The Palin Brawl

I see there have still not been charges filed against any of the Palins...and I see there still are no named sources, except the disgruntled employee...

Go figure.
Oh I see.

Sarah Palin says mean things about the left, so they are obligated to harass and lie about her family.
white trash on display ( from the CHRISTIAN POST)


Have you always been a racist pile of shit?

Of course you have - you're a democrat.
I see there have still not been charges filed against any of the Palins...and I see there still are no named sources, except the disgruntled employee...

Go figure.

Amanda Coyne is still the only source, this fraud claiming he was fired recites the Coyne version verbatim.

I'm amazed that ThinkProgress and MSCCCP haven't finished up with the video they are fabricating. They need better techs,,,,
Love how Palin reduces the Progressives to nasty pooh flinging monkeys
Stop your whining. The right has been doing it day in and day out with the foulest, crudest and most obscene attacks this country has ever seen about a President for years. Ever since the black guy got into the WH. If it isn't him it's the former first lady. Sarah gets what she deserves for insulting so many Americans with her "true American" crap.
Yea because a private citizen wields so much power.
She is a "current" public figure. She continues to promote herself as a celebrity and political commentator. Her daughters continue to promote themselves as celebrities. They make money by being public figures. They have been at it long enough to know how that profession operates and what to expect. They can't act stupid and do stupid things and not expect to get called out on it. Well, they can, but that is one of the reason they are made fun of, and why their defenders are made fun of. How hard is it to understand that if you are a public figure you have to behave yourself and not act like a bunch of drunks?
I see there have still not been charges filed against any of the Palins...and I see there still are no named sources, except the disgruntled employee...

Go figure.
Ahhh, Koshergruel in fantasyland! !

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Ah, Statist in Naziland!

You make a perfect Goebbels.
Goebbels would be ashamed of how pitiful he was compared to modern American "Progressives"
Posting the palin public pictures (from the CHRISTIAN POST) of the Palin white trash whores is racism?

And another white christian yelling racism!! How adorable it that!!!

So, does your filthy party hold webinars to teach you piles of shit how to be more racist?

Do you have "hateinannys" at your trail park where you pretend to lynch and burn whites?

Come on, your fellow democrats will cheer you, you can admit it.
Love how Palin reduces the Progressives to nasty pooh flinging monkeys
Stop your whining. The right has been doing it day in and day out with the foulest, crudest and most obscene attacks this country has ever seen about a President for years. Ever since the black guy got into the WH. If it isn't him it's the former first lady. Sarah gets what she deserves for insulting so many Americans with her "true American" crap.
Yea because a private citizen wields so much power.
She is a "current" public figure. She continues to promote herself as a celebrity and political commentator. Her daughters continue to promote themselves as celebrities. They make money by being public figures. They have been at it long enough to know how that profession operates and what to expect. They can't act stupid and do stupid things and not expect to get called out on it. Well, they can, but that is one of the reason they are made fun of, and why their defenders are made fun of. How hard is it to understand that if you are a public figure you have to behave yourself and not act like a bunch of drunks?

I love how they live in your head.

Many "celebrities" do stupid stuff but I haven't seen you post about them. Hell even your precious Obama does stupid stuff and still not a peep from you.

The selective outrage you possess is intriguing. Were you born with that ability or do you have to work at it?
A white christian yelling racism!! How adorable!!!

Do you keep a Swastika on your wall?

Of course you do, ya racist fuck you....

Another white christian yelling racism , how very very adorable is this!!!

Christian fundamentalists in jesusland feel persecuted or "oppressed" whenever they find someone that doesn't share their particular worldview (such as creationism). On closer examination of such claims, it's more commonly the case that claims of persecution are better explained as annoyance at the removal of privilege or the curtailment of their ability to force their views on others.
Whilst the liberal indoctrination center taught hate, they failed to teach spelling. Fortunately that sort of education is government financed - would hate to think of people spending their own money to send their git to a failure academy.

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