Zone1 The officer did not murder Floyd, should he get a new trial?

I shall assume you are not a fan of police body-cam videos. If you've seen a quarter of the ones I have you would know that, "I didn't do anything!" and "Don't touch me!" and "I know my rights!" and "You are a racist!" and ..... wait for it ..... "I can't breathe!" are the standard cries of the culprits. It's the same for shoplifters, DUI, domestic violence, and murder suspects. They all have one thing in common: RESISTING DETAINMENT/ARREST.

To put it into a perspective (THAT I HOPE IS NOT UNFAIR) we might like to know how many of those claiming "I can't breathe!" did not die or suffer any respiratory ill effects at all. I'm sure the numbers would be astounding.

Interesting. We have gone from it isn’t dangerous. To people crying wolf are more frequent and those who die, well they don’t matter because a lot more cry wolf.

It is a very curious system we have going on here. Someone makes an assertion, I prove it isn’t true. They declare I’m wrong and make another false assertion to theoretically prove their point. As if enough lies will finally convince the readers.

So let’s summarize. I won’t say Chauvin is innocent without some new evidence. Evidence you guys don’t have. You won’t admit that Chauvin is guilty regardless of any evidence. We are at an impasse. Wouldn’t you agree?
Interesting. We have gone from it isn’t dangerous. To people crying wolf are more frequent and those who die, well they don’t matter because a lot more cry wolf.
I never said that and you insinuating that I did has lost you an enormous amount of trust I have (until now) had in you. I didn't see you as a drama queen but maybe I should consider the possibility?
..... Someone makes an assertion, I prove it isn’t true.
So, what you are saying is that you are contributing proof while those who contribute conflicting official statements are only making assertions? ie. yours is proof - theirs isn't.
They declare I’m wrong and make another false assertion to theoretically prove their point. As if enough lies will finally convince the readers.
Where do you get the nerve to call other's assertions false and lies?
So let’s summarize. I won’t say Chauvin is innocent without some new evidence. Evidence you guys don’t have. You won’t admit that Chauvin is guilty regardless of any evidence. We are at an impasse. Wouldn’t you agree?
You have now joined the kiddies in the sandbox. Too bad! I honestly had a high regard for you until now. :nono:
Not really. So the officer who trained Chauvin said that it was clearly explained to Chauvin to stay away from Floyd’s neck. Further to cease the kneeling hold when the suspect was restrained lied?

The medical training officer stated that it was clearly explained to Chauvin during the class that the ability to talk does not indicate there is no respiratory distress. She lied too.

I suppose the Chief of police lied too.

So let’s try this again. Did Chauvin violate policy?
Floyd was a career criminal who was high on fentanyl. Chavin was in the wrong but he did not kill him. the fentanyl allowed to enter our country by Biden killed him.
Interesting. We have gone from it isn’t dangerous. To people crying wolf are more frequent and those who die, well they don’t matter because a lot more cry wolf.

It is a very curious system we have going on here. Someone makes an assertion, I prove it isn’t true. They declare I’m wrong and make another false assertion to theoretically prove their point. As if enough lies will finally convince the readers.

So let’s summarize. I won’t say Chauvin is innocent without some new evidence. Evidence you guys don’t have. You won’t admit that Chauvin is guilty regardless of any evidence. We are at an impasse. Wouldn’t you agree?
he is guilty, but not of murder.
Floyd was a career criminal who was high on fentanyl. Chavin was in the wrong but he did not kill him. the fentanyl allowed to enter our country by Biden killed him.

Floyd died in 2020. Unless my memory is mistaken, Biden wasn’t elected until months later. So why did Trump allow Fentanyl to enter the country?
Floyd was a career criminal who was high on fentanyl. Chavin was in the wrong but he did not kill him. the fentanyl allowed to enter our country by Biden killed him.


Retard... who was president in 2020? I'll give you a clue... it wasn't Biden.

Floyd died in 2020. Unless my memory is mistaken, Biden wasn’t elected until months later. So why did Trump allow Fentanyl to enter the country?
What president is responsible for lazy drug control It is a mere footnote but you have seized upon it with the vigour of someone who believes it will serve to prove Officer Chauvin's guilt in the death of the fentanyl addict Floyd whats-his-name.
I never said that and you insinuating that I did has lost you an enormous amount of trust I have (until now) had in you. I didn't see you as a drama queen but maybe I should consider the possibility?

So, what you are saying is that you are contributing proof while those who contribute conflicting official statements are only making assertions? ie. yours is proof - theirs isn't.

Where do you get the nerve to call other's assertions false and lies?

You have now joined the kiddies in the sandbox. Too bad! I honestly had a high regard for you until now. :nono:

Go back and read everything again. Testimony of the Experts? Well you said we shouldn’t trust the experts because they are in someone’s pocket. A ridiculous assertion.

On the Prosecution side you had a Coroner, a Cardiologist, and a Forensic Pathologist. Three experts in their field. If experts were so easy to buy then Chauvin would have had fifty there to proclaim he was innocent.

Instead Chauvin had one. And that one made some silly assertions. One example he claimed that the car exhaust from the police car with the engine running might have contributed to the death.

Under cross examination this fellow didn’t know how much car exhaust was produced. He didn’t know what the EPA considered safe. He didn’t even know if the wind was blowing the exhaust towards or away from Floyd.

At least three times I said that the Defense Coroner had put the nails in Chauvin’s coffin. His cross examination was brutal. It was so filled with guess work and just nonsense that Coroners around the nation sent objections to Baltimore, where he had retired from, and said every case he worked on should be reviewed.

Want to know where I first heard of Positional Asphyxiation? I was driving a truck, a big 18 wheeler. I was listening to Rush Limbaugh on the radio. He told the story about this young girl.

I post links to the testimony of the Training Officer who had trained Chauvin on the technique including the dangers. I posted links to the First Aid Trainer who had taught Chauvin medical treatment and importance of airway and how because someone says I can’t breathe doesn’t mean they can. The Chief of Police was included.

What do I get? Of course the Chief would lie. Ignoring the testimony of the others. So everyone is lying. Everyone except Chauvin. And he never said they were lying. He never claimed that they didn’t tell him those things.

So you claim to lose respect for me? Gee. That’s awful. The Lord knows that the respect of Rando’s online feed my soul.

If you don’t want to think for yourself. Don’t blame me. If you don’t want to examine all the evidence, all of which has been online for two years, don’t blame me. If you don’t want to consider the information with anything approaching critical thought, don’t blame me. But don’t scare me with the loss of respect. I don’t think I can take it.
Yeah…except for the approximately 8 minutes of video where Chauvin has his knee on Floyd’s neck. Sorry, that’s evidence…you won’t be able to get thrown out or ignored.

Chauvin is where he belongs.
Chavin's knee is on Floyd's chest, not his neck. The autopsy shows that he died from a drug overdose.
Go back and read everything again.
Where's the part about me saying, " those who die, well they don’t matter because a lot more cry wolf"? Have you forgotten to apologize for saying that? No, I don't think the idea ever entered your head.
So you claim to lose respect for me? Gee. That’s awful.
Yes, that's right. And it gets even worse because the fact that I had a lot of respect for you previously means nothing to you, as this (just here above) proves. :47:
We now have evidence that the prosecutors in the George Floyd case and the coroner knew that the police officer restraining the violent criminal, George Floyd, did not murder him and was not the cause of his death………as many people pointed out, but the democrat party needed a reason to riot leading up to the 2024 election…….

Now that this is out in public, should the officers get new trials?

I called Dr. Baker early that morning to tell him about the case and to ask him if he would perform the autopsy on Mr. Floyd,” she explained.

“He called me later in the day on that Tuesday and he told me that there were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd’s neck. There were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation,” Sweasy said, according to the transcript.

“He said to me, ‘Amy, what happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on?’ And then he said, ‘This is the kind of case that ends careers.’”
Ellison increased the charge to second-degree murder—again, knowing Chauvin was innocent. Sadly, prosecutorial immunity means that the corrupt individuals who put Chauvin behind bars for the rest of his life will face no consequences for their evil act.

This is total BS! We all saw the racist officer's knee on his neck, heard his plea that he couldn't breathe and he wound up dead!

I would love to tell you exactly what I think of you, but this is a zone 1 forum.
This is total BS! We all saw the racist officer's knee on his neck, heard his pee that he couldn't breathe and he wound up dead!

I would love to tell you exactly what I think of you, but this is a zone 1 forum.

The coroner stated he did not die from strangulation...he lied in court.

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