The Official OWS Statement

B.S.--this protest is nothing more than protesting Barack Obama's plunging poll numbers--otherwise you would be in Washington D.C. protesting.

The federal government sets government policy--NOT Wall Street.
Wall Street and the investor class it represents select who you get to "choose" from in the voting booth.
Republicans AND Democrats depend on the richest 1% of investors to fund their campaigns.
The solution is to FLUSH as many Rs & Ds from DC as possible in November 2012.
No bullshit.
And replace them with a single party - the ACP (American Communist Party), perhaps?

Greens and Libertarians would probably constitute the majority of replacements, at least initially.
In theory the House could be FLUSHED every two years until a majority of its members got serious about the role big money plays in US politics. Since serious constitutional issues would be raised by this approach, it seems likely another Constitutional Convention would be on the table even if a Republican OR Democrat still occupies the White House.
Wall Street and the investor class it represents select who you get to "choose" from in the voting booth.
Republicans AND Democrats depend on the richest 1% of investors to fund their campaigns.
The solution is to FLUSH as many Rs & Ds from DC as possible in November 2012.
No bullshit.
And replace them with a single party - the ACP (American Communist Party), perhaps?

Greens and Libertarians would probably constitute the majority of replacements, at least initially.
In theory the House could be FLUSHED every two years until a majority of its members got serious about the role big money plays in US politics. Since serious constitutional issues would be raised by this approach, it seems likely another Constitutional Convention would be on the table even if a Republican OR Democrat still occupies the White House.

yeah well, you all can KEEP DREAMING. the MAJORITY OF THE people ain't going to buy what you ALL are selling..
good grief, now they are modeling their movement after Arab countries. I think a few of them should go LIVE THERE, they think they have it sooooooooo bad here.
I wonder what the Syrians do to people who crap in the street...?

Nevertheless, the typical leftist love of terrorists is alive and well among the OWS crowd:

‘Occupy’ protesters branch out -
Hmmm. That, then the British terrorist who organized cells in the UK, Bill Ayers, ..........................

Yes, the left, well these lefties, sure do love the terrorists who hate the USA and who are enemies of the USA.
They love them because they share a common enemy: The United States.
least you dont deny it racist.
so transparent
Calling a communist who calls himself a Communist is not racism, moron.

Using watermelon is.You dont need to use that term if he is a commie, just call him a commie.

You're so desperate to label those you disagree with as 'racist', it's embarrassing.

Watermelon: Green on the outside (ie, supporting the environmental movement), red on the inside (communists).

There have been articles and books on it.... on how 'watermelon' people have damaged the environmental movement by using it to promote a left wing political agenda. These people - the Watermelons - don't care about environmental issues... only their agenda. That you aren't smart enough to read up on the damage they have done is pathetic.

Wall Street and the investor class it represents select who you get to "choose" from in the voting booth.
Republicans AND Democrats depend on the richest 1% of investors to fund their campaigns.
The solution is to FLUSH as many Rs & Ds from DC as possible in November 2012.
No bullshit.
And replace them with a single party - the ACP (American Communist Party), perhaps?

Greens and Libertarians would probably constitute the majority of replacements, at least initially.
In theory the House could be FLUSHED every two years until a majority of its members got serious about the role big money plays in US politics. Since serious constitutional issues would be raised by this approach, it seems likely another Constitutional Convention would be on the table even if a Republican OR Democrat still occupies the White House.

Green is the new Red.
I tried to read what I assume is supposed to be a "collective statement" of goals for the OWS movement. Which is an oxymoron because less than 10% of the participants probably have no clue as to what is written about these goals.

These people, some are calling students, but I would be more accurate in saying "of student age" have no common goals except to hang out, catch a popular political phrase or two and grab a poster while defecating in a semi clean spot out of view of others ( if they have a sense of common courtesy).

Bloomberg , in all of his wisdom has allowed this to continue, paying for extra LE to babysit the menagerie of personalities while not bothering to confiscaing the drugs or paraphanlia or making disturbing the peace arrests.

I would he just going to wait for a February blizzard. Afterall, the NY budget is so big and endless, Bloomberg has no worries about the cost of this overtime of officers, no does he?
The housing/credit bubble that crashed in 2008 was not an accident of nature since the FBI had been warning of an epidemic of mortgage fraud since 2004 with lenders responsible for 80% of the fraud. Since there still has not been a single prosecution of control accounting fraud filed against Wall Street bankers, maybe you should give more thought to why Bloomberg hasn't called for a new Pecora Commission.

Listening to it now...

I got two words for this statement....

KA - POW!!!!!


I'm so glad that Keith is back on air fighting the good fight, words cannot describe.

[ame=]Whats Going On By Marvin Gaye - With Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]



And replace them with a single party - the ACP (American Communist Party), perhaps?

Greens and Libertarians would probably constitute the majority of replacements, at least initially.
In theory the House could be FLUSHED every two years until a majority of its members got serious about the role big money plays in US politics. Since serious constitutional issues would be raised by this approach, it seems likely another Constitutional Convention would be on the table even if a Republican OR Democrat still occupies the White House.

Green is the new Red.



  • $green_is_red.jpg
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Bill Ayers is a all-in supporter of OWS. Bill Ayers is also a terrorist pig and a piece of shit.

As I asked on the other thread, if he came out in favor of breathing, would you hold your breath?
I hope bill ayers holds his breath, indefinetly. Ayers is nothing more than a murdering anti-American socialist, and a buddy to obamaturd, figures.
Ayers is nothing more than a murdering anti-American socialist

Incorrect. Actually, the only one of those three that IS correct about him is "socialist." At least it used to be. If you had added "criminal" and "terrorist" and "violent ex-revolutionary," I would also have to agree with those. But he is neither a murderer nor anti-American.

And in any case, he is certainly not "nothing more" than his crimes. He is also a community organizer, an activist (peaceful these days) for progressive causes, a humanitarian. Arguably, he should have gone to prison for conspiracy to destroy property and endanger lives; he did not due to malfeasance by the prosecution, and cannot be prosecuted again due to double jeopardy rules. But what he should not be, is dismissed in his opinions merely because he has in the past done things we should not approve of. The fact that he has expressed support for OWS does not in any way indict that movement. It would be surprising if he did not express support for the first large-scale grass-roots movement on the left since the 1960s.

I already posted a link to the manifesto from the NYC General Assembly's web site, for those who don't want to listen to Olbermann or visit Ayers' site, but here it is again (this is more "official" than Olbermann or Ayers anyway): Declaration of the Occupation of New York City | NYC General Assembly
Bill Ayers is a fucking anti AMERICAN.. he needs to get his fucking ass over to Russia where he belongs.
Bill Ayers is a fucking anti AMERICAN.. he needs to get his fucking ass over to Russia where he belongs.

I swear Bill is so far left these days with his "direct democracy" shit that even Putin would arrest him for being a commie.:lol:

Cripes have you seen what his and Chesa's advice has done to Venezuela? That's what's seriously crazy about these nutbar leftwingers.

Oh ruin <fill in any given country> and it didn't work there, let's try the same principles in America.
I swear Bill is so far left these days with his "direct democracy" shit that even Putin would arrest him for being a commie.:lol:

Putin being a fascist, that's probably true. Y'all need to remember that the Soviet Union fell twenty years ago. Russia hasn't been Communist since then.

In the U.S., being a Communist (or having any other political views) isn't something you can be arrested for. You do know that, right?
Ayers is nothing more than a murdering anti-American socialist

Incorrect. Actually, the only one of those three that IS correct about him is "socialist." At least it used to be. If you had added "criminal" and "terrorist" and "violent ex-revolutionary," I would also have to agree with those. But he is neither a murderer nor anti-American.

And in any case, he is certainly not "nothing more" than his crimes. He is also a community organizer, an activist (peaceful these days) for progressive causes, a humanitarian. Arguably, he should have gone to prison for conspiracy to destroy property and endanger lives; he did not due to malfeasance by the prosecution, and cannot be prosecuted again due to double jeopardy rules. But what he should not be, is dismissed in his opinions merely because he has in the past done things we should not approve of. The fact that he has expressed support for OWS does not in any way indict that movement. It would be surprising if he did not express support for the first large-scale grass-roots movement on the left since the 1960s.

I already posted a link to the manifesto from the NYC General Assembly's web site, for those who don't want to listen to Olbermann or visit Ayers' site, but here it is again (this is more "official" than Olbermann or Ayers anyway): Declaration of the Occupation of New York City | NYC General Assembly
Utter bullshit.

Ayers is an admitted murderer. When asked about his murder trial, he said: "Guilty as sin [of felony murder]; free as a bird. It's a great country."

He is also a terrorist pig and a piece of shit, and so is his wife. He was, and is, an enemy of the USA.

He hates the USA.


^^^ "not anti-American"? Sorry, that's just funny.

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