"The Obamacare implosion is worse than you think"

A few things to remember, there are at least five voting blocs on Ocare in about this order:

Expansion of Ocare.
Repeal of Ocare.
National reform of some type.
Make optional for individuals.
Make optional for states.

Getting the repeal movement to embrace the optional for the states movement with the states deciding on optional for the individual is the only way to get rid of this turkey and no one is running on it. That being the case this mess will be with us for a while.

the prezbo ran around the country telling everyone

that the cost of obamacare would be less then the monthly cost

of your cell phone

well now he is saying

“If you looked at their cable bill, their telephone, their cell phone bill… it may turn out that, it’s just they haven’t prioritized health care.”

President: Choose Between Cable, Phone or Health Care | The LIBRE Initiative
I totally concur with your points but with Obama driving the blue states over a fiscal cliff by way of Obamacare with the consent if their voters my attitude is let the good times roll.

roll on
I actually went through Obama’s affordable health care signup thingy. It was neither simple nor easy, as it suggests. You have to apply for Medicaid First and then BE denied, and it takes forever and a day, something nobody EVER told me. Anyone hear that before? Of course, most of you have insurance already. I still DO NOT have either affordable health care or anything else. I am getting bitter and confused here. I never voted for Obama, but , will give this “Affordable health” care thing a try, IF I CAN. If they give me a chance. Does it matter?
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Good luck, Mary.

I advised a couple of friends to check it out. I hate how it came about, and all the lies, and all the ramifications, but since it's here I hope it can help you get the healthcare you need.
I actually went through Obama’s affordable health care signup thingy. It was neither simple nor easy, as it suggests. You have to apply for Medicaid First and then BE denied, and it takes forever and a day, something nobody EVER told me. Anyone hear that before? Of course, most of you have insurance already. I still DO NOT have either affordable health care or anything else. I am getting bitter and confused here. I never voted for Obama, but , will give this “Affordable health” care thing a try, IF I CAN. If they give me a chance. Does it matter?

The medicare thing happens all of the time, it revolves around your income. If it was a certain number it will automatically refer you there. You can still purchase your insurance ,but it will be at full price.
millions of people make their living working part time or supplement their income with part time work. the Obama administration has done nothing to help created full time jobs as promised. people have no other choice. but now obamcare dictates if you work over 28 hrs a week you have to be provided healthcare. so now millions of struggling americans are having their part time hours cut. add them to the list of americans who will be seeking entitlements.

libs complain WalMart is guilty of creating a situation where americans don't make enough and have to turn to the government for assistance and healthcare. Well obamacare just magnified that to include every retailer, every fast food chain, every part time worker in America.

are libs complaining yet?
Maine Hospital Facing $27 Million In Costs Due To Obamacare

you guys are never correct in your predictions?

did robmoney win by five?

did Sadam have WMDs?
Maine Hospital Facing $27 Million In Costs Due To Obamacare

I don't have the numbers for this area mentioned in the video and it is not an open market but generally a hospital bed costs more than a cab medallion in the same city/county and I am not talking about frame and mattress. That is a market that is going to crash big time over the next three years.

You need to have people in the Business and watch out for presidential net approval rating. People outside the business can't bid and somewhere between Obama hitting -20 and -40 net approval the price drop will stop hard. However that will be something to look at if you can use the money.
Maine Hospital Facing $27 Million In Costs Due To Obamacare

I don't have the numbers for this area mentioned in the video and it is not an open market but generally a hospital bed costs more than a cab medallion in the same city/county and I am not talking about frame and mattress. That is a market that is going to crash big time over the next three years.

You need to have people in the Business and watch out for presidential net approval rating. People outside the business can't bid and somewhere between Obama hitting -20 and -40 net approval the price drop will stop hard. However that will be something to look at if you can use the money.

Edit later...need to get on different PC grrr

Federal Cuts Leave Maine Hospitals Facing Deficits

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