The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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204 lbs 5ft 7 obese

Zimmerman was 194 and is 5'8". He has gained 110 pounds for the trial.

the PA in testimony at court today

reviewed the document held by the state as evidence

said that the day after the shooting when he came to her office

he weighed 204 pounds and was 5 ft 7 making him obese

When you do your posting shorthand it cracks me up. It's like you're sending a telegraph.

the PA in testimony at court today
reviewed the document held by the state as evidence
said that the day after the shooting when he came to her office
he weighed 204 pounds and was 5 ft 7 making him obese

Yesterday, did you guys catch the Bernster " 'JECTION! Compound Sentence!" on the neighbor? Overruled - he got it, he can answer the questions.

laughing out loud - the "compound sentence" objection only works on DD, Bern. Sit down.

did omara thank the bernster for providing so many strong witnesses for the defense

He sure did pat him a lot yesterday. He's either the nicest attorney on the planet or it was gratitude.
Zimmerman was 194 and is 5'8". He has gained 110 pounds for the trial.

the PA in testimony at court today

reviewed the document held by the state as evidence

said that the day after the shooting when he came to her office

he weighed 204 pounds and was 5 ft 7 making him obese

When you do your posting shorthand it cracks me up. It's like you're sending a telegraph.

the PA in testimony at court today
reviewed the document held by the state as evidence
said that the day after the shooting when he came to her office
he weighed 204 pounds and was 5 ft 7 making him obese


thank you

i have worked hard to develop this style

it drives the trolls nutz

Yesterday, did you guys catch the Bernster " 'JECTION! Compound Sentence!" on the neighbor? Overruled - he got it, he can answer the questions.

laughing out loud - the "compound sentence" objection only works on DD, Bern. Sit down.

did omara thank the bernster for providing so many strong witnesses for the defense

He sure did pat him a lot yesterday. He's either the nicest attorney on the planet or it was gratitude.

he also touches the bernster by his elbow
besides appearing to be nice
it is also dominance gesture
Yeah? And there are plenty of black teens that hate crackers. Especially 13 month old crackers, so they shoot them IN THE FUCKING FACE.
Hello? Is anyone home, McFuckingFly? Teenagers are not fully cooked yet. They are mean, evil, ornery, obnoxious, hateful and selfish. BLack white brown yellow green blue. Doesn't matter. Teens are teens. And if I saw a black blue green brown yellow purple teen walking around my neighborhood and peeking in my house, you can bet I am going to shoot his fucking ass.

Two different cases. Those murderers are never getting out of jail and hopefully they get the chair but GZ must go free because he murdered a lower citizen.

Really. So blacks are now lower citizens? That came out of your own mouth. The baby was not a lower citizen because he was white. Right?
You just screwed your own pooch, dude.

Funny funny.
My experience is that most POs are very cautious about who they allow to follow. In fact, they can be held liable for actually instructing it and something happening as a result. So not sure how your community works, but definitely different than mine.

You took orders from a cop to do this? Hmmm.

Most of the time they advise against it and they are pretty firm about it. Why? Hello....GZ.

at least for this trial

the state quite by accident

blew the idea about zimmerman not allowed to follow

If GZ takes the stand...he will be pursued relentlessly about every action he did that night and what he could have differently. And he should be.

So far, there isn't a need for him to take the stand. The prosecution... errrr defense... witnesses have been testifying for him.
Yesterday, did you guys catch the Bernster " 'JECTION! Compound Sentence!" on the neighbor? Overruled - he got it, he can answer the questions.

laughing out loud - the "compound sentence" objection only works on DD, Bern. Sit down.

did omara thank the bernster for providing so many strong witnesses for the defense

He sure did pat him a lot yesterday. He's either the nicest attorney on the planet or it was gratitude.

At some point in the trial yesterday, I wondered if they were working together on this case. I've never seen the defense and prosecution 'help' each other like this before. In this case, it's the prosecution helping the defense. The defense really doesn't need to call anyone to the stand at this point, but I feel they need to get Z up there to tell his side. As long as he doesn't sway the least bit from what he told the police the night of the incident, everything in evidence so far corroborates his account.
did omara thank the bernster for providing so many strong witnesses for the defense

He sure did pat him a lot yesterday. He's either the nicest attorney on the planet or it was gratitude.

At some point in the trial yesterday, I wondered if they were working together on this case. I've never seen the defense and prosecution 'help' each other like this before. In this case, it's the prosecution helping the defense. The defense really doesn't need to call anyone to the stand at this point, but I feel they need to get Z up there to tell his side. As long as he doesn't sway the least bit from what he told the police the night of the incident, everything in evidence so far corroborates his account.

Mark got the Bernster to not impeach Good on "ground and pound" without an objection, just on charm alone, then on recross smashed it in his face.

I'm wondering if the prosecution is paying attention.
Mark has this
one upping thing
down "pat"

if i am not mistaken

the crump depo is to happen today

i thought
they did him
last week

they talked about it

another thing to chew on

this last week

from testimony

it was too dark and too rainy to see a few feet

if so how could zimmerman have being following martin

it is much more likely that

martin tuned in on zimmermans flashlight shining around
did omara thank the bernster for providing so many strong witnesses for the defense

He sure did pat him a lot yesterday. He's either the nicest attorney on the planet or it was gratitude.

At some point in the trial yesterday, I wondered if they were working together on this case. I've never seen the defense and prosecution 'help' each other like this before. In this case, it's the prosecution helping the defense. The defense really doesn't need to call anyone to the stand at this point, but I feel they need to get Z up there to tell his side. As long as he doesn't sway the least bit from what he told the police the night of the incident, everything in evidence so far corroborates his account.

i dont think he needs to take the stand

at this point anyway

the ground and pound testimony

please the PA saying that whatever zimmerman did to stop it

probably saved his life
He sure did pat him a lot yesterday. He's either the nicest attorney on the planet or it was gratitude.

At some point in the trial yesterday, I wondered if they were working together on this case. I've never seen the defense and prosecution 'help' each other like this before. In this case, it's the prosecution helping the defense. The defense really doesn't need to call anyone to the stand at this point, but I feel they need to get Z up there to tell his side. As long as he doesn't sway the least bit from what he told the police the night of the incident, everything in evidence so far corroborates his account.

Mark got the Bernster to not impeach Good on "ground and pound" without an objection, just on charm alone, then on recross smashed it in his face.

I'm wondering if the prosecution is paying attention.

I almost typed "redirect" instead of cross there.

He sure did pat him a lot yesterday. He's either the nicest attorney on the planet or it was gratitude.

At some point in the trial yesterday, I wondered if they were working together on this case. I've never seen the defense and prosecution 'help' each other like this before. In this case, it's the prosecution helping the defense. The defense really doesn't need to call anyone to the stand at this point, but I feel they need to get Z up there to tell his side. As long as he doesn't sway the least bit from what he told the police the night of the incident, everything in evidence so far corroborates his account.

i dont think he needs to take the stand

at this point anyway

the ground and pound testimony

please the PA saying that whatever zimmerman did to stop it

probably saved his life

What the hell was that at the end. M O'M charming her panties off? She not only testified logically and as a medical "expert", she made some choice defense up and above statements there at the end.
Funny how that works, huh? Ive heard some even try to say that cracker isnt a racial slur...calling it saltine (in other words white salt vs black pepper...another racial

Cracker refers to the "whip cracking" slave drivers of the yester century...its extremely offensive to those in the country trying to move forward.

yes exactly correct

did you see Andrew Branca piece tonight at legal insurrection

he says state opened the door

for defense to introduce video and other evidence of martins

activities and expertise in street-fighting

Good. Enough with the 12 year old Martin riding a pony. Let's see the REAL Trayvon Martin.

IMO, the real Trayvon was at best a very pathetic character even though the media tried its best to create a sympathy line for him. For all the 'he was just a kid' people have thrown around and all the media paint that has been applied, he was already taking the path to a very negative future. He was in trouble, his parents weren't there for him when he needed them the most, he was left on his own to roam around alone in the dark after being sent to his father to straighten him out, and saddest of all, he wasn't even missed until the following morning. If any one of the things that were wrong in his life had been right, we would not be having this conversation.
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