Zone1 The officer did not murder Floyd, should he get a new trial?

Then why are a disproportionate % of crimes committed by blacks and hispanics in this country? That is not a racist question, it is a question based on crime statistics. What is your answer?
Having lived in 9 states and having lived in or near a number of America's big cities ... there's one thing I can count on. The black side of town is always covered with trash, graffiti, broken down cars, and a run down look. We can also count on the fact that the crime rate will be much higher than the white or oriental sides of town. One doesn't have to hate another race to recognize these absolute facts.

There's a site called "City Data." It's a very interesting and informative site. Type in the name of a town or city anywhere in the USA. There will be lots of statistics describing the location including population; home prices; male to female ratio; temperature; crime rates; racial makeup (in the form of a pie chart); and more. In every case, the higher the black population ... the higher the crime rate.
That is way excessive for what happened. Saint Floyd Floyd has to take some responsibility here.

Not really. Did you answer my questions?

Not really. So the officer who trained Chauvin said that it was clearly explained to Chauvin to stay away from Floyd’s neck. Further to cease the kneeling hold when the suspect was restrained lied?

The medical training officer stated that it was clearly explained to Chauvin during the class that the ability to talk does not indicate there is no respiratory distress. She lied too.

I suppose the Chief of police lied too.

So let’s try this again. Did Chauvin violate policy?
Not really. So the officer who trained Chauvin said that it was clearly explained to Chauvin to stay away from Floyd’s neck. Further to cease the kneeling hold when the suspect was restrained lied?

The medical training officer stated that it was clearly explained to Chauvin during the class that the ability to talk does not indicate there is no respiratory distress. She lied too.

I suppose the Chief of police lied too.

So let’s try this again. Did Chauvin violate policy?
Bottom line: the world is a much better place without Saint Floyd. May he and Satan have a wonderful and long life together.
Not really. So the officer who trained Chauvin said that it was clearly explained to Chauvin to stay away from Floyd’s neck. Further to cease the kneeling hold when the suspect was restrained lied?

The medical training officer stated that it was clearly explained to Chauvin during the class that the ability to talk does not indicate there is no respiratory distress. She lied too.

I suppose the Chief of police lied too.

So let’s try this again. Did Chauvin violate policy?
Yes I think the police chief had buckled under pressure and sold out Chauvin. It's evidence that he said that Shavon should have quit when Floyd stopped resisting, that's the whole point of the hold!. So it was obviously okay to put him in that hold, and it said in the article it is okay to use Force on a suspect. I believe it's okay to use Force on such a subject as Floyd because there is a propensity for violence from criminals like that. Saint Floyd shouldn't have put himself in this position.
Not really. So the officer who trained Chauvin said that it was clearly explained to Chauvin to stay away from Floyd’s neck. Further to cease the kneeling hold when the suspect was restrained lied?

The medical training officer stated that it was clearly explained to Chauvin during the class that the ability to talk does not indicate there is no respiratory distress. She lied too.

I suppose the Chief of police lied too.

So let’s try this again. Did Chauvin violate policy?
No Chavin did not violate policy. You are spinning your position. Are you upset that we are less safe now because you overreacted to the Saint Floyd killing?
Not really. So the officer who trained Chauvin said that it was clearly explained to Chauvin to stay away from Floyd’s neck. Further to cease the kneeling hold when the suspect was restrained lied?

The medical training officer stated that it was clearly explained to Chauvin during the class that the ability to talk does not indicate there is no respiratory distress. She lied too.

I suppose the Chief of police lied too.

So let’s try this again. Did Chauvin violate policy?
These people are lying. You are so gullible. Where did the police learn to do this? and why are they all doing it up until now, when they've just decided that they want to say it's banned and that it's not common? Is that you in the picture? LOL
Sure looks like common practice up until now hahaha Liars
Bottom line: the world is a much better place without Saint Floyd. May he and Satan have a wonderful and long life together.
Yeah I can just hear it in my head now "stay away from St Floyd's neck! He has a bad heart and he's high on meth and Fentanyl. He really careful to not hurt him!" Uh huh
Yeah…except for the approximately 8 minutes of video where Chauvin has his knee on Floyd’s neck. Sorry, that’s evidence…you won’t be able to get thrown out or ignored.

Chauvin is where he belongs.

The knee was on Floyd's shoulders. The official autopsy shows no damage to Floyd's neck.

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No Chavin did not violate policy. You are spinning your position. Are you upset that we are less safe now because you overreacted to the Saint Floyd killing?

So all those people I mentioned lied.

Now. This is one of those situations where Occams Razor comes into play. Option one is that everybody is lying. That is possible but unlikely. Option two is that Chauvin screwed up. Far more likely given his history and propensity to use excessive force.

Now you keep screaming we are less safe. I don’t feel less safe. I don’t feel increased danger. Crime statistics show a slight rise, but nowhere near where it was in the 1990’s.

So that leaves your feelings. You feel that we are less safe. I don’t know how to say this. Actually. I think I do. Facts don’t care about your feels.
Ok. For the sake of argument let’s agree to that. I really don’t agree. But for the sake of this argument let’s say I do.

The Defense Expert was paid for by the. Defense. So if he was in anyone’s pocket, wouldn’t it be the Defense? And I’m sure the Defense Attorneys called dozens of Doctors to see if any would testify that it wasn’t Chauvin.

Somebody would for a fee right?
Plea deals are often devised to skim money. It means, of course, that the innocent put in a plea of "guilty" to avoid worse punishment than if he fought for his innocence but had no chance of proving it. It's corruption where someone makes money fraudulently. I knew a guy many, many years ago who went to court for selling marijuana. During his trial, two cops showed up as witnesses to my friend selling the stuff in his garage. It is true that my friend actually did sell marijuana so ....... guilty he was, for sure. However, when asked how the cops witnessed the sale, they said they saw him make the deal through the window. The funny thing is that the garage had no windows. "Not guilty!" Why would lawyers take on such a case? Being innocent or guilty is often irrelevant. How does it apply to this case, especially when you've presented your side of it so well? Murky, but it could be that Chauvin was as popular within the police force as Frank Serpico was. Does that challenge your conviction "head-on"? No.
So all those people I mentioned lied.

Now. This is one of those situations where Occams Razor comes into play. Option one is that everybody is lying. That is possible but unlikely. Option two is that Chauvin screwed up. Far more likely given his history and propensity to use excessive force.

Now you keep screaming we are less safe. I don’t feel less safe. I don’t feel increased danger. Crime statistics show a slight rise, but nowhere near where it was in the 1990’s.

So that leaves your feelings. You feel that we are less safe. I don’t know how to say this. Actually. I think I do. Facts don’t care about your feels.
Of course they lied! They're Democrats aren't they? You didn't explain how the need to the neck had been used for years and then all of a sudden it was banned and against the rules. Why is that? We are less safe because of you.
..... So the officer who trained Chauvin said that it was clearly explained to Chauvin to stay away from Floyd’s neck. Further to cease the kneeling hold when the suspect was restrained lied?
I absolutely refuse to believe that Chauvin's trainer specifically named Floyd during training or that he was at Chauvin's side while he "knelt on Floyd's neck".
Of course they lied! They're Democrats aren't they? You didn't explain how the need to the neck had been used for years and then all of a sudden it was banned and against the rules. Why is that? We are less safe because of you.

And it’s killed a lot of people over the years.

These people are lying. You are so gullible. Where did the police learn to do this? and why are they all doing it up until now, when they've just decided that they want to say it's banned and that it's not common? Is that you in the picture? LOL
Sure looks like common practice up until now hahaha Liars
Sometimes people have no idea how political the position of a municipal police chief is. It is their statements which kick off public response and which can start entire movements. Politicians and media correspondents who work with them know this, and there is plenty of pressure on police chiefs from behind the scenes to say the "correct" thing. Some chiefs have committed suicide over being put between a rock and a hard place with that.
And it’s killed a lot of people over the years.

I shall assume you are not a fan of police body-cam videos. If you've seen a quarter of the ones I have you would know that, "I didn't do anything!" and "Don't touch me!" and "I know my rights!" and "You are a racist!" and ..... wait for it ..... "I can't breathe!" are the standard cries of the culprits. It's the same for shoplifters, DUI, domestic violence, and murder suspects. They all have one thing in common: RESISTING DETAINMENT/ARREST.

To put it into a perspective (THAT I HOPE IS NOT UNFAIR) we might like to know how many of those claiming "I can't breathe!" did not die or suffer any respiratory ill effects at all. I'm sure the numbers would be astounding.
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