The Orwellian Prohibition: Any Mention of Mr. Trump’s Felon Status On The House Floor

President Donald J. Trump’s felony conviction has been forbidden, while disparaging President Biden and Democrats is routine.
Sounds like having a debate that allows one party to attack another on a subject that is prohibited speech by the opponent. Hmmm. Hypocrite.
Gag orders in a court case serve a vital function. I'm not sure why you need to conflate the tow. May it be because you need to somehow justify a congressional tactic that stinks to high heaven, that threatens the foundations of the legislative branch of government in the USA?
Careful what you wish for--you may get it.
This is one of those keep threads. Why? The real insanity of how a cult functions will be put forth here by the cult members themselves. With no shame, no reason, no honor, no concern for constitutional principles or rules.

It's going to be all about the cult-of-personality expressing itself, while at the same time shouting "We are not in a cult!" to the outside world.
JQA Adams house floor collapse text.jpg

It's obvious many do not know what they are actually cheering on. or even advocating.

The cult deals with emotions first. Thinking things through can and does p[resent extreme dangers to narratives that are a part of the dogma and ...
Sounds like having a debate that allows one party to attack another on a subject that is prohibited speech by the opponent. Hmmm. Hypocrite.

Careful what you wish for--you may get it.

Mr. Trump was prevented (narrow gag order) from attacking certain people during a criminal court proceeding. most of that narrow gag order are null and void.

Arguments now are specifically about protecting members of the Jury.

No on tried gagging Mr,. Trump's speech rights. He was always fee to speak as he did while complaining about the gag order -- as he did daily.

It's obvious you do not know what you are actually cheering on. or even advocating.

You people-of-the-cult deals with emotions first. Thinking things through can and does p[resent extreme dangers to narratives that are a part of the dogma and ...
When the politicized courts normalize the removal of a basic constitutional freedom, it is hypocritical to criticize the opposition for using the exact same tactics. Cry me a river.
Gag orders are not about removing any basic constitutional freedoms. Reality is an allergy to you.

The court proceedings where not any opposition party going after another party or individual. That spin from the Leader of the Cult-of-Personality is hilariously sick.
Arguments now are specifically about protecting members of the Jury.
Again, members of the jury have gone public. Any recriminations would be a result of their own statements. The gag order is to prevent Trump from responding to democrat allegations that are certain to be made during the debate. Please be honest with yourself and accept and renounce your own hypocrisy.
Gag orders in a court case serve a vital function. I'm not sure why you need to conflate the tow. May it be because you need to somehow justify a congressional tactic that stinks to high heaven, that threatens the foundations of the legislative branch of government in the USA?
To keep dishonest dems from lying about a former president on the floor of the house.... sucks to be them and you... gag orders R Us..... Buuuuaaaahahahahahahahahaha
Backfired on you tards already....
To keep dishonest dems from lying about a former president on the floor of the house.... sucks to be them and you... gag orders R Us..... Buuuuaaaahahahahahahahahaha
Backfired on you tards already....

Why you so proudly display your ignorances and disrespect for constitutional principles and values is -- well, cultish.

Trump mouth hole.jpg

Magadonia is a Cult-of-Personality
:www_MyEmoticons_com__shush:... gag order....
Have to toe the line, I've got to make the most
Spent all the years going, from pillar to post
Now I'm standing on the outside and I'm waitin' in the rain
Tell me why must I always explain

Bared my soul to the crowd eh but oh what the cost
Most of them laughed out loud like nothings been lost
There were hypocrites and parasites and people that drain
Tell me why must I always explain

Why, why must I always explain
Over and over, over again

Mr. Trump has become a convicted felon, awaiting sentencing. What is at issue: Trump's legal team filed a motion. The prosecution team responded claiming the Trump legal team is not being forthright. And it's about the Manhattan DA's office urging the judge to keep a limited gag order blocking Trump from criticizing jurors who convicted him. That does not come across as unreasonable, except if one ignores the true context and conflates the original order with the limited part(s) being sought.

"The People oppose defendant's motion to immediately and entirely terminate this Court's orders restricting his extrajudicial statements. This Court entered those orders to protect three narrowly defined categories of participants in this criminal proceeding from defendant's inflammatory public attacks. The Appellate Division agreed that these narrow restrictions were appropriate to protect the "fair administration of justice in criminal cases" and to ensure that participants to the criminal proceeding remained "free from threats, intimidation, harassment, and harm." Matter of Trump v. Merchan, 2024 N.Y. Slip Op. 02680, at *2 (1st Dep't 2024). And just two days ago, the Court of Appeals dismissed defendant's attempt to appeal from the Appellate Division order "upon the ground that no substantial constitutional question is directly involved." Matter of Trump v. Merchan, 2024 N.Y. Slip Op. 69661 (N.Y. Ct. App. June 18, 2024). Defendant's demand that this Court precipitously end these protections, even before the sentencing hearing on July 11, is overstated and largely unfounded."

"As a preliminary matter, many of defendant's complaints simply ignore the narrowness of
this Court's orders

Days after the verdict, they sent a letter to Merchan asking him to lift the gag order. They followed up last week with a formal motion requesting that the restrictions be rescinded. Prosecutors have until Thursday to respond. Merchan is expected to rule soon after that, possibly before Trump’s June 27 debate with President Joe Biden.

It’s a little bit of the theater of the absurd at this point, right? Michael Cohen is no longer a witness in this trial,” an attorney for Trump, Todd Blanche, told the AP earlier this month. “The trial is over.”

The Manhattan DA is not looking to protect Michael Cohen and other witnesses with a gag order.

note Rambunctious fears facts. It's like leprosy to him -- truth is.
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This Pub “gag order’ is right in line with with their attempts to bar language they can’s handle. Pubs in Florida have removed “climate change” from its statutes, Remember these are the same idiots who came up with “freedom fries.”

Pubs are like ostriches. They believe ban a word and that will cure the problem. They seems to have a fascination with this type of censorship. Republicans are cancelling words, history, and ideas in libraries and schools

I have news for Pubs, deleting a word or term will not make the problem go away and will not kill an idea. Banning the word cancer will not cure cancer.

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