The only Democrat who has a chance to defeat President Donald Trump

Well... whatever.

And yeah, I'll own my sig line forever.

So what's you're point? Why did you copy and paste it?

Say something that's understandable.
Everything I post is understandable.
"So what's you're point? Why did you copy and paste it?"
To show you how negative you are.
Weird... I don't see anything negative in my sig.

Care to point out what you think is negative?
For starters.

That's just a fact... nothing negative about it.

Triggered you, didn't it?

Nope not a fact. And certainly not triggered. I'll leave that to you.
Well then maybe you shouldn't have copy and pasted it in a post and not been able to explain what you found wrong with it. Then nobody would get the impression you were triggered.

Maybe think a little bit before you post.
He doesn't stand a chance pard... none of them do... not a snowballs' chance in hell.
Orange Snowball coming to take you SS, Medicaid, and retirement benefits. Keep it up, 007.
Holy cow dude... you must have scored some good drugs earlier tonight.

Don't blame Drugs on spittle like that from Erinwltr , ignorance like that has bathtub gin written all over it...
Something... maybe some good medicinal weed in the bong.
Everything I post is understandable.
"So what's you're point? Why did you copy and paste it?"
To show you how negative you are.
Weird... I don't see anything negative in my sig.

Care to point out what you think is negative?
For starters.

That's just a fact... nothing negative about it.

Triggered you, didn't it?

Nope not a fact. And certainly not triggered. I'll leave that to you.
Well then maybe you shouldn't have copy and pasted it in a post and not been able to explain what you found wrong with it. Then nobody would get the impression you were triggered.

Maybe think a little bit before you post.
Too funny. It's your sig. It all comes back to that. What the heck, dude.
He doesn't stand a chance pard... none of them do... not a snowballs' chance in hell.
Orange Snowball coming to take you SS, Medicaid, and retirement benefits. Keep it up, 007.
Holy cow dude... you must have scored some good drugs earlier tonight.

Don't blame Drugs on spittle like that from Erinwltr , ignorance like that has bathtub gin written all over it...
Unfortunate that you think that, and I will be just fine.
Weird... I don't see anything negative in my sig.

Care to point out what you think is negative?
For starters.

That's just a fact... nothing negative about it.

Triggered you, didn't it?

Nope not a fact. And certainly not triggered. I'll leave that to you.
Well then maybe you shouldn't have copy and pasted it in a post and not been able to explain what you found wrong with it. Then nobody would get the impression you were triggered.

Maybe think a little bit before you post.
Too funny. It's your sig. It all comes back to that. What the heck, dude.
Yeah... my sig... so what?
For starters.

That's just a fact... nothing negative about it.

Triggered you, didn't it?

Nope not a fact. And certainly not triggered. I'll leave that to you.
Well then maybe you shouldn't have copy and pasted it in a post and not been able to explain what you found wrong with it. Then nobody would get the impression you were triggered.

Maybe think a little bit before you post.
Too funny. It's your sig. It all comes back to that. What the heck, dude.
Yeah... my sig... so what?
Comment #9.
While his chances of becoming the communist party, I mean democratic party nominee for 2020 presidential candidate are between slim and marginal; Andrew Yang is the one communist, errr democrat that has a legit chance of defeating Donald Trump.

Yang is intelligent, very well spoken, polished, and presents what he believes to be ideas and solutions. My politics are libertari-right, and while I disagree with just about everything Yang stands for politically, I find him to be a likeable person. All the other democrats are vicious, hateful despicable forms of the worst sewage possible - and yes that would include Michael Robinson (aka Michelle Obama) if that hateful tranny should enter as a late candidate.

Again, any Democrat who is praised by the GOP is a sure fire loser.

Maybe Trump should have praised Biden instead of trying to smear him.
While his chances of becoming the communist party, I mean democratic party nominee for 2020 presidential candidate are between slim and marginal; Andrew Yang is the one communist, errr democrat that has a legit chance of defeating Donald Trump.

Yang is intelligent, very well spoken, polished, and presents what he believes to be ideas and solutions. My politics are libertari-right, and while I disagree with just about everything Yang stands for politically, I find him to be a likeable person. All the other democrats are vicious, hateful despicable forms of the worst sewage possible - and yes that would include Michael Robinson (aka Michelle Obama) if that hateful tranny should enter as a late candidate.

Agree or disagree with Yang, his speaking skills are outstanding, he is likeable, and yes he actually has a platform outside of impeachment. Let's be clear, if Yang pulls off an upset and becomes the nominee, for the first time in decades, perhaps centuries, the democrats won't have to rely on voter fraud, voter intimidation, people voting 73+ times, rigged voting machines, dead people voting and illegals voting to have an honest chance of winning. If Yang is the nominee, Trump will not be able to win using insults and bully tactics like in 2016, he will have to refine his approach to defeat Yang. Can Trump do this? Yes he can. Like Trump or not, just like Yang, the man is highly intelligent.

I will close this out by stating that while I disagree with Yang's politics, I respect him.
/——/What will Yang do first as president? Lower the stock market back to 10,000? Raise the Unemployment Rate back to 12%? Let China screw us over on tariffs while letting their crap in with no tariffs? Will he get those Blacks and Hispanics back on the welfare roles? Or will he jack our taxes back up to nose bleed rates? Which will he do first? And don’t forget reinstating all those regulations that cripple businesses.
He's my guy. But he's not interested in participating in the psychotic "spending and pandering" arms race of the Democrats, so he won't get any traction.

He wants to give everyone free money.. how is that not pandering?
Unlike most progressives he is "pandering" to everyone and not just to segments of society that they see as eternal victims such as "people of color", women, fags and so on.
Unlike most progressives he is "pandering" to everyone and not just to segments of society that they see as eternal victims such as "people of color", women, fags and so on.

Okay... So why pander to people who already have enough That doesn't make any sense.

Now, you could make an argument for universal income, but at some point, people will be paying m ore into it than they are getting out.
Unlike most progressives he is "pandering" to everyone and not just to segments of society that they see as eternal victims such as "people of color", women, fags and so on.

Okay... So why pander to people who already have enough That doesn't make any sense.

Now, you could make an argument for universal income, but at some point, people will be paying m ore into it than they are getting out.
At some point most Americans eventually grow up, And see socialism as a fairytale.... But then again some fuck ups never grow up
Unlike most progressives he is "pandering" to everyone and not just to segments of society that they see as eternal victims such as "people of color", women, fags and so on.

Okay... So why pander to people who already have enough That doesn't make any sense.

Now, you could make an argument for universal income, but at some point, people will be paying m ore into it than they are getting out.
Unlike most progressives he is "pandering" to everyone and not just to segments of society that they see as eternal victims such as "people of color", women, fags and so on.

Okay... So why pander to people who already have enough That doesn't make any sense.

Now, you could make an argument for universal income, but at some point, people will be paying m ore into it than they are getting out.
You mean pandering to straight white mails doesn't make sense, even if they are poor. Identity politics at it's lowest.
You mean pandering to straight white mails doesn't make sense, even if they are poor. Identity politics at it's lowest.

Okay, not sure why they would need to pander to the "mails"...

But you miss the point entirely, as usual. It's not that they aren't pandering to the white working class. It's that the white working class is too dumb to realize that these policies benefit them, too.

You know, like the dumbass who gets out there with a sign reading, "Keep your Government Hands off my Medicare!"




Did someone forget to tell them Medicare is a government program?

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