in truth or this presidents dishonesty...
His transcripts are not sealed. They are private. There is a big difference in the two.

That's fine. If you believe criticism of a sitting president who campaigned on openness and transparency for concealing several details of his life--inexplicably his college transcripts when all signs were he was a good student whose academic performance should have garnered scholarships--is out of bounds or motivated by racism you are delusional.

That's my point.


I thought your point was he had his transcripts sealed. Which he didn't:) the rest of your post was a very nice rant, but totally meaningless, since I didn't mention any of that :)

Why mince words? Fine, technically and legally the records are not sealed. The American public will never see them because Obama refuses to release them. Regardless, and a fact that escapes you is that the point is the same. Sealed or refused to release--they remain concealed because of Obama.
My cousins, girlfriends, neighbors landlady went to Columbia then and she says she doesn't remember seeing him

Do you need more proof?

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