The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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oddly after her testimony

all of a sudden it isnt about racism anymore

Funny how that works, huh? Ive heard some even try to say that cracker isnt a racial slur...calling it saltine (in other words white salt vs black pepper...another racial

Cracker refers to the "whip cracking" slave drivers of the yester century...its extremely offensive to those in the country trying to move forward.

Cracker, Please!

Cracker was not used as a word to denigrate and oppress a whole race of people for centuries.

This is still all about racism. The very fact that you have a bunch of white people getting all upset that this girl wasn't very articulate or she was snippy or she couldn't read a letter someone else wrote shows we have a long way to go and people who aren't the least bit interested in "moving forward".

Moving Forward would be convicted Zimmerman of the top count. It would show black folks can expect the same level of justice white folks get.

Not interested in the facts, are you? You just want Zimmerman found guilty, regardless.
Again, you have proven yourself being a nut with what you post, Joe.
This isn't a open and shut case, the prosecution hasn't done a very good job with it's presentation and possibly because it isn't an open and shut case and has left a lot of openings for the defense.
As for the young lady, she was uncoachable and had changed her story on a few occasions.....that probably will hurt the prosecution's case. That isn't racism, those are facts and don't confuse the two.
If Zimmerman is guilty, it should be beyond any reasonable doubt, and that hasn't happened yet.
It bothers me that you are sure he's guilty before all the facts are on the table. All for the sake of being fair, when in fact, your being the opposite.
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yes exactly correct

did you see Andrew Branca piece tonight at legal insurrection

he says state opened the door

for defense to introduce video and other evidence of martins

activities and expertise in street-fighting

Good. Enough with the 12 year old Martin riding a pony. Let's see the REAL Trayvon Martin.

IMO, the real Trayvon was at best a very pathetic character even though the media tried its best to create a sympathy line for him. For all the 'he was just a kid' people have thrown around and all the media paint that has been applied, he was already taking the path to a very negative future. He was in trouble, his parents weren't there for him when he needed them the most, he was left on his own to roam around alone in the dark after being sent to his father to straighten him out, and saddest of all, he wasn't even missed until the following morning. If any one of the things that were wrong in his life had been right, we would not be having this conversation.

that is the tragedy of this whole thing

then you have kids that have made it to the 12th grade

that can not read cursive
At some point in the trial yesterday, I wondered if they were working together on this case. I've never seen the defense and prosecution 'help' each other like this before. In this case, it's the prosecution helping the defense. The defense really doesn't need to call anyone to the stand at this point, but I feel they need to get Z up there to tell his side. As long as he doesn't sway the least bit from what he told the police the night of the incident, everything in evidence so far corroborates his account.

i dont think he needs to take the stand

at this point anyway

the ground and pound testimony

please the PA saying that whatever zimmerman did to stop it

probably saved his life

What the hell was that at the end. M O'M charming her panties off? She not only testified logically and as a medical "expert", she made some choice defense up and above statements there at the end.

yes it was the last statement in her testimony for the weekendend btw

the last thing the jury heard from a witness

something else to throw around

the debris field at the crime scene

traveled from the (T) where zimmerman says he was

to the point where martins body was laying
The Nail In George Zimmerman False Claims

The Strata-Sphere » The Nail In George Zimmerman False Claims

Will there be an expert to explain this? Could make a difference.

He wasn't "pinned" according to the testimony. His hips were against the ground, but he could rotate and reach. And then there is the possibility that the holster moved enough to provide access to the gun.

and from john goodes testimony

the moved along the ground up on to the sidewalk

More likely the guy on the bottom was moving them by driving his feet to get out from under TM and / or get to the gun. This also of explains the scratches as self inflicted. Or maybe it was a part of the self defense plan if you believe in the murder conspiracy scenario.
At some point in the trial yesterday, I wondered if they were working together on this case. I've never seen the defense and prosecution 'help' each other like this before. In this case, it's the prosecution helping the defense. The defense really doesn't need to call anyone to the stand at this point, but I feel they need to get Z up there to tell his side. As long as he doesn't sway the least bit from what he told the police the night of the incident, everything in evidence so far corroborates his account.

i dont think he needs to take the stand

at this point anyway

the ground and pound testimony

please the PA saying that whatever zimmerman did to stop it

probably saved his life

What the hell was that at the end. M O'M charming her panties off? She not only testified logically and as a medical "expert", she made some choice defense up and above statements there at the end.

The PA did a good job. There were certain aspects that the prosecution could have honed in on in redirect and created a problem for Zimmerman if he had wanted to, but he didn't. At this juncture, I can't say if he didn't want to or he didn't know enough about the injuries to.

All of the witnesses have done a remarkable job and look SO calm, professional, and respectful after that first witness. They have also corroborated every word Zimmerman has said. If there is a conviction in this case, it will be a case of runaway jury. The facts just aren't there to support a conviction.
If anyone bangs anyone elses head on the concrete who has a gun - you know the rest. Zimmerman was excoriated, and convicted by all the racist blacks immediately. If Zimmerman walks, and riots ensue. Any blood spilled as a result should be on the hands of irresponsible racist assholes like Sharpton, and Jackson! :smoke:

Any spilled blood will be the result of self defense.
i thought
they did him
last week

they talked about it

another thing to chew on

this last week

from testimony

it was too dark and too rainy to see a few feet

if so how could zimmerman have being following martin

it is much more likely that

martin tuned in on zimmermans flashlight shining around


The darkness that this happened in was something that I honed in on from the beginning. I was surprised, through researching it, to find out just how dark that part of the neighborhood was around 7pm. There were no outside lights on in that area, no street lamps, no porch lights, etc. It was really dark. Your eyes would be straining just to see a couple of feet in front of you. Z was using his flashlight to be able to see. M didn't have one. M could very easily have 'followed' Z without being seen or noticed until he was up in Z's face; the element of surprise. That alone could put fear in someone.
Hey. I have a question.

Does George have to pay Bernie de la Rionda and John Guy for all the help they are giving his defense team? :dunno:
they talked about it

another thing to chew on

this last week

from testimony

it was too dark and too rainy to see a few feet

if so how could zimmerman have being following martin

it is much more likely that

martin tuned in on zimmermans flashlight shining around


The darkness that this happened in was something that I honed in on from the beginning. I was surprised, through researching it, to find out just how dark that part of the neighborhood was around 7pm. There were no outside lights on in that area, no street lamps, no porch lights, etc. It was really dark. Your eyes would be straining just to see a couple of feet in front of you. Z was using his flashlight to be able to see. M didn't have one. M could very easily have 'followed' Z without being seen or noticed until he was up in Z's face; the element of surprise. That alone could put fear in someone.


it would be easy for martin to locate zimmerman

while much harder for zimmerman to locate martin
If anyone bangs anyone elses head on the concrete who has a gun - you know the rest. Zimmerman was excoriated, and convicted by all the racist blacks immediately. If Zimmerman walks, and riots ensue. Any blood spilled as a result should be on the hands of irresponsible racist assholes like Sharpton, and Jackson! :smoke:

Any spilled blood will be the result of self defense.

Not if the National Guard is called in. I hear a faint echo............ Kent State, Kent State, Kent State......... Shades of civil disobedience gone bad! And stupid fools who can't learn still roam the earth today.
They won't accept responsibility. They'll blame it on whitey..

What is going to surprise them will be the backlash they get from Hispanics, if they're stupid enough to try to burn down any but their OWN neighborhoods.

Hopefully, they will stay true to their roots and, yet again, just smash, burn, kill in their own little piece of heaven.

If they burn down their OWN neighborhoods, Obama will just give them bigger and better ones, dontcha know. He has already strutted out on this one.

And here folks you have it. Trayvons murder is revenge for having a Black President. That's why the same people who wanted OJ to burn are now the SAME people who want Zimmerman to get off.
Good. Enough with the 12 year old Martin riding a pony. Let's see the REAL Trayvon Martin.

IMO, the real Trayvon was at best a very pathetic character even though the media tried its best to create a sympathy line for him. For all the 'he was just a kid' people have thrown around and all the media paint that has been applied, he was already taking the path to a very negative future. He was in trouble, his parents weren't there for him when he needed them the most, he was left on his own to roam around alone in the dark after being sent to his father to straighten him out, and saddest of all, he wasn't even missed until the following morning. If any one of the things that were wrong in his life had been right, we would not be having this conversation.

that is the tragedy of this whole thing

then you have kids that have made it to the 12th grade

that can not read cursive

Yes, and we have seen that in this trial as well.

As I watch this, I think of that somewhat long scene in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button where all the little things led up to the dancer being disabled, and any one of those things not happening would have prevented it. That is like this kid's life. If any one of the wrong things in his life had been right, he would never have heard of George Zimmerman.
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Not interested in the facts, are you? You just want Zimmerman found guilty, regardless.
Again, you have proven yourself being a nut with what you post, Joe.
This isn't a open and shut case, the prosecution hasn't done a very good job with it's presentation and possibly because it isn't an open and shut case and has left a lot of openings for the defense.
As for the young lady, she was uncoachable and had changed her story on a few occasions.....that probably will hurt the prosecution's case. That isn't racism, those are facts and don't confuse the two.
If Zimmerman is guilty, it should be beyond any reasonable doubt, and that hasn't happened yet.
It bothers me that you are sure he's guilty before all the facts are on the table. All for the sake of being fair, when in fact, your being the opposite.

I'm sure he's guilty because Trayvon is dead. I mean, it really doesn't get any simpler than that. There's no reasonable doubt about that. Trayvon is dead and Zimmerman killed him.

Because Florida let the gun nuts write the gun laws. That's why we have "reasonable doubt".

And frankly, if the defense strategy is to humiliate a black girl in front of an all-white jury, I'm afraid for the consequences of that.
His duty was not to confront but to call 911 according to the neighborhood watch rules and what the 911 guy told him.

And according to Zimmerman's sworn testimony, that's exactly what he did. Zimmerman claimed it was Martin that came back and assaulted him.

I'm not saying that's the truth (how could I know?), but I wonder how you're so damn sure it isn't. Care to explain?

Snookie WANTS Zimmerman to pay. It's not about the law. It's not about the right to defend yourself from bodily harm. It's about a white dude paying because a 12 year old black kid did a stupid thing.

Not about the law.

Man, that says it all about you.
They won't accept responsibility. They'll blame it on whitey..

What is going to surprise them will be the backlash they get from Hispanics, if they're stupid enough to try to burn down any but their OWN neighborhoods.

Hopefully, they will stay true to their roots and, yet again, just smash, burn, kill in their own little piece of heaven.

If they burn down their OWN neighborhoods, Obama will just give them bigger and better ones, dontcha know. He has already strutted out on this one.

And here folks you have it. Trayvons murder is revenge for having a Black President. That's why the same people who wanted OJ to burn are now the SAME people who want Zimmerman to get off.

Dude,you should be a comedian.
Of course you would have to be able to say that with a straight face. Delivery is everything.

that is the tragedy of this whole thing

then you have kids that have made it to the 12th grade

that can not read cursive

I don't see that as a tragedy. I haven't written in Cursive since the 1980's.

Since then, I've either written things in block letter, typed them or used a word processor.

We should probably replace handwriting with typing classes in the schools, if we haven't done so already. Why spend a lot of time teaching kids a skill they won't use?

The darkness that this happened in was something that I honed in on from the beginning. I was surprised, through researching it, to find out just how dark that part of the neighborhood was around 7pm. There were no outside lights on in that area, no street lamps, no porch lights, etc. It was really dark. Your eyes would be straining just to see a couple of feet in front of you. Z was using his flashlight to be able to see. M didn't have one. M could very easily have 'followed' Z without being seen or noticed until he was up in Z's face; the element of surprise. That alone could put fear in someone.


it would be easy for martin to locate zimmerman

while much harder for zimmerman to locate martin

Not true. Z was the follower.
they talked about it

another thing to chew on

this last week

from testimony

it was too dark and too rainy to see a few feet

if so how could zimmerman have being following martin

it is much more likely that

martin tuned in on zimmermans flashlight shining around


The darkness that this happened in was something that I honed in on from the beginning. I was surprised, through researching it, to find out just how dark that part of the neighborhood was around 7pm. There were no outside lights on in that area, no street lamps, no porch lights, etc. It was really dark. Your eyes would be straining just to see a couple of feet in front of you. Z was using his flashlight to be able to see. M didn't have one. M could very easily have 'followed' Z without being seen or noticed until he was up in Z's face; the element of surprise. That alone could put fear in someone.

It's the other way around.
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