The PC crowd's liberal use of white, males, old people and christians in a derogatory sense

Can't answer a question that isn't there. You seem to see things that aren't there a lot
Uh read what I wrote, dumbass.

Well then stop asking for answers to questions that you didnt ask, silly
Keep making negative generalizations about whites, it's allowed. Off course you're not allowed to make negative generalizations about blacks, because that's different somehow..

Please Rocko. Give us legitimate examples of your grievance.

1) Tell us all the negative generalizations that you would like to make about blacks; and

2) Explain to the world why no negative generalizations should be made about you.

I'm anxious to hear a well-reasoned and logical argument, if you have one.

Please quote me on where I said I would like to make negative generalizations about blacks. Thanks.

You're not very good at this, are you?
Dems are running 3 old White people for President; Repubs have 2 hispanic men, a black man, and a woman

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Keep making negative generalizations about whites, it's allowed. Off course you're not allowed to make negative generalizations about blacks, because that's different somehow..

Blacks Celebrating Their Freedom video Page 6 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I cant hear you over the link? what did you say?

That's this MB, I'm talking about 99% of what we see out in society. Are you really going to make the claim that theres no difference in the generalities people are allowed to attribute to blacks and whites in the real world?

That's an impressive statistic. Where did you pull that from? do you have a link leading to your behind? LOL

Again, specifically, list some of the most important generalities that you desire to make about blacks ... and explain why no one should make any generalizations about you (based on the content of your speech).

You see, you are free to say whatever you want ... but when you open your mouth (or place fingers to keyboard) ... you risk that others might judge you to be a fool. Freedom of speech does not equate to freedom from criticism.
racist mr guiterrez' comments not withstanding; um yea; White America is shrinking i guess; or at least not growing as fast as browner America is. that being said there are still over 200 million white Americans, more than black, hispanic and arab combined

Dems are running 3 old White people for President; Repubs have 2 hispanic men, a black man, and a woman

libs are losers who lie to themselves

But but but....

One of those senior citizens is a WOMAN!!

for all the self-hating White Left-wing losers out there. i mean its clear you're trying to wash off the guilt of all that "white privilege" and in case you ever feel cleansed of it, remember all yo uhave to do then is shut your mouth and be the useful idiot you are wanted to be.
Keep making negative generalizations about whites, it's allowed. Off course you're not allowed to make negative generalizations about blacks, because that's different somehow..

Please Rocko. Give us legitimate examples of your grievance.

1) Tell us all the negative generalizations that you would like to make about blacks; and

2) Explain to the world why no negative generalizations should be made about you.

I'm anxious to hear a well-reasoned and logical argument, if you have one.

Please quote me on where I said I would like to make negative generalizations about blacks. Thanks.

You're not very good at this, are you?

Like to? You didnt say you would like to you just did it in the OP turd sniffer
Yeah, the other day I was wearing a muscle shirt while tying something to the top of my parents' van, when somebody drove by and yelled "yeah, git'er done!"

Totally racist, right?!

what does this even mean? that would depend who said it wouldnt it?

I didn't get a chance to see who said it, but it was clearly a Larry the Cable guy reference. And I was being facetious about the racism. I totally set myself up for that one. Just as the GOP sets themselves up for mockery by being non-inclusive.
PC is right-wing now, and usually amounts to what the OP is, old whiny white Christian males being whiny.

Thanks for proving my point.
Thanks for proving mine, you little whiner. If you want to be treated like men of good will, or men at all, start acting like one.

Is there a double standard or is there not?
No. Now either go play or grow up? I don't care which.

Then you just refuse to admit the truth, so it's useless taking to you.

Be more specific Rocko. I'm very curious about the alleged "double standard" that you have identified as "the truth". Please explain it in a comprehensible manner.
Keep making negative generalizations about whites, it's allowed. Off course you're not allowed to make negative generalizations about blacks, because that's different somehow..

Please Rocko. Give us legitimate examples of your grievance.

1) Tell us all the negative generalizations that you would like to make about blacks; and

2) Explain to the world why no negative generalizations should be made about you.

I'm anxious to hear a well-reasoned and logical argument, if you have one.

Please quote me on where I said I would like to make negative generalizations about blacks. Thanks.

You're not very good at this, are you?

Like to? You didnt say you would like to you just did it in the OP turd sniffer

i just read the OP. Where does he say that?
Keep making negative generalizations about whites, it's allowed. Off course you're not allowed to make negative generalizations about blacks, because that's different somehow..

Please Rocko. Give us legitimate examples of your grievance.

1) Tell us all the negative generalizations that you would like to make about blacks; and

2) Explain to the world why no negative generalizations should be made about you.

I'm anxious to hear a well-reasoned and logical argument, if you have one.

Please quote me on where I said I would like to make negative generalizations about blacks. Thanks.

You're not very good at this, are you?

Like to? You didnt say you would like to you just did it in the OP turd sniffer

Cite that part for us, skip.
Yeah, the other day I was wearing a muscle shirt while tying something to the top of my parents' van, when somebody drove by and yelled "yeah, git'er done!"

Totally racist, right?!

what does this even mean? that would depend who said it wouldnt it?

I didn't get a chance to see who said it, but it was clearly a Larry the Cable guy reference. And I was being facetious about the racism. I totally set myself up for that one. Just as the GOP sets themselves up for mockery by being non-inclusive.


only self-impressed left-wing nutjobs think their mockery of others means anything. thanks for the admission of intolerance though
Those suffering from White Guilt badly overcompensate by enabling and spinning and ignoring any bad behaviors by American Blacks.

It makes them "feel" better about themselves temporarily, but on balance it's hurting those about whom they claim to "care".

Funny. They don't "care" about that.

you call record welfare and food stamps "forward progress"

your Donkeys voted for every single Bush policy no matter as minority or majority Party and continued them long after Bush left office; after taking BOTH chambers of congress

yet you still cry and try to re-write history

who earned mocking?
you accuse others of being exclusive
but you're running 3 old white, people, rich ones

idiots and hypocrites
you say we're a "dying Party"................
that has both chambers of Congress and 30 of 50 Governor's chairs?

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Those suffering from White Guilt badly overcompensate by enabling and spinning and ignoring any bad behaviors by American Blacks.

It makes them "feel" better about themselves temporarily, but on balance it's hurting those about whom they claim to "care".

Funny. They don't "care" about that.


Hey, why find out what other people believe when you can just build it yourself and knock that strawman down on his back?

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