The one good thing about the capitol insurrection.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
Darn! And I so want you people to take me seriously!
When you can't admit the damage these people did is far, far worse than anything on Jan 6th why should anyone take you seriously?
They've done a shitload of property damage. They're unhinged, ignorant, bone-headed idiots who have their heads firmly up their asses. Worse, the leadership of those cities have been astonishingly weak, most likely because they're afraid of the political repercussions on the Left. So are, I assume, national Democratic politicians, who make sure to say as little about this as possible. Kind of like the way they regularly ignore the regular slaughter on the streets of Chicago from gang violence.

I could go on. But since you seem to enjoy maintaining a complete and arrogant ignorance of my positions on issues, why bother.

And don't worry -- I won't ask you to take an honest look at the Trumpian violence on our nation's Capitol and our very electoral process. I know that you have neither the honesty nor the honor to do so. Not to mention the fact that you've been completely conned. By a buffoon.

You're welcome!
Anx yet you support the rioting in the cities.
Quote me doing that, please. Just one. One quote will do.

Oh, that's right: You're a Trumpster. You just lie as needed.
Please. You're a frigging far.Left whackjob just like everyone else in the DemoCRAP party. And Antifa/ BLM, well, they're your team.
Yeah, I didn't think so.

This happens every day. You guys never back up your words.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
We already did this one. You need to get your handlers to send you new stuff.
why? the TRUTH must really eat you up you ask yourself, ever, why you are such a pathetic shit stain...being as you agree w/the bottom 2...that makes you a anti-AMERICA piece of shit
I'm anti-american? I didn't try to overthrow our democracy and install and orange dick-tater.
yes you are...any one that supports the corrupted, scum demonRATS fits that definition....the rioters were actors of black FLIES matter, and the other group of PIG-LOUSI paid criminals....until you can accept the TRUTH, you will be a anti-AMERICAn asshole
Wrong. Video footage all over the fucking web proves otherwise. Something is wrong with you. Seriously wrong.
actually, after reading that pathetic response, it explains why you spew lies believe everything from the publishers of the msm, oh, and anything found on the internet-must be true-(lol).....something serious is wrong w/you----you lack a brain
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
Darn! And I so want you people to take me seriously!
When you can't admit the damage these people did is far, far worse than anything on Jan 6th why should anyone take you seriously?
They've done a shitload of property damage. They're unhinged, ignorant, bone-headed idiots who have their heads firmly up their asses. Worse, the leadership of those cities have been astonishingly weak, most likely because they're afraid of the political repercussions on the Left. So are, I assume, national Democratic politicians, who make sure to say as little about this as possible. Kind of like the way they regularly ignore the regular slaughter on the streets of Chicago from gang violence.

I could go on. But since you seem to enjoy maintaining a complete and arrogant ignorance of my positions on issues, why bother.

And don't worry -- I won't ask you to take an honest look at the Trumpian violence on our nation's Capitol and our very electoral process. I know that you have neither the honesty nor the honor to do so. Not to mention the fact that you've been completely conned. By a buffoon.

You're welcome!
Anx yet you support the rioting in the cities.
Quote me doing that, please. Just one. One quote will do.

Oh, that's right: You're a Trumpster. You just lie as needed.
that's right: You're a scum demonRAT. You just lie.....period
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
Darn! And I so want you people to take me seriously!
When you can't admit the damage these people did is far, far worse than anything on Jan 6th why should anyone take you seriously?
They've done a shitload of property damage. They're unhinged, ignorant, bone-headed idiots who have their heads firmly up their asses. Worse, the leadership of those cities have been astonishingly weak, most likely because they're afraid of the political repercussions on the Left. So are, I assume, national Democratic politicians, who make sure to say as little about this as possible. Kind of like the way they regularly ignore the regular slaughter on the streets of Chicago from gang violence.

I could go on. But since you seem to enjoy maintaining a complete and arrogant ignorance of my positions on issues, why bother.

And don't worry -- I won't ask you to take an honest look at the Trumpian violence on our nation's Capitol and our very electoral process. I know that you have neither the honesty nor the honor to do so. Not to mention the fact that you've been completely conned. By a buffoon.

You're welcome!
Anx yet you support the rioting in the cities.
Quote me doing that, please. Just one. One quote will do.

Oh, that's right: You're a Trumpster. You just lie as needed.
that's right: You're a scum demonRAT. You just lie.....period
Examples, please. I'm sure you have many.

Here we go again! :laugh:
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

An insurrection with no guns.

Silly leftist
How do you think they had insurrections before guns?

Dumb-ass tRumpling.
I’m going to take a wild guess...they would use the best weapons available at the time.
Do I need to explain the rest to you or do you want to do a few more bong hits so you can forget you didn’t think up then actually post such stupidity?
Hard to get guns close to the Capitol. Perhaps they used the best weapons they had at the time?

God damn you're stupid. Put down the crack pipe for once.

Pathetic attempt pretending you’re not an absolute moron.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again
On each anniversary everyone will be talking about the stolen election.

They falsely believe that they can easily dismiss it by calling it 'The Big Lie' with constant propagandist media back-up.
It is "The Big Lie". Get used to it.
that's hilarious coming from a dumb-ass LYING, scum, demonRAT...tell us another!
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
We already did this one. You need to get your handlers to send you new stuff.
why? the TRUTH must really eat you up you ask yourself, ever, why you are such a pathetic shit stain...being as you agree w/the bottom 2...that makes you a anti-AMERICA piece of shit
I'm anti-american? I didn't try to overthrow our democracy and install and orange dick-tater.
yes you are...any one that supports the corrupted, scum demonRATS fits that definition....the rioters were actors of black FLIES matter, and the other group of PIG-LOUSI paid criminals....until you can accept the TRUTH, you will be a anti-AMERICAn asshole
Wrong. Video footage all over the fucking web proves otherwise. Something is wrong with you. Seriously wrong.
actually, after reading that pathetic response, it explains why you spew lies believe everything from the publishers of the msm, oh, and anything found on the internet-must be true-(lol).....something serious is wrong w/you----you lack a brain
What media do you trust.... and believe them? Please name them. Ty
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
We already did this one. You need to get your handlers to send you new stuff.
why? the TRUTH must really eat you up you ask yourself, ever, why you are such a pathetic shit stain...being as you agree w/the bottom 2...that makes you a anti-AMERICA piece of shit
I'm anti-american? I didn't try to overthrow our democracy and install and orange dick-tater.
yes you are...any one that supports the corrupted, scum demonRATS fits that definition....the rioters were actors of black FLIES matter, and the other group of PIG-LOUSI paid criminals....until you can accept the TRUTH, you will be a anti-AMERICAn asshole
Wrong. Video footage all over the fucking web proves otherwise. Something is wrong with you. Seriously wrong.
actually, after reading that pathetic response, it explains why you spew lies believe everything from the publishers of the msm, oh, and anything found on the internet-must be true-(lol).....something serious is wrong w/you----you lack a brain
What media do you trust.... and believe them? Please name them. Ty

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
We already did this one. You need to get your handlers to send you new stuff.
why? the TRUTH must really eat you up you ask yourself, ever, why you are such a pathetic shit stain...being as you agree w/the bottom 2...that makes you a anti-AMERICA piece of shit
I'm anti-american? I didn't try to overthrow our democracy and install and orange dick-tater.
yes you are...any one that supports the corrupted, scum demonRATS fits that definition....the rioters were actors of black FLIES matter, and the other group of PIG-LOUSI paid criminals....until you can accept the TRUTH, you will be a anti-AMERICAn asshole
Wrong. Video footage all over the fucking web proves otherwise. Something is wrong with you. Seriously wrong.
actually, after reading that pathetic response, it explains why you spew lies believe everything from the publishers of the msm, oh, and anything found on the internet-must be true-(lol).....something serious is wrong w/you----you lack a brain
What media do you trust.... and believe them? Please name them. Ty
That's kind of a loaded question Care4all , it's not really a question of what media do you trust, it's a question of how does one discern facts from opinions. That's difficult today since ALL of the major media outlets have taken to publishing INFOTAINMENT pieces targeted at selected audiences where opinion is heavily interspersed with facts, headlines are highly suggestive and misleading and the bias of the author creeps into conclusions drawn by the piece.

ALL of the large media outlets do this and you can see the results right here on this board, it's a big reason why there's so much anger, division and views that are wildly diverged from common sense. So IMHO the bottom line has become that you have to be VERY vigilant when reading any article from any major news outlet and make your best effort to separate fact from opinion as well as ignoring all the intentionally provocative "filler" that often gets inserted. That's not to say EVERY piece is like this but A LOT of them are and it's a chore to sift through all the BS to figure out what is actually fact and what is just "entertainment".

The reason all of them are doing this? It's what we the public demands and what we'll pay the most for, so in the end we're the ones responsible for the fact that our press corps has largely turned into entertainers rather than journalists.

Best one can do is to try to read the same stories on multiple outlets and reconcile them together to try and get a picture of what's REALLY going on, Obama was right on this one when he suggested getting ones "news" from multiple sources.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

Yeah, which is EXACTLY why the Democrats labeled it an insurrection in the first place. I can assure you that if the roles had been reversed and BLM had done what the "insurrectionists" had done, it would NOT have been treated the same way by Democratic politicians or the media. Democratic voters are very gullible.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

Yeah, which is EXACTLY why the Democrats labeled it an insurrection in the first place. I can assure you that if the roles had been reversed and BLM had done what the "insurrectionists" had done, it would NOT have been treated the same way by Democratic politicians or the media. Democratic voters are very gullible.
If BLM has done what the "insurrectionists" had done, it would have been the Republicans labeling it as an insurrection.

Both parties are so steeped in hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance that it's a wonder their brains still have enough excess energy left to keep them drawing breath.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Who are you trying to kid? Dims love Jan 6. It's a propaganda gold mine for them.
Propaganda has negative connotations. This is campaign add material, and yes, it is a goldmine.
Until the steal is exposed totally, then it's a cave in on leftist.
Communist Democrats need to keep this tall tale alive hoping to influence the 2022 election and the 2024 election after that. Muddy the waters, keep that Niagra of lies flowing.

Communist democrats are just despicable. Truly abhorrently despicable.
The sad part is the "never Trumpers", and what they were doing that ushered all of this in. I bet they are highly regretful of the current situation now or uhhh maybe not.
That's one of the more delusional responses in a thread full of delusional republican responses.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
We already did this one. You need to get your handlers to send you new stuff.
why? the TRUTH must really eat you up you ask yourself, ever, why you are such a pathetic shit stain...being as you agree w/the bottom 2...that makes you a anti-AMERICA piece of shit
I'm anti-american? I didn't try to overthrow our democracy and install and orange dick-tater.
yes you are...any one that supports the corrupted, scum demonRATS fits that definition....the rioters were actors of black FLIES matter, and the other group of PIG-LOUSI paid criminals....until you can accept the TRUTH, you will be a anti-AMERICAn asshole
Get treatment, fast.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
We already did this one. You need to get your handlers to send you new stuff.
why? the TRUTH must really eat you up you ask yourself, ever, why you are such a pathetic shit stain...being as you agree w/the bottom 2...that makes you a anti-AMERICA piece of shit
I'm anti-american? I didn't try to overthrow our democracy and install and orange dick-tater.
yes you are...any one that supports the corrupted, scum demonRATS fits that definition....the rioters were actors of black FLIES matter, and the other group of PIG-LOUSI paid criminals....until you can accept the TRUTH, you will be a anti-AMERICAn asshole
Get treatment, fast.
He's like this all the time.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
We already did this one. You need to get your handlers to send you new stuff.
why? the TRUTH must really eat you up you ask yourself, ever, why you are such a pathetic shit stain...being as you agree w/the bottom 2...that makes you a anti-AMERICA piece of shit
I'm anti-american? I didn't try to overthrow our democracy and install and orange dick-tater.
yes you are...any one that supports the corrupted, scum demonRATS fits that definition....the rioters were actors of black FLIES matter, and the other group of PIG-LOUSI paid criminals....until you can accept the TRUTH, you will be a anti-AMERICAn asshole
Wrong. Video footage all over the fucking web proves otherwise. Something is wrong with you. Seriously wrong.
Until we can arrange for mass deprogramming for these folks they're never gonna change their "minds".
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
Darn! And I so want you people to take me seriously!
When you can't admit the damage these people did is far, far worse than anything on Jan 6th why should anyone take you seriously?
They've done a shitload of property damage. They're unhinged, ignorant, bone-headed idiots who have their heads firmly up their asses. Worse, the leadership of those cities have been astonishingly weak, most likely because they're afraid of the political repercussions on the Left. So are, I assume, national Democratic politicians, who make sure to say as little about this as possible. Kind of like the way they regularly ignore the regular slaughter on the streets of Chicago from gang violence.

I could go on. But since you seem to enjoy maintaining a complete and arrogant ignorance of my positions on issues, why bother.

And don't worry -- I won't ask you to take an honest look at the Trumpian violence on our nation's Capitol and our very electoral process. I know that you have neither the honesty nor the honor to do so. Not to mention the fact that you've been completely conned. By a buffoon.

You're welcome!
Anx yet you support the rioting in the cities.
Nobody supports rioting, you idiot.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
Darn! And I so want you people to take me seriously!
When you can't admit the damage these people did is far, far worse than anything on Jan 6th why should anyone take you seriously?
They've done a shitload of property damage. They're unhinged, ignorant, bone-headed idiots who have their heads firmly up their asses. Worse, the leadership of those cities have been astonishingly weak, most likely because they're afraid of the political repercussions on the Left. So are, I assume, national Democratic politicians, who make sure to say as little about this as possible. Kind of like the way they regularly ignore the regular slaughter on the streets of Chicago from gang violence.

I could go on. But since you seem to enjoy maintaining a complete and arrogant ignorance of my positions on issues, why bother.

And don't worry -- I won't ask you to take an honest look at the Trumpian violence on our nation's Capitol and our very electoral process. I know that you have neither the honesty nor the honor to do so. Not to mention the fact that you've been completely conned. By a buffoon.

You're welcome!
Anx yet you support the rioting in the cities.
Quote me doing that, please. Just one. One quote will do.

Oh, that's right: You're a Trumpster. You just lie as needed.
Please. You're a frigging far.Left whackjob just like everyone else in the DemoCRAP party. And Antifa/ BLM, well, they're your team.
More RWNJ projection?
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
Darn! And I so want you people to take me seriously!
When you can't admit the damage these people did is far, far worse than anything on Jan 6th why should anyone take you seriously?
They've done a shitload of property damage. They're unhinged, ignorant, bone-headed idiots who have their heads firmly up their asses. Worse, the leadership of those cities have been astonishingly weak, most likely because they're afraid of the political repercussions on the Left. So are, I assume, national Democratic politicians, who make sure to say as little about this as possible. Kind of like the way they regularly ignore the regular slaughter on the streets of Chicago from gang violence.

I could go on. But since you seem to enjoy maintaining a complete and arrogant ignorance of my positions on issues, why bother.

And don't worry -- I won't ask you to take an honest look at the Trumpian violence on our nation's Capitol and our very electoral process. I know that you have neither the honesty nor the honor to do so. Not to mention the fact that you've been completely conned. By a buffoon.

You're welcome!
Anx yet you support the rioting in the cities.
Nobody supports rioting, you idiot.
It's what they're told in their universe, so....
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.
Yep. And plus, the entire country is now taking right wing domestic terrorism seriously, and that includes the Feds.

And these folks keep bragging about how many guns they have, and they keep threatening to use them.

Good. Keep talking.
LefTard Logic:

Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Not Domestic Terrorists / Insurrectionists-


Please stop wondering why NOBODY decent, sane and paying attention takes you whack-jobs seriously.
We already did this one. You need to get your handlers to send you new stuff.
why? the TRUTH must really eat you up you ask yourself, ever, why you are such a pathetic shit stain...being as you agree w/the bottom 2...that makes you a anti-AMERICA piece of shit
I'm anti-american? I didn't try to overthrow our democracy and install and orange dick-tater.
yes you are...any one that supports the corrupted, scum demonRATS fits that definition....the rioters were actors of black FLIES matter, and the other group of PIG-LOUSI paid criminals....until you can accept the TRUTH, you will be a anti-AMERICAn asshole
Wrong. Video footage all over the fucking web proves otherwise. Something is wrong with you. Seriously wrong.
actually, after reading that pathetic response, it explains why you spew lies believe everything from the publishers of the msm, oh, and anything found on the internet-must be true-(lol).....something serious is wrong w/you----you lack a brain
Lol, and you've got the nerve to call the other guys response pathetic? All you did was repeat his response and add some RWNJobbery.

And everyone on the planet knows it was the tRumplings who attacked the Capitol. Well, everyone except you drooling idiots.
The one good thing about the capitol insurrection is that in a couple hundred days the anniversary comes up, and everyone will be talking about it again, just a few months before the midterms. There will be special reports, miniseries, who knows what on TV and radio. Full page spreads in the remaining newspapers, speeches on Capitol Hill... All kinda fun stuff.

An insurrection with no guns.

Silly leftist
How do you think they had insurrections before guns?

Dumb-ass tRumpling.
I’m going to take a wild guess...they would use the best weapons available at the time.
Do I need to explain the rest to you or do you want to do a few more bong hits so you can forget you didn’t think up then actually post such stupidity?
Hard to get guns close to the Capitol. Perhaps they used the best weapons they had at the time?

God damn you're stupid. Put down the crack pipe for once.

Pathetic attempt pretending you’re not an absolute moron.
I don't have to pretend, Son. I'm no bloody tRumpling.

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