The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry


As this graphic explains Travis McMichael was moving backwards and retreating when he was forced to fire his first shot by the attacking Criminal

Even though Travis McMichael had no duty to retreat he was trying his best to avoid using lethal Force

the coroner's report lists pellets in arbery body confirming that Travis McMichael had a less deadly load in his shotgun then is available at your local Walmart

This completely dismantles the false narrative that a couple of bloodthirsty rednecks chased down and murdered an innocent black jogger

just a little tip... people who are chasing someone are behind them not standing their ground while the "victim" runs directly at them for a length longer than a football field

In William roddeys body cam interview he said Travis McMichael never pointed the shotgun at the criminal during the initial Pursuit

That's the reason the criminal charged because the shotgun wasn't pointed directly at him and he thought he had a chance to grab it
The only thing I object to is that they chased and made contact. They're not cops anymore. They should not have been out of the truck.
It's not illegal to get out of your truck, jackass. Arbery made the initial physical contact when he attempted to steal the shotgun. That's attempted robbery.

No. The original or first physical contact was made when the McMichaels and Roddy bumped Arbury with their trucks.
What makes you think they bumped him with their trucks?

If that's really the case and he did not attack them first, my opinion is changing 180 degrees, it's murder.
No legitimate Source says he was hit with the truck

Bryant admitted to blocking him and then told the investigator that arberry was trying to get inside his vehicle

As this graphic explains Travis McMichael was moving backwards and retreating when he was forced to fire his first shot by the attacking Criminal

You do realize that the above graphics show TM retreating from the front of the truck back across the double yellow line but you have testified that TM did not run to the front of the truck and run completely across the double yellow line to confront AA as he attempted to jog past the truck and escape on the right side of the centerline.

What was TM doing there if he never went there? Completely disappearing from the camera in front of the truck right in AA’s face with a shotgun?

As this graphic explains Travis McMichael was moving backwards and retreating when he was forced to fire his first shot by the attacking Criminal

You do realize that the above graphics show TM retreating from the front of the truck back across the double yellow line but you have testified that TM did not run to the front of the truck and run completely across the double yellow line to confront AA as he attempted to jog past the truck and escape on the right side of the centerline.

What was TM doing there if he never went there? Completely disappearing from the camera in front of the truck right in AA’s face with a shotgun?
i said he didnt "run" anywhere but simply took a few steps likely to protect himself behind the engine block in case of attack



look he's still standing his ground on the yellow line... he just moved to the other side of the door and took cover behind the engine block in case he took fire from the CHARGING criminal

had he stayed in the drivers seat he would have been a literal sitting duck if arberry opend fire

*a little hint for the starbuks crowd...most parts of a truck are NOT bullet proof

smart man
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looks like he just passed the yellow line when he was attacked

No this graphic is when TM is stepping back from his previous position completely out of view from the camera except for his white cap and shadows under the trucks.

He is not just passing the centerline from left to right in this graphic and the first shot was fired preceding this view. You are a liar.


so if he was just passing the centerline as you note have been forced to admit why did you lie that he was standing behind the engine block and went no further toward AA because he didn’t want to be shot by AA’s finger gun.
The only thing I object to is that they chased and made contact. They're not cops anymore. They should not have been out of the truck.
It's not illegal to get out of your truck, jackass. Arbery made the initial physical contact when he attempted to steal the shotgun. That's attempted robbery.

No. The original or first physical contact was made when the McMichaels and Roddy bumped Arbury with their trucks.
you mean the one he was carjacking?

Now he was carjacking? Really? Sadly that is not what the McMichaels and Roddy told the cops happened. They said they tried to box him in using their vehicles and even “bumped” Arbury to get him to stop.

Evidence included Arbury’s prints on the vehicles and dents on the trucks from the impacts.

Did you know Greg called his old boss from the scene? Yes indeed. He activated the good old boys network immediately. And it almost worked. Except that Greg stupidly released the video and the GBI got involved. No network with them.
roddy never admitted to hitting arbery with the truck and if he had arbery would have had injuries

He did say that arberry was trying to get in his truck by grabbing at the door handle which anyone would view as a threat so if he ran the criminal over at that point I couldn't blame him

You keep changing the story. When something proves an assertion wrong you just crank up a new one.
look he's still standing his ground on the yellow line... he just moved to the other side of the door and took cover behind the engine block in case he took fire from the CHARGING criminal

If that is true why can we see TM’s white cap through the windshield in this graphic?
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Even though Travis McMichael had no duty to retreat he was trying his best to avoid using lethal Force

The first shot was fired before we can see TM’s retreat from in front of the truck so your chronological construction is all fucked up.
KingGUERRILLA who’s shadow is the one to the left if TM stood his ground behind the hood of his truck and never got in front of the truck or crossed the centerline as you claim?
looks like he just passed the yellow line when he was attacked

No this graphic is when TM is stepping back from his previous position completely out of view from the camera except for his white cap and shadows under the trucks.

He is not just passing the centerline from left to right in this graphic and the first shot was fired preceding this view. You are a liar.

View attachment 436373
so if he was just passing the centerline as you note have been forced to admit why did you lie that he was standing behind the engine block and went no further toward AA because he didn’t want to be shot by AA’s finger gun.
If he were to sit in the cab or stand by the driver's door a bullet could easily pass through the cab of the truck and kill him

A well-trained individual knows that the engine block of a vehicle is the only safe place if oncoming fire is a possibility

Why didn't your crook just take the chance he had to escape when he was over 200 meters away from the men who were "chasing him" by standing still!!!
View attachment 436409KingGUERRILLA who’s shadow is the one to the left if TM stood his ground behind the hood of his truck and never got in front of the truck or crossed the centerline as you claim?
Standing your ground doesn't mean you have to be a statue

you're allowed to move around and take a defensive position to protect yourself


travis moved 3 feet in a reaction to the criminals agressive movememt

arberry moved well over 30 yards and ignored multiple opportunities to escape in order to attack the mcmichels
What makes you think they bumped him with their trucks?

That was what Roddy told the police...
That's what someone who is notorious for lying to the USMB forum was saying in this thread. And I found a couple of articles that said that too. However, it turns out that they were from known fake news outlets.

So I found the primary source. The actual body cam video of the interview.

He says that he attempted to block Arbery and Arbery attempted to get inside his truck by grabbing at the door handles. He did not say that he bumped Arbery with his truck.

None of those guys should have been charged with anything.
What makes you think they bumped him with their trucks?

That was what Roddy told the police...
That's what someone who is notorious for lying to the USMB forum was saying in this thread. And I found a couple of articles that said that too. However, it turns out that they were from known fake news outlets.

So I found the primary source. The actual body cam video of the interview.

He says that he attempted to block Arbery and Arbery attempted to get inside his truck by grabbing at the door handles. He did not say that he bumped Arbery with his truck.

None of those guys should have been charged with anything.

plenty of people are claiming it was an "assault" but arberry had no injuries

he blocked Arberrys path and arberry tried to carjack him in a neighborhood with few fences and homes that sit on 2 and 3 Acre plots... a young healthy man with a history of running could lose three chubby rednecks in a New York Minute in that situation

" false imprisonment" is being closed inside a space where you have no opportunity to escape like a tight alley or a room with one door

Had Travis McMichael been pointing his gun directly at arberry and verbally threatening him then he might have a case but Travis was smart enough to never aim his gun until he was being rushed
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looks like he just passed the yellow line when he was attacked

No this graphic is when TM is stepping back from his previous position completely out of view from the camera except for his white cap and shadows under the trucks.

He is not just passing the centerline from left to right in this graphic and the first shot was fired preceding this view. You are a liar.

View attachment 436373
so if he was just passing the centerline as you note have been forced to admit why did you lie that he was standing behind the engine block and went no further toward AA because he didn’t want to be shot by AA’s finger gun.
Where do you think the engine block is located?

If Travis had stayed on the other side of the door he would have been an easy prey for anybody who fired from the passenger side through the compartment

It would be perfectly reasonable for him to step to the front of the truck so that he could slice the pie and eliminate the threat if arberry chose to start shooting from the passenger side of the truck

He also had his elderly father who was a cancer survivor to think about and had to get a firing Solution on the criminal before he got pinned down and his dad got murdered

Remember along with a host of crimes arberry was also suspected as being the person who stole Travis's gun and we also know he has a history of illegal weapons possession so it looks like Travis's instincts were 100% correct

If I was standing my ground while somebody I had been chasing ran directly at me for over 100 yards I would be convinced that person meant to do me harm and had the weapon available to do so

Arbery was a mentally retarded Street Criminal from a criminal family with a history of Highly aggressive behavior... even his own mother had to call the police on him

Travis had no way of knowing what a psycho he had on his hands and the fact that someone would rush two men with guns is highly indicative that that person must be armed and or suicidal thus highly dangerous

Travis was likely shocked beyond belief when the crook pulled that 90° Ambush sneak attack... he was clearly dealing with a psycho and had no other choice but to retreat and defend himself the best he could

Certainly is a shame he didn't just overpower that fool and pin him to the ground with a knee on the back of his neck but we know how that can turn out don't we?
"false imprisonment" is being closed inside a space where you have no opportunity to escape like a tight alley or a room with one door

Actually, you're wrong.

But that surprises no one.

That's not what false imprisonment is at all...
"false imprisonment" is being closed inside a space where you have no opportunity to escape like a tight alley or a room with one door

Actually, you're wrong.

But that surprises no one.

That's not what false imprisonment is at all...
illegally blocking someones escape under threat is false imprisonment and by Georgia law the victem must not have a reasonable escape opportunity so if you can prove the mcmichels ACTUALLY THREATENED arberry with consequences then you have a case but you CANT because he had LOTS of opportunities to escape and CHOSE to attack and no proof exists that they THREATENED him

simply holding a gun for your own protection is not threatening someone

"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"


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