The Poisoning of Flint, MI.

The Ayn Rand philosophy of the GOP is corrosive to Societies........
Pretty much, yeah.
Really? when and how did Rick Snyder go about doing this? Did he force the dumb fucks in flint to use lead plumbing too?

:uhh: Are you even paying attention? Do you know anything about this? Or are you just talking for the sake of hearing your own voice?

WTF are you babbling about? Or didn't you realize that lead wasn't introduced into the water supply naturally?

There is lead in most water pipes. What happened was that the water source was switched from lake water to river water. River water is more corrosive due to the higher levels of salt and must be treated before it enters the pipes or it will corrode them, releasing lead into the water.

The state KNEW that the lead levels were going up. Instead of doing something about it when they first learned of it, they tried to discredit all the people that pointed the fact out to them.

Gross and willful negligence poisoned the people of Flint.

Corrosive is the wrong word. The conductivity of the water is higher when higher chlorides are present, and that leads to higher chances of lead leaching into the water when it stands for too long in the pipes.

I read the water quality reports from August 2015 and the pH of the water was within normal tolerances of 7 (neutral). When you say corrosive you bring up images of the water burning people, which isn't the case at all.

Yes, in the end the most important thing is that you display your knowledge of water pH levels and that the word corrosive was used.

GM stopped using the water because it was corroding their car parts. Sounds corrosive to me.

The word is technically correct, but you are using it to make it sound like the water was melting the mouths of the people drinking it.

Looking at the report, the chloride levels were around 80-90 mgl/l, far lower than NYC water's 11 mg/l but below what NYS considers a problem concentration of 250 mg/l.

The other thing progs are doing with this is making it sound like the water isn't treated at all. It is. The issue was they did not treat it to remove chlorides (or mask their affects) when they switched to the river water.

LEAD seems to be the issue, not chlorides. That said, here is a link which frames the issue:

Snyder apologizes for Flint crisis, to release e-mails

E-Mail Gate Karma? Let it bite the ass of the Republican Leadership in Michigan and open the eyes of The People to what the Republican Party has become.

"Lead poisoning occurs when lead builds up in the body, often over a period of months or years. Even small amounts of lead can cause serious health problems. Children under the age of 6 are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning, which can severely affect mental and physical development. At very high levels, lead poisoning can be fatal"

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Lead poisoning - Mayo Clinic[/FONT]

The lawyers will be all over the issue, one more example of Penny Wise, Pound Foolish Conservative leadership.
Really? when and how did Rick Snyder go about doing this? Did he force the dumb fucks in flint to use lead plumbing too?

WTF are you babbling about? Or didn't you realize that lead wasn't introduced into the water supply naturally?

There is lead in most water pipes. What happened was that the water source was switched from lake water to river water. River water is more corrosive due to the higher levels of salt and must be treated before it enters the pipes or it will corrode them, releasing lead into the water.

The state KNEW that the lead levels were going up. Instead of doing something about it when they first learned of it, they tried to discredit all the people that pointed the fact out to them.

Gross and willful negligence poisoned the people of Flint.

Corrosive is the wrong word. The conductivity of the water is higher when higher chlorides are present, and that leads to higher chances of lead leaching into the water when it stands for too long in the pipes.

I read the water quality reports from August 2015 and the pH of the water was within normal tolerances of 7 (neutral). When you say corrosive you bring up images of the water burning people, which isn't the case at all.

Yes, in the end the most important thing is that you display your knowledge of water pH levels and that the word corrosive was used.

GM stopped using the water because it was corroding their car parts. Sounds corrosive to me.

The word is technically correct, but you are using it to make it sound like the water was melting the mouths of the people drinking it.

Looking at the report, the chloride levels were around 80-90 mgl/l, far lower than NYC water's 11 mg/l but below what NYS considers a problem concentration of 250 mg/l.

The other thing progs are doing with this is making it sound like the water isn't treated at all. It is. The issue was they did not treat it to remove chlorides (or mask their affects) when they switched to the river water.

LEAD seems to be the issue, not chlorides. That said, here is a link which frames the issue:

Snyder apologizes for Flint crisis, to release e-mails

E-Mail Gate Karma? Let it bite the ass of the Republican Leadership in Michigan and open the eyes of The People to what the Republican Party has become.

"Lead poisoning occurs when lead builds up in the body, often over a period of months or years. Even small amounts of lead can cause serious health problems. Children under the age of 6 are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning, which can severely affect mental and physical development. At very high levels, lead poisoning can be fatal"

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Lead poisoning - Mayo Clinic[/FONT]

The lawyers will be all over the issue, one more example of Penny Wise, Pound Foolish Conservative leadership.

The lead comes from the water corroding the water pipes. Now even with good water, there is still lead in it because the pipes have corroded from the river water (which isn't bad water, it just wasn't properly treated).

This is a Snyder made disaster...that he now wants you and I to pay for (despite sitting on a "rainy day" fund.'s fucking pouring)
Since when is the state responsible for local drinking water?

When the governor is a Republican.

You mean when the Republican Governor overrules the Democratic process and appoints Emergency Managers.

Actually the charter for local rule (home rule) flows from the State Constitution, and thus depending on the constitution the State can suspend local rule depending on the rules of such suspension and the need.

Flint ran itself into the ground. The Governor appointed a Manager to fix it.

The Democratic process was not overruled, as people still had votes for their State officers and representatives.
There is lead in most water pipes. What happened was that the water source was switched from lake water to river water. River water is more corrosive due to the higher levels of salt and must be treated before it enters the pipes or it will corrode them, releasing lead into the water.

The state KNEW that the lead levels were going up. Instead of doing something about it when they first learned of it, they tried to discredit all the people that pointed the fact out to them.

Gross and willful negligence poisoned the people of Flint.

Corrosive is the wrong word. The conductivity of the water is higher when higher chlorides are present, and that leads to higher chances of lead leaching into the water when it stands for too long in the pipes.

I read the water quality reports from August 2015 and the pH of the water was within normal tolerances of 7 (neutral). When you say corrosive you bring up images of the water burning people, which isn't the case at all.

Yes, in the end the most important thing is that you display your knowledge of water pH levels and that the word corrosive was used.

GM stopped using the water because it was corroding their car parts. Sounds corrosive to me.

The word is technically correct, but you are using it to make it sound like the water was melting the mouths of the people drinking it.

Looking at the report, the chloride levels were around 80-90 mgl/l, far lower than NYC water's 11 mg/l but below what NYS considers a problem concentration of 250 mg/l.

The other thing progs are doing with this is making it sound like the water isn't treated at all. It is. The issue was they did not treat it to remove chlorides (or mask their affects) when they switched to the river water.

LEAD seems to be the issue, not chlorides. That said, here is a link which frames the issue:

Snyder apologizes for Flint crisis, to release e-mails

E-Mail Gate Karma? Let it bite the ass of the Republican Leadership in Michigan and open the eyes of The People to what the Republican Party has become.

"Lead poisoning occurs when lead builds up in the body, often over a period of months or years. Even small amounts of lead can cause serious health problems. Children under the age of 6 are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning, which can severely affect mental and physical development. At very high levels, lead poisoning can be fatal"

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Lead poisoning - Mayo Clinic[/FONT]

The lawyers will be all over the issue, one more example of Penny Wise, Pound Foolish Conservative leadership.

The lead comes from the water corroding the water pipes. Now even with good water, there is still lead in it because the pipes have corroded from the river water (which isn't bad water, it just wasn't properly treated).

This is a Snyder made disaster...that he now wants you and I to pay for (despite sitting on a "rainy day" fund.'s fucking pouring)

Seawytch has the proper chemical mechanism. The water flowing out of the treatment plant met all State drinking water requirements, its the pipes that added the lead.

In order to blame Snyder you have to establish a clear chain of what he knew and when he knew it. And blaming this all on "trying to save money" typical of progressives, who don't understand the concepts of Engineering.

When was he shown the data on the elevated lead levels?
Corrosive is the wrong word. The conductivity of the water is higher when higher chlorides are present, and that leads to higher chances of lead leaching into the water when it stands for too long in the pipes.

I read the water quality reports from August 2015 and the pH of the water was within normal tolerances of 7 (neutral). When you say corrosive you bring up images of the water burning people, which isn't the case at all.

Yes, in the end the most important thing is that you display your knowledge of water pH levels and that the word corrosive was used.

GM stopped using the water because it was corroding their car parts. Sounds corrosive to me.

The word is technically correct, but you are using it to make it sound like the water was melting the mouths of the people drinking it.

Looking at the report, the chloride levels were around 80-90 mgl/l, far lower than NYC water's 11 mg/l but below what NYS considers a problem concentration of 250 mg/l.

The other thing progs are doing with this is making it sound like the water isn't treated at all. It is. The issue was they did not treat it to remove chlorides (or mask their affects) when they switched to the river water.

LEAD seems to be the issue, not chlorides. That said, here is a link which frames the issue:

Snyder apologizes for Flint crisis, to release e-mails

E-Mail Gate Karma? Let it bite the ass of the Republican Leadership in Michigan and open the eyes of The People to what the Republican Party has become.

"Lead poisoning occurs when lead builds up in the body, often over a period of months or years. Even small amounts of lead can cause serious health problems. Children under the age of 6 are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning, which can severely affect mental and physical development. At very high levels, lead poisoning can be fatal"

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Lead poisoning - Mayo Clinic[/FONT]

The lawyers will be all over the issue, one more example of Penny Wise, Pound Foolish Conservative leadership.

The lead comes from the water corroding the water pipes. Now even with good water, there is still lead in it because the pipes have corroded from the river water (which isn't bad water, it just wasn't properly treated).

This is a Snyder made disaster...that he now wants you and I to pay for (despite sitting on a "rainy day" fund.'s fucking pouring)

Seawytch has the proper chemical mechanism. The water flowing out of the treatment plant met all State drinking water requirements, its the pipes that added the lead.

In order to blame Snyder you have to establish a clear chain of what he knew and when he knew it. And blaming this all on "trying to save money" typical of progressives, who don't understand the concepts of Engineering.

When was he shown the data on the elevated lead levels?

No, we don't have to establish that. Snyder is the Governor and it was his appointed Emergency Managers that made the cost saving choice to switch the water. It was also people appointed by Snyder that attempted to discredit all the whistleblowers that tried to bring it to the public's attention.

Snyder himself admits this is "his Katrina".
Yes, in the end the most important thing is that you display your knowledge of water pH levels and that the word corrosive was used.

GM stopped using the water because it was corroding their car parts. Sounds corrosive to me.

The word is technically correct, but you are using it to make it sound like the water was melting the mouths of the people drinking it.

Looking at the report, the chloride levels were around 80-90 mgl/l, far lower than NYC water's 11 mg/l but below what NYS considers a problem concentration of 250 mg/l.

The other thing progs are doing with this is making it sound like the water isn't treated at all. It is. The issue was they did not treat it to remove chlorides (or mask their affects) when they switched to the river water.

LEAD seems to be the issue, not chlorides. That said, here is a link which frames the issue:

Snyder apologizes for Flint crisis, to release e-mails

E-Mail Gate Karma? Let it bite the ass of the Republican Leadership in Michigan and open the eyes of The People to what the Republican Party has become.

"Lead poisoning occurs when lead builds up in the body, often over a period of months or years. Even small amounts of lead can cause serious health problems. Children under the age of 6 are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning, which can severely affect mental and physical development. At very high levels, lead poisoning can be fatal"

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Lead poisoning - Mayo Clinic[/FONT]

The lawyers will be all over the issue, one more example of Penny Wise, Pound Foolish Conservative leadership.

The lead comes from the water corroding the water pipes. Now even with good water, there is still lead in it because the pipes have corroded from the river water (which isn't bad water, it just wasn't properly treated).

This is a Snyder made disaster...that he now wants you and I to pay for (despite sitting on a "rainy day" fund.'s fucking pouring)

Seawytch has the proper chemical mechanism. The water flowing out of the treatment plant met all State drinking water requirements, its the pipes that added the lead.

In order to blame Snyder you have to establish a clear chain of what he knew and when he knew it. And blaming this all on "trying to save money" typical of progressives, who don't understand the concepts of Engineering.

When was he shown the data on the elevated lead levels?

No, we don't have to establish that. Snyder is the Governor and it was his appointed Emergency Managers that made the cost saving choice to switch the water. It was also people appointed by Snyder that attempted to discredit all the whistleblowers that tried to bring it to the public's attention.

Snyder himself admits this is "his Katrina".

So he's already better than the Governor in Louisiana at the time in admitting he has to do something about it.

And did bush cause the Hurricane to form?

The Cities plan was to actually switch to another Source of Huron water to be the feed water to their plant, but that was going to take 2 years, and they wanted to get off Detroit water to save $$. Flint river water met all the standards for drinking water at the discharge of the plant. If you actually read the source material from their quality reports, they actually had additional problems with chloroamines and fecal coliform counts which were rectified. So the agency treating the water did know some things that changed when they switched supplies, what they didn't realize was how ancient and crappy the cities water piping was.

What I want to know is if the Plant knew about needing to treat the higher conductivity, and if they tried to implement additional treatment, but ran into the red tape typical of water treatment regulation.
Over the past few weeks, Rachel Maddow has been covering the water situation in Flint, MI.

Snyder admin allowed Flint to drink toxic water despite warnings

Rick Snyder administration in Michigan new about reports of the toxicity of Flint's water while the town continued to drink it, resulting in the lead poisoning of some residents, including children, and even rejected Flint's democratically elected council's vote to change water sources.

Yes, they are videos but I highly recommend watching them. What the governor's office did borders on criminal negligence. They intentionally ignored warnings and tried to discredit those that came forward.

Children of Flint will have permanent damage from the lead poisoning caused by his gross negligence.
I made reservations for a week stay at the motel 6 in Flint. Gonna drink some of that brown water...see my doc when I get back...then see my lawyer....get in on the coming redistribution of wealth.......yo.
Over the past few weeks, Rachel Maddow has been covering the water situation in Flint, MI.

Snyder admin allowed Flint to drink toxic water despite warnings

Rick Snyder administration in Michigan new about reports of the toxicity of Flint's water while the town continued to drink it, resulting in the lead poisoning of some residents, including children, and even rejected Flint's democratically elected council's vote to change water sources.

Yes, they are videos but I highly recommend watching them. What the governor's office did borders on criminal negligence. They intentionally ignored warnings and tried to discredit those that came forward.

Children of Flint will have permanent damage from the lead poisoning caused by his gross negligence.
I made reservations for a week stay at the motel 6 in Flint. Gonna drink some of that brown water...see my doc when I get back...then see my lawyer....get in on the comming redistribution of wealth.......yo.

You stay at a Motel 6 in Flint and you'll probably get shot
Over the past few weeks, Rachel Maddow has been covering the water situation in Flint, MI.

Snyder admin allowed Flint to drink toxic water despite warnings

Rick Snyder administration in Michigan new about reports of the toxicity of Flint's water while the town continued to drink it, resulting in the lead poisoning of some residents, including children, and even rejected Flint's democratically elected council's vote to change water sources.

Yes, they are videos but I highly recommend watching them. What the governor's office did borders on criminal negligence. They intentionally ignored warnings and tried to discredit those that came forward.

Children of Flint will have permanent damage from the lead poisoning caused by his gross negligence.
I made reservations for a week stay at the motel 6 in Flint. Gonna drink some of that brown water...see my doc when I get back...then see my lawyer....get in on the comming redistribution of wealth.......yo.

You stay at a Motel 6 in Flint and you'll probably get shot
Sue them too.
Over the past few weeks, Rachel Maddow has been covering the water situation in Flint, MI.

Snyder admin allowed Flint to drink toxic water despite warnings

Rick Snyder administration in Michigan new about reports of the toxicity of Flint's water while the town continued to drink it, resulting in the lead poisoning of some residents, including children, and even rejected Flint's democratically elected council's vote to change water sources.

Yes, they are videos but I highly recommend watching them. What the governor's office did borders on criminal negligence. They intentionally ignored warnings and tried to discredit those that came forward.

Children of Flint will have permanent damage from the lead poisoning caused by his gross negligence.
I made reservations for a week stay at the motel 6 in Flint. Gonna drink some of that brown water...see my doc when I get back...then see my lawyer....get in on the comming redistribution of wealth.......yo.

You stay at a Motel 6 in Flint and you'll probably get shot
Sue them too.

A fool proof plan to get rich quick....I like it. You'll have excellent legal counsel ;)
The liberal bastion called Flint Mi. should be happy to have a Republican Gov. It gives them someone to blame other then the democrat run Flint government. As they always do. Why don't they blame Obama, he is in ultimately in charge of the EPA?

Too sad that the democrats not only poison their children's minds they now poison their bodies, and blame someone other then themselves.
Since when is the state responsible for local drinking water?

When the governor is a Republican.

You mean when the Republican Governor overrules the Democratic process and appoints Emergency Managers.

Actually the charter for local rule (home rule) flows from the State Constitution, and thus depending on the constitution the State can suspend local rule depending on the rules of such suspension and the need.

Flint ran itself into the ground. The Governor appointed a Manager to fix it.

The Democratic process was not overruled, as people still had votes for their State officers and representatives.

Roger and Me ring a bell Marty?

For those who fall for ths lies of omission, herein is a summary:

Ex-journalist Michael Moore demands answers when General Motors suddenly closes the doors of all its auto plants in the Flint, Michigan, the city where he grew up. With over 30,000 people out of work, Flint is economically devastated, and Moore aims to track down General Motors CEO Roger Smith to make him answer for his actions. While on the search, Moore also chronicles the emotional effect the closings have had on his family and friends, while violent crimes begin to skyrocket in Flint.

To those jerks who make fun of this issue, point fingers at liberals and Democrats, the only thing proved by your attitude is you are each racist, bigots and fools. Deny it all you please, your words are evidence of the truth of this conclusion.
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The liberal bastion called Flint Mi. should be happy to have a Republican Gov. It gives them someone to blame other then the democrat run Flint government. As they always do. Why don't they blame Obama, he is in ultimately in charge of the EPA?

Too sad that the democrats not only poison their children's minds they now poison their bodies, and blame someone other then themselves.

Flint has been run by a Governor appointed Emergency Manager since 2012, dumbass.
Since when is the state responsible for local drinking water?

When the governor is a Republican.

You mean when the Republican Governor overrules the Democratic process and appoints Emergency Managers.

Actually the charter for local rule (home rule) flows from the State Constitution, and thus depending on the constitution the State can suspend local rule depending on the rules of such suspension and the need.

Flint ran itself into the ground. The Governor appointed a Manager to fix it.

The Democratic process was not overruled, as people still had votes for their State officers and representatives.

Roger and Me ring a bell Marty?

For those who fall for ths lies of omission, herein is a summary:

Ex-journalist Michael Moore demands answers when General Motors suddenly closes the doors of all its auto plants in the Flint, Michigan, the city where he grew up. With over 30,000 people out of work, Flint is economically devastated, and Moore aims to track down General Motors CEO Roger Smith to make him answer for his actions. While on the search, Moore also chronicles the emotional effect the closings have had on his family and friends, while violent crimes begin to skyrocket in Flint.

To those jerks who make fun of this issue, point fingers at liberals and Democrats, the only thing proved by your attitude is you are each racist, bigots and fools. Deny it all you please, your words are evidence of the truth of this conclusion.

How many decades have they had to try and rectify the situation?
The Right is trying to pin the blame on the EPA, of course,

ironically being an agency that wouldn't even exist if the Right had its way.

There will be plenty of blame to go around, and some of it will end up on the Governor's lap, and rightfully so.

But calling for his resignation and claiming he poisoned a bunch of children either through outright neglect or willful ignorance is partisan and ludicrous.

There will be an investigation, and more than likely the culprit will be a combination of bureaucratic red tape and overall lethargy.
Since when is the state responsible for local drinking water?

When the governor is a Republican.

You mean when the Republican Governor overrules the Democratic process and appoints Emergency Managers.

Actually the charter for local rule (home rule) flows from the State Constitution, and thus depending on the constitution the State can suspend local rule depending on the rules of such suspension and the need.

Flint ran itself into the ground. The Governor appointed a Manager to fix it.

The Democratic process was not overruled, as people still had votes for their State officers and representatives.

The local elected officials just held votes as a symbolic gesture. ALL true legislative power was held by the Emergency Manager.

The Emergency Manager could tell the city to burn every building to the ground and the City Council and Mayor could not do anything to stop him other than plea to the Governor.
Since when is the state responsible for local drinking water?

When the governor is a Republican.

You mean when the Republican Governor overrules the Democratic process and appoints Emergency Managers.

Actually the charter for local rule (home rule) flows from the State Constitution, and thus depending on the constitution the State can suspend local rule depending on the rules of such suspension and the need.

Flint ran itself into the ground. The Governor appointed a Manager to fix it.

The Democratic process was not overruled, as people still had votes for their State officers and representatives.

The local elected officials just held votes as a symbolic gesture. ALL true legislative power was held by the Emergency Manager.

The Emergency Manager could tell the city to burn every building to the ground and the City Council and Mayor could not do anything to stop him other than plea to the Governor.

I think the local police and a judge would be able to stop something that drastic.

The use of Emergency Managers is evidently something that is allowable under the "home rule" provisions of the Michigan State Constitution and the Statues of the State of Michigan. Remember your sovereignty flows not from your village,county or town up to the State, but from the State down to your county,village, or town. A person is a Citizen of Michigan, not of Flint, Detroit, or whatever municipality you reside in. Thus they residents still had representation via their representatives at the State level.

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