The Overthrow of Our Government


Living in Paradise
Mar 31, 2012
The Federal Reserve Act is unconstitutional. Article 1, Section 8, of our constitution states Congress shall have the power “to coin money and regulate the value thereof”, not a foreign banking cartel in the guise of the Central Bank of the United States. As terrible and wrongful as this development is, it does not appear to be an overthrow of our government. However, if one understands what really happened, the criminal nature of these doings becomes apparent.

Mayer Anselm Rothschild, one of the most influential and powerful bankers of all time, said, “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes its laws.” The legislative process, without question, is a prime function of government. If as Mr. Rothschild claimed, this prime function is trumped or overshadowed by those who issue and control money, then it follows that the Jekyll Island conspirators knew that by obtaining control of our money supply they would also be taking control of our Government.

If all that happened in 1913 was passage of the Federal Reserve Act, most people would not agree an overthrow occurred. However, the plot was far more extensive than the simple passage of an act of Congress. In 1913, Amendment XVI was also ratified. The intent of this amendment was to create a new source of revenue by legalizing a tax on the wages earned by American workers. Prior to 1913, our Government obtained all the money it needed from duties, tariffs and other charges for services. A tax on the wages of working Americans is prohibited by Article I, Section 9, Clause 4, of our Constitution, which provides that Congress cannot levy a direct tax on individual citizens.

However, in the case of Pollock vs. Farmers’ loan and Trust Company, the Supreme Court ruled that Amendment XVI failed to accomplish its intended purpose. Thus, a tax on the wages of working Americans remained unconstitutional. Incredibly, the Banksters simply ignored our Supreme Court and implemented this nefarious tax anyway, even though it was unconstitutional.

Amendment XVII was also added to our Constitution in 1913. This amendment provided for the direct election of Senators by citizens instead of being appointed by our State Legislators. Unfortunately, while this development appears to be beneficial, nothing is further from the truth. Instead, ratification of Amendment XVII was a diabolical step that completed the ignoble transformation of our government. Prior to ratification of Amendment XVII, the Federal government was a federation of State governments and the states exercised control over the Federal government by appointing representatives to the United States Senate. Upon ratification of Amendment XVII, our Federal government was no longer a federation of states. Instead, it became an all-powerful National government superior to and dominant over our State governments.

The Federal Reserve Act gave the Banksters control of our monetary system. This enabled them to control and corrupt our Government. Amendment XVI was also ratified to give the Banksters a new source of revenue for our exploding national debt. Finally, Amendment XVII was added to our Constitution, which severed the control the states had over our Federal Government. The coup was complete! The Banksters were in control and we were a subjugated people. A summary of these changes follows.

Before 1913:

  • Our Federal Government obeyed the law and our Constitution.
  • Our Federal Government was a federation of State governments and was limited in scope and power.

  • Senators were appointed by State governments.

  • The Supreme Court was supreme.

  • Congress created our money and regulated its value.

  • State governments had a measure of control over our Federal Government.

  • No tax on income or wages was necessary.

  • Americans were free to keep and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

After 1913:

  • Our Federal government became a National Government with unlimited power.

  • Our Constitution was rendered dysfunctional and nonbinding upon our new National government.

  • State governments no longer had any way of controlling our new National government and were subordinate to it.

  • The Supreme Court was no longer supreme.

  • The Fed controlled our money supply and regulated its value.

  • An unconstitutional income tax on the wages of American workers was established.

  • Senators were elected to office by popular vote.
In Conclusion, in 1910 a group of conspirators met on Jekyll Island to plan an across-the-board takeover of our Government. The nature of this takeover was complex and far reaching. It changed Americans from being a free and independent people into economic slaves of the Banksters.

The above offering is taken from a book by Alan R. Adaschik entitled, 100 Years of Destruction, which can be found at:

citizenal has once again introduced an anti-goveernment screed with a quote that cannot honestly be ascribed to the individual who supposedly said it. The first time it is mentioned is in 1935 (for a quote supposedly in 1838). This reminds of people trying to ascribe material to Woodrow Wilson without any proof.

Did Rothschild say this famous quote? If yes, what did he mean by it?

iow it's contributed to Rothschild most likely by conspiracy theorists wanting to paint a black system of "evil bankers controlling the world's governments"

I'm a little confused at your first source. It seems that there was more than one Rothschild with the names Meyer and Amschel. Maybe I have confused the two (or more). However, wikiquotes indicates that the earliest cite is 1935. What is the evidence that Mr. Daniel in that work was making a play on that old English proverb and not simply stating a commonly believed notion?

@fredsbend I've clarified the identity of the Rothschild with a link. As for the 1935 source, we simply don't know. It is suggested that if Mayer Amschel did make such a statement, then he was simply adapting an earlier saying. However, it is not certainly known if he actually made such a statement at all as the earliest record of it being made was written ~123 years after his death. Presumably Mr. Daniel did not cite a reliable source which makes the matter questionable in terms of its authenticity. –
citizenal has once again introduced an anti-goveernment screed with a quote that cannot honestly be ascribed to the individual who supposedly said it. The first time it is mentioned is in 1935 (for a quote supposedly in 1838). This reminds of people trying to ascribe material to Woodrow Wilson without any proof.

Did Rothschild say this famous quote? If yes, what did he mean by it?

iow it's contributed to Rothschild most likely by conspiracy theorists wanting to paint a black system of "evil bankers controlling the world's governments"

I'm a little confused at your first source. It seems that there was more than one Rothschild with the names Meyer and Amschel. Maybe I have confused the two (or more). However, wikiquotes indicates that the earliest cite is 1935. What is the evidence that Mr. Daniel in that work was making a play on that old English proverb and not simply stating a commonly believed notion?

@fredsbend I've clarified the identity of the Rothschild with a link. As for the 1935 source, we simply don't know. It is suggested that if Mayer Amschel did make such a statement, then he was simply adapting an earlier saying. However, it is not certainly known if he actually made such a statement at all as the earliest record of it being made was written ~123 years after his death. Presumably Mr. Daniel did not cite a reliable source which makes the matter questionable in terms of its authenticity. –


You truly are a piece of work whose stock in trade are lies and deceptions. It is you who are the deceiver here and it is you who is re-writing history for nefarious and demented purposes. May God have mercy on your soul.
citizenal has once again introduced an anti-goveernment screed with a quote that cannot honestly be ascribed to the individual who supposedly said it. The first time it is mentioned is in 1935 (for a quote supposedly in 1838). This reminds of people trying to ascribe material to Woodrow Wilson without any proof.

Did Rothschild say this famous quote? If yes, what did he mean by it?

iow it's contributed to Rothschild most likely by conspiracy theorists wanting to paint a black system of "evil bankers controlling the world's governments"

I'm a little confused at your first source. It seems that there was more than one Rothschild with the names Meyer and Amschel. Maybe I have confused the two (or more). However, wikiquotes indicates that the earliest cite is 1935. What is the evidence that Mr. Daniel in that work was making a play on that old English proverb and not simply stating a commonly believed notion?

@fredsbend I've clarified the identity of the Rothschild with a link. As for the 1935 source, we simply don't know. It is suggested that if Mayer Amschel did make such a statement, then he was simply adapting an earlier saying. However, it is not certainly known if he actually made such a statement at all as the earliest record of it being made was written ~123 years after his death. Presumably Mr. Daniel did not cite a reliable source which makes the matter questionable in terms of its authenticity. –


You truly are a piece of work whose stock in trade are lies and deceptions. It is you who are the deceiver here and it is you who is re-writing history for nefarious and demented purposes. May God have mercy on your soul.
I am washed again in the Blood of the Lamb, so I am not concerned about your judgment about eternity.

You are using quotes that are unfounded to create a cachet of authority about your main body of work. Work on your intros; your main body is pretty good; the conclusions are weak.
JakeStarkey: I stand by my statements and stand by my work where the conclusions are unassailable. The simple truth of the matter, which is God's truth, is that you cannot have a New World Order concurrent with a United States of American as conceived by the Founders. When you can explain how one can coexist with the other, then you will get my attention. Until them stop your self-serving posturing. It is unbecoming a Christian.
citizenal, you don't speak for God. You don't speak for Christianity. Your opinion is not self-evident truth. You don't speak for America, that's obvious. You are speaking for yourself, and in truth, what you think is wrong.

The fact that you use information without examining them for their validity demonstrates that you are not a serious poster.
I found the OP to be a well thought out analysis of the very significant events and actions of and around 1913 with respect to the US government and Constitution. Whether a particular quote is accurate or not does not seem to be significant.
Give it up

Federal Reserve is here to stay.....thank god
Relevancy is always an issue when fringists use false quotes to create a sense of legitimacy. That is what citizenal has done twice, and MarathonMike is suggest is not relevant. Idiots.
I wish to announce to all concerned that I researched the matter and found the quote by Woodrow Wilson in question is an accurate quote and this being the case JakeStarkey is 100% wrong when he says this quote never was made. If you do not believe me, then maybe you will believe Aaron Russo’s who uses the quote in his video entitled, “America Freedom to Fascism. This video is a must watch for freedom loving Americans........Americans who foolishly think they are free need not apply.

The URL for this video is:

Rightwinger: “Federal Reserve is here to stay…….thank god (sic). Seems to me you do not have too much respect for the God you invoke. Do you always thank God without capitalizing His name? As far as God having something to do with the longevity of the Federal Reserve Bank. Your statement is blasphemous. God hates evil. The Federal Reserve Bank, aka, the Old World Order, aka, The New World order, is the epitome of evil because it has enslaved the people of this once free nation and now is working to enslave the entire world. You should be ashamed of yourself for making a statement like that.
citizenal, has lied that he "found the quote by Woodrow Wilson in question is an accurate quote" when in fact the earliest anyone used the quote in secondary sources was perhaps 1935, 22 years after WW supposedly said it.

The first two sentences of the supposed Wilson statement are made up.No one can find any evidence in WW's writings or in contemporary sources that he said it.

Those two sentences are used to make it appear that WW took personal responsibility for the Fed and that the grieved about his supposed "error."

I counsel all interested in the truth to research claims that authority figures, such as Wilson or Jefferson or Lincoln, said such and such.

Mostly likely it was never said, or something had something added to it to twist the meaning out of shape. That is what citizenal is doing.

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