The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Tweeting about fights, posting pics of guns in the days before the event...yeah, that shows a propensity towards violence.

Common sense screams that the thug was violent. The left doesn't want to admit reality as reality would force them to agree that something needs to be done.

Thugs like trayvon are way Sanford is a violent shit hole.

Duh, he was minding his own business while walking home with a can of tea and a bag of Skittles on a chilly rainy evening with his hood up. What's wrong with that?

Nothing is wrong with that...But

-The kid had a violent history
-The back of Zimmermans head was bloody

I've seen kids like Travyon of all races that would do exactly what Zimmerman said Trayvon did. They think they can beat up people and nothing will happen to them.

Think about it...I'm not saying that Zimmerman didn't blow Trayvon away in cold blood but I'm thinking that is kind of unlikely.

Yes I'm kind of bias as I have seen to much of this shit of all races.
17 is a child to you. Ok. I disagree. Would you have a different feeling about it if Martin were 18? Or two months before his 18th birthday? And you would NOT have a problem with the daughter and pic scenario strawman whatever you wanna call it that I gave of her going out with this guy? Really?
If my daughter showed me that pic it would be over my dead body before she went out with him. And if Martin were my son, it would be over my dead body he would ever leave the house with his pants down around his knees. And obviously the mother was having a prob with her "child", why else would she boot his ass out of her house?

Just some things to ponder about.
How is any of that violent? even if it were true.

To what are you referring?

If it is my comment, let me ask you something. Say your daughter says she is going out with her new boyfriend you have not met yet. She shows you a picture of him...flipping the bird, making a gang sign, bong on a table. Would you be concerned as to his character just from that pic? I would hope so. Does it prove Martin is violent? No. But it could be construed that he is just from his actions. Same with Zimmerman. Both were in the wrong place at the wrong time and acted in the wrong way and now we have this. One man fighting for his life, the other dead. And Martin was NOT a child. He was a man. Young, but still a man. There was an altercation and the facts still need to come out who did what to whom.

I'm sorry 17 is a child, no Juvenile acts from a Juvenile does not concern me. Martin was attacked and fought for his life.

Juvenile acts from 50+ year old man does concern me.


You do an admirable imitation of a rational person...right up till you launch into the fantasy "Martin was attacked and fought for his life".

Complete fabrication. :cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Common sense screams that the thug was violent. The left doesn't want to admit reality as reality would force them to agree that something needs to be done.

Thugs like trayvon are way Sanford is a violent shit hole.

Duh, he was minding his own business while walking home with a can of tea and a bag of Skittles on a chilly rainy evening with his hood up. What's wrong with that?

Nothing is wrong with that...But

-The kid had a violent history
-The back of Zimmermans head was bloody

I've seen kids like Travyon of all races that would do exactly what Zimmerman said Trayvon did. They think they can beat up people and nothing will happen to them.

Think about it...I'm not saying that Zimmerman didn't blow Trayvon away in cold blood but I'm thinking that is kind of unlikely.

Yes I'm kind of bias as I have seen to much of this shit of all races.

What violent history is that?
Common sense screams that the thug was violent. The left doesn't want to admit reality as reality would force them to agree that something needs to be done.

Thugs like trayvon are way Sanford is a violent shit hole.

Duh, he was minding his own business while walking home with a can of tea and a bag of Skittles on a chilly rainy evening with his hood up. What's wrong with that?

Nothing is wrong with that...But

-The kid had a violent history
-The back of Zimmermans head was bloody

I've seen kids like Travyon of all races that would do exactly what Zimmerman said Trayvon did. They think they can beat up people and nothing will happen to them.

Think about it...I'm not saying that Zimmerman didn't blow Trayvon away in cold blood but I'm thinking that is kind of unlikely.

Yes I'm kind of bias as I have seen to much of this shit of all races.

Since Trayvon did absolutely nothing wrong that night, his past is totally irrelevant. Zimmerman's past is totally relevant.
Duh, he was minding his own business while walking home with a can of tea and a bag of Skittles on a chilly rainy evening with his hood up. What's wrong with that?

Nothing is wrong with that...But

-The kid had a violent history
-The back of Zimmermans head was bloody

I've seen kids like Travyon of all races that would do exactly what Zimmerman said Trayvon did. They think they can beat up people and nothing will happen to them.

Think about it...I'm not saying that Zimmerman didn't blow Trayvon away in cold blood but I'm thinking that is kind of unlikely.

Yes I'm kind of bias as I have seen to much of this shit of all races.

Since Trayvon did absolutely nothing wrong that night, his past is totally irrelevant. Zimmerman's past is totally relevant.

How so was Martins past irrelevent when you claim Zimmermans was revelent?
Crime area, recent breakins=stranger wandering the street at night.
NWP person is on patrol for his neighborhood watch shift. Sees person. Checks him out=winds up violent confrontation with one dead the other with a bashed head and one of them screaming for help.

Now it is up to the courts. Why is that so hard to be allowed to be done before judgement is passed?
To what are you referring?

If it is my comment, let me ask you something. Say your daughter says she is going out with her new boyfriend you have not met yet. She shows you a picture of him...flipping the bird, making a gang sign, bong on a table. Would you be concerned as to his character just from that pic? I would hope so. Does it prove Martin is violent? No. But it could be construed that he is just from his actions. Same with Zimmerman. Both were in the wrong place at the wrong time and acted in the wrong way and now we have this. One man fighting for his life, the other dead. And Martin was NOT a child. He was a man. Young, but still a man. There was an altercation and the facts still need to come out who did what to whom.

I'm sorry 17 is a child, no Juvenile acts from a Juvenile does not concern me. Martin was attacked and fought for his life.

Juvenile acts from 50+ year old man does concern me.


You do an admirable imitation of a rational person...right up till you launch into the fantasy "Martin was attacked and fought for his life".

Complete fabrication. :cuckoo::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You say it is complete fabrication but I believe the evidence will support my conclusion.
Tomorrow is another day. Maybe we will all hear new evidence.

I have a headache, so I am off to Pogo for a game or two then to bed. Good night all.
Since Trayvon did absolutely nothing wrong that night, his past is totally irrelevant. Zimmerman's past is totally relevant.

You have no evidence he did anything wrong or right so your statement has no basis in fact indian poser wannabe. And even if someone came forward and stated he did you would still claim they are lying.
Hows that knock knock joke going for the defense?

I think everyone would agree that fell flat.....but that wasn't the facts to what happened that night, right?

I think implying the only people who got on the jury were ignorant wasn't going to win jury members over.

The facts are that Zimmerman killed a minor. A Minor who wasn't committing a crime, who was not carrying a weapon.
The state's case is going down in flames!

Today can only be characterized as an utter debacle for the prosecution in Florida v. Zimmerman. Besides the testimony of a couple of highly professional law enforcement witnesses, the testimony of the the other State witnesses ranged from signing George Zimmerman’s praises, to acknowledging the utility of following a suspicious person from a distance, to being utterly discredited by razor sharp cross-examination of the defense.

. . . . . . . . .

Wendy Dorival, Sanford Police Department, Neighborhood Watch Program

Ms. Dorival works for the Sanford Police Department and played a major role in coordinating with George Zimmerman to establish the Neighborhood Watch Program at the Retreat at Twin Lakes community. Her role is to instruct the residents on how the NWP works, and provide guide lines on its operation.
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State witness, Ms. Dorival, NWP coordinator

Recall that one of the key elements of the State’s theory of the case is that Zimmerman is a “wannabe cop” who “took the law into his own hands.” The expectation was that this witness would define the limited scope of the NWP, and the State could then illustrate how Zimmerman had aggressively over-stepped these limitations in “profiling” and “following” Martin.

Accordingly, the State started asking Dorival about whether NWP participants are advised to “follow” and “confront” suspicious persons, and she affirmed that the participants were merely supposed to be the “eyes and ears” of the community and that actual enforcement should be left to the police. If they saw a crime they should call 911, if they saw merely suspicious behavior they should call the provided non-emergency number.

Defense Attorney West

He asked if she had any personal knowledge of the drivers behind Twin Lakes starting a NWP,. Dorival confirmed that she had checked with the Sanford Police Department’s crime statistics and confirmed that there had been a spike in robberies and that the neighborhood’s concerns about crime were genuine. She was also aware of the recent home invasion.

He then explored her experience interacting with George Zimmerman. Was he polite, courteous, respectful, he asked?

Oh, yes, Dorival answered. Every time.

That was the first indication that this witness might spin against the State’s interests–and an eruption of confirmatory testimony was about to emerge.

Dorival naturally thought it was great that Zimmerman wanted to start a NWP. Indeed, so committed was she herself to the NWP initiative that she took the lead at the Sanford PD even though it wasn’t really her “day job” there.

Further, she thought it was great that Zimmerman was pursuing a degree in criminal justice. In fact, she had been so impressed with him that she had tried to recruit him for the Sanford PD’s “Citizen on Patrol” program.

“Citizens on Patrol?” asked West. “What’s that?”

It turns out that it’s a program in which the Sanford Police Department would provide Zimmerman with a civilianized patrol car and a uniform of sorts, and provide additional training that would allow him to effectively conduct patrols of his neighborhood. In contrast, the NWP program was far less pro-active, involving only observation and reporting.

Surely the Zimmerman described by the State as a “wannabe cop” seeking to “take the law into his own hands” and “profile” and “chase” unfamiliar black boys would fairly leap at such an opportunity. It was as close to being a police officer as Zimmerman was ever likely to get, the chance of a life time.

Zimmerman declined the opportunity.

This did not, however, spoil Dorival’s respect for Zimmerman. When asked by West if there was anything about Zimmerman’s demeanor that “raised any red flags” for her, she answered in the negative. George, she said, struck her as very professional, perhaps a little meek, but a man who was really committed to making his community better.​

i agree with what you are saying but powerful forces will make sure he is convicted.
I was in and out until CST so I don't know who showed the photos, but the witness that took the bloody nose photo immediately after? Was it a responder who took them or no?
Not sure what you are referring to, but the neighbor that made the infamous 911 call took pictures of GZ within 3 minutes of the incident.

The photos we are referring to are the actual crime scene photos...the one causing the questions is the picture of Trayvons body face down and arms to the side. This had to be taken before CPR was administered, so why is this person snapping pictures before CPR is administered and how is that person getting to the crime scene before a fist responder? For Gods sake...the police were already enroute with a head

several years ago i had to do cpr on someone

there was around 20 other people present

and not one knew how to do it

or was too shocked to function

i had to actually appoint someone to call 9-1-1

I had a similar thing last year involving a white water catastrophe. Everyone stood around gawking while we were trying to get some teenagers out of it. You have to point to someone and say YOU! Call 911 to get their attention and some action. Sheeple.
Correct...but how is the picture person getting there and snapping photos before the first responders get there?

I would like to think that anyone who has to respond to a crime scene regardless if they are first responders or not would know how to give CPR...its not rocket science...I learned it when I was 12.

Oh im sorry...I just take'll just have to die unless those damn paramedics get here the meantime snap snap...flash

I was in and out until CST so I don't know who showed the photos, but the witness that took the bloody nose photo immediately after? Was it a responder who took them or no?

I believe Ofc Smith (male) was the first one on the scene and he took Zimmerman into custody (nothing negative intended, it's SOP at a shooting crime scene) and placed him in the patrol car. IIRC he snapped the picture with his cell phone.


Is Officer Smith his witness protection program name?
Not sure what you are referring to, but the neighbor that made the infamous 911 call took pictures of GZ within 3 minutes of the incident.

The photos we are referring to are the actual crime scene photos...the one causing the questions is the picture of Trayvons body face down and arms to the side. This had to be taken before CPR was administered, so why is this person snapping pictures before CPR is administered and how is that person getting to the crime scene before a fist responder? For Gods sake...the police were already enroute with a head

several years ago i had to do cpr on someone

there was around 20 other people present

and not one knew how to do it

or was too shocked to function

i had to actually appoint someone to call 9-1-1

I had a similar thing last year involving a white water catastrophe. Everyone stood around gawking while we were trying to get some teenagers out of it. You have to point to someone and say YOU! Call 911 to get their attention and some action. Sheeple.

yes exactly
i was in and out until cst so i don't know who showed the photos, but the witness that took the bloody nose photo immediately after? Was it a responder who took them or no?

i believe ofc smith (male) was the first one on the scene and he took zimmerman into custody (nothing negative intended, it's sop at a shooting crime scene) and placed him in the patrol car. Iirc he snapped the picture with his cell phone.


is officer smith his witness protection program name?

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