The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Not so much in Florida. I find that down here it's viewed by many as a badge of honor rather than an insult. Cracker is what long time Floridians refer to themselves...the ones that had family here for many generations.

On the other hand Cracker IS used as a derogatory term most other places. There it refers generally to poor white trash.

yep and black people use the N word with each other for the same reasons...doesnt mean it isnt offensive to come from a white person.

Oh, believe me when I tell you that when a black person from Florida uses the term "Cracker" it IS meant to be derogatory. It always struck me as almost humorous how the same term can be used as an insult to the same people who consider it to be label of pride. When Trayvon Martin called George Zimmerman a "Cracker" it was a racial slur. I find it rather amusing how so many people here viewed Zimmerman even referring to Martin as being "black" to be a racist act yet Martin's referring to Zimmerman as a "Cracker" wasn't even criticized. Correct me if I'm wrong here, folks but calling someone a racially derogatory term and then heading off to confront them with violence would seem to fall under the heading of "hate crime". Or does that only hold true when it's a white person calling someone of color a name and then attacking them?

Fair is fair...

But...there is no critter called "fair" any more with the media poisoning everyone with their biased opinions.
Someone needs to take the girl over their knee and give her something she has probably never had...a good whoopin'. If I was trays mom, Id be going after her throat the way she has disrespected this court and that it could have an effect on the verdict. Id be pissed at her if I was the Martins.

She is a poorly educated (possibly special needs) young woman who appears to be not very smart (or her intelligence hasn't been developed); she is unsophisticated; she doesn't know how to behave (no one has taught her). That doesn't maker her a liar or a punk or deserve a 'good whooping.' She's a simple, poorly educated young person who has been thrown into a situation of national media attention and criticism she doesn't want. Give her a break.

They can't give her a break because that would require them dropping the hatred for 5 minutes.

I felt like West was making fun of her at times and kept her on the stand too long just so he could harass her. She knew it and it frustrated her. You could see a change in her after every break, she was trying to get along better with him. By the end of the questioning, she was right back to being snippy.

Who wants some dumbass lawyer talking down to you for hours. It is his job to impeach but he went on too long as usual. Wish I knew what the jury thought about that.

If I was on the jury, I would want that ignoramus out of my face and hearing range FAST. And I would discount every word she mumbled.
okay....then if he gets five years in prison, he'll come out over 800 lbs? Is that your logic?

If he gets the five years he deserves, he likely won't make it out of prison alive and then if he does, he'll get murdered shortly after his release IMO.

Zimmerman is fucked - and THAT's why one should only pursue when armed if one has no other choice.

Well, I think one should only pursue when armed if one has extremely good judgement and nerves of steel. And this Zimmerman asshole didn't have either.

I agree....and the ability to defuse and approach a situation that is turning sour.
As reported by the police investigator, I still don't understand why Zimmerman never told Martin who he was. I wonder why he didn't...?

For the same reason he didn't properly pursue a suspicious person - he's an untrained idiot. And untrained idiots who pack heat are responsible for the results of their actions.

Sadly, I don't think that's going to be the result. In my opinion this will be a case of "social justice" either way. Either the jury can't bring themselves to put Zimmerman behind bars for life because the case for murder is so weak or the jury is going to convict so that their town isn't subjected to an angry mob.

This was an open and shut case for manslaughter. When armed, you need to make sure that you don't get yourself put in a situation where you are going to get your ass kicked. Zimmerman made the choice to pursue and he did so poorly. He was smart enough to get a permit to carry a gun and but wasn't smart enough to educate himself on how to handle situations while armed.

The only caveat in my opinion is whether the evidence shows that Zimmerman was reasonable in thinking that Martin was actually trying to kill him.

THAT I agree with. Zimmerman acted like a tard. He does not deserve to walk with no punishment. But I also don't think he needs to spend his entire life behind bars.

Zimmerman & the HOA lost the $million+ civil suit to the Martin family because he created the dangerous situation. But Zimmerman acted properly in the fight & shooting. Zimmerman was not harming Martin. Zimmerman clearly indicted he had given up. Zimmerman was retreating. Martin in his race fueled rage irrationally escalated the beating of a subdued & retreating person who clearly signaled he was not fighting. By law you can shoot an unarmed person even if you started the fight.
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For the same reason he didn't properly pursue a suspicious person - he's an untrained idiot. And untrained idiots who pack heat are responsible for the results of their actions.

Sadly, I don't think that's going to be the result. In my opinion this will be a case of "social justice" either way. Either the jury can't bring themselves to put Zimmerman behind bars for life because the case for murder is so weak or the jury is going to convict so that their town isn't subjected to an angry mob.

This was an open and shut case for manslaughter. When armed, you need to make sure that you don't get yourself put in a situation where you are going to get your ass kicked. Zimmerman made the choice to pursue and he did so poorly. He was smart enough to get a permit to carry a gun and but wasn't smart enough to educate himself on how to handle situations while armed.

The only caveat in my opinion is whether the evidence shows that Zimmerman was reasonable in thinking that Martin was actually trying to kill him.

THAT I agree with. Zimmerman acted like a tard. He does not deserve to walk with no punishment. But I also don't think he needs to spend his entire life behind bars.

Zimmerman & the HOA lost the $million+ civil suit to the Martin family because he created the dangerous situation. But Zimmerman acted properly in the fight & shooting. Zimmerman was not harming Martin. Zimmerman clearly indicted he had given up. Zimmerman was retreating. Martin irrationaly escalated the beating of a subdued & retreating person. By law you can shoot even if you started the fight.

He didn't "act properly" at all. He wasn't a Law Enforcement Officer and there are laws against following and menacing others. Most Neighborhood Watch Folks are cautioned against patrolling armed as well, for obvious reasons. He had zero standing to do what he did when he got out of his car and followed a frightened kid. And it seems that he didn't have the proper training to handle the situation.

It's also becoming more and more clear that he had an agenda. And that agenda was to hunt and kill a human being.
If he gets the five years he deserves, he likely won't make it out of prison alive and then if he does, he'll get murdered shortly after his release IMO.

Zimmerman is fucked - and THAT's why one should only pursue when armed if one has no other choice.

Well, I think one should only pursue when armed if one has extremely good judgement and nerves of steel. And this Zimmerman asshole didn't have either.

I agree....and the ability to defuse and approach a situation that is turning sour.

The other interesting testimony was that of Manalo:

Jonathan Manalo, whose wife testified earlier this week, told jurors he was the first person to make contact with Zimmerman after the shooting. He described Zimmerman as calm and easy to understand before police arrived.Manalo said as soon as he saw Zimmerman, Zimmerman started explaining what happened.

"I was defending myself when I shot him," Manalo said Zimmerman told him.Soon after police arrived and Zimmemran asked Manalo to call his wife."Just tell her I shot someone,"
Zimmerman trial witness attempted to break up Zimmerman/Martin fight

Zimmerman was just in the "fight of his life" and killed a guy. And he was calm, cool and collected?

Reasonable doubt as defined was just verified by the mumbling, overweight, teen.

I'm sure her weight issue is a thyroid problem.

Or perhaps her education is such her weekly pay can afford reams of Chicken and bacon



She can speak three languages. English is her THIRD...


This is America and I only need one language where I come from...

Sorry to say these days it will be spoken from the business end of a gun should the need arise

So it's not a thyroid problem like I said...


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Jesus...Joe! If you think that was "holding your own" then your standards are rather low. That young woman embarrassed herself on national TV with the level of sheer ignorance she displayed. If I had kids in the Florida public school system I'm pretty sure I'd be rushing out to find a good private school to put them in before any further damage was done.

I thought the lawyer came off worse in that exchange, because he looked like a bully. Especially the part where he heckled her over the letter someone else wrote.
You assume she is poorly educated because? Because the college educated lawyer made it obvious. She was a horrible witness and a disgrace to the martin family, imo. I would be ashamed of her as a witness...surprised that so many Martin supporters arent just as outraged...she flicked all of you off and you guys are praising

oddly after her testimony

all of a sudden it isnt about racism anymore

Funny how that works, huh? Ive heard some even try to say that cracker isnt a racial slur...calling it saltine (in other words white salt vs black pepper...another racial

Cracker refers to the "whip cracking" slave drivers of the yester century...its extremely offensive to those in the country trying to move forward.

Cracker, Please!

Cracker was not used as a word to denigrate and oppress a whole race of people for centuries.

This is still all about racism. The very fact that you have a bunch of white people getting all upset that this girl wasn't very articulate or she was snippy or she couldn't read a letter someone else wrote shows we have a long way to go and people who aren't the least bit interested in "moving forward".

Moving Forward would be convicted Zimmerman of the top count. It would show black folks can expect the same level of justice white folks get.
For the same reason he didn't properly pursue a suspicious person - he's an untrained idiot. And untrained idiots who pack heat are responsible for the results of their actions.

Sadly, I don't think that's going to be the result. In my opinion this will be a case of "social justice" either way. Either the jury can't bring themselves to put Zimmerman behind bars for life because the case for murder is so weak or the jury is going to convict so that their town isn't subjected to an angry mob.

This was an open and shut case for manslaughter. When armed, you need to make sure that you don't get yourself put in a situation where you are going to get your ass kicked. Zimmerman made the choice to pursue and he did so poorly. He was smart enough to get a permit to carry a gun and but wasn't smart enough to educate himself on how to handle situations while armed.

The only caveat in my opinion is whether the evidence shows that Zimmerman was reasonable in thinking that Martin was actually trying to kill him.

THAT I agree with. Zimmerman acted like a tard. He does not deserve to walk with no punishment. But I also don't think he needs to spend his entire life behind bars.

Zimmerman & the HOA lost the $million+ civil suit to the Martin family because he created the dangerous situation. But Zimmerman acted properly in the fight & shooting. Zimmerman was not harming Martin. Zimmerman clearly indicted he had given up. Zimmerman was retreating. Martin irrationaly escalated the beating of a subdued & retreating person. By law you can shoot even if you started the fight.

Great objective and logical post...hallelujah!! And you cause me to look at something I hadnt thought about. Regardless of who started it, if the guy on the bottom has had enough and is no longer a threat...then who is the aggressor? One is trying to get away and the other is not letting him...hmmmm.

Thanks kiss...something to think about...hadnt really thought about that too much...but youre right...good point.
He was walking back to his truck..wherever it was..when he lost Martin. But then Martin found Zimmerman. So much for staying in his own home where he was finally safe and deciding to teach creepy ass cracker a lesson.

On the headset with his Miami friend(s). Was he impressing them with his badness?
oddly after her testimony

all of a sudden it isnt about racism anymore

Funny how that works, huh? Ive heard some even try to say that cracker isnt a racial slur...calling it saltine (in other words white salt vs black pepper...another racial

Cracker refers to the "whip cracking" slave drivers of the yester century...its extremely offensive to those in the country trying to move forward.

Cracker, Please!

Cracker was not used as a word to denigrate and oppress a whole race of people for centuries.

This is still all about racism. The very fact that you have a bunch of white people getting all upset that this girl wasn't very articulate or she was snippy or she couldn't read a letter someone else wrote shows we have a long way to go and people who aren't the least bit interested in "moving forward".

Moving Forward would be convicted Zimmerman of the top count. It would show black folks can expect the same level of justice white folks get.

Shut up cracker!
Hard to say. I certainly wouldn't head back to where he was. Maybe I wouldn't go home, but I wouldn't sneak up on the guy either.

Unless I wanted to prove that I wasn't a pussy - for whatever that is worth.

Ok I'll admit I haven't had the time to watch most of this trial but I keep seeing you guys say he snuck up on George where are you getting this from?

Moron Witness said he made it safely to his dads house. Then Moron Witness said he called her back and she heard Wet Grass, mumble mumble, he do this, he do that..she heard a bump, more gobbledegoop, etc. Which means..if he got home safe...why was he back out in the T area confronting Zimmerman, who was heading back to his car?

I know I know!!!

Martin went back to confront creepy ass cracker not knowing creepy ass cracker was packin'.

Somebody is paying attention! You get an "A" for comprehension and extra credit for dot connecting.
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Yesterday, did you guys catch the Bernster " 'JECTION! Compound Sentence!" on the neighbor? Overruled - he got it, he can answer the questions.

laughing out loud - the "compound sentence" objection only works on DD, Bern. Sit down.
Typical reactionary lies.

If GZ started the confrontation and TM reached for the gun because he was frightened for his life and limb, the law condemns GZ, period.

If TM started the confrontation, GZ was within his rights.
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Ok I'll admit I haven't had the time to watch most of this trial but I keep seeing you guys say he snuck up on George where are you getting this from?

Moron Witness said he made it safely to his dads house. Then Moron Witness said he called her back and she heard Wet Grass, mumble mumble, he do this, he do that..she heard a bump, more gobbledegoop, etc. Which means..if he got home safe...why was he back out in the T area confronting Zimmerman, who was heading back to his car?

I know I know!!!

Martin went back to confront creepy ass cracker not knowing creepy ass cracker was packin'.

Somebody is paying attention! You get an "A" for comprehension and extra credit for dot connecting.

Yesterday, did you guys catch the Bernster " 'JECTION! Compound Sentence!" on the neighbor? Overruled - he got it, he can answer the questions.

laughing out loud - the "compound sentence" objection only works on DD, Bern. Sit down.

did omara thank the bernster for providing so many strong witnesses for the defense
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