The Pink List

Courtesy goes a long way too. Treat us respectfully, and we'll return the favor.

That almost sounds like you're saying "Mods aren't like everybody else, they don't have to earn respect, their lofty position in the USMB heirarchy entitles them to it". I'm sure it's just my anti-elitist antennae being overly sensitive tonight. Right?

Catch more flies with sugar than ya do with vinegar.:lol:
To clarify:

You're welcome to be as disrespectful as you like to any of us as posters.

"Official moderator business" is a different story.

One can only hope the moderator does not use the "disrespect" they feel has been shown them as a poster when they make mod decisions.

That doesn't ever happen....does it Doc?
To clarify:

You're welcome to be as disrespectful as you like to any of us as posters.

"Official moderator business" is a different story.

One can only hope the moderator does not use the "disrespect" they feel has been shown them as a poster when they make mod decisions.

That doesn't ever happen....does it Doc?

Courtesy goes a long way too. Treat us respectfully, and we'll return the favor.

That almost sounds like you're saying "Mods aren't like everybody else, they don't have to earn respect, their lofty position in the USMB heirarchy entitles them to it". I'm sure it's just my anti-elitist antennae being overly sensitive tonight. Right?

Not really.

Mods are doing a job. When you go to the bank, you treat the teller courteously; when you go the the grocery store, you treat the cashier courteously. At least I would hope so...

Somewhere I read this quote:

Courtesy is owed
Respect is earned
Love is given

...something like that.

I find when someone treats me courteously - I'll go the extra length to be helpful and the job is more enjoyable :dunno:
I think I will donate some money to Goodwill then prance in there and say that since I did donate, I have a right to help myself to whatever I want.

I wonder how long before the cops show up, lol.

Your post before this quoted one was ill informed and vapid. But the quoted one is just spectacularly imbecilic.

There should be an ANALOG in one's efforts to post an analogy you twit.

If you donate to goodwill and then go to steal shit from Goodwill, you are committing a theft. Plain and simple.

But if you make a donation here (a board dedicated to speaking one's mind) and then imagine that you might have a right to input on a topic of importance here, you aren't stealing anything.

And I have another news flash for you. In your simpleton manner you have evidently overlooked the FACT that the Admin and mods have PERMITTED this very thread to exist. So, not only is there no theft of any kind, there is also no rule violation of any kind.

And this amounts to a suggestion for a rule change. Rule bound lolberals can't wrap their tiny minds around the fact that it is generally ok in a free land to make recommendations for rule changes in places where we engage in free association.

As to your prior post, I am glad you realize that this place is not a democracy. Of course, I never said, suggested or implied that it was. So, nice straw-man, you dolt.

Nevertheless, it isn't a gulag, either. The Admins and mods are ok with a free wheeling discussion. Funny that it offends your peevish little mind so badly. :lol:

Be nice ... for a change. Do you get paid to troll threads and hurl insults at other members? If so, good job.

Who made you the final say, here?

Seriously, though - this is the first time you have actually ever contributed to a thread by commenting on it.

(thumbs up)
My only question is...

can the guys be powder blue instead of pink?

Might be a little close to contributors/donors.

How about keeping pink for perma, and gray for temp bans (because they're in that "gray area")
I read the FAQs and Rules when I joined and I didn't see any explanation on how the banning system works. Did I miss the obvious somewhere?

Is it a one-strike you're out? Do temp bans look just like permabans to the outside observer? Are there demerits which you accumulate which then result in a ban?

How does the whole system work?

There are 60 shades of pink from "soft serenade" to "bashful"! :eek:


However if you are a male and can only see in 16 primary colors then they all just look pink. :eusa_whistle:
Courtesy goes a long way too. Treat us respectfully, and we'll return the favor.

That almost sounds like you're saying "Mods aren't like everybody else, they don't have to earn respect, their lofty position in the USMB heirarchy entitles them to it". I'm sure it's just my anti-elitist antennae being overly sensitive tonight. Right?

No, what he's saying is if a Moderator sends you a message to stop trolling in a particular thread, the proper response would be "oh, OK, I didn't realize I was being so OTT" Rather than "go fuck yourself asshole!"

Who do you think we'll remember when we have to make a decision?

And for the record we don't ban on what people PM us. If you question a Mods actions on the open Board that is an issue, but you can question us in a PM all you wish. You can even curse us out if you wish....
Courtesy goes a long way too. Treat us respectfully, and we'll return the favor.

That almost sounds like you're saying "Mods aren't like everybody else, they don't have to earn respect, their lofty position in the USMB heirarchy entitles them to it". I'm sure it's just my anti-elitist antennae being overly sensitive tonight. Right?

No, what he's saying is if a Moderator sends you a message to stop trolling in a particular thread, the proper response would be "oh, OK, I didn't realize I was being so OTT" Rather than "go fuck yourself asshole!"

Who do you think we'll remember when we have to make a decision?

And for the record we don't ban on what people PM us. If you question a Mods actions on the open Board that is an issue, but you can question us in a PM all you wish. You can even curse us out if you wish....

I would be very polite and say " Please Go fuck yourself Mr. Westwall, have a nice day". :D
I would be very polite and say " Please Go fuck yourself Mr. Westwall, have a nice day". :D

Profanity is not polite. A better example would be,

"Leave me be and pleasure yourself, so I am not forced to endure your intolerable presence, sir."
Courtesy goes a long way too. Treat us respectfully, and we'll return the favor.

That almost sounds like you're saying "Mods aren't like everybody else, they don't have to earn respect, their lofty position in the USMB heirarchy entitles them to it". I'm sure it's just my anti-elitist antennae being overly sensitive tonight. Right?

No, what he's saying is if a Moderator sends you a message to stop trolling in a particular thread, the proper response would be "oh, OK, I didn't realize I was being so OTT" Rather than "go fuck yourself asshole!"

Who do you think we'll remember when we have to make a decision?

And for the record we don't ban on what people PM us. If you question a Mods actions on the open Board that is an issue, but you can question us in a PM all you wish. You can even curse us out if you wish....

That's not true.. I didn't get banned until I told a certain Mod some specific things in a PM.. He then banned me .. YOU may not ban over PMs but not everyone follows that.

Edit to add: I did step over the line in a thread prior to it but I was not banned over it.. Having said that, I deserved the ban.. Just saying some Mods tip the edge from PMs
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I read the FAQs and Rules when I joined and I didn't see any explanation on how the banning system works. Did I miss the obvious somewhere?

Is it a one-strike you're out? Do temp bans look just like permabans to the outside observer? Are there demerits which you accumulate which then result in a ban?

How does the whole system work?

There are 60 shades of pink from "soft serenade" to "bashful"! :eek:


However if you are a male and can only see in 16 primary colors then they all just look pink. :eusa_whistle:

I turn lavender, but it's not listed..
I read the FAQs and Rules when I joined and I didn't see any explanation on how the banning system works. Did I miss the obvious somewhere?

Is it a one-strike you're out? Do temp bans look just like permabans to the outside observer? Are there demerits which you accumulate which then result in a ban?

How does the whole system work?

There are 60 shades of pink from "soft serenade" to "bashful"! :eek:


However if you are a male and can only see in 16 primary colors then they all just look pink. :eusa_whistle:

All we gotta do is rename them. Like PigSpam Pink, Pink TrollLips, DarkBeasty Pink, HissyFit Pink Splash, etc..

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