The Palin Brawl

Alaska law required that Governor Palin resign before ("before", look that up, haters). How does one explain a senator who QUITS representing His constituents by voting "present" rather than take a position? Of course when your constituents are universally Democrats, incapable of decision without a direct instruction, then it may be excusable. Especially if Mr. Soros forgot to send Him His directives on those days.
Like you backed up the fact that Obama can change the wages in the WH? Yeah.....I'm still waiting, dumbass.

Wait, the fucker can issue an EO to let millions of illegals in - violating the U.S. Constitution - but you claim he can't change the wages at the White House?


I can see why you let the party do your thinking for you - you have no knack for it.

Show me how he can...........ijit.

Liar? Obama didn't quit the Senate? Then every news agency in the country lied.

That's not called quitting. That's being promoted to the most powerful position in the World. Something the conservative candidates may never see again, with any luck.
With the blessing of his Illinois constituents. Unlike Palin, who left her constituents high and dry when she quit.

Please link to those "blessings".

Hey Dumbass....he won the election. Count all the votes that he beat dumas Romoney with as go cry in the corner.......:D

Winning the election doesn't prove that he had the blessings of his constituents. But nice try.
It's a shame the people who is thinking of voting Democrat doesn't all come on here to see what party actually has, THE WAR ON WOMEN

they'd blush and be embarrassed and run as far away from that party as they can
I'm just quoting facts.

You're stating the "fact" that Palin is a mouthy bitch who needed to be put in her place. You and your party are teaching her a lesson about keeping her eyes down and her mouth shut. The party will tell her what she thinks. :thup:

That you're too dense to figure out that your party doesn't give a damn about you just shows what a partisan hack you against your own interests is not too smart.

Stephanie votes against being slapped around for her own good - where you know Obama loves you and is only correcting you so that you do right. You're only a woman, you need the party to think for you.

I don't have anything to do with Palin's behavior. I live in Texas, she's in Alaska.....even I can't reach that far. I'm just having fun with the fact that some of you come out in droves to defend her for her trashy behavior.

Keep on patting Steph on the back. Both you and I know that your party doesn't consider women equal to men and they just proved it by voting NO to such an important bill. But, that's your MO, keep them women in the dark and feed them poop, like mushrooms.

Please point out her trashy behavior and back it up with facts not hearsay.

Participating in a brawl. Screaming "Don't you know who I am".......that's pretty trashy.

That's nothing but hearsay. You have no idea whether that actually happened or not. But hey, I understand you gullible pukes will believe anything as long as your told to.

You're a good sheep.
Jeez, from 5:00 last night until now, this thread added 14 PAGES????

Yeah, the Communists aren't obsessed with their drooling hatred of Palin.

Damned woman doesn't know her place, democrats GOTS ta smack da bitch down...

She's doing a good job of it, herself.

Poor $arah.

$he gets blamed for everything $he does.

And she takes no responsibility for her ignorance and white trashy ways

Remember opinions are facts to her slopped sculled white trash supporters

"[Paul Revere] did warn the British. And in a shout-out, gotcha-type of question that was asked of me, I answered candidly. And I know my American history." --Sarah Palin, defending her botched Paul Revere history lesson by taking issue with the reporter, who simply asked her "What have you seen so far today, and what are you going to take away from your visit?" (Fox News Sunday interview, June 5, 2011)

"He who warned, uh, the British that they weren't gonna be takin' away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells, and um, makin' sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed." --Sarah Palin, on Paul Revere's midnight ride, June 3, 2011


Poor Sarah....but her defenders are no better than her at stringing coherent sentences.........:D
I'm just quoting facts.

You're stating the "fact" that Palin is a mouthy bitch who needed to be put in her place. You and your party are teaching her a lesson about keeping her eyes down and her mouth shut. The party will tell her what she thinks. :thup:

That you're too dense to figure out that your party doesn't give a damn about you just shows what a partisan hack you against your own interests is not too smart.

Stephanie votes against being slapped around for her own good - where you know Obama loves you and is only correcting you so that you do right. You're only a woman, you need the party to think for you.

I don't have anything to do with Palin's behavior. I live in Texas, she's in Alaska.....even I can't reach that far. I'm just having fun with the fact that some of you come out in droves to defend her for her trashy behavior.

Keep on patting Steph on the back. Both you and I know that your party doesn't consider women equal to men and they just proved it by voting NO to such an important bill. But, that's your MO, keep them women in the dark and feed them poop, like mushrooms.

Please point out her trashy behavior and back it up with facts not hearsay.

Participating in a brawl. Screaming "Don't you know who I am".......that's pretty trashy.

That's nothing but hearsay. You have no idea whether that actually happened or not. But hey, I understand you gullible pukes will believe anything as long as your told to.

You're a good sheep.

Ha,ha, says the lemming who claims his party is not waging war against women and then defends them when they vote "NO" to equal pay. How do you explain that genius?
I'm just quoting facts.

You're stating the "fact" that Palin is a mouthy bitch who needed to be put in her place. You and your party are teaching her a lesson about keeping her eyes down and her mouth shut. The party will tell her what she thinks. :thup:

That you're too dense to figure out that your party doesn't give a damn about you just shows what a partisan hack you against your own interests is not too smart.

Stephanie votes against being slapped around for her own good - where you know Obama loves you and is only correcting you so that you do right. You're only a woman, you need the party to think for you.

I don't have anything to do with Palin's behavior. I live in Texas, she's in Alaska.....even I can't reach that far. I'm just having fun with the fact that some of you come out in droves to defend her for her trashy behavior.

Keep on patting Steph on the back. Both you and I know that your party doesn't consider women equal to men and they just proved it by voting NO to such an important bill. But, that's your MO, keep them women in the dark and feed them poop, like mushrooms.

Please point out her trashy behavior and back it up with facts not hearsay.

Like you backed up the fact that Obama can change the wages in the WH? Yeah.....I'm still waiting, dumbass.

I don't need to back up the fact that he had both the House and the Senate and he has all the influence he needs to make something happen if he wanted to. You seem to think the President had no sway over his fellow Democrats even after they passed his signature healthcare bill.
I'm sorry but I don't answer stupid questions.

Translation: I'm defeated, I have no answer to the question, so I'll respond with a nonsensical retort.

No need for translation. We all know you got nothing.

You got nothing. You made a statement that you couldn't back up with facts....typical conservative, then you hide behind your common shield....act dumb....:D

I said Obama is a quitter. It is a known fact the he resigned. Are you disputing that fact?

Your sock asked a stupid question that deserved no answer.

That you don't understand how "work" works just makes you the dumb one. Obama has never quit....he has moved on to greener being the most powerful man in the your disbelief, I'm sure. Palin quit....she quit so she could go traveling all over the US and wring money out of her groupies, like you.

He resigned as Senator to be President. He still RESIGNED aka QUIT! Damn you people are stupid!
Alaska law required that Governor Palin resign before ("before", look that up, haters).

Would you care to expound on that, since you provided that insightful comment? What Alaska law required Palin to resign before? Before what?

And don't deflect....we already have uncensored and lonely deflecting all over the place, because they don't have the sense to answer questions.

I'm waiting.
Liar? Obama didn't quit the Senate? Then every news agency in the country lied.

That's not called quitting. That's being promoted to the most powerful position in the World. Something the conservative candidates may never see again, with any luck.
With the blessing of his Illinois constituents. Unlike Palin, who left her constituents high and dry when she quit.

Please link to those "blessings".

Hey Dumbass....he won the election. Count all the votes that he beat dumas Romoney with as go cry in the corner.......:D

Winning the election doesn't prove that he had the blessings of his constituents. But nice try.

Yeah right.....that's why they voted for him, fruit loop, because they didn't want him to be President. Where do you and your peers come up with such moronic answers?
It's a shame the people who is thinking of voting Democrat doesn't all come on here to see what party actually has, THE WAR ON WOMEN

they'd blush and be embarrassed and run as far away from that party as they can

Steph....your party voted "NO" to paying you the same as they pay a man for the same job. If you understand that, you understand that they don't give a shit about you or what you make. Now quit posting garbage.
You're stating the "fact" that Palin is a mouthy bitch who needed to be put in her place. You and your party are teaching her a lesson about keeping her eyes down and her mouth shut. The party will tell her what she thinks. :thup:

Stephanie votes against being slapped around for her own good - where you know Obama loves you and is only correcting you so that you do right. You're only a woman, you need the party to think for you.

I don't have anything to do with Palin's behavior. I live in Texas, she's in Alaska.....even I can't reach that far. I'm just having fun with the fact that some of you come out in droves to defend her for her trashy behavior.

Keep on patting Steph on the back. Both you and I know that your party doesn't consider women equal to men and they just proved it by voting NO to such an important bill. But, that's your MO, keep them women in the dark and feed them poop, like mushrooms.

Please point out her trashy behavior and back it up with facts not hearsay.

Participating in a brawl. Screaming "Don't you know who I am".......that's pretty trashy.

That's nothing but hearsay. You have no idea whether that actually happened or not. But hey, I understand you gullible pukes will believe anything as long as your told to.

You're a good sheep.

Ha,ha, says the lemming who claims his party is not waging war against women and then defends them when they vote "NO" to equal pay. How do you explain that genius?
More of your lies.

Provide ONE post where I made any such claim.

The fact is I never debated the so-called "war on women".

The vote was on the Lilly Ledbetter Act which wasn't about equal pay it was about making it easier for women to file lawsuits. Please educate yourself on the legislation before you speak on it. I provided the bill in full in a previous post. Naturally you ignored it, probably because it contained facts which you liberals are seemingly allergic to.
That's not called quitting. That's being promoted to the most powerful position in the World. Something the conservative candidates may never see again, with any luck.
With the blessing of his Illinois constituents. Unlike Palin, who left her constituents high and dry when she quit.

Please link to those "blessings".

Hey Dumbass....he won the election. Count all the votes that he beat dumas Romoney with as go cry in the corner.......:D

Winning the election doesn't prove that he had the blessings of his constituents. But nice try.

Yeah right.....that's why they voted for him, fruit loop, because they didn't want him to be President. Where do you and your peers come up with such moronic answers?

Everyone in Illinois voted for him? I'm sure you have proof of that. I'll wait.....
It's a shame the people who is thinking of voting Democrat doesn't all come on here to see what party actually has, THE WAR ON WOMEN

they'd blush and be embarrassed and run as far away from that party as they can

Steph....your party voted "NO" to paying you the same as they pay a man for the same job. If you understand that, you understand that they don't give a shit about you or what you make. Now quit posting garbage.

Another lie.

Please provide the legislation of the bill your talking about. But you may want to read it first before you embarrass yourself
Translation: I'm defeated, I have no answer to the question, so I'll respond with a nonsensical retort.

No need for translation. We all know you got nothing.

You got nothing. You made a statement that you couldn't back up with facts....typical conservative, then you hide behind your common shield....act dumb....:D

I said Obama is a quitter. It is a known fact the he resigned. Are you disputing that fact?

Your sock asked a stupid question that deserved no answer.

That you don't understand how "work" works just makes you the dumb one. Obama has never quit....he has moved on to greener being the most powerful man in the your disbelief, I'm sure. Palin quit....she quit so she could go traveling all over the US and wring money out of her groupies, like you.

He resigned as Senator to be President. He still RESIGNED aka QUIT! Damn you people are stupid!

You are trying really hard.....and making yourself look more and more stupid. What person would not leave a job to become President? I know Sarah Palin would abandon her job......oops, she doesn't have one....oh well, she would abandon traveling all over the US gathering money from her groupies.....ooops, she already quit that too. Bad example....oh, let's see.....McCain would have gladly left his Senate job to become President....too bad he picked that know-nothing and people decided not to vote for him....:D

Now what do you have to say about McCain?:D
It's a shame the people who is thinking of voting Democrat doesn't all come on here to see what party actually has, THE WAR ON WOMEN

they'd blush and be embarrassed and run as far away from that party as they can

Steph....your party voted "NO" to paying you the same as they pay a man for the same job. If you understand that, you understand that they don't give a shit about you or what you make. Now quit posting garbage.

Another lie.

Please provide the legislation of the bill your talking about. But you may want to read it first before you embarrass yourself

Ha,ha, not too long ago you were arguing that there was a bill already in place to do that. I asked you to prove that Obama could set the wages at the WH and you scurried away and hid and came back with a deflect.

So, you don't even know what bill we're talking about? That figures.....keep watching Faux News, it's really helping you.

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