The political spectrum

if you think a nation doesn’t demand leaders, then your grasp on what a nation consists of comes into serious doubt. It’s tragic that people like you are also allowed to vote.
A Republic Is a Foster Government

Voting is giving up your right of self-determination to some sheltered and entitled know-it-all politician.
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The secret is to ONLY vote Democratic until the GOP stop being the party for the rich. Force them to change their platform. They have to stop being anti abortion. Stop being anti environment. Stop being anti labor. And stop serving the 1%. Serve the middle class first. Like Biden is doing. Keep that up for 8 or 9 elections and you'll see Republicans will stop being bad actors.
It’s simple. If you make over $100,000 vote gop. 18% of us make over $100k.
I didn't feel the need to delimit down to leading Thanksgiving Grace.

I called your architect leaders out on being at the Cub Scout level as far as importance.

I vote blue in the red state of Texas. Don't worry about my grasp, nor my vote.
You consider yourself an anarchist but you vote for democrats? Makes total sense bro
We need to put this shit to bed.
The extreme left is tyranny, the extreme right is anarchy.

The political spectrum is not from one tyranny to another, it is from tyranny, to total freedom. The very definition of "spectrum" should tell you that.
A spectrum is the scale of 2 opposites. Not two similarities.
Please drop your middle school interpretation of left vs right.
Real liberals are not leftists. How could someone that believes in small govt and liberty be on the side of collectivism and big govt?
Most republicans are not righties. How can people that want to use the govt to shove their version of morality down peoples throats be righties? How can people that want to use the govt to control and bail out the private sector be righties?

If mob rule is rightwing, doesn't that make the BLM riots rightwing?
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Did I? Care to shwo how i did that?
I always conflate mob rule with democracy.


Sorry, I didn't realize you don't know what you post. You literally started a thread based on this...


Now you've avoided answering my question twice; so now I'll ask it a third time. Maybe this time, you'll answer...

If mob rule is rightwing, doesn't that make BLM rightwing?
You showed mob rule is rightwing.

BLM is mob rule. Doesn't that make them rightwing according to you?
Actually the picture is wrong....All of those banners to either side are left wing....

Today's leftist is absolutely in favor of Communism, Anarchy, MobRule, Fascism, and Nazism....And they employ it as often as possible...

Sorry, I didn't realize you don't know what you post. You literally started a thread based on this...

View attachment 800965

Now you've avoided answering my question twice; so now I'll ask it a third time. Maybe this time, you'll answer...

If mob rule is rightwing, doesn't that make BLM rightwing?
I forgot they put that there. My apologies.
You have asked if the riots were right wing and if blm itself is right wing. So, which is it?
Actually the picture is wrong....All of those banners to either side are left wing....

Today's leftist is absolutely in favor of Communism, Anarchy, MobRule, Fascism, and Nazism....And they employ it as often as possible...
That makes absolutely no sense.

It seems your only belief is that the political right is good and the political left is bad.

And that’s idiotic
I forgot they put that there. My apologies.
You have asked if the riots were right wing and if blm itself is right wing. So, which is it?

Both. BLM sought to alter government by holding protests. Some of them rooted.

That's 3 times now you've avoided answering. What are you so afraid of? Is BLM, or their riots, rightwing?

How about CHAZ in Seattle? Rightwing, right? You based your thread on this.
Its a good belief.
The left is tyrannical.
“tyranny” or better described as authoritarianism has little to do with the “left” and “right” political dichotomy.

The right is perfectly capable of being authoritarian as well.

You simply can’t throw political ideology on a one dimensional line. People don’t work that way.
Both. BLM sought to alter government by holding protests. Some of them rooted.

That's 3 times now you've avoided answering. What are you so afraid of? Is BLM, or their riots, rightwing?

How about CHAZ in Seattle? Rightwing, right? You based your thread on this.
I didnt know which question you wanted answered, goober.
BLM is fascist. They certainly arent right wing.
In the riots, they used violence, including murder, to intimidate people for political aims, and ruined peoples lives by destroying their assets. Sounds more like terrorism. Since they are fascists, that is left wing terrorism.
“tyranny” or better described as authoritarianism has little to do with the “left” and “right” political dichotomy.

The right is perfectly capable of being authoritarian as well.

You simply can’t throw political ideology on a one dimensional line. People don’t work that way.
I dont agree.
I didnt know which question you wanted answered, goober.
BLM is fascist. They certainly arent right wing.
In the riots, they used violence, including murder, to intimidate people for political aims, and ruined peoples lives by destroying their assets. Sounds more like terrorism. Since they are fascists, that is left wing terrorism.

Both are cases of mob rule.

According to you, that makes them rightwing.

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