The Palin Brawl

Christian fundamentalists in jesusland feel persecuted or "oppressed" whenever they find someone that doesn't share their particular worldview (such as creationism). On closer examination of such claims, it's more commonly the case that claims of persecution are better explained as annoyance at the removal of privilege or the curtailment of their ability to force their views on others.

How unreasonable of them - just because you want to round them all up and murder them.......
Obama is a quitter too. Why ignore that little fact?
Oh? What did he quit?

I'm sorry but I don't answer stupid questions.

Translation: I'm defeated, I have no answer to the question, so I'll respond with a nonsensical retort.

No need for translation. We all know you got nothing.

You got nothing. You made a statement that you couldn't back up with facts....typical conservative, then you hide behind your common shield....act dumb....:D
High IQ and christer an oximoron

One thing that is irrefutable, there are no racists who are not drooling retards.

You are a prime example.

Sort of unfair to the developmentally challenged to equate them with Gummo. They have no control over their condition; He/she/it does but chooses hate and racism. Which, I guess, is OK if that's the charter of one's chosen cult.
What about my behavior? I don't take my family to parties and start a brawl.

I read in a blog written by someone paid to spew shit about you that you did. They said you were dancing naked on the tables and throwing whisky bottles at the police.

Just like you did with Palin.

What conservative woman is thinking for herself? Certainly not anyone that thinks it's okay for men to make more money for the same job. That's just plain stupid.

You spew your hatred at Palin because your sugar daddy - the GLORIOUS PEOPLES dEMOCRATIC PARTY tells you to.

They tell you to because Palin is an uppity bitch who doesn't do as she's told.

You do though, you do, say, and think exactly what the party tell you.

You keep spewing that but you have not posted any facts to back your statement up. The fact that Republican leaders voted "NO" to women making the same as men for the same job speaks can't hide that, but you're doing an amazingly ignorant job of trying to.

This whole thread is proof. You attack Palin at every turn - because the party tells you to, and the party does your thinking for you.

You are a fruit loop dingus. Come back to earth if you want to debate with me.
Don't be so fucking stupid. She will resume it when the time comes. If that time never comes then you can cry about it.

And no, ending a tour is not quitting a tour. Tours are not meant to last forever you pathetic excuse for a human!

Ha,ha, to see how angry you've gotten over a stupid trailer-trash brawl just shows how uninformed some of you are. Palin won't ever resume her tour because she does have enough sense to realize that even some Republicans are beginning to see that she's not Presidential material......that she would never make it out of the primaries. But you don't have to get so incensed..............:D

Hey dumbass nothing in what I'd written was about the brawl. Please do try to keep up. BTW her tour wasn't about a presidential bid.
Seems to me you're the dumbass. Yep, you couldn't defend your stupid comment about Obama raising the pay of women in the WH....because you can't. He doesn't set the wages. Learn something. And, I don't care what her tour was about....I know fruit loops like you want her for President, as if Bush didn't hurt us enough already.

One thing is for certain, your dumbass would never be mistaken for a conservative.
Thank God for that. I wouldn't want to be classified with fruit loops like you.
Obama is also a quitter. So what is your point?


Liar? Obama didn't quit the Senate? Then every news agency in the country lied.

That's not called quitting. That's being promoted to the most powerful position in the World. Something the conservative candidates may never see again, with any luck.
With the blessing of his Illinois constituents. Unlike Palin, who left her constituents high and dry when she quit.

Please link to those "blessings".

Hey Dumbass....he won the election. Count all the votes that he beat dumas Romoney with as go cry in the corner.......:D
I'm just quoting facts.

You're stating the "fact" that Palin is a mouthy bitch who needed to be put in her place. You and your party are teaching her a lesson about keeping her eyes down and her mouth shut. The party will tell her what she thinks. :thup:

That you're too dense to figure out that your party doesn't give a damn about you just shows what a partisan hack you against your own interests is not too smart.

Stephanie votes against being slapped around for her own good - where you know Obama loves you and is only correcting you so that you do right. You're only a woman, you need the party to think for you.

I don't have anything to do with Palin's behavior. I live in Texas, she's in Alaska.....even I can't reach that far. I'm just having fun with the fact that some of you come out in droves to defend her for her trashy behavior.

Keep on patting Steph on the back. Both you and I know that your party doesn't consider women equal to men and they just proved it by voting NO to such an important bill. But, that's your MO, keep them women in the dark and feed them poop, like mushrooms.

Please point out her trashy behavior and back it up with facts not hearsay.

Participating in a brawl. Screaming "Don't you know who I am".......that's pretty trashy.
Obama is a quitter too. Why ignore that little fact?
Oh? What did he quit?

I'm sorry but I don't answer stupid questions.

Translation: I'm defeated, I have no answer to the question, so I'll respond with a nonsensical retort.

No need for translation. We all know you got nothing.

You got nothing. You made a statement that you couldn't back up with facts....typical conservative, then you hide behind your common shield....act dumb....:D

I said Obama is a quitter. It is a known fact the he resigned. Are you disputing that fact?

Your sock asked a stupid question that deserved no answer.
Don't be so fucking stupid. She will resume it when the time comes. If that time never comes then you can cry about it.

And no, ending a tour is not quitting a tour. Tours are not meant to last forever you pathetic excuse for a human!

Ha,ha, to see how angry you've gotten over a stupid trailer-trash brawl just shows how uninformed some of you are. Palin won't ever resume her tour because she does have enough sense to realize that even some Republicans are beginning to see that she's not Presidential material......that she would never make it out of the primaries. But you don't have to get so incensed..............:D

Hey dumbass nothing in what I'd written was about the brawl. Please do try to keep up. BTW her tour wasn't about a presidential bid.
Seems to me you're the dumbass. Yep, you couldn't defend your stupid comment about Obama raising the pay of women in the WH....because you can't. He doesn't set the wages. Learn something. And, I don't care what her tour was about....I know fruit loops like you want her for President, as if Bush didn't hurt us enough already.

One thing is for certain, your dumbass would never be mistaken for a conservative.
Thank God for that. I wouldn't want to be classified with fruit loops like you.

Fruit loops? Wow and I thought you were an adult. My bad!
I'm just quoting facts.

You're stating the "fact" that Palin is a mouthy bitch who needed to be put in her place. You and your party are teaching her a lesson about keeping her eyes down and her mouth shut. The party will tell her what she thinks. :thup:

That you're too dense to figure out that your party doesn't give a damn about you just shows what a partisan hack you against your own interests is not too smart.

Stephanie votes against being slapped around for her own good - where you know Obama loves you and is only correcting you so that you do right. You're only a woman, you need the party to think for you.

I don't have anything to do with Palin's behavior. I live in Texas, she's in Alaska.....even I can't reach that far. I'm just having fun with the fact that some of you come out in droves to defend her for her trashy behavior.

Keep on patting Steph on the back. Both you and I know that your party doesn't consider women equal to men and they just proved it by voting NO to such an important bill. But, that's your MO, keep them women in the dark and feed them poop, like mushrooms.

Please point out her trashy behavior and back it up with facts not hearsay.

Like you backed up the fact that Obama can change the wages in the WH? Yeah.....I'm still waiting, dumbass.
Hey Dumbass....he won the election. Count all the votes that he beat dumas Romoney with as go cry in the corner.......:D

In the above there are two instances of extreme disrespect being shown toward Democrat's Messiah. Failure to capitalize the "H" when referring to your deity is frowned upon by The Democrat Central Committee and, if repeated, may result in termination of the flow of how-to-hate-Governor Palin-today e-mails.

Can you really afford to risk that?
Sort of unfair to the developmentally challenged to equate them with Gummo. They have no control over their condition; He/she/it does but chooses hate and racism. Which, I guess, is OK if that's the charter of one's chosen cult.

Don't you figure that Batshit is the way he is because he cannot think? He is relegated to emotions, and due to his severely compromised intellect, only the most base of emotion at that. Guano hates because it is all he has the capacity for. Thought is far beyond his grasp, and even complex emotions found in a dog or cat are beyond Batshit, Hunger, pain, pleasure, and hate, are the extent of what goes through the damaged brain of Batshit.
Oh? What did he quit?

I'm sorry but I don't answer stupid questions.

Translation: I'm defeated, I have no answer to the question, so I'll respond with a nonsensical retort.

No need for translation. We all know you got nothing.

You got nothing. You made a statement that you couldn't back up with facts....typical conservative, then you hide behind your common shield....act dumb....:D

I said Obama is a quitter. It is a known fact the he resigned. Are you disputing that fact?

Your sock asked a stupid question that deserved no answer.

That you don't understand how "work" works just makes you the dumb one. Obama has never quit....he has moved on to greener being the most powerful man in the your disbelief, I'm sure. Palin quit....she quit so she could go traveling all over the US and wring money out of her groupies, like you.
Hey Dumbass....he won the election. Count all the votes that he beat dumas Romoney with as go cry in the corner.......:D

In the above there are two instances of extreme disrespect being shown toward Democrat's Messiah. Failure to capitalize the "H" when referring to your deity is frowned upon by The Democrat Central Committee and, if repeated, may result in termination of the flow of how-to-hate-Governor Palin-today e-mails.

Can you really afford to risk that?

Quit your babbling....nobody is paying attention to your gibberish.
Like you backed up the fact that Obama can change the wages in the WH? Yeah.....I'm still waiting, dumbass.

Wait, the fucker can issue an EO to let millions of illegals in - violating the U.S. Constitution - but you claim he can't change the wages at the White House?


I can see why you let the party do your thinking for you - you have no knack for it.
Those aren't lies.

It's not abuse, you just beat the mouthy bitch for her own good.

And shit, you'll buy her candy to make up for it.
Are you drinking already? Your comment doesn't make sense at all.

One source - ONE - Amanda Coyne, who is funded by the democratic party to dig dirt on Palin, who has been busted outright lying about Palin on numerous occasions.

It's not that you believe Coyne, you don't give a fuck, Palin is a mouthy bitch who needs to be knocked around until she knows her place.

You know it, I know it.
Well, it's too bad the Palins didn't call for a Press Conference when they went to the party. It just takes one source, but obviously, it's true or other sources wouldn't be picking up the story. Alert: If you are expecting to hear it on Faux News so you can believe it, it isn't going to happen. Faux News is like you with one exception, they like Palin, only because they make money off her, you don't.

So far Palin has never sued for libel. I said at the outset of this little hate fest of yours that she has a duty to sue Coyne, and the democratic party.

Roll on with your war on women.

Oh, she's smart enough to know that you can't sue for libel if the story is true....gotcha! (And quit trying to hide the fact that your party is waging a war against women.....only a fool would not be able to pick up on it).

If she sued for every fact published about her, she'd have to give up lying about Obama cuz she just wouldn't have time.

Besides, she knows she would lose, and she'd spend all the money she's bamboozled out of her groupies.......:D

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