The Pink List

And remember that there is an appeal process. :thup:

How appealing do you have to be?

You're usually in a solid footing if you don't begin the PM with
"All of you right/left wing morons should be fired and go screw yourselves." :lol:
(And always allow Ropey to proof your appeal before you hit submit) :wink_2:

But a cute kitty Avie can make us overlook those naughty details..
Yeah but --

I'd still tend to believe that if we knew what "offense" was behind a mod decision to pink a member, the educational purpose would be served.

I've noticed that the rate of former mods being pinked is higher than average.
^ How many years ago was that one?


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Yeah but --

I'd still tend to believe that if we knew what "offense" was behind a mod decision to pink a member, the educational purpose would be served.

A lot of the pinking comes after a big flaming meltdown fight in or over one of the threads. If the mods explain that, someone that's friends with the pinked will jump in and start the arguing all over again. Then there will be more pinks, then the thread(s) will be edited or deleted, then Round 3 will start when yet someone else starts whining.

I cite the Tavern situation as a textbook example.
It's nobodies business why anyone is pinked. It is between the pinker and pinkee. And like the staff has said (numerous times), there IS an appeal mode that is put in place. If they are still pinked after that process, then its for a damn good reason. Period.
A word of advice: dirty laundry - don't wash your reds with your whites, or....there will be pink.
It's nobodies business why anyone is pinked. It is between the pinker and pinkee. And like the staff has said (numerous times), there IS an appeal mode that is put in place. If they are still pinked after that process, then its for a damn good reason. Period.

Wrong. What you say happens to be a correct statement of the current Administrative/mod position on the topic. It is likely to continue being the official position.

But just because you agree with the official position does not mean that, objectively, it is "the right" one.

It is my concern when a person I like gets pinked. It is my concern when I want to know what he or she did to warrant getting pinked. And, as a matter of fact, I am a paying member of this place. I therefor have a right to say "I want to know." I don't have a right to demand it. I didn't demand anything. But I sure do have a right to ask.

And it is my business. You are entitled to your opinion.

But you're wrong. :thup:
And....(I can't believe I am saying this)....those who are permabanned and were long time posters.......just maybe....let them back in? Sometimes you don't realize how much you liked what you had..until you lose it.

Just a thought.

Not all permabans are permabans.

I was once banned (HARD TO BELIEVE, I KNOW!).

Shocked me when I logged in to a generic ban message. Upon contacting administration, I was told it was an automatic ban from using too many IP addresses (I use a VPN, nothing I could do about that).

I gave up and went away for a while. A year or two later after I had moved to a different area, I decided to rejoin USMB because this is a cool little community. After I registered, I noticed my original username had mysteriously gotten unbanned, so I reclaimed it and asked the admin team to delete my new account.
It's nobodies business why anyone is pinked. It is between the pinker and pinkee. And like the staff has said (numerous times), there IS an appeal mode that is put in place. If they are still pinked after that process, then its for a damn good reason. Period.

Wrong. What you say happens to be a correct statement of the current Administrative/mod position on the topic. It is likely to continue being the official position.

But just because you agree with the official position does not mean that, objectively, it is "the right" one.

It is my concern when a person I like gets pinked. It is my concern when I want to know what he or she did to warrant getting pinked. And, as a matter of fact, I am a paying member of this place. I therefor have a right to say "I want to know." I don't have a right to demand it. I didn't demand anything. But I sure do have a right to ask.

And it is my business. You are entitled to your opinion.

But you're wrong. :thup:

This post brought up an interesting possibility... what about a pink list for contributors with the requirement that the content of the list not be discussed publicly, with the penalty being an instant permaban (or at the very least, loss of contributor status) for the offending member?
It's nobodies business why anyone is pinked. It is between the pinker and pinkee. And like the staff has said (numerous times), there IS an appeal mode that is put in place. If they are still pinked after that process, then its for a damn good reason. Period.

Wrong. What you say happens to be a correct statement of the current Administrative/mod position on the topic. It is likely to continue being the official position.

But just because you agree with the official position does not mean that, objectively, it is "the right" one.

It is my concern when a person I like gets pinked. It is my concern when I want to know what he or she did to warrant getting pinked. And, as a matter of fact, I am a paying member of this place. I therefor have a right to say "I want to know." I don't have a right to demand it. I didn't demand anything. But I sure do have a right to ask.

And it is my business. You are entitled to your opinion.

But you're wrong. :thup:

Sorry..but it's Nonya. This ain't a democracy.
If someone you liked gets pinked, then either deal with it or follow them. Oh. Wait. Following them means you have to leave usmb and that isn't wanted is it?
Whether you pay here is up to you. It is a donation. You get no rights on how this board is run. You have a right to claim you have a right..but you don't. Don't like how it is being run? Keep your money and don't donate any. They have a right to say NoneYaBiz.
I think I will donate some money to Goodwill then prance in there and say that since I did donate, I have a right to help myself to whatever I want.

I wonder how long before the cops show up, lol.
I think I will donate some money to Goodwill then prance in there and say that since I did donate, I have a right to help myself to whatever I want.

I wonder how long before the cops show up, lol.

As there are no rules (laws) being broken by asking a question or discussing a concept, I fail to see the connection.

Someone making a request may be looked upon by critics as a demand, but that simply doesn't make it so.
I think I will donate some money to Goodwill then prance in there and say that since I did donate, I have a right to help myself to whatever I want.

I wonder how long before the cops show up, lol.

Your post before this quoted one was ill informed and vapid. But the quoted one is just spectacularly imbecilic.

There should be an ANALOG in one's efforts to post an analogy you twit.

If you donate to goodwill and then go to steal shit from Goodwill, you are committing a theft. Plain and simple.

But if you make a donation here (a board dedicated to speaking one's mind) and then imagine that you might have a right to input on a topic of importance here, you aren't stealing anything.

And I have another news flash for you. In your simpleton manner you have evidently overlooked the FACT that the Admin and mods have PERMITTED this very thread to exist. So, not only is there no theft of any kind, there is also no rule violation of any kind.

And this amounts to a suggestion for a rule change. Rule bound lolberals can't wrap their tiny minds around the fact that it is generally ok in a free land to make recommendations for rule changes in places where we engage in free association.

As to your prior post, I am glad you realize that this place is not a democracy. Of course, I never said, suggested or implied that it was. So, nice straw-man, you dolt.

Nevertheless, it isn't a gulag, either. The Admins and mods are ok with a free wheeling discussion. Funny that it offends your peevish little mind so badly. :lol:
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