The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Ok you guys. You have been accused of something. You have a lawyer to confer with. yourself in Zimmermans shoes. Would you like to have that judge as your judge??
Because Martin doubled back and confronted him. Or did you miss that part?

Well from what I have seen the shooting happened around a corner away from Zimmermans car. So certainly he did follow him. Is there evidence Martin doubled back?

Well, Zimmerman said he lost of sight of him. Others testified Martin said he ran away from him. So I leave it up to you to figure out how Martin encountered Zimmerman, who was on his way back to his car.

Well like I said the shooting was around a corner from Zimmermans car. That would be out of sight. Zimmerman got there by following Martin. While Martin could have gone farther away and come back, I've not yet heard any evidence of this.
got a rebut
going to have a rebutt butt like with Jodi?

here comes the manslaughter instruction stuff.
Look at this blank face. Where's your expression?

[ame=]George Zimmerman's Exclusive Full Interview With Sean Hannity 7/18/2012 - YouTube[/ame]
The motion to acquit (or whatever they call it in FL) is going to be

(a) denied

(b) denied

(c) denied

(d) all of the above.

BONUS question
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people would leave black people alone this would not happen, especially white cops in this world.

Who isn't leaving black people alone? How was Zimmerman supposed to leave a guy who is beating the crap out of him alone?
Code of Judicial Conduct - Canon 3

Judicial Code of Ethics for Florida:

Canon 3 (B)(2)(4)

(2) A judge shall be faithful to the law and maintain professional competence in it. A judge shall not be swayed by partisan interests, public clamor, or fear of criticism.

(4) A judge shall be patient, dignified, and courteous to litigants, jurors, witnesses, lawyers, and others with whom the judge deals in an official capacity, and shall require similar conduct of lawyers, and of staff, court officials, and others subject to the judge's direction and control.

The law should actually have protected GZ from prosecution, but because of the threats of race riots officials decided to ignore the law and allow GZ to be PERSECUTED in court.

I hope that after GZ walks the law is given the teeth that it should have, and that no more people are victimized by "professional victims" and their threats to create chaos or over zealous prosecutors trying to make a name for themselves.

TM was a thug, and he ended up where he was likely to end up at the hands of a fellow thug, if he didn't end up in prison first.

if the law was so wonderful then why did GZ not use it? He stated Or the lawyers did that they might use Stand your ground if they needed to. If it is so strong why not lead with it?

if you bothered following the case you would know it was a procedural issue about zimmerman having to take the stand

They didnt because the case is weak and they know it so there was no need to hide behind stand your ground.....
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