Zone1 The officer did not murder Floyd, should he get a new trial?

We now have evidence that the prosecutors in the George Floyd case and the coroner knew that the police officer restraining the violent criminal, George Floyd, did not murder him and was not the cause of his death………as many people pointed out, but the democrat party needed a reason to riot leading up to the 2024 election…….

Now that this is out in public, should the officers get new trials?

I called Dr. Baker early that morning to tell him about the case and to ask him if he would perform the autopsy on Mr. Floyd,” she explained.

“He called me later in the day on that Tuesday and he told me that there were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd’s neck. There were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation,” Sweasy said, according to the transcript.

“He said to me, ‘Amy, what happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on?’ And then he said, ‘This is the kind of case that ends careers.’”
Ellison increased the charge to second-degree murder—again, knowing Chauvin was innocent. Sadly, prosecutorial immunity means that the corrupt individuals who put Chauvin behind bars for the rest of his life will face no consequences for their evil act.

A man is innocent until proven guilty. It was and is impossible to prove the cop guilty when the medical examiner says otherwise. He should simply be released without a trial then he needs to sue the frigging hell out of the prosecutors for withholding very important evidence.
Floyd didn’t die of an overdose. The Defense Coroner who testified said he did not die of an overdose.
He sure did. The real information has come out. Chauvin should be released and he should sue the shit out of the city of Minneapolis.
the cop was wrong in what he did, but he did not kill the thug, fentanyl killed him, let across our southern border by corrupt senile Biden.


Floyd died in 2020. Who was the president at that time who let fentanyl in across our southern border?
He sure did. The real information has come out. Chauvin should be released and he should sue the shit out of the city of Minneapolis.

So the Defense Expert Medical Examiner lied? Bah.

As for new information. There isn’t any. All of this was debated at the time.
Maybe. What is your point?

If it was clearly an overdose as the advocates claim, why didn’t the Defense Expert say so? This man was an experienced Coroner. That would have gotten Chauvin off the hook right? But even he would not say overdose. The farthest he would go is claiming that he would rule the case undetermined. In other words. We don’t know why Floyd died. The modern version of God did it.
If it was clearly an overdose as the advocates claim, why didn’t the Defense Expert say so? This man was an experienced Coroner. That would have gotten Chauvin off the hook right? But even he would not say overdose. The farthest he would go is claiming that he would rule the case undetermined. In other words. We don’t know why Floyd died. The modern version of God did it.
It is never wise to rely upon "the experts". So many of them are in the pockets of other people. It's much more lucrative.
Yes he did.

Ok. To introduce this evidence as proof of an overdose. You would need a medical expert to testify. Now no coroner would say so before. So which bottom of the barrel reject doctor from Cannonball Run are you going to find?
Ok. To introduce this evidence as proof of an overdose. You would need a medical expert to testify. Now no coroner would say so before. So which bottom of the barrel reject doctor from Cannonball Run are you going to find?
You apparently are ignorant of the new developments. When you get yourself informed come on back.
It is never wise to rely upon "the experts". So many of them are in the pockets of other people. It's much more lucrative.

Ok. For the sake of argument let’s agree to that. I really don’t agree. But for the sake of this argument let’s say I do.

The Defense Expert was paid for by the. Defense. So if he was in anyone’s pocket, wouldn’t it be the Defense? And I’m sure the Defense Attorneys called dozens of Doctors to see if any would testify that it wasn’t Chauvin.

Somebody would for a fee right?
You apparently are ignorant of the new developments. When you get yourself informed come on back.

Oh I read it. The second page of the same autopsy report from 2020. Claims of a secret conversation. Yeah. So why couldn’t the Defense find a single Doctor to say overdose again?
The problem is how laws are written, and the precedent setting cases that defined them.

You say negligent. I don’t live in Minnesota. So I don’t know their laws. But I think this goes well past negligence.

Chauvin was warned not to do it. He attended training, paid by the department, that told him not to do it.

Chauvin as we established had a habit of doing it. That isn’t negligence. That is willful determination to disregard the Policy. A willingness to flirt with disaster. Disaster arrived and took a life.

By all accounts, Floyd was a petty criminal. Pathetic really. We aren’t talking about a Villain living in a hollowed out volcano trying to take over the world. We are talking about a petty criminal.

But let’s consider the charges he might have been facing. Counterfeit money. Apparently a lousy job. Probably what? Five in Prison, max? Possession of narcotics? Probably not even five years. Resisting arrest? A couple years? Max?

Petty Criminal who would face a handful of years max. This guy wasn’t Al Capone. He wasn’t a major criminal.

But let’s get back to Chauvin. If you employed someone and they kept ignoring your instructions and refused to do it your way, what would you do? If you are anything like every other employer on earth, you would fire the guy.

And I propose this idea for you to consider. Chauvin wasn’t a good cop. By habitually breaking the rules and violating procedure, he had to know that if anything went wrong every arrest he had made would go up in smoke. It is what always happens.

So all those arrests. Most of the convictions resulting from his work, all of it are being overturned in courts.

Remember Baltimore? The cops who got caught planting evidence? 34 cases were dropped because it relied on the testimony from this corrupt cops.

So if Minneapolis is less safe, it is because Chauvin didn’t do the job he was paid to do.
No it's less safe because of the chain of reaction that you're overreaction to the Floyd death created. You are way off again are you saying that Chavin deserve 22 plus years in prison plus whatever time he got for the Civil civil rights violation? George Floyd was a bad guy. Why don't you go ahead and look up his string of criminal violations. I'll wait
No it's less safe because of the chain of reaction that you're overreaction to the Floyd death created. You are way off again are you saying that Chavin deserve 22 plus years in prison plus whatever time he got for the Civil civil rights violation? George Floyd was a bad guy. Why don't you go ahead and look up his string of criminal violations. I'll wait

Did Chauvin violate policy?
You lose the argument, before it even starts, when you equate race to criminality, and push the premise that opposition to crime is based on racism.

You discredit yourself right there, and render anything else you have to say after it on the topic meaningless.

Subhuman criminal shit comes in all races, the same as human beings do.
Then why are a disproportionate % of crimes committed by blacks and hispanics in this country? That is not a racist question, it is a question based on crime statistics. What is your answer?
Then why are a disproportionate % of crimes committed by blacks and hispanics in this country? That is not a racist question, it is a question based on crime statistics. What is your answer?

Is it your position that in some way, black people are inherently inferior to white people, are inherently less capable of behaving in a civilized manner, and more inclined toward criminal behavior?

I guess I cannot say for absolute certain that they are not, but before I would even think of agreeing with that premise we need to be able to control for some serious, adverse cultural issues that clearly exist.

From the end of slavery, until the 1960s, it is my understanding that black people had a lower rate of bastardy than white people, and in spite of the way they were treated, were generally at least as civilized and law-abiding as white people. Something very bad happened to the black subculture in the 1960s, that resulted in skyrocketing rates of bastardy, and with it, all the other ills that go along therewith. I attribute this mostly to the policies of the racist left wrong, which went from openly hating black people, to pretending to want to “help” them with programs and policies that severely undermined the family structure.

I do know that all of the black people with whom I have ever associated are as intelligent, civilized, and law-abiding as anyone else. I understand that among blacks, there is a higher rate of those who are otherwise, but those who are otherwise, regardless of race, are not generally found among my associates.

I would have to say that every black man with whom I have ever associated, who refrains from engaging in criminal behavior; who holds an honest job; who, if he has children, has the decency to be married to their mother and to take responsibility for providing for his family; is a solid datum against the premise that there is anything inherently inferior about black people.

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