The Pelosi attack was an assassination attempt, we need to treat this seriously.

He did NOT have a hammer. The attacker broke in using a hammer and Pelosi attempted to take it away when the cops knocked on the door.

What the fuck is wrong with you tards?
Hey dumbfuck, answer how he “broke in” with no alarm going off and all the glass being OUTSIDE, not inside. How retarded are you?
What the fuck are you talking about?

The local police did not know WHO opened the door. That’s what “opened by unknown person” means

Turns out it was Pelosi
No retard. The police stated they saw Pelosi and DePape struggling after a third person opened the door. Maybe you should quit lying and trying to protect Paul from being outed for a homosexual encounter gone wrong.
She is a hag. She's also completely nuts....
While I disagree with her political positions, Nancy Pelosi is a powerhouse in the Democratic Party. She is far from insane and keeps House democrats in line which is a lot like herding cats.

She is more attractive than most women her age. Of course a lot of that is due to the skill of her plastic surgeons who have been pressed to the limits.
While I would say that Democracy is the best system in the world, I would not say you have the "best system in the world". Your current system has resulted in an extremely divided nation which has already endured one Civil War, and is now on the brink of another one.

A nation where the population is constantly fighting, and settling politics with violence every 100 years or so, is not operating under the "best system in the world".
The U.S. has had one Civil War that divided the nation from 1861 to 1865. However the Union (the North in the Civil War) has operated under one Constitution since 1789. That makes it the second oldest Constitution behind San Marino which is the fifth smallest country in the world.

We have had and still have our differences but over the years we have been able to resolve them peacefully with the exception of the Civil War. Hopefully we can do so once again in the next two elections. The voters choosing people to represent them and make necessary changes is far superior to overthrowing the government by bloodshed.
He was in the fucking yard, dipshit! It said "outside", That directly conflicts what you said that he got nowhere near his home.

You are a lying sack of shit, two times on one topic!

Wasn't in the house. Kavanaugh wasn't in the house. The guy called the cops and turned himself in.

Now, it would be great if it was EASY for the mentally ill to get treatment and HARD For them to get guns, instead of the other way around.

Maybe someone should get on that.
DePape is an illegal alien. If he had been deported, this would not have happened.

Where is the 911 call, the police body cam video, and the Pelosi home security video?

Until those are released to the public, I do not believe a fucking thing the FBI or the Democrats tell us.

The FBI said the Hunter Biden laptop was fake. The FBI said Trump is a Russian spy. The FBI had agent provacateurs at the Capitol on J5 and J6.
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While I disagree with her political positions, Nancy Pelosi is a powerhouse in the Democratic Party. She is far from insane and keeps House democrats in line which is a lot like herding cats.

She is more attractive than most women her age. Of course a lot of that is due to the skill of her plastic surgeons who have been pressed to the limits.
Wasn't talking about Pelosi. Though, to be honest, she looks like a bit of a hag too.
What facts precisely?

Dont you want the Pelosi home sedurity camera footage showing DePape breaking into the house to prove all of us stupid Trumpers wrong?

Sure seems easy enough. There are cameras all over the property. The Pelosi’s can release the video and show DePape breaking into the home….and all the speculation is over.
It has been brought to my attention this was an assassination attempt on the third on line (Speaker of the House).

Since our Democrat friends never lie, we should take them very seriously.

Come this next January, we’ll have a new Congress seated.

The new Congress should immediately create a “Nancy Pelosi Attack“ committee.

We need to learn who this David DePape is. Who all of his associates are, what he has been doing in the days and weeks leading up to this attack. How he arrived at the Pelosi residence. All SFPD cam footage, all house security footage for that night should be made public. All cell phone data, geo location, and texts for that night should be made public. All data regarding this senseless assassination attempt should be made public on prime time TV.

This is the biggest deal since the JFK commission.

Let’s end the partisan bickering, and get to the truth.
The MAGAt-GOP is the party of DePape now. Of course they will do nothing.....except cheer.
How did you determine there are cameras pointed at this specific location?

How did you determine they were not?

Are you contending DePape was able to avoid all security cameras while breaking into the residence of the 3rd most powerful person on planet earth?

Who do you think set up the security? SimpliSafe?

Listen to yourself. You are brainwashed.

I bet you think the cameras malfunctioned and the guards fell asleep when Epstein “hung himself”.

DePape made it from the street into the house in his underwear and was not captured by any security cameras?

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :hyper: :itsok:
A couple of points.

It's you fucking right wingers who claim that the Second Amendment exists so that the people can threaten the government when it does things they don't like. So by your own logic, you should be happy a mentally ill man tried to kill Kavanaugh. (Even though he turned himself in long before he got to Kavanaugh's house.) Shit, Kavanaugh is part of the knuckle dragging clique on SCOTUS that thinks armed groups of idiots should determine our policy instead of elections. He should be happy that people are trying to kill him, by that logic.

It's not like he's going to go back and say to his colleagues, "Hey, guys, you know what, maybe we should make it HARDER for crazy people to get guns!"
That Kavanaugh thing was a false flag.

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