The only question left, is just how big a landslide will this be?

Obamabots are hilarious, kinda sad too
at least they'll be able to get off their knees

The GOP live on their knees, begging the Great Job Creators for a crumb or two, at least it's good to see that the total destruction of the GOP isn't bringing you down.

Have no fear. I read the other day that Christine O'Donnell wants to try to get back into politics. Maybe the GOP will be brilliant enough to run her in 2016?

.....Against Hillary Clinton??!!!!!

Yeah.....I wanna see THAT one!!

If Obama is re-elected it will be a huge landslide on small business, economic growth, job growth, monetary stability and massive debt.
Landslide right over the cliff.

That is what we saw under W because the GOP doesn't give a damn about anything but bankrolling the filthy rich and their corporate masters.

All we can do is pray the dems delivery the asswhooping of a lifetime to the GOP trash, taking back the house and filibuster-proof control of the senate so we can finally get back on track to the thriving nation we had under Clinton.

Why are the producers labeled as "filthy" by you?
Why are you envious and jealous of the folk that fund the moocher, parasite class?
Without the producers who funds the moochers?
Slick Willie Boom inherited his economy.
Ask his buddy who she likes


  • $403766_282020725185338_230882303632514_723214_1983289295_n.jpg
    20.7 KB · Views: 80
If Obama is re-elected it will be a huge landslide on small business, economic growth, job growth, monetary stability and massive debt.
Landslide right over the cliff.

That is what we saw under W because the GOP doesn't give a damn about anything but bankrolling the filthy rich and their corporate masters.

All we can do is pray the dems delivery the asswhooping of a lifetime to the GOP trash, taking back the house and filibuster-proof control of the senate so we can finally get back on track to the thriving nation we had under Clinton.

Why are the producers labeled as "filthy" by you?
Why are you envious and jealous of the folk that fund the moocher, parasite class?
Without the producers who funds the moochers?
Slick Willie Boom inherited his economy.
Ask his buddy who she likes

How like a lover of the Royal class you guys are born with everything then pretnd you earned it what a hoot:

Class Matters - Social Class in the United States of America - The New York Times
If Obama is re-elected it will be a huge landslide on small business, economic growth, job growth, monetary stability and massive debt.
Landslide right over the cliff.

That is what we saw under W because the GOP doesn't give a damn about anything but bankrolling the filthy rich and their corporate masters.

All we can do is pray the dems delivery the asswhooping of a lifetime to the GOP trash, taking back the house and filibuster-proof control of the senate so we can finally get back on track to the thriving nation we had under Clinton.

Why are the producers labeled as "filthy" by you?
Why are you envious and jealous of the folk that fund the moocher, parasite class?
Without the producers who funds the moochers?
Slick Willie Boom inherited his economy.
Ask his buddy who she likes

The producers pack their lunch every day before they go to work the lazy Royal Class just take all the profit.....
Do liberals EVER tell ths truth????? I've yet to see it.

And that cowgirl silhouette is an accurate depiction of your body...:razz:

What fit hits the shan on Nov. 6, and Barack Obama is re-elected, please don't eat yourself into a diabetic coma.
That is what we saw under W because the GOP doesn't give a damn about anything but bankrolling the filthy rich and their corporate masters.

All we can do is pray the dems delivery the asswhooping of a lifetime to the GOP trash, taking back the house and filibuster-proof control of the senate so we can finally get back on track to the thriving nation we had under Clinton.

Why are the producers labeled as "filthy" by you?
Why are you envious and jealous of the folk that fund the moocher, parasite class?
Without the producers who funds the moochers?
Slick Willie Boom inherited his economy.
Ask his buddy who she likes

How like a lover of the Royal class you guys are born with everything then pretnd you earned it what a hoot:

Class Matters - Social Class in the United States of America - The New York Times

I work 70 hour weeks Moe.
Mama should have taught you to know your subject.
Not my fault you have say "Do you want fries with that" 397 times everyday.
Wealth is to be EARNED, never to be redistributed.
The moochers and parasites must be stopped.
That is what we saw under W because the GOP doesn't give a damn about anything but bankrolling the filthy rich and their corporate masters.

All we can do is pray the dems delivery the asswhooping of a lifetime to the GOP trash, taking back the house and filibuster-proof control of the senate so we can finally get back on track to the thriving nation we had under Clinton.

Why are the producers labeled as "filthy" by you?
Why are you envious and jealous of the folk that fund the moocher, parasite class?
Without the producers who funds the moochers?
Slick Willie Boom inherited his economy.
Ask his buddy who she likes

The producers pack their lunch every day before they go to work the lazy Royal Class just take all the profit.....

The people with the shells in the game and take ALL THE RISK take the profit.
You need a 3rd grade lesson in basic economics.
I pack my lunch most days.
I, unlike the moocher and parasite class, have to pay for my food.
Why are the producers labeled as "filthy" by you?
Why are you envious and jealous of the folk that fund the moocher, parasite class?
Without the producers who funds the moochers?
Slick Willie Boom inherited his economy.
Ask his buddy who she likes

How like a lover of the Royal class you guys are born with everything then pretnd you earned it what a hoot:

Class Matters - Social Class in the United States of America - The New York Times

I work 70 hour weeks Moe.
Mama should have taught you to know your subject.
Not my fault you have say "Do you want fries with that" 397 times everyday.
Wealth is to be EARNED, never to be redistributed.
The moochers and parasites must be stopped.

Are you that dumb not to realize the biggest leeches on society are the CEO's and other corporate fat cats?

While you are slaving away at your assistant manager position bitching about the burger flippers being moochers, your corporate master is laughing all the way to the bank off of your back and tax dollars.
Last edited:
If Obama is re-elected it will be a huge landslide on small business, economic growth, job growth, monetary stability and massive debt.
Landslide right over the cliff.

Now Gadawg, we saw that happen in 2008 with 'W'. I don't believe for a minute we will see it with Obama. If I did, I would not vote for him.
Why are the producers labeled as "filthy" by you?
Why are you envious and jealous of the folk that fund the moocher, parasite class?
Without the producers who funds the moochers?
Slick Willie Boom inherited his economy.
Ask his buddy who she likes

The producers pack their lunch every day before they go to work the lazy Royal Class just take all the profit.....

The people with the shells in the game and take ALL THE RISK take the profit.
You need a 3rd grade lesson in basic economics.
I pack my lunch most days.
I, unlike the moocher and parasite class, have to pay for my food.

First, I fully respect those in business that accept their risks and work hard for an honest profit. And I have known a number of these people that although millionaires, still understood exactly the financial contributions of their employees.

Now, the rist part. Yes, the fellow with the money does risk it in a business. Now I have been an industrial millwright for over 40 years. I have had freinds killed on the job. I have had freinds maimed for life on the job. You see, their are jobs where employees are risking it all to earn a living, also. But to say the employee is taking no risk is wrong. For when he fails to come home, or comes home crippled, his economic status, and that of his family is definately affected for the worst.
Obamabots are hilarious, kinda sad too
at least they'll be able to get off their knees

The GOP live on their knees, begging the Great Job Creators for a crumb or two, at least it's good to see that the total destruction of the GOP isn't bringing you down.

Have no fear. I read the other day that Christine O'Donnell wants to try to get back into politics. Maybe the GOP will be brilliant enough to run her in 2016?

You all should talk, you have a FAKE Indian running, you elected a former KKK member, a murderer, a commie, a rapist, one who showed his weenie all over the internet, one wants to help send the tea party go to hell, AND THE BEAT GOES ON
How like a lover of the Royal class you guys are born with everything then pretnd you earned it what a hoot:

Class Matters - Social Class in the United States of America - The New York Times

I work 70 hour weeks Moe.
Mama should have taught you to know your subject.
Not my fault you have say "Do you want fries with that" 397 times everyday.
Wealth is to be EARNED, never to be redistributed.
The moochers and parasites must be stopped.

Are you that dumb not to realize the biggest leeches on society are the CEO's and other corporate fat cats?

While you are slaving away at your assistant manager position bitching about the burger flippers being moochers, your corporate master is laughing all the way to the bank off of your back and tax dollars.

I am a CEO and a fat cat.
I provide jobs. I own 2 corporations.
Something about a work ethic. Try it, you will be wealthy like me one day.
Everyone that I know that is wealthy works 70 hour weeks.
The reason you and most other folks are poor is because you keep doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over wondering why you can not get past zero. Insanity is the endless repetition of the same experiments hoping for a different result.
The reason I am wealthy is because I have done the same thing over and over and over again to produce.
I am the corporate master. You need to say thank you for your WIC, food stamps, section 8, free health care, for me feeding your kids at school and providing free day care for them.
A simple thank you would be nice.
If Obama is re-elected it will be a huge landslide on small business, economic growth, job growth, monetary stability and massive debt.
Landslide right over the cliff.

Now Gadawg, we saw that happen in 2008 with 'W'. I don't believe for a minute we will see it with Obama. If I did, I would not vote for him.

I am an optimist but also a realist.
I like Obama. John Boehner plays golf with him a lot.
Obama is a good man and good family man. How many men can come as far as he has when both of their parents have abandoned them? I admire and respect him. Editor of Harvard Law Review is EARNED.
But his policies are a failure and he is a light weight executive.
No offense. We thank him for trying and he will be better suited going back to community organizing.
He is good at that.
I work 70 hour weeks Moe.
Mama should have taught you to know your subject.
Not my fault you have say "Do you want fries with that" 397 times everyday.
Wealth is to be EARNED, never to be redistributed.
The moochers and parasites must be stopped.

Are you that dumb not to realize the biggest leeches on society are the CEO's and other corporate fat cats?

While you are slaving away at your assistant manager position bitching about the burger flippers being moochers, your corporate master is laughing all the way to the bank off of your back and tax dollars.

I am a CEO and a fat cat.
I provide jobs. I own 2 corporations.
Something about a work ethic. Try it, you will be wealthy like me one day.
Everyone that I know that is wealthy works 70 hour weeks.
The reason you and most other folks are poor is because you keep doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over wondering why you can not get past zero. Insanity is the endless repetition of the same experiments hoping for a different result.
The reason I am wealthy is because I have done the same thing over and over and over again to produce.
I am the corporate master. You need to say thank you for your WIC, food stamps, section 8, free health care, for me feeding your kids at school and providing free day care for them.
A simple thank you would be nice.

Bad wording there Gadawg. I have worked for corperate masters, and for corperate leaders. The leaders I admire. The masters I hold in contempt. I had one of those once threaton my job because I took the time to lock out a machine that I was crawling inside of.

Business has to do well for the wage earners to do well. But a business that considers it's wage earners as replaceable cogs will not remain in business that long in this day and age.
Are you that dumb not to realize the biggest leeches on society are the CEO's and other corporate fat cats?

While you are slaving away at your assistant manager position bitching about the burger flippers being moochers, your corporate master is laughing all the way to the bank off of your back and tax dollars.

I am a CEO and a fat cat.
I provide jobs. I own 2 corporations.
Something about a work ethic. Try it, you will be wealthy like me one day.
Everyone that I know that is wealthy works 70 hour weeks.
The reason you and most other folks are poor is because you keep doing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over wondering why you can not get past zero. Insanity is the endless repetition of the same experiments hoping for a different result.
The reason I am wealthy is because I have done the same thing over and over and over again to produce.
I am the corporate master. You need to say thank you for your WIC, food stamps, section 8, free health care, for me feeding your kids at school and providing free day care for them.
A simple thank you would be nice.

Bad wording there Gadawg. I have worked for corperate masters, and for corperate leaders. The leaders I admire. The masters I hold in contempt. I had one of those once threaton my job because I took the time to lock out a machine that I was crawling inside of.

Business has to do well for the wage earners to do well. But a business that considers it's wage earners as replaceable cogs will not remain in business that long in this day and age.

Thought you had a sense of humor.
The Queen, she who must be obeyed, is the master around here of everything!
I get the last word always in my house and it is YES MAAM.
Clinton was the start to the downfall. George Bush didn't help at all. Obama is gonna finalize it. Hope he gets booted out. If not i'm moving to Russia. It will be safer and probably have more freedoms

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