The "other" George Zimmerman.

Wallow rolled up in a ball and got the shit kicked out of him.

Naw, he did what all the other "brave zimmerHEROman bashers" have done

They chose C, it's not listed but it's.

C. Truth is I have to answer B, but if I do I admit the Jury got it right and I'm just a tool.

Can you blame em?

Maybe Zona would give it a shot?

If I am in a fight, and I start to lose, I dont shoot the guy because I cant fight. I defend and get out of the situation with using deadly force. If he grabbed something, then he has a weapon. That is a different story. If he pulled a gun, that is a different situation but some skinny kid on top of me.....I would like to think I could handle that. Zimmerman is a pussy it seems but I think he got the end result he was looking for all night.

It really seemed like Zimmerman is a pussy who started something he couldnt handle with his hands.

Hey Zimmerman, dont stalk, follow and step to people when you cant fight. I kow , I know, you carry but you cant murder twice without something happening to you....!! ?? (Oh wait, your in florida, maybe you can.)

He got punched in the nose, went down and shot a kid. Fuck Zimmerman.

Was actually robbed.

Profiled young black kid.

Shot him.

Got life.

John H. Spooner Gets Life Term For Killing Darius Simmons

MILWAUKEE — A 76-year-old Milwaukee man who fatally shot his unarmed teenage neighbor was sentenced to life in prison Monday, days after telling the court he killed the boy for justice because he believed he stole his shotguns.

John Henry Spooner's home had been burglarized two days before the May 2012 shooting, and he suspected 13-year-old Darius Simmons as the thief. So he confronted the teen, demanded that he return the guns and then shot him in the chest in front of his mother when he denied stealing anything.

Spooner's own home surveillance cameras captured the shooting, and prosecutors aired the footage in court.

A jury found Spooner guilty of first-degree intentional homicide last week, a conviction carrying a mandatory life sentence. The judge could have allowed for the possibility of parole after 20 years, but rejected that option, citing Spooner's lack of remorse and desire to also kill the teen's brother.

negged for being a lying pile of shit.

there is no comparison here, none at all you partisan racist buffoon.

Racist against whom?

By the way, Thumbs, pointing out racism, isn't racist.
Are you so bored that you have to start grabbing at straws?

Let's bring down George at any stretch of the imagination.

It's not really George, per's the law.

You shoot an unarmed kid, not involved in any criminal should be a crime.


Beating someone's face to a pulp isn't criminal activity?

Who's face was beaten into a pulp?

And no, if someone starts a fight with you, even without stand your ground, you can defend yourself.

You are talking to the wrong guy.

I've had my head hit with a bat, been bashed in the eye with a tire iron, have used the head on concrete technique against opponents in fights, had it used on me, been stabbed, shot at..

Heck, I got hurt worse then Zimmerman when I feel off a swing face first into the pavement as a kid. Lost my four of my front teeth with broke off into my upper lip.

Zimmerman's boo boos don't seem at all life threatening. Had he curled into a ball for 15 seconds he would have been fine.

You are so stupid & such a liar! GZ could not curl up into a ball because TM was mounted on top of him. A police cruiser arriving on a street does not mean officer on scene. That cruiser stopped, looked at address & went around the block. When seconds matter police are just minutes away. Armed police shoot 5.5 times more innocent victims than armed civilians, even though armed civilians shoot 2.5 times more criminals than police do. So TM was 11 times more likely to get killed by the police than GZ. It was way more than 15 seconds before police walked up on TM & GZ. In fact it was more than a minute & if they had arrived while TM was still beating GZ, TM would have continued beating him just as he had when John Good & GZ said stop it. Besides that, TM said he was going to kill GZ & went for GZ's gun, so there was no choice.

It is very evident that all those beatings you allowed to your head, has really messed up your brain. No one has to take a beating from or get killed by another. Self defense is law & has been for centuries.
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Was actually robbed.

Profiled young black kid.

Shot him.

Got life.

John H. Spooner Gets Life Term For Killing Darius Simmons

MILWAUKEE — A 76-year-old Milwaukee man who fatally shot his unarmed teenage neighbor was sentenced to life in prison Monday, days after telling the court he killed the boy for justice because he believed he stole his shotguns.

John Henry Spooner's home had been burglarized two days before the May 2012 shooting, and he suspected 13-year-old Darius Simmons as the thief. So he confronted the teen, demanded that he return the guns and then shot him in the chest in front of his mother when he denied stealing anything.

Spooner's own home surveillance cameras captured the shooting, and prosecutors aired the footage in court.

A jury found Spooner guilty of first-degree intentional homicide last week, a conviction carrying a mandatory life sentence. The judge could have allowed for the possibility of parole after 20 years, but rejected that option, citing Spooner's lack of remorse and desire to also kill the teen's brother.

You can't see the difference?

Dude, give it up. There are other things happening in the world these days besides Trayvan Martin and George Zimmerman.

I hear the President is going to refocus on the economy and this time he's serious.
Wallow rolled up in a ball and got the shit kicked out of him.

Naw, he did what all the other "brave zimmerHEROman bashers" have done

They chose C, it's not listed but it's.

C. Truth is I have to answer B, but if I do I admit the Jury got it right and I'm just a tool.

Can you blame em?

Maybe Zona would give it a shot?

If I am in a fight, and I start to lose, I dont shoot the guy because I cant fight. I defend and get out of the situation with using deadly force. If he grabbed something, then he has a weapon. That is a different story. If he pulled a gun, that is a different situation but some skinny kid on top of me.....I would like to think I could handle that. Zimmerman is a pussy it seems but I think he got the end result he was looking for all night.

It really seemed like Zimmerman is a pussy who started something he couldnt handle with his hands.

Hey Zimmerman, dont stalk, follow and step to people when you cant fight. I kow , I know, you carry but you cant murder twice without something happening to you....!! ?? (Oh wait, your in florida, maybe you can.)

He got punched in the nose, went down and shot a kid. Fuck Zimmerman.

ah, Zona. Another person that thinks the bigger person = the better person, and a 110lb woman should just take it from a 250 lb rapist.

And stalking cant take place between people who have never met.
What basic facts?


A wannabe cop follows a kid into a dark courtyard after chasing in a car and calling 911. At some point they meet, an altercation ensues and the kid is murdered. The man emerges with very slight injuries.

So what you have left is his statement. Which changes multiple times. And his "veracity" which is shot to heck by the fact he's outright lied on multiple occasions and on national tv.

Chasing a car?


You just make shit up out of the blue - racist, lying fuck.

You are talking to the wrong guy.

I've had my head hit with a bat, been bashed in the eye with a tire iron, have used the head on concrete technique against opponents in fights, had it used on me, been stabbed, shot at..

Heck, I got hurt worse then Zimmerman when I feel off a swing face first into the pavement as a kid. Lost my four of my front teeth with broke off into my upper lip.

Zimmerman's boo boos don't seem at all life threatening. Had he curled into a ball for 15 seconds he would have been fine.

You are so stupid & such a liar! GZ could not curl up into a ball because TM was mounted on top of him. A police cruiser arriving on a street does not mean officer on scene. That cruiser stopped, looked at address & went around the block. When seconds matter police are just minutes away. Armed police shoot 5.5 times more innocent victims than armed civilians, even though armed civilians shoot 2.5 times more criminals than police do. So TM was 11 times more likely to get killed by the police than GZ. It was way more than 15 seconds before police walked up on TM & GZ. In fact it was more than a minute & if they had arrived while TM was still beating GZ, TM would have continued beating him just as he had when John Good & GZ said stop it. Besides that, TM said he was going to kill GZ & went for GZ's gun, so there was no choice.

It is very evident that all those beatings you allowed to your head, has really messed up your brain. No one has to take a beating from or get killed by another. Self defense is law & has been for centuries.

Full moon?

What basic facts?


A wannabe cop follows a kid into a dark courtyard after chasing in a car and calling 911. At some point they meet, an altercation ensues and the kid is murdered. The man emerges with very slight injuries.

So what you have left is his statement. Which changes multiple times. And his "veracity" which is shot to heck by the fact he's outright lied on multiple occasions and on national tv.

Chasing a car?


You just make shit up out of the blue - racist, lying fuck.

Making what shit up?

And racist against whom?

Maybe you can tell us all how Nugent was talking about cutting off the heads of snakes and not the President..even after you heard him on tape.

Maybe it wasn't law enforcement training that clued Zimmerman into the danger of blows to the head. Maybe he's a movie buff and knows what happened to Natasha Richardson.
Maybe it wasn't law enforcement training that clued Zimmerman into the danger of blows to the head. Maybe he's a movie buff and knows what happened to Natasha Richardson.

Might be a good idea not to start fights, then..

You think?

Was that Rachel Jeantel?

Are you Rachel Jeantel?

That would explain so much....

Well no.

But it's nice to know that you believe her..and her testimony.

And from her testimony:

-Zimmerman's statement was incorrect about what they said to each other.
-It sounded as if Zimmerman started the fight.
-Zimmerman was on top at one point (Martin said, "Get off of me".)

So with all that..your contention is that he can start a fight, lose, and kill the guy he attacked.

That's just not good justice.

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