The Pity Party and why I like Dems better than Reps


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
John Boehner was on the teevee giving passing credit to Obama for the death of bin laden while he said that Bush deserves the most credit. Imo, he would never, ever have given any credit to Clinton if Bush got bin laden and in fact I believe he would have claimed Bush got bin laden despite Clinton.

That is all.
John Boehner was on the teevee giving passing credit to Obama for the death of bin laden while he said that Bush deserves the most credit. Imo, he would never, ever have given any credit to Clinton if Bush got bin laden and in fact I believe he would have claimed Bush got bin laden despite Clinton.

That is all.

the funny thing is that some pundits (and my husband) say that this is a tactical strength of the GOP - that their strategy is more effective than the Kumbaya strategy of democrats - by saying that they are the ONLY ones that make this country better. Ever.
John Boehner was on the teevee giving passing credit to Obama for the death of bin laden while he said that Bush deserves the most credit. Imo, he would never, ever have given any credit to Clinton if Bush got bin laden and in fact I believe he would have claimed Bush got bin laden despite Clinton.

That is all.

the funny thing is that some pundits (and my husband) say that this is a tactical strength of the GOP - that their strategy is more effective than the Kumbaya strategy of democrats - by saying that they are the ONLY ones that make this country better. Ever.
But it isn't true and never has been.

Sometimes I think Republicans care more about talking points than they do about the truth. One day maybe the conservatives will come back. :doubt:
John Boehner was on the teevee giving passing credit to Obama for the death of bin laden while he said that Bush deserves the most credit. Imo, he would never, ever have given any credit to Clinton if Bush got bin laden and in fact I believe he would have claimed Bush got bin laden despite Clinton.

That is all.
You give your opinion of something you think would have happened, then you act as if it did happen :cuckoo:
John Boehner was on the teevee giving passing credit to Obama for the death of bin laden while he said that Bush deserves the most credit. Imo, he would never, ever have given any credit to Clinton if Bush got bin laden and in fact I believe he would have claimed Bush got bin laden despite Clinton.

That is all.

the funny thing is that some pundits (and my husband) say that this is a tactical strength of the GOP - that their strategy is more effective than the Kumbaya strategy of democrats - by saying that they are the ONLY ones that make this country better. Ever.
But it isn't true and never has been.

Sometimes I think Republicans care more about talking points than they do about the truth. One day maybe the conservatives will come back. :doubt:

It's true for the people around here - they buy into the creationism, Obama is a muslim terrorist, the republicans will build the economy - they vote against their interests and spook at their own shadows, with Meg/Carly signs in their lawns as their homes go into foreclosure.....
I believe that Both Obama and Bush should get credit for this to have happened.
Clinton had his chances at the trophy, and blinked. Clinton dismantled our intel, and one could say that it's taken 15 years to get it back to where it became effective again. But, I'm sure there will be those on the left that think I'm just a rightwing nut.
John Boehner was on the teevee giving passing credit to Obama for the death of bin laden while he said that Bush deserves the most credit. Imo, he would never, ever have given any credit to Clinton if Bush got bin laden and in fact I believe he would have claimed Bush got bin laden despite Clinton.

That is all.

how or why would he have been in a position to give Clinton credit for getting bin laden:eusa_eh:
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I believe that Both Obama and Bush should get credit for this to have happened.
Clinton had his chances at the trophy, and blinked. Clinton dismantled our intel, and one could say that it's taken 15 years to get it back to where it became effective again. But, I'm sure there will be those on the left that think I'm just a rightwing nut.

And fancy that Obama for the most part was forced to follow the 'Bush Doctrine'?:eek::eusa_whistle:
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John Boehner was on the teevee giving passing credit to Obama for the death of bin laden while he said that Bush deserves the most credit. Imo, he would never, ever have given any credit to Clinton if Bush got bin laden and in fact I believe he would have claimed Bush got bin laden despite Clinton.

That is all.

the funny thing is that some pundits (and my husband) say that this is a tactical strength of the GOP - that their strategy is more effective than the Kumbaya strategy of democrats - by saying that they are the ONLY ones that make this country better. Ever.

Well, you won't get any Kumbaya toward the GOP from this old blue collar liberal. President Obama should have expended his efforts to keeping Democrats in line, and just told the GOP to go to hell.
Clinton vs. Terror, Republicans vs. Clinton

President Clinton led the fight against terrorism over strong opposition from Republicans in Congress and the pro-Republican Media. Here's a partial - yet incredibly long - list of accomplishments against terrorism for which the Clinton Administration gets almost no credit or even recognition. President Clinton:

-- sent legislation to Congress to TIGHTEN AIRPORT SECURITY. (Remember, this is before 911) The legislation was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the airlines.

-- sent legislation to Congress to allow for BETTER TRACKING OF TERRORIST FUNDING. It was defeated by Republicans in the Senate because of opposition from banking interests.

-- sent legislation to Congress to add tagents to explosives, to allow for BETTER TRACKING OF EXPLOSIVES USED BY TERRORISTS. It was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the NRA.


Here, in stark contrast, is part of the Bush-Cheney anti-terrorism record before September 11, 2001:

-- Backed off Clinton administration's anti-terrorism efforts.

-- Shelved the Hart-Rudman report.

-- Appointed new anti-terrorism task force under Dick Cheney. Group did not even meet before 9/11.

-- Called for cuts in anti-terrorism efforts by the Department of Defense.

-- Gave no priority to anti-terrorism efforts by Justice Department.

-- Ignored warnings from Sandy Berger, Louis Freeh, George Tennant, Paul Bremer, and Richard Clarke about the urgency of terrorist threats.

-- Halted Predator drone tracking of Osama bin Laden.


Terrorism: Clinton vs. Bush - Democratic Underground
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Clinton vs. Terror, Republicans vs. Clinton

President Clinton led the fight against terrorism over strong opposition from Republicans in Congress and the pro-Republican Media. Here's a partial - yet incredibly long - list of accomplishments against terrorism for which the Clinton Administration gets almost no credit or even recognition. President Clinton:

-- sent legislation to Congress to TIGHTEN AIRPORT SECURITY. (Remember, this is before 911) The legislation was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the airlines.

-- sent legislation to Congress to allow for BETTER TRACKING OF TERRORIST FUNDING. It was defeated by Republicans in the Senate because of opposition from banking interests.

-- sent legislation to Congress to add tagents to explosives, to allow for BETTER TRACKING OF EXPLOSIVES USED BY TERRORISTS. It was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the NRA.

Terrorism: Clinton vs. Bush - Democratic Underground

Democratic UNDERTOW?

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[ame=]YouTube - Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version)[/ame]
CIA Officials Reveal What Went Wrong – Clinton to Blame
Big words, small deeds: By blaming everyone else, Clinton weakens the US's role as world leader, says Jonathan Eyal - Opinion - The Independent

Clinton incapacitated America by weakening the counter-terror organizations, overusing diplomacy, and simply ignoring the problem of international terrorism.Weakening the Counter-terror Organizations

Clinton disrupted the counter-terror organizations' ability to protect America on many different levels. It seems he kept a few words handy when dealing with armed forces, Central Intelligence Agency, and Federal Bureau of Investigation: under-funding, over-politicization, and compromise.
Clinton dangerously weakened the armed forces. He kept them under-funded and over-politicized at the same time as spreading them thinner than any president had ever done before. To keep his special interest constituents happy, Clinton made sure the armed forces, the Army in particular, was bogged down with political correctness. Clinton instituted a stress card system in boot camp. In this system, if a recruit was stressed he or she could flash a yellow card to the Drill Sergeant and would be exempt from the exercise. How will a soldier be able to stop terrorists if they can wimp through boot camp? President Clinton lowered the level of Special Forces training so that more women could join.
Clinton caused 9-11
CIA Officials Reveal What Went Wrong – Clinton to Blame
Big words, small deeds: By blaming everyone else, Clinton weakens the US's role as world leader, says Jonathan Eyal - Opinion - The Independent

Clinton incapacitated America by weakening the counter-terror organizations, overusing diplomacy, and simply ignoring the problem of international terrorism.Weakening the Counter-terror Organizations

Clinton disrupted the counter-terror organizations' ability to protect America on many different levels. It seems he kept a few words handy when dealing with armed forces, Central Intelligence Agency, and Federal Bureau of Investigation: under-funding, over-politicization, and compromise.
Clinton dangerously weakened the armed forces. He kept them under-funded and over-politicized at the same time as spreading them thinner than any president had ever done before. To keep his special interest constituents happy, Clinton made sure the armed forces, the Army in particular, was bogged down with political correctness. Clinton instituted a stress card system in boot camp. In this system, if a recruit was stressed he or she could flash a yellow card to the Drill Sergeant and would be exempt from the exercise. How will a soldier be able to stop terrorists if they can wimp through boot camp? President Clinton lowered the level of Special Forces training so that more women could join.
Clinton caused 9-11

It is widely accepted that Clinton gave us Bin-laden...and 9/11
CIA Officials Reveal What Went Wrong – Clinton to Blame
Big words, small deeds: By blaming everyone else, Clinton weakens the US's role as world leader, says Jonathan Eyal - Opinion - The Independent

Clinton incapacitated America by weakening the counter-terror organizations, overusing diplomacy, and simply ignoring the problem of international terrorism.Weakening the Counter-terror Organizations

Clinton disrupted the counter-terror organizations' ability to protect America on many different levels. It seems he kept a few words handy when dealing with armed forces, Central Intelligence Agency, and Federal Bureau of Investigation: under-funding, over-politicization, and compromise.
Clinton dangerously weakened the armed forces. He kept them under-funded and over-politicized at the same time as spreading them thinner than any president had ever done before. To keep his special interest constituents happy, Clinton made sure the armed forces, the Army in particular, was bogged down with political correctness. Clinton instituted a stress card system in boot camp. In this system, if a recruit was stressed he or she could flash a yellow card to the Drill Sergeant and would be exempt from the exercise. How will a soldier be able to stop terrorists if they can wimp through boot camp? President Clinton lowered the level of Special Forces training so that more women could join.
Clinton caused 9-11

That is correct. And when you cripple a large 'machine', it can take years to get it back to its former self.

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