The only good Russian is a Dead Russian.

Its because those cowboys are still stuck in the cold war era.
They still think Russia is communist when it hasn't been since 1991.
They prefer the USSR back, the sick man of Moscow and not the current World power that Russia is.
I commend the forum for tolerating all opinions. Continue to voice your opinion but don't push the envelope deliberately.
My opinion only.
Some are going to try to push you past the limits the moderators have set.
I commend the forum for tolerating all opinions. Continue to voice your opinion but don't push the envelope deliberately.
My opinion only.
Some are going to try to push you past the limits the moderators have set.
I give it to them though, at least they let anyone have their opinion, even if they don't like it.
Reddit and most American forums just ban you instantly for a different opinion.
For weeks I’ve maintained it was a return to the Soviet Union. Especially when the disputed regions decided to declare themselves Peoples Republics.

Well all doubts are gone. The Soviets are back. Ukrainian people are targeted now. For the crime of electing a man to the leadership who believes in freedom and independence from the Soviet Daddy in Putin.

When Russia invaded. I said Cold War 2.0 had started. Well it’s going to get worse. Putin is the new Totalitarian Threat to World Peace. And we must respond.

When I was a boy. We had the attitude that the only good Russian, was a dead Russian. That attitude will be making a comeback. And Putin is starting World War 3. Our Nuclear Forces must be read to make as many good Russians as possible.

After reading that it all sounds like a propaganda pamphlet. I don't see any personal opinion, independent thought of insight in any of it. It's like it belongs on a paper pasted to the side of a building during wartime.

Honestly it sounds like you are just saying keywords and phrases like you were told to say them because it's the popular thing to do.
Its because those cowboys are still stuck in the cold war era.
They still think Russia is communist when it hasn't been since 1991.
They prefer the USSR back, the sick man of Moscow and not the current World power that Russia is.

Help me out. The disputed regions. When they were recognized in the speech by Putin what were they called again?

I seem to recall they were called the Peoples Republics. Find a nation anywhere in the world that uses that particular name. Peoples Republics that isn’t Communist. Totalitarian.
For weeks I’ve maintained it was a return to the Soviet Union. Especially when the disputed regions decided to declare themselves Peoples Republics.

Well all doubts are gone. The Soviets are back. Ukrainian people are targeted now. For the crime of electing a man to the leadership who believes in freedom and independence from the Soviet Daddy in Putin.

When Russia invaded. I said Cold War 2.0 had started. Well it’s going to get worse. Putin is the new Totalitarian Threat to World Peace. And we must respond.

When I was a boy. We had the attitude that the only good Russian, was a dead Russian. That attitude will be making a comeback. And Putin is starting World War 3. Our Nuclear Forces must be read to make as many good Russians as possible.
I disagree. It is not easy for free people in a Democratic Republic like the United States of America to understand the Russian people. They were communists for so long that had its beginning in the Czar's home, where he and his family were murdered one by one including about a dozen children, several of whom were barely old enough to walk, talk, or crawl. That gave the Bolsheviks the power to frighten the hell out of people, and to this day they operate in fear to do jobs they are given by superiors they fear, because the wrong mistake could result in a disappearance, poisoning, torture to death, or whatever the sicko in charge of them chose to ensure their societal dropout. With the fear resulting from communist expediency of governance, to this day, people there operate in fear they will displease their superiors. I saw it with my own two eyes in an airport in Moscow. I was trained in sensitivity to communicative body language as well as words. Even so, I pity the common person of Russia. They're so scared of the person who is their work boss, they dare not show mercy to anyone who may not be deemed as safe, and this is particularly in play at Russian airports, not any of which I ever plan to revisit.

A society of fearful people will never be able to control a monster. Just saying.
Of course Democrats have not, but Republicans, following their Orange Messiah, are all in on Putin.

That's so weird.
Democrats blew Russia for 100 years after their revolution.
Even Hillary and Obama.
All it took was a few memes and a few thousand dollars of Facebook ads
for Democrats to realize Russia had to be fought?
That's so weird.
Democrats blew Russia for 100 years after their revolution.
Even Hillary and Obama.
All it took was a few memes and a few thousand dollars of Facebook ads
for Democrats to realize Russia had to be fought?
Neither political party, and certainly not government ever stopped hating and fearing Russia.

Not to suggest it wasn't warranted or otherwise, but to just state a fact.
For weeks I’ve maintained it was a return to the Soviet Union. Especially when the disputed regions decided to declare themselves Peoples Republics.

Well all doubts are gone. The Soviets are back. Ukrainian people are targeted now. For the crime of electing a man to the leadership who believes in freedom and independence from the Soviet Daddy in Putin.

When Russia invaded. I said Cold War 2.0 had started. Well it’s going to get worse. Putin is the new Totalitarian Threat to World Peace. And we must respond.

When I was a boy. We had the attitude that the only good Russian, was a dead Russian. That attitude will be making a comeback. And Putin is starting World War 3. Our Nuclear Forces must be read to make as many good Russians as possible.
Wow, I remember when we used to say there only good Muslim was a dead one, we got called “bigots”.

Anyways, no one cares about your warmongering fantasies. You can fly your ass to Poland, cross the border and join up with the Ukrainian Reddit Brigade if you want to kill some Russians.
Neither political party, and certainly not government ever stopped hating and fearing Russia.

Bull shit. Or are you telling me that Hillary's giggly reset button performance
and Obama's promise of more flexibility were symptoms of fear and hate?
It's interesting at least.

* Can some American explain why it has to be 'commies' in Russia and not the Russian people'?

Is this just a different version of the propagandists' need to mae it 'Putin's war and not 'Russia's' war?
(which was dropped when it was shown that Putin's popularity was through the roof)

And also the contrasting opposite in which it must not be seen as America's war against Russia but Ukraine's war against Russia.

All there examples show similarities to some extent.

But can somebody answer for the first question? *
Why do you feel compelled to paint all the people of Russia with one bloody brush? Why do Liberals always feel compelled to do this? The Russian people are of diverse opinions about the war with many thousands already imprisoned for protesting the war.

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