The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Let's take a look at what ACTUALLY happened instead of your wonderful speculation:

A minor is DEAD and... looks like Zimmerman gained some weight??? And that made it to Drudgereport??? Wtf is wrong with you people?!

Yes a minor is dead, after he attacked a man with a gun.

It's called personal responsibility. It's something you can't avoid regardless of how much you might want to try. Actions have consequences.

If you jump out of a plane without a parachute chances are you will be dead as well.

You have no idea who is to blame here, Avatar, so step off.

Let the trial take its course.

So says Jake, King of the Unsubstantiated Statement.
Your village called. They want their idiot back.
Now this is an EXCELLENT question. The photos shown in court show the body face down with arms by the side. So did they take pictures before trying to revive him?

I also saw another picture in court with Trayvon laying straight up, which I would have to assume was after the officer tried to revive him. The disturbing part is the other picture...It suggests someone was snapping pictures instead of trying to revive him.

So who took the first picture and at what time? Sorry WW...Im asking the same

Not everyone is qualified to do CPR, and even those who are do not if there is a large amount of blood involved unless they have the proper barrier protection. First responders like paramedics would try to revive him. Members of the press would not try to revive him. And no one other than the medical people called to the scene, and maybe the police if they are trained, are obligated to try.

Correct...but how is the picture person getting there and snapping photos before the first responders get there?

I would like to think that anyone who has to respond to a crime scene regardless if they are first responders or not would know how to give CPR...its not rocket science...I learned it when I was 12.

Oh im sorry...I just take'll just have to die unless those damn paramedics get here the meantime snap snap...flash

in the movie

The road to Perdition

the daytime job of one of the contract hit man

was photographer of the dead

I guess these lefties on this board...including Jake think that Zimmerman has to prove his innocence. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? :eusa_whistle:

Meister, go wash you mouth out for putting your words in it, not mine.

GZ is not guilty until proven guilty.

I think he is a thug, but even a thug gets the same protection of the law as you or me.

How interesting that you are now interested in the Rule of Law.

Always have been, jake.
For the rest of your drivel "There may be some black among the far right reactionaries, I guess." I just made an educated guess that you think he's guilty
They like to ignore the fact that he didn't just punch him. He punched him, got him on the ground, and was whaling the living shit out of him, while Zimmerman BEGGED people to help him.

They didn't, and he killed the little turd before the little turd killed him. That's why people carry guns.

Let's take a look at what ACTUALLY happened instead of your wonderful speculation:

A minor is DEAD and... looks like Zimmerman gained some weight??? And that made it to Drudgereport??? Wtf is wrong with you people?!

Yes a minor is dead, after he attacked a man with a gun.

It's called personal responsibility. It's something you can't avoid regardless of how much you might want to try. Actions have consequences.

If you jump out of a plane without a parachute chances are you will be dead as well.

There's an argument that makes some sense. I still think there should be a consequence if you're actions result in the death of another. I own 2 guns but I'm not about to walk around with them out on the street and go after people.
What did we learn today. Zimmerman is a nice guy at his wannabe cop meetings(many said the KKK leaders were nice guys). Zimmerman has shaving bumps on his head. Liking something on Facebook means you agree. (I guess that make me a money making millionaire)

Just now we learned that you're a dolt.
I guess these lefties on this board...including Jake think that Zimmerman has to prove his innocence. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? :eusa_whistle:

Meister, go wash you mouth out for putting your words in it, not mine.

GZ is not guilty until proven guilty.

I think he is a thug, but even a thug gets the same protection of the law as you or me.

How interesting that you are now interested in the Rule of Law.

Always have been, jake.
For the rest of your drivel "There may be some black among the far right reactionaries, I guess." I just made an educated guess that you think he's guilty

Your guess is wrong, and your education is minimal, obviously. I think he is a thug, but I do not know if he is guilty.

You guys scream about liberty and attack the Rule of Law until you need it.

Step off, Meister.
Let's take a look at what ACTUALLY happened instead of your wonderful speculation:

A minor is DEAD and... looks like Zimmerman gained some weight??? And that made it to Drudgereport??? Wtf is wrong with you people?!

Yes a minor is dead, after he attacked a man with a gun.

It's called personal responsibility. It's something you can't avoid regardless of how much you might want to try. Actions have consequences.

If you jump out of a plane without a parachute chances are you will be dead as well.

You have no idea who is to blame here, Avatar, so step off.

Let the trial take its course.

After that piss poor witness the prosecution called this afternoon? The one who got completely annihilated by O'Mara? I think Martin is to blame, purely since the prosecution tried to pass off a coached witness. You need to step off, and watch as Zimmerman gets acquitted of murder. There will be fragments of your cranium scattered from one end of this board to the other when he is. I can't wait to see that.

Thanks sunshine!!! If only you could pos rep Zimmerman! He's a modern Thomas Jefferson! Ben Franklin! Murder without consequence! Go America!

Should've saved your neg for this one dumbass.

Learn the definition of murder, dipshit.

Definition of MURDER

: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

Bring a gun to a fistfight? Sounds like murder :confused:

Let's take a look at what ACTUALLY happened instead of your wonderful speculation:

A minor is DEAD and... looks like Zimmerman gained some weight??? And that made it to Drudgereport??? Wtf is wrong with you people?!

Yes a minor is dead, after he attacked a man with a gun.

It's called personal responsibility. It's something you can't avoid regardless of how much you might want to try. Actions have consequences.

If you jump out of a plane without a parachute chances are you will be dead as well.

There's an argument that makes some sense. I still think there should be a consequence if you're actions result in the death of another. I own 2 guns but I'm not about to walk around with them out on the street and go after people.
There should be no consequence when you have not broken the law no matter who or how many die!
Let's take a look at what ACTUALLY happened instead of your wonderful speculation:

A minor is DEAD and... looks like Zimmerman gained some weight??? And that made it to Drudgereport??? Wtf is wrong with you people?!

Yes a minor is dead, after he attacked a man with a gun.

It's called personal responsibility. It's something you can't avoid regardless of how much you might want to try. Actions have consequences.

If you jump out of a plane without a parachute chances are you will be dead as well.

You have no idea who is to blame here, Avatar, so step off.

Let the trial take its course.

So we are supposed to ignore what the witnesses said? Im all for the trial taking it's course. But it doesnt change the fact that the eye witnesses said Trayvon attacked Zimmerman. Doesn't change the fact that his injuries are consistant with being attacked. Doesn't change the fact that the forensics say the gun was fired from close range, consistant with Trayvon being on top.

So yeah, if you want to ignore all the evidence, we don't know what happened.
Yes a minor is dead, after he attacked a man with a gun.

It's called personal responsibility. It's something you can't avoid regardless of how much you might want to try. Actions have consequences.

If you jump out of a plane without a parachute chances are you will be dead as well.

You have no idea who is to blame here, Avatar, so step off.

Let the trial take its course.

After that piss poor witness the prosecution called this afternoon? The one who got completely annihilated by O'Mara? I think Martin is to blame, purely since the prosecution tried to pass off a coached witness. You need to step off, and watch as Zimmerman gets acquitted of murder. There will be fragments of your cranium scattered from one end of this board to the other when he is. I can't wait to see that.:lol:

You continue to play the fool. Either verdict will be fine, because I trust the jury to get it right. Early innings, still.

Now a word of advice. You are not very bright, and you truly do not get what a trial is about. This is not a ball game. A man's life is at stake because he took another man's life. You should be rooting for the jury to get it right, not to fulfill your fantasies.
Correct...but how is the picture person getting there and snapping photos before the first responders get there?

I would like to think that anyone who has to respond to a crime scene regardless if they are first responders or not would know how to give CPR...its not rocket science...I learned it when I was 12.

Oh im sorry...I just take'll just have to die unless those damn paramedics get here the meantime snap snap...flash

I was in and out until CST so I don't know who showed the photos, but the witness that took the bloody nose photo immediately after? Was it a responder who took them or no?
Not sure what you are referring to, but the neighbor that made the infamous 911 call took pictures of GZ within 3 minutes of the incident.

The photos we are referring to are the actual crime scene photos...the one causing the questions is the picture of Trayvons body face down and arms to the side. This had to be taken before CPR was administered, so why is this person snapping pictures before CPR is administered and how is that person getting to the crime scene before a fist responder? For Gods sake...the police were already enroute with a head

several years ago i had to do cpr on someone

there was around 20 other people present

and not one knew how to do it

or was too shocked to function

i had to actually appoint someone to call 9-1-1
Let's take a look at what ACTUALLY happened instead of your wonderful speculation:

A minor is DEAD and... looks like Zimmerman gained some weight??? And that made it to Drudgereport??? Wtf is wrong with you people?!

Yes a minor is dead, after he attacked a man with a gun.

It's called personal responsibility. It's something you can't avoid regardless of how much you might want to try. Actions have consequences.

If you jump out of a plane without a parachute chances are you will be dead as well.

There's an argument that makes some sense. I still think there should be a consequence if you're actions result in the death of another. I own 2 guns but I'm not about to walk around with them out on the street and go after people.

Of course not. But when someone attacks you, it is your responsibility to defend yourself.
Thanks sunshine!!! If only you could pos rep Zimmerman! He's a modern Thomas Jefferson! Ben Franklin! Murder without consequence! Go America!

Should've saved your neg for this one dumbass.

Learn the definition of murder, dipshit.

Definition of MURDER

: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

Bring a gun to a fistfight? Sounds like murder :confused:

Bring a gun to a fist fight :confused: Sound like your a moron.
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Yes a minor is dead, after he attacked a man with a gun.

It's called personal responsibility. It's something you can't avoid regardless of how much you might want to try. Actions have consequences.

If you jump out of a plane without a parachute chances are you will be dead as well.

You have no idea who is to blame here, Avatar, so step off.

Let the trial take its course.

So we are supposed to ignore what the witnesses said? Im all for the trial taking it's course. But it doesnt change the fact that the eye witnesses said Trayvon attacked Zimmerman. Doesn't change the fact that his injuries are consistant with being attacked. Doesn't change the fact that the forensics say the gun was fired from close range, consistant with Trayvon being on top.

So yeah, if you want to ignore all the evidence, we don't know what happened.

The evidence does not say why he attacked GZ. If you were following someone and threatening that person, and he saw a gun in your waist band, he should attack you.

You will say that was not the case, but you don't know it.

That's the point. Let the trial take its course. You have had little to offer here so far that is sensible.
Thanks sunshine!!! If only you could pos rep Zimmerman! He's a modern Thomas Jefferson! Ben Franklin! Murder without consequence! Go America!

Should've saved your neg for this one dumbass.

Learn the definition of murder, dipshit.

Definition of MURDER

: the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

Bring a gun to a fistfight? Sounds like murder :confused:


self defense is not murder because self defense is lawful.
“Citizens on Patrol?” asked West. “What’s that?”

It turns out that it’s a program in which the Sanford Police Department would provide Zimmerman with a civilianized patrol car and a uniform of sorts, and provide additional training that would allow him to effectively conduct patrols of his neighborhood. In contrast, the NWP program was far less pro-active, involving only observation and reporting.

Surely the Zimmerman described by the State as a “wannabe cop” seeking to “take the law into his own hands” and “profile” and “chase” unfamiliar black boys would fairly leap at such an opportunity. It was as close to being a police officer as Zimmerman was ever likely to get, the chance of a life time.

Zimmerman declined the opportunity.

This is absolutely DEVASTATING to the prosecutions case and to Zimmerman's detractors.

So, it sounds like Zimmerman preferred to remain an ignorant vigilante.

It appears the lynch mob meme that Zimmerman is a "wannabe cop" is total horseshit.
Meister, go wash you mouth out for putting your words in it, not mine.

GZ is not guilty until proven guilty.

I think he is a thug, but even a thug gets the same protection of the law as you or me.

How interesting that you are now interested in the Rule of Law.

Always have been, jake.
For the rest of your drivel "There may be some black among the far right reactionaries, I guess." I just made an educated guess that you think he's guilty

Your guess is wrong, and your education is minimal, obviously. I think he is a thug, but I do not know if he is guilty.

You guys scream about liberty and attack the Rule of Law until you need it.

Step off, Meister.
Yes, liberty.....something your willing to let go of by changing the Rule of Law.
Time for your sandbox, jake. Not looking to good in this thread.

By the way....if I was you, I wouldn't talk about anyone's education, certainly don't have any bragging rights....just saying :eusa_whistle:
“Citizens on Patrol?” asked West. “What’s that?”

It turns out that it’s a program in which the Sanford Police Department would provide Zimmerman with a civilianized patrol car and a uniform of sorts, and provide additional training that would allow him to effectively conduct patrols of his neighborhood. In contrast, the NWP program was far less pro-active, involving only observation and reporting.

Surely the Zimmerman described by the State as a “wannabe cop” seeking to “take the law into his own hands” and “profile” and “chase” unfamiliar black boys would fairly leap at such an opportunity. It was as close to being a police officer as Zimmerman was ever likely to get, the chance of a life time.

Zimmerman declined the opportunity.

This is absolutely DEVASTATING to the prosecutions case and to Zimmerman's detractors.

Damn right dude this child being pumped full of lead is great for America. That'll teach us. :cuckoo:

It is great for America when thugs get pumped full of lead.
You have no idea who is to blame here, Avatar, so step off.

Let the trial take its course.

After that piss poor witness the prosecution called this afternoon? The one who got completely annihilated by O'Mara? I think Martin is to blame, purely since the prosecution tried to pass off a coached witness. You need to step off, and watch as Zimmerman gets acquitted of murder. There will be fragments of your cranium scattered from one end of this board to the other when he is. I can't wait to see that.:lol:

You continue to play the fool. Either verdict will be fine, because I trust the jury to get it right. Early innings, still.

Now a word of advice. You are not very bright, and you truly do not get what a trial is about. This is not a ball game. A man's life is at stake because he took another man's life. You should be rooting for the jury to get it right, not to fulfill your fantasies.

No either verdict will not be right. Because if they choose the wrong verdict Justice is denied.
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