The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Always have been, jake.
For the rest of your drivel "There may be some black among the far right reactionaries, I guess." I just made an educated guess that you think he's guilty

Your guess is wrong, and your education is minimal, obviously. I think he is a thug, but I do not know if he is guilty.

You guys scream about liberty and attack the Rule of Law until you need it.

Step off, Meister.
Yes, liberty.....something your willing to let go of by changing the Rule of Law.
Time for your sandbox, jake. Not looking to good in this thread.

By the way....if I was you, I wouldn't talk about anyone's education, certainly don't have any bragging rights....just saying :eusa_whistle:

You have none, Meister, is the point. You are talking into the mirror.

Step off, and let the trial take its course.
“Citizens on Patrol?” asked West. “What’s that?”

It turns out that it’s a program in which the Sanford Police Department would provide Zimmerman with a civilianized patrol car and a uniform of sorts, and provide additional training that would allow him to effectively conduct patrols of his neighborhood. In contrast, the NWP program was far less pro-active, involving only observation and reporting.

Surely the Zimmerman described by the State as a “wannabe cop” seeking to “take the law into his own hands” and “profile” and “chase” unfamiliar black boys would fairly leap at such an opportunity. It was as close to being a police officer as Zimmerman was ever likely to get, the chance of a life time.

Zimmerman declined the opportunity.

This is absolutely DEVASTATING to the prosecutions case and to Zimmerman's detractors.

So, it sounds like Zimmerman preferred to remain an ignorant vigilante.

It appears the lynch mob meme that Zimmerman is a "wannabe cop" is total horseshit.

How is it horseshit?
It is great for America when thugs get pumped full of lead.

No. That's actually quite tragic.

What's great for America is when thugs stop being thugs and instead learn to love others.

Redemption and reconciliation is good. Their death does nothing to benefit society.
Several reasons exist why GZ did not want to do the extra duty.

He was lazy.

He was busy and didn't have the time.

He did not want to be closely supervised.
You have no idea who is to blame here, Avatar, so step off.

Let the trial take its course.

After that piss poor witness the prosecution called this afternoon? The one who got completely annihilated by O'Mara? I think Martin is to blame, purely since the prosecution tried to pass off a coached witness. You need to step off, and watch as Zimmerman gets acquitted of murder. There will be fragments of your cranium scattered from one end of this board to the other when he is. I can't wait to see that.:lol:

You continue to play the fool. Either verdict will be fine, because I trust the jury to get it right. Early innings, still.

Now a word of advice. You are not very bright, and you truly do not get what a trial is about. This is not a ball game. A man's life is at stake because he took another man's life. You should be rooting for the jury to get it right, not to fulfill your fantasies.

Oooh, a baseball analogy! The game can be won in the first inning. All you need is good pitching and a solid bullpen. They got it.

My fantasies huh? You must have not been watching the case, Jake. I saw a desperate prosecution, who may have a key piece of evidence annulled by the judge in the morning, I saw the prosecution's argument based on Zimmerman's character slowly falling apart. I'm way more educated than you, and I don't even have a degree. I am an autodidact, Jake. I make it a point to teach myself these things. Insult my intelligence all you wish, but you cannot rebut me. Ad hominem signals the death of an argument.

Your black and white summations are laughable. You are not even paying any attention to the subtle and yet obvious nuances of this case. I suggest you shut your face and be more objective, because it is clear you aren't. Call me Gameboy, call me a reactionary, call me whatever the hell you like. You. Are. Through.
Damn right dude this child being pumped full of lead is great for America. That'll teach us. :cuckoo:

You can choose to bury your head in the sand OldSchool, but reality doesn't disappear just because you can't see it.

A dead minor shouldn't disappear just because people think irresponsible gun usage should be allowed in this country :cool:

Wrote this for the other thread...reposting it here...

First, 17 years old is a 17 I was in a uniform at basic training at Ft Dix, NJ...Alpha 4, leads the way - Alpha Company, 4th platoon, 26th Infantry Regiment.

Second, if you believe Martin was on top of Zimmerman beating his head against the ground, while Zimmerman was screaming for help, the case is over.

My best friend went to prison for the same...five years for beating a man's head on the ground after he was on the ground.

Third, I've had my bell rung more than a few times...I remember one in particular when I was hit so hard my vision went went and it came back in an instant...but it could have just as easily been lights out.

You can feel like you could lose consciousness getting your head smashed over and over and still have the presence of mind to defend yourself before that line is crossed.

Fourth, there are no witnesses to encounter, Zimmerman could have said anything, Martin may not have given him a chance to say anything, all there will be is Zimmerman's word and zero refutation.

Last, Zimmerman can't be expected to think clearly while he is under attack and getting his head slammed into concrete, or a rock or whatever.

I've experienced shock, and I wasn't injured or being assaulted at the time...I'll link to the experience. I wrote a post about it.

All Zimmerman has to prove is that he was in fear for his life.

That's it...we can say "I would have done this differently, or that differently"...we have the benefit of hindsight...we go in knowing the outcome, and I think we forget that sometimes.

When I look at Zimmerman's actions, they seem to me to be reasonable.

Zimmerman didn't know Martin...for all he knew Martin was a murderer.

He didn't have 200,000 hour of media background on Martin to weigh while determining whether Martin was going to beat him to death.

He didn't know Martin's age, his history...all he knew was he was trying to protect his neighborhood and this guy who he already suspected was on drugs and up to no good, was slamming his head into the ground repeatedly without any indication he was going to stop, and no assurances that help would get there before Zimmerman was dead, and his killer would escape...possibly with Zimmerman's gun!

In the same situation, only knowing what Zimmerman knew at the time, I can't say that I would not have made the same decision.

And that is the real bottom line. In the same circumstances, if you truly believed your life was in eminent jeopardy, would you make the same decision?


EDIT --- Link to my post on the effects of shock...not my finest hour, but an experience I will never forget. Murder or Self-Defense
The left is convinced of the following truths:
1) Zimmerman was a wannabe cop out to kill someone.
2) Zimmerman was culpable because he followed Martin.
3) Zimmerman shot Martin because Martin was a black kid in a white neighborhood.
4) Zimmerman is motivated by racial hatred.

We will find none of these is true. The jury will reach the fastest not guilty plea ever and lefty heads will explode.

A minor is dead because of Zimmerman. If I accidentally kill someone crossing the street tomorrow I'm going to jail. But Zimmerman is on a pedestal as a hero. That is completely wrong.

Zimmerman didn't "accidentally" kill the thug. He defended himself.
The left is convinced of the following truths:
1) Zimmerman was a wannabe cop out to kill someone.
2) Zimmerman was culpable because he followed Martin.
3) Zimmerman shot Martin because Martin was a black kid in a white neighborhood.
4) Zimmerman is motivated by racial hatred.

We will find none of these is true. The jury will reach the fastest not guilty plea ever and lefty heads will explode.

A minor is dead because of Zimmerman. If I accidentally kill someone crossing the street tomorrow I'm going to jail. But Zimmerman is on a pedestal as a hero. That is completely wrong.

Do you understand the concept of "self defense"?

Libturds don't believe you have the right to defend yourself against black thugs.
The left is convinced of the following truths:
1) Zimmerman was a wannabe cop out to kill someone.
2) Zimmerman was culpable because he followed Martin.
3) Zimmerman shot Martin because Martin was a black kid in a white neighborhood.
4) Zimmerman is motivated by racial hatred.

We will find none of these is true. The jury will reach the fastest not guilty plea ever and lefty heads will explode.

I'm only interested in the facts of that night - the profiling, stalking and murdering.

first you state you are interested only in the facts of the case. The trial has not even started yet.
Then you state " the profiling, stalking and murdering"....That's a conclusion.
A presumption.
Of course a person such as yourself who sees color and ethnicity in everything, believes that if a person of color is arrested it is ONLY due to their race or ethnicity.
How do you feel about Hispanics? Are they not minorities as well?
Your guess is wrong, and your education is minimal, obviously. I think he is a thug, but I do not know if he is guilty.

You guys scream about liberty and attack the Rule of Law until you need it.

Step off, Meister.
Yes, liberty.....something your willing to let go of by changing the Rule of Law.
Time for your sandbox, jake. Not looking to good in this thread.

By the way....if I was you, I wouldn't talk about anyone's education, certainly don't have any bragging rights....just saying :eusa_whistle:

You have none, Meister, is the point. You are talking into the mirror.

Step off, and let the trial take its course.

Only the reactionaries will riot, no one else, if the verdict goes against them.

Are you calling blacks "reactionaries"?

Racist scum!

There may be some black among the far right reactionaries, I guess

I suggest you might want to do the same, sonny.
Poor attempt at a flame on your behalf, jake. Keep trying....maybe some day you'll learn not to spit into the wind.
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I'm way more educated than you, and I don't even have a degree. I am an autodidact, Jake. I make it a point to teach myself these things. Insult my intelligence all you wish, but you cannot rebut me.

Controlled self discipline and a personality capable of reflection are necessary for successful self teaching.

TK has demonstrated clearly that he posses neither requirement.

Several times in the last few days he has looked foolish, very foolish.

One should stop and consider that. An autodidact would do just that, but he won't.

Good night.
The left is convinced of the following truths:
1) Zimmerman was a wannabe cop out to kill someone.
2) Zimmerman was culpable because he followed Martin.
3) Zimmerman shot Martin because Martin was a black kid in a white neighborhood.
4) Zimmerman is motivated by racial hatred.

We will find none of these is true. The jury will reach the fastest not guilty plea ever and lefty heads will explode.

A minor is dead because of Zimmerman. If I accidentally kill someone crossing the street tomorrow I'm going to jail. But Zimmerman is on a pedestal as a hero. That is completely wrong.

Zimmerman didn't "accidentally" kill the thug. He defended himself.

I know what he did. He accidentally defended himself. GG Liberals, you lose.
A minor is dead because of Zimmerman. If I accidentally kill someone crossing the street tomorrow I'm going to jail. But Zimmerman is on a pedestal as a hero. That is completely wrong.

Do you understand the concept of "self defense"?

Libturds don't believe you have the right to defend yourself against black thugs.

No, we believe kids should be able to walk to the store to get candy without having some wannabe cop stalk,attack and gun them down.
How is it horseshit?

Because he turned down the came out today in the trial.

He said he didn't want it...of course he didn't want to apply, no police department would hire a cop and wife beater. Like he had a chance.

You might want to Google what was said today, 420. I really don't think you know the specifics, and of course, you comeback with something totally emotional for a response to my post.
I'm way more educated than you, and I don't even have a degree. I am an autodidact, Jake. I make it a point to teach myself these things. Insult my intelligence all you wish, but you cannot rebut me.

Controlled self discipline and a personality capable of reflection are necessary for successful self teaching.

TK has demonstrated clearly that he posses neither requirement.

Several times in the last few days he has looked foolish, very foolish.

One should stop and consider that. An autodidact would do just that, but he won't.

Good night.

You can't even point those instances out on the same post. I suggest you learn to refute your slanderous claims.

You need to stop while you are behind, Jake. Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya!
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