The one good thing about the capitol insurrection.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
Darn! And I so want you people to take me seriously!
When you can't admit the damage these people did is far, far worse than anything on Jan 6th why should anyone take you seriously?
They've done a shitload of property damage. They're unhinged, ignorant, bone-headed idiots who have their heads firmly up their asses. Worse, the leadership of those cities have been astonishingly weak, most likely because they're afraid of the political repercussions on the Left. So are, I assume, national Democratic politicians, who make sure to say as little about this as possible. Kind of like the way they regularly ignore the regular slaughter on the streets of Chicago from gang violence.

I could go on. But since you seem to enjoy maintaining a complete and arrogant ignorance of my positions on issues, why bother.

And don't worry -- I won't ask you to take an honest look at the Trumpian violence on our nation's Capitol and our very electoral process. I know that you have neither the honesty nor the honor to do so. Not to mention the fact that you've been completely conned. By a buffoon.

You're welcome!
Anx yet you support the rioting in the cities.
Nobody supports rioting, you idiot.

Protesting, not rioting.






What about the thugs in the pictures above



Is that you standing on the car?
If BLM has done what the "insurrectionists" had done,
I would be the first to condemn then.
Best get to condemning then, because although not by label or title maybe, they were definitely at these incidents after or before being inducted into the movement's.
Lies will not change reality. The Capitol insurrection was tRumplings. Nobody else.
I'm talking about incident's in general, and not specifically the one on the 6th although it's proven that opposition forces to the rally were there as well.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

Yeah, which is EXACTLY why the Democrats labeled it an insurrection in the first place. I can assure you that if the roles had been reversed and BLM had done what the "insurrectionists" had done, it would NOT have been treated the same way by Democratic politicians or the media. Democratic voters are very gullible.
Well we've done seen the actual accounting of that, where as if it would have been Trump being sworn in again, and BLM or other activist would have attacked, and looted, and burned Washington businesses and/or neighborhood's, you would have seen Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and all the other colorful characters come out in support of the mayhem, because they saw Trump as an existential threat to the nation and abroad (the lie pushed for 4+ years by the leftist Democrat's). What's interesting is the GOP not calling the Democrat insurrection exactly what it was when they had the power and ability to do so. If undermined the nation in favor of globalism, then we don't need those kinds of knuckle heads doing the people's business, because look at what they caused now.


Except you, when it suits your partisan objectives as evidenced by your creation of THIS THREAD in which you announced your glee at being able to use one as a prop for your partisan aspirations of consolidating power.

One has to wonder why you continually attempt to demonize “Trumpsters” when in fact you’re EXACTLY like them.



We've already been over the rest of this as well. I am not "gleeful" that the Capitol insurrection happened. I am happy it will not be soon forgotten. People we be reminded annually that republicans attempted a.violent overthrow of the duly elected government.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
Darn! And I so want you people to take me seriously!
When you can't admit the damage these people did is far, far worse than anything on Jan 6th why should anyone take you seriously?
They've done a shitload of property damage. They're unhinged, ignorant, bone-headed idiots who have their heads firmly up their asses. Worse, the leadership of those cities have been astonishingly weak, most likely because they're afraid of the political repercussions on the Left. So are, I assume, national Democratic politicians, who make sure to say as little about this as possible. Kind of like the way they regularly ignore the regular slaughter on the streets of Chicago from gang violence.

I could go on. But since you seem to enjoy maintaining a complete and arrogant ignorance of my positions on issues, why bother.

And don't worry -- I won't ask you to take an honest look at the Trumpian violence on our nation's Capitol and our very electoral process. I know that you have neither the honesty nor the honor to do so. Not to mention the fact that you've been completely conned. By a buffoon.

You're welcome!
Anx yet you support the rioting in the cities.
Nobody supports rioting, you idiot.

Protesting, not rioting.






What about the thugs in the pictures above


Maybe not directly or outwardly, but if support or go along with the movement's confusing charters or messaging, then it's the same thing.


The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
Darn! And I so want you people to take me seriously!
When you can't admit the damage these people did is far, far worse than anything on Jan 6th why should anyone take you seriously?
They've done a shitload of property damage. They're unhinged, ignorant, bone-headed idiots who have their heads firmly up their asses. Worse, the leadership of those cities have been astonishingly weak, most likely because they're afraid of the political repercussions on the Left. So are, I assume, national Democratic politicians, who make sure to say as little about this as possible. Kind of like the way they regularly ignore the regular slaughter on the streets of Chicago from gang violence.

I could go on. But since you seem to enjoy maintaining a complete and arrogant ignorance of my positions on issues, why bother.

And don't worry -- I won't ask you to take an honest look at the Trumpian violence on our nation's Capitol and our very electoral process. I know that you have neither the honesty nor the honor to do so. Not to mention the fact that you've been completely conned. By a buffoon.

You're welcome!
Anx yet you support the rioting in the cities.
Nobody supports rioting, you idiot.

Protesting, not rioting.






What about the thugs in the pictures above



Is that you standing on the car?


The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
there was never an insurrection. it was a protest.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

Yeah, which is EXACTLY why the Democrats labeled it an insurrection in the first place. I can assure you that if the roles had been reversed and BLM had done what the "insurrectionists" had done, it would NOT have been treated the same way by Democratic politicians or the media. Democratic voters are very gullible.
Well we've done seen the actual accounting of that, where as if it would have been Trump being sworn in again, and BLM or other activist would have attacked, and looted, and burned Washington businesses and/or neighborhood's, you would have seen Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and all the other colorful characters come out in support of the mayhem, because they saw Trump as an existential threat to the nation and abroad (the lie pushed for 4+ years by the leftist Democrat's). What's interesting is the GOP not calling the Democrat insurrection exactly what it was when they had the power and ability to do so. If undermined the nation in favor of globalism, then we don't need those kinds of knuckle heads doing the people's business, because look at what they caused now.


Except you, when it suits your partisan objectives as evidenced by your creation of THIS THREAD in which you announced your glee at being able to use one as a prop for your partisan aspirations of consolidating power.

One has to wonder why you continually attempt to demonize “Trumpsters” when in fact you’re EXACTLY like them.



We've already been over the rest of this as well. I am not "gleeful" that the Capitol insurrection happened. I am happy it will not be soon forgotten. People we be reminded annually that republicans attempted a.violent overthrow of the duly elected government.
And the country will be reminded constantly how leftist react when it doesn't get it's arrogant way, and how it supports criminals over the good citizen's, and over civilized society that believes in law and order.
If BLM has done what the "insurrectionists" had done,
I would be the first to condemn then.
Best get to condemning then, because although not by label or title maybe, they were definitely at these incidents after or before being inducted into the movement's.
Lies will not change reality. The Capitol insurrection was tRumplings. Nobody else.
I'm talking about incident's in general, and not specifically the one on the 6th although it's proven that opposition forces to the rally were there as well.
No, you weren't, no it hasn't.

It was tRumplings assaulting congress, chanting "hang Mike Pence", building makeshift gallows, beating police officers, planting bombs, trying to smuggle guns in...

Nobody else. Deal with it.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
there was never an insurrection. it was a protest.
Stop lying, we all watched it live on TV.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

Yeah, which is EXACTLY why the Democrats labeled it an insurrection in the first place. I can assure you that if the roles had been reversed and BLM had done what the "insurrectionists" had done, it would NOT have been treated the same way by Democratic politicians or the media. Democratic voters are very gullible.
Well we've done seen the actual accounting of that, where as if it would have been Trump being sworn in again, and BLM or other activist would have attacked, and looted, and burned Washington businesses and/or neighborhood's, you would have seen Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and all the other colorful characters come out in support of the mayhem, because they saw Trump as an existential threat to the nation and abroad (the lie pushed for 4+ years by the leftist Democrat's). What's interesting is the GOP not calling the Democrat insurrection exactly what it was when they had the power and ability to do so. If undermined the nation in favor of globalism, then we don't need those kinds of knuckle heads doing the people's business, because look at what they caused now.


Except you, when it suits your partisan objectives as evidenced by your creation of THIS THREAD in which you announced your glee at being able to use one as a prop for your partisan aspirations of consolidating power.

One has to wonder why you continually attempt to demonize “Trumpsters” when in fact you’re EXACTLY like them.



We've already been over the rest of this as well. I am not "gleeful" that the Capitol insurrection happened. I am happy it will not be soon forgotten. People we be reminded annually that republicans attempted a.violent overthrow of the duly elected government.
And the country will be reminded constantly how leftist react when it doesn't get it's arrogant way, and how it supports criminals over the good citizen's, and over civilized society that believes in law and order.
In your dreams.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
there was never an insurrection. it was a protest.
Yep, a protest that got out of hand. The Democrat's ought to know about such things, because they are master's at it.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
there was never an insurrection. it was a protest.
Yep, a protest that got out of hand. The Democrat's ought to know about such things, because they are master's at it.
It was an insurrection. We all watched it live on TV.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
there was never an insurrection. it was a protest.
Stop lying, we all watched it live on TV.
Watched what ??? Describe for the class what an insurrection is, and how does it work, and what are the goals of one. You witnessed a compassionate protest that got out of hand, and it was all because the people thought that their election was being hijacked. Yes, of course it's work for the justice systems and court's to figure out, but meanwhile the audit's are being conducted for that very reason.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

Yeah, which is EXACTLY why the Democrats labeled it an insurrection in the first place. I can assure you that if the roles had been reversed and BLM had done what the "insurrectionists" had done, it would NOT have been treated the same way by Democratic politicians or the media. Democratic voters are very gullible.
Well we've done seen the actual accounting of that, where as if it would have been Trump being sworn in again, and BLM or other activist would have attacked, and looted, and burned Washington businesses and/or neighborhood's, you would have seen Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and all the other colorful characters come out in support of the mayhem, because they saw Trump as an existential threat to the nation and abroad (the lie pushed for 4+ years by the leftist Democrat's). What's interesting is the GOP not calling the Democrat insurrection exactly what it was when they had the power and ability to do so. If undermined the nation in favor of globalism, then we don't need those kinds of knuckle heads doing the people's business, because look at what they caused now.


Except you, when it suits your partisan objectives as evidenced by your creation of THIS THREAD in which you announced your glee at being able to use one as a prop for your partisan aspirations of consolidating power.

One has to wonder why you continually attempt to demonize “Trumpsters” when in fact you’re EXACTLY like them.



We've already been over the rest of this as well. I am not "gleeful" that the Capitol insurrection happened. I am happy it will not be soon forgotten. People we be reminded annually that republicans attempted a.violent overthrow of the duly elected government.
And the country will be reminded constantly how leftist react when it doesn't get it's arrogant way, and how it supports criminals over the good citizen's, and over civilized society that believes in law and order.
In your dreams.
No, more like in realville.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
there was never an insurrection. it was a protest.
Stop lying, we all watched it live on TV.
Watched what ??? Describe for the class what an insurrection is, and how does it work, and what are the goals of one. You witnessed a compassionate protest that got out of hand, and it was all because the people thought that their election was being hijacked. Yes, of course it's work for the justice systems and court's to figure out, but meanwhile the audit's are being conducted for that very reason.
They attempted to overthrow the government and install a dictator. We all watched it live on TV. You did too. Stop with the nonsense.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
Darn! And I so want you people to take me seriously!
When you can't admit the damage these people did is far, far worse than anything on Jan 6th why should anyone take you seriously?
They've done a shitload of property damage. They're unhinged, ignorant, bone-headed idiots who have their heads firmly up their asses. Worse, the leadership of those cities have been astonishingly weak, most likely because they're afraid of the political repercussions on the Left. So are, I assume, national Democratic politicians, who make sure to say as little about this as possible. Kind of like the way they regularly ignore the regular slaughter on the streets of Chicago from gang violence.

I could go on. But since you seem to enjoy maintaining a complete and arrogant ignorance of my positions on issues, why bother.

And don't worry -- I won't ask you to take an honest look at the Trumpian violence on our nation's Capitol and our very electoral process. I know that you have neither the honesty nor the honor to do so. Not to mention the fact that you've been completely conned. By a buffoon.

You're welcome!
Anx yet you support the rioting in the cities.
Nobody supports rioting, you idiot.

Protesting, not rioting.






What about the thugs in the pictures above



Is that you standing on the car?



These guys wuv it.

Were you there?

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

Yeah, which is EXACTLY why the Democrats labeled it an insurrection in the first place. I can assure you that if the roles had been reversed and BLM had done what the "insurrectionists" had done, it would NOT have been treated the same way by Democratic politicians or the media. Democratic voters are very gullible.
Well we've done seen the actual accounting of that, where as if it would have been Trump being sworn in again, and BLM or other activist would have attacked, and looted, and burned Washington businesses and/or neighborhood's, you would have seen Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and all the other colorful characters come out in support of the mayhem, because they saw Trump as an existential threat to the nation and abroad (the lie pushed for 4+ years by the leftist Democrat's). What's interesting is the GOP not calling the Democrat insurrection exactly what it was when they had the power and ability to do so. If undermined the nation in favor of globalism, then we don't need those kinds of knuckle heads doing the people's business, because look at what they caused now.


Except you, when it suits your partisan objectives as evidenced by your creation of THIS THREAD in which you announced your glee at being able to use one as a prop for your partisan aspirations of consolidating power.

One has to wonder why you continually attempt to demonize “Trumpsters” when in fact you’re EXACTLY like them.



We've already been over the rest of this as well. I am not "gleeful" that the Capitol insurrection happened. I am happy it will not be soon forgotten. People we be reminded annually that republicans attempted a.violent overthrow of the duly elected government.
And the country will be reminded constantly how leftist react when it doesn't get it's arrogant way, and how it supports criminals over the good citizen's, and over civilized society that believes in law and order.
In your dreams.
No, more like in realville.
Realville? Thanks Shaggy.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
Darn! And I so want you people to take me seriously!
When you can't admit the damage these people did is far, far worse than anything on Jan 6th why should anyone take you seriously?
They've done a shitload of property damage. They're unhinged, ignorant, bone-headed idiots who have their heads firmly up their asses. Worse, the leadership of those cities have been astonishingly weak, most likely because they're afraid of the political repercussions on the Left. So are, I assume, national Democratic politicians, who make sure to say as little about this as possible. Kind of like the way they regularly ignore the regular slaughter on the streets of Chicago from gang violence.

I could go on. But since you seem to enjoy maintaining a complete and arrogant ignorance of my positions on issues, why bother.

And don't worry -- I won't ask you to take an honest look at the Trumpian violence on our nation's Capitol and our very electoral process. I know that you have neither the honesty nor the honor to do so. Not to mention the fact that you've been completely conned. By a buffoon.

You're welcome!
Anx yet you support the rioting in the cities.
Nobody supports rioting, you idiot.

Protesting, not rioting.






What about the thugs in the pictures above



Is that you standing on the car?



These guys wuv it.

Were you there?



The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
We already did this one. You need to get your handlers to send you new stuff.
why? the TRUTH must really eat you up you ask yourself, ever, why you are such a pathetic shit stain...being as you agree w/the bottom 2...that makes you a anti-AMERICA piece of shit
I'm anti-american? I didn't try to overthrow our democracy and install and orange dick-tater.
Yes you are, turd. You've made it plain that you hate America. No one else tried to overthrow our government either.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
Darn! And I so want you people to take me seriously!
When you can't admit the damage these people did is far, far worse than anything on Jan 6th why should anyone take you seriously?
They've done a shitload of property damage. They're unhinged, ignorant, bone-headed idiots who have their heads firmly up their asses. Worse, the leadership of those cities have been astonishingly weak, most likely because they're afraid of the political repercussions on the Left. So are, I assume, national Democratic politicians, who make sure to say as little about this as possible. Kind of like the way they regularly ignore the regular slaughter on the streets of Chicago from gang violence.

I could go on. But since you seem to enjoy maintaining a complete and arrogant ignorance of my positions on issues, why bother.

And don't worry -- I won't ask you to take an honest look at the Trumpian violence on our nation's Capitol and our very electoral process. I know that you have neither the honesty nor the honor to do so. Not to mention the fact that you've been completely conned. By a buffoon.

You're welcome!
Anx yet you support the rioting in the cities.
Nobody supports rioting, you idiot.

Protesting, not rioting.






What about the thugs in the pictures above



Is that you standing on the car?



These guys wuv it.

Were you there?






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