The police and democrats or republicans

No its not pointless it is a question to show the differance between conservative and democrats who encounter the police.

It's a completely nonsensical 'question' is what it is. Police don't profile based on political party affiliation. You have no point.

As a bi racial American I should of experienced the alleged racial hate democrats say they experience but do not even in the wee hours of the night

Your ethnicity is irrelevant. Are you actually bitching because you don't get hassled by police? Is that where you're going with this stupid thread? You don't have anything better to do? For fucks sake, what a pathetic existence you must lead.
OP: *posts thread with an obvious point*

you: *whats ur point*

OP: *explains obvious point even more simply*

View attachment 252955

View attachment 252963
That's a good way to get ignored.

The point isn't important to me on any scale. I expressed it. Hyperbole is hyperbole. It's regretful you're so butt hurt about objectivity.
You have a new and interesting definition of both "butthurt" and "objectivity".

You do know you can't just make up meanings for words, right?
It's a completely nonsensical 'question' is what it is. Police don't profile based on political party affiliation. You have no point.

Your ethnicity is irrelevant. Are you actually bitching because you don't get hassled by police? Is that where you're going with this stupid thread? You don't have anything better to do? For fucks sake, what a pathetic existence you must lead.
OP: *posts thread with an obvious point*

you: *whats ur point*

OP: *explains obvious point even more simply*

View attachment 252955

View attachment 252963
That's a good way to get ignored.

The point isn't important to me on any scale. I expressed it. Hyperbole is hyperbole. It's regretful you're so butt hurt about objectivity.
You have a new and interesting definition of both "butthurt" and "objectivity".

You do know you can't just make up meanings for words, right?

I don't read minds, asshole. This all seems to be hinged solely on your snowflake opinions, so what have you got to say you wank? Be quick.
OP: *posts thread with an obvious point*

you: *whats ur point*

OP: *explains obvious point even more simply*

View attachment 252955

View attachment 252963
That's a good way to get ignored.

The point isn't important to me on any scale. I expressed it. Hyperbole is hyperbole. It's regretful you're so butt hurt about objectivity.
You have a new and interesting definition of both "butthurt" and "objectivity".

You do know you can't just make up meanings for words, right?

I don't read minds, asshole. This all seems to be hinged solely on your snowflake opinions, so what have you got to say you wank? Be quick.
I see you haven't yet come to terms with your essential impotence. The kind no little blue pill can cure.

To put it even more simply, you say, "Jump!", I say, "Eat shit!"

Clear enough for you?
I have a business and am often driving between 6 pm and 6 am 4 to 6 days a week.
I have a used bmw and am multi racial American indain latino hispanic and black. Im female.
I carry a gun and have a permit.
I have been pulled over for lights out minor speeding etc but never ticketed.
I have never been searched and always tell the police I have a gun and show them my credentials.
I have always been treated with respect..

Whoopee. Who cares?

Why is it democrats have such alleged bad experiences.

Again, who cares? What are you even prattling on about, idiot? Pointless thread.
No its not pointless it is a question to show the differance between conservative and democrats who encounter the police.

It's a completely nonsensical 'question' is what it is. Police don't profile based on political party affiliation. You have no point.

As a bi racial American I should of experienced the alleged racial hate democrats say they experience but do not even in the wee hours of the night

Your ethnicity is irrelevant. Are you actually bitching because you don't get hassled by police? Is that where you're going with this stupid thread? You don't have anything better to do? For fucks sake, what a pathetic existence you must lead.
No I have a good life .I have just heard more people I know to be democrats cla8m to be hassled.
I have a business and am often driving between 6 pm and 6 am 4 to 6 days a week.
I have a used bmw and am multi racial American indain latino hispanic and black. Im female.
I carry a gun and have a permit.
I have been pulled over for lights out minor speeding etc but never ticketed.
I have never been searched and always tell the police I have a gun and show them my credentials.
I have always been treated with respect..

Whoopee. Who cares?

Why is it democrats have such alleged bad experiences.

Again, who cares? What are you even prattling on about, idiot? Pointless thread.
No its not pointless it is a question to show the differance between conservative and democrats who encounter the police.

It's a completely nonsensical 'question' is what it is. Police don't profile based on political party affiliation. You have no point.

As a bi racial American I should of experienced the alleged racial hate democrats say they experience but do not even in the wee hours of the night

Your ethnicity is irrelevant. Are you actually bitching because you don't get hassled by police? Is that where you're going with this stupid thread? You don't have anything better to do? For fucks sake, what a pathetic existence you must lead.
OP: *posts thread with an obvious point*

you: *whats ur point*

OP: *explains obvious point even more simply*

View attachment 252955
For some reason I can't fully explain, people who regularly break the law take a very confrontational stance when questioned by the police.

That confrontational stance tends to make police suspicious.

Law-abiding folks tend to take a police stop in their stride.

Of course you have the occasional self-important person who doesn't have time for your police shenanigans. (Damn it! Don't you know who I am? I'm the secretary to the assistant city water commissioner for Lake County! I'll have your badge for this!). Or, my personal favorite, "I pay your salary" (Yes, people actually say that, not just on TV).

Being a former police officer yourself, you opinions matter the most in a conversation like this. Tell us.......did you ever work with officers who had a chip on their shoulders like the Dems claim all the time; cops who simply pulled over people of color just because they could for no reason?

Complicated question ... I have never worked with anyone who would pull someone over just because of their color. That would be such a waste of time and cops don't typically have that much time to waste. If you're even half way busy at your station, you're always a week behind on paperwork. Why add to that?

On the other hand, I work in a large, metropolitan department and anyone with that kind of attitude will be weeded out early in their career. As for smaller, less managed police departments, I can't say what behaviors will and will not be tolerated.

There are close to a million sworn members in the country, nearly 5,000 independent police and sheriff's departments. With any demographic that large, you're going to get your fair share of jerks. Police are, after all, only human.

But, police policy comes from the top and the guys (and gals) at the top know that racist, unprofessional behavior puts any department at risk. So, as in any organization, from McDonalds to NYPD, behaviors that put the company at risk aren't typically tolerated unless the folks at the top let them.

One thing I have learned on the job, race and crime are utterly and completely unrelated. I've arrested jerks, idiots, morons, and cretins from every race. I've yet to arrest a Jewish jerk ... but they have to be out there. I get just as much lip and attitude from lily-white college hipsters as I do from Hispanic gang-bangers, often more. No race has a monopoly on law breaking and you soon learn in this job that you're looking for behaviors, not colors.
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