The Poisoning of Flint, MI.

The Right is trying to pin the blame on the EPA, of course,

ironically being an agency that wouldn't even exist if the Right had its way.

There will be plenty of blame to go around, and some of it will end up on the Governor's lap, and rightfully so.

But calling for his resignation and claiming he poisoned a bunch of children either through outright neglect or willful ignorance is partisan and ludicrous.

There will be an investigation, and more than likely the culprit will be a combination of bureaucratic red tape and overall lethargy.

And yet the buck stops at the desk of Scott. What he knew and when may very well have been redacted from the e-mails he will release. BUT when more than one person knows the details of a secret, it usually comes out.

I hope Michael Moore will lead in finding that person or the person's who know the truth. What a movie that would be.

And if the truth turns out that the problem is the intricacies of the bureaucracy surrounding regulations at the State and Federal level? The layers and layers of checks and paperwork and approvals needed to get anything done that progressives and Statists love so well?

That's rich. If you had your way there would be no regulation of water quality at any level of government.
Rachel Maddow should be charged with poisoning people with hate. Why anyone listens to that ugly dyke is beyond me.
Another ridiculous attempt to deflect by a ridiculous partisan hack.
I have come to the conclusion that most of the posts on here and on Disqus come from the Koch phone bank in Vegas where there are paid posters for the Republican Party.

All they do all day / night is post the party line on forums and try to smear liberals.
Did he force the residents to drink the tap water?

Pretty much, yeah.
Really? when and how did Rick Snyder go about doing this? Did he force the dumb fucks in flint to use lead plumbing too?

:uhh: Are you even paying attention? Do you know anything about this? Or are you just talking for the sake of hearing your own voice?

WTF are you babbling about? Or didn't you realize that lead wasn't introduced into the water supply naturally?

There is lead in most water pipes. What happened was that the water source was switched from lake water to river water. River water is more corrosive due to the higher levels of salt and must be treated before it enters the pipes or it will corrode them, releasing lead into the water.

The state KNEW that the lead levels were going up. Instead of doing something about it when they first learned of it, they tried to discredit all the people that pointed the fact out to them.

Gross and willful negligence poisoned the people of Flint.
The water in the Flint River is also terribly polluted by Industry for the last 100 years.

They KNEW that but only cared about cutting taxes. Brown people should drink brown water in their estimation.
first fat ass michael moore, now this... there is no god. :rolleyes:

You're comparing Michael Moore helping the people of his hometown of Flint to Gov. Snyder who poisoned the people of Flint?

How is it the Governor's fault? He had nothing to do with it.

It was the City Council and the Mayor Dayne Walling (a Dem by the way) who changed the drinking water to the Flint River from the Detroit River.
Flint will get drinking water from river next month as nearly 50-year-old pact with Detroit ends
Over the past few weeks, Rachel Maddow has been covering the water situation in Flint, MI.

Snyder admin allowed Flint to drink toxic water despite warnings

Rick Snyder administration in Michigan new about reports of the toxicity of Flint's water while the town continued to drink it, resulting in the lead poisoning of some residents, including children, and even rejected Flint's democratically elected council's vote to change water sources.

Yes, they are videos but I highly recommend watching them. What the governor's office did borders on criminal negligence. They intentionally ignored warnings and tried to discredit those that came forward.

Children of Flint will have permanent damage from the lead poisoning caused by his gross negligence.

Why didn't Walling and his administration accept Detroit's offer to change back to the Detroit water system in 2015 when THEY learned of the problem?
The Right is trying to pin the blame on the EPA, of course,

ironically being an agency that wouldn't even exist if the Right had its way.

There will be plenty of blame to go around, and some of it will end up on the Governor's lap, and rightfully so.

But calling for his resignation and claiming he poisoned a bunch of children either through outright neglect or willful ignorance is partisan and ludicrous.

There will be an investigation, and more than likely the culprit will be a combination of bureaucratic red tape and overall lethargy.

And yet the buck stops at the desk of Scott. What he knew and when may very well have been redacted from the e-mails he will release. BUT when more than one person knows the details of a secret, it usually comes out.

I hope Michael Moore will lead in finding that person or the person's who know the truth. What a movie that would be.

And if the truth turns out that the problem is the intricacies of the bureaucracy surrounding regulations at the State and Federal level? The layers and layers of checks and paperwork and approvals needed to get anything done that progressives and Statists love so well?

That's rich. If you had your way there would be no regulation of water quality at any level of government.

Bullshit. I work in water and wastewater quality, and government oversight is needed. What is not needed are regulations that look like they were written by lawyers and bugs and bunny environmental activists, instead of by people who actually understand the goals of treatment.
How is it the Governor's fault? He had nothing to do with it.

It was the City Council and the Mayor Dayne Walling (a Dem by the way) who changed the drinking water to the Flint River from the Detroit River.
Flint will get drinking water from river next month as nearly 50-year-old pact with Detroit ends

They're just lying. democrats have only one thing to offer the nation, demagoguery.

Dr. Karen Weaver is the Mayor of Flint - a FAR left dim, a crony of Obama, and an NAACP alumni.
Did he force the residents to drink the tap water?

Pretty much, yeah.
Really? when and how did Rick Snyder go about doing this? Did he force the dumb fucks in flint to use lead plumbing too?

:uhh: Are you even paying attention? Do you know anything about this? Or are you just talking for the sake of hearing your own voice?

WTF are you babbling about? Or didn't you realize that lead wasn't introduced into the water supply naturally?

There is lead in most water pipes. What happened was that the water source was switched from lake water to river water. River water is more corrosive due to the higher levels of salt and must be treated before it enters the pipes or it will corrode them, releasing lead into the water.

The state KNEW that the lead levels were going up. Instead of doing something about it when they first learned of it, they tried to discredit all the people that pointed the fact out to them.

Gross and willful negligence poisoned the people of Flint.
The water in the Flint River is also terribly polluted by Industry for the last 100 years.

They KNEW that but only cared about cutting taxes. Brown people should drink brown water in their estimation.

The actual pollution was taken care of by their treatment plant. The issue wasn't polluted water coming out of the plant, the issue was the high conductivity of the water, which does not impact potablilty, which increased lead leaching from the existing pipes in the system, both distribution and privately owned pipes.
first fat ass michael moore, now this... there is no god. :rolleyes:

You're comparing Michael Moore helping the people of his hometown of Flint to Gov. Snyder who poisoned the people of Flint?

How is it the Governor's fault? He had nothing to do with it.

It was the City Council and the Mayor Dayne Walling (a Dem by the way) who changed the drinking water to the Flint River from the Detroit River.
Flint will get drinking water from river next month as nearly 50-year-old pact with Detroit ends

As usual the blame net gets spread wider and wider, but of course the Governor is trashing cherished progressive beliefs about government spending, so he's the only one at fault.
Since when is the state responsible for local drinking water?

When the governor is a Republican.


When the State KNOWS it is piping POLLUTED WATER straight to the homes of citizens.
When the State KNOWS there are chemicals to clean the polluted water and make it safe.
When the State REFUSES to PAY for the chemicals needed because the entire fiasco was a Republican Wet Dream to CUT TAXES and FUCK the citizens. Mostly Democrats in Flint anyway --- good way to cut down on the Democratic vote.

Think there is NO possibilty they didn't think of that?

I have some ocean front property 50 miles west of Phoenix that I will guarantee you will love, just sent me 20K sight unseen and I'll send you the title.
Corrosive is the wrong word. The conductivity of the water is higher when higher chlorides are present, and that leads to higher chances of lead leaching into the water when it stands for too long in the pipes.

I read the water quality reports from August 2015 and the pH of the water was within normal tolerances of 7 (neutral). When you say corrosive you bring up images of the water burning people, which isn't the case at all.

Yes, in the end the most important thing is that you display your knowledge of water pH levels and that the word corrosive was used.

GM stopped using the water because it was corroding their car parts. Sounds corrosive to me.

The word is technically correct, but you are using it to make it sound like the water was melting the mouths of the people drinking it.

Looking at the report, the chloride levels were around 80-90 mgl/l, far lower than NYC water's 11 mg/l but below what NYS considers a problem concentration of 250 mg/l.

The other thing progs are doing with this is making it sound like the water isn't treated at all. It is. The issue was they did not treat it to remove chlorides (or mask their affects) when they switched to the river water.

LEAD seems to be the issue, not chlorides. That said, here is a link which frames the issue:

Snyder apologizes for Flint crisis, to release e-mails

E-Mail Gate Karma? Let it bite the ass of the Republican Leadership in Michigan and open the eyes of The People to what the Republican Party has become.

"Lead poisoning occurs when lead builds up in the body, often over a period of months or years. Even small amounts of lead can cause serious health problems. Children under the age of 6 are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning, which can severely affect mental and physical development. At very high levels, lead poisoning can be fatal"

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Lead poisoning - Mayo Clinic[/FONT]

The lawyers will be all over the issue, one more example of Penny Wise, Pound Foolish Conservative leadership.

The lead comes from the water corroding the water pipes. Now even with good water, there is still lead in it because the pipes have corroded from the river water (which isn't bad water, it just wasn't properly treated).

This is a Snyder made disaster...that he now wants you and I to pay for (despite sitting on a "rainy day" fund.'s fucking pouring)

Seawytch has the proper chemical mechanism. The water flowing out of the treatment plant met all State drinking water requirements, its the pipes that added the lead.

In order to blame Snyder you have to establish a clear chain of what he knew and when he knew it. And blaming this all on "trying to save money" typical of progressives, who don't understand the concepts of Engineering.

When was he shown the data on the elevated lead levels?
I believe it was in 2014.

They still refused to spend the money to use the proper chemicals to clean up the water.

They thought it was a good opportunity to slowly poison 30K " n*i*g*g*e*r democrats ".
The liberal bastion called Flint Mi. should be happy to have a Republican Gov. It gives them someone to blame other then the democrat run Flint government. As they always do. Why don't they blame Obama, he is in ultimately in charge of the EPA?

Too sad that the democrats not only poison their children's minds they now poison their bodies, and blame someone other then themselves.
You just got yourself on the Ignore List you CERTIFIED RECTUM.
Since when is the state responsible for local drinking water?

When the governor is a Republican.


When the State KNOWS it is piping POLLUTED WATER straight to the homes of citizens.
When the State KNOWS there are chemicals to clean the polluted water and make it safe.
When the State REFUSES to PAY for the chemicals needed because the entire fiasco was a Republican Wet Dream to CUT TAXES and FUCK the citizens. Mostly Democrats in Flint anyway --- good way to cut down on the Democratic vote.

Think there is NO possibilty they didn't think of that?

I have some ocean front property 50 miles west of Phoenix that I will guarantee you will love, just sent me 20K sight unseen and I'll send you the title.

Based on what I saw from the plant's discharge reports, they were not piping polluted water, the water met the State's health requirements, a report of which was sent regularly to the Agency in question.

The chloride values may have been elevated, but were within tolerable limits. Why they did not add phosphoric acid (or why they were not required to) is still undetermined, your wild ass suppositions aside.

And now you are going towards someone wanting to intentionally kill off citizens of flint???

Go slum in the conspiracy theory forum and let the grown ups do the debating here.
The liberal bastion called Flint Mi. should be happy to have a Republican Gov. It gives them someone to blame other then the democrat run Flint government. As they always do. Why don't they blame Obama, he is in ultimately in charge of the EPA?

Too sad that the democrats not only poison their children's minds they now poison their bodies, and blame someone other then themselves.
You just got yourself on the Ignore List you CERTIFIED RECTUM.

Understand, closing mind to any differing opinion.
Yes, in the end the most important thing is that you display your knowledge of water pH levels and that the word corrosive was used.

GM stopped using the water because it was corroding their car parts. Sounds corrosive to me.

The word is technically correct, but you are using it to make it sound like the water was melting the mouths of the people drinking it.

Looking at the report, the chloride levels were around 80-90 mgl/l, far lower than NYC water's 11 mg/l but below what NYS considers a problem concentration of 250 mg/l.

The other thing progs are doing with this is making it sound like the water isn't treated at all. It is. The issue was they did not treat it to remove chlorides (or mask their affects) when they switched to the river water.

LEAD seems to be the issue, not chlorides. That said, here is a link which frames the issue:

Snyder apologizes for Flint crisis, to release e-mails

E-Mail Gate Karma? Let it bite the ass of the Republican Leadership in Michigan and open the eyes of The People to what the Republican Party has become.

"Lead poisoning occurs when lead builds up in the body, often over a period of months or years. Even small amounts of lead can cause serious health problems. Children under the age of 6 are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning, which can severely affect mental and physical development. At very high levels, lead poisoning can be fatal"

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Lead poisoning - Mayo Clinic[/FONT]

The lawyers will be all over the issue, one more example of Penny Wise, Pound Foolish Conservative leadership.

The lead comes from the water corroding the water pipes. Now even with good water, there is still lead in it because the pipes have corroded from the river water (which isn't bad water, it just wasn't properly treated).

This is a Snyder made disaster...that he now wants you and I to pay for (despite sitting on a "rainy day" fund.'s fucking pouring)

Seawytch has the proper chemical mechanism. The water flowing out of the treatment plant met all State drinking water requirements, its the pipes that added the lead.

In order to blame Snyder you have to establish a clear chain of what he knew and when he knew it. And blaming this all on "trying to save money" typical of progressives, who don't understand the concepts of Engineering.

When was he shown the data on the elevated lead levels?
I believe it was in 2014.

They still refused to spend the money to use the proper chemicals to clean up the water.

They thought it was a good opportunity to slowly poison 30K " n*i*g*g*e*r democrats ".

They spent $$ on plenty of other chemicals, and produced water that met the quality standards.

As for your 2nd point, you are an idiot.
The Right is trying to pin the blame on the EPA, of course,

ironically being an agency that wouldn't even exist if the Right had its way.

There will be plenty of blame to go around, and some of it will end up on the Governor's lap, and rightfully so.

But calling for his resignation and claiming he poisoned a bunch of children either through outright neglect or willful ignorance is partisan and ludicrous.

There will be an investigation, and more than likely the culprit will be a combination of bureaucratic red tape and overall lethargy.

And yet the buck stops at the desk of Scott. What he knew and when may very well have been redacted from the e-mails he will release. BUT when more than one person knows the details of a secret, it usually comes out.

I hope Michael Moore will lead in finding that person or the person's who know the truth. What a movie that would be.

And if the truth turns out that the problem is the intricacies of the bureaucracy surrounding regulations at the State and Federal level? The layers and layers of checks and paperwork and approvals needed to get anything done that progressives and Statists love so well?

And if the truth turns out that the governor's office stymied efforts by trying to discredit people that came forward?

Oh wait...that IS the truth.

That's the "truth" you want to see because you have a bone to pick with Republican Governors. The actual truth will take time to come out.

Nope, that's what actually happened. People appointed by the governor and who reported only to him did exactly that...dismissed and attempted to discredit the water specialist and the doctor that came forward.

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