The politics of I.Q.

Alfred Binet, the founder of the "IQ test" stressed that such a test was subjective at best.

Intelligence is not quantifiable by a culturally biased test.

Intelligence is a combination of the ability to learn, and the ability to put that learning to good use. It cannot be measured by any single test.

There well may be a genetic component to intelligence, but I firmly believe that much of what we consider to be intelligence is actually an ability to retain and use memory. For instance, all children learn specific dates in history. Are those who still remember those dates three months later, more intelligent than those who did not? A simpleton can have a good memory.
There is no good reason to believe that any race has any more propensity for intelligence than any other race.

Ridiculous simply are ignorant of all the studies that have been done...several of which are listed on this thread. Try and keep up.
Yeah, like phrenology, right? Good, sound, respectable science. So far in this thread you've been touting how white people are superior in intellect to black people, and yet every single one of your posts is full of misspelled words. It's hilariously pitiful.

Sir: With all due respect...I do not wish to call you a liar but unless you can quote any woids by me touting how white people are superior in intellect you will be thereby categorized.

I have shown numerous studies that show the Ashkenazi Jew has the highest average i.q.'s of any race followed by the East Asians.

I have shown I.Q. studies that show the Negroid Race consistently at the bottom of all i.q. studies.

Yet ....I have never claimed a high i.q. makes for a superior intellect...those are your words ...not mine.
Dear Grammar cop...perhaps you should consider the following..............Corresponding with Vos Savant’s theory, it is widely reputed that Albert Einstein, the unquestionable genius physicist, was so bad at spelling that he was initially assumed to be retarded. In fact, according to the 1998 article, “Ten Obscure Factoids Concerning Albert Einstein,” Factoid #3 is:

He Was a Rotten Speller. Although he lived for many years in the United States and was fully bilingual, Einstein claimed never to be able to write in English because of “the treacherous spelling.” He never lost his distinctive German accent either, summed up by his catch-phrase “I vill a little t’ink.”

Irregardless.....I have quite a few typoes but very few misspelled woids.
Alfred Binet, the founder of the "IQ test" stressed that such a test was subjective at best.

Intelligence is not quantifiable by a culturally biased test.

Intelligence is a combination of the ability to learn, and the ability to put that learning to good use. It cannot be measured by any single test.

There well may be a genetic component to intelligence, but I firmly believe that much of what we consider to be intelligence is actually an ability to retain and use memory. For instance, all children learn specific dates in history. Are those who still remember those dates three months later, more intelligent than those who did not? A simpleton can have a good memory.

All you have done in the above post is present your ignorance on the subject of intelligence....and of course your opinion and as we all know opinions are like assholes ...everyone has one.

I firmly believe that much of what we consider to be intelligence is actually an ability to retain and use memory.

Disagree completely. Perhaps there are some people who don't have a real understanding of what intelligence is might say such. But this does not match the generally recognized view by experts.
Dear Grammar cop...perhaps you should consider the following..............Corresponding with Vos Savant’s theory, it is widely reputed that Albert Einstein, the unquestionable genius physicist, was so bad at spelling that he was initially assumed to be retarded. In fact, according to the 1998 article, “Ten Obscure Factoids Concerning Albert Einstein,” Factoid #3 is:

He Was a Rotten Speller. Although he lived for many years in the United States and was fully bilingual, Einstein claimed never to be able to write in English because of “the treacherous spelling.” He never lost his distinctive German accent either, summed up by his catch-phrase “I vill a little t’ink.”

Irregardless.....I have quite a few typoes but very few misspelled woids.
"Irregardless" isn't a "woid", Mr. Superior White Man.
Alfred Binet, the founder of the "IQ test" stressed that such a test was subjective at best.

Intelligence is not quantifiable by a culturally biased test.

Intelligence is a combination of the ability to learn, and the ability to put that learning to good use. It cannot be measured by any single test.

There well may be a genetic component to intelligence, but I firmly believe that much of what we consider to be intelligence is actually an ability to retain and use memory. For instance, all children learn specific dates in history. Are those who still remember those dates three months later, more intelligent than those who did not? A simpleton can have a good memory.

All you have done in the above post is present your ignorance on the subject of intelligence....and of course your opinion and as we all know opinions are like assholes ...everyone has one.


Yes, everyone has an opinion, including you. Now, why don't you demonstrate your knowledge of intelligence, and define it for us?



noun: intelligence

1. the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

Damn, didn't I just say that?
Dear Grammar cop...perhaps you should consider the following..............Corresponding with Vos Savant’s theory, it is widely reputed that Albert Einstein, the unquestionable genius physicist, was so bad at spelling that he was initially assumed to be retarded. In fact, according to the 1998 article, “Ten Obscure Factoids Concerning Albert Einstein,” Factoid #3 is:

He Was a Rotten Speller. Although he lived for many years in the United States and was fully bilingual, Einstein claimed never to be able to write in English because of “the treacherous spelling.” He never lost his distinctive German accent either, summed up by his catch-phrase “I vill a little t’ink.”

Irregardless.....I have quite a few typoes but very few misspelled woids.
"Irregardless" isn't a "woid", Mr. Superior White Man.

How did you get such a silly idea...of course 'Irregardless' is a woid.

"Irregardless" is a woid. It is, at least according to Merriam-Webster and Scrabble.

But I'm not going to stop there. No. I would also like to contend that "irregardless" is the baddest-ass woid of all time. This is for several reasons, which I will now explain.

1.It's the only woid where attaching the "ir-" prefix to the root word has the exact same meaning as the root word: Throwing an "ir-" in front of normal, less bad-ass words that begin with "R" changes the meaning to the opposite of the woid. Irrefutable. Irreverent. Irrelevant. Irresponsible. Not "irregardless." It doesn't care what the rules of grammar are. It means exactly the same thing as "regardless," and that's the way it likes it.

2.Against all odds, against all logic, and (ir)regardless of everyone hating it, it has achieved official woid status: How can you not pull for the underdog in this case? "Irregardless" went up against the rules of grammar, stick-by-the-book lexicographers, and the fact that it's a completely redundant word. Didn't matter. Whatever didn't kill it made it stronger. It's the hardest-working woid in the dictionary, and it should have earned your respect by now.

3.Even though it's a woid, Merriam-Webster says you shouldn't use it: Can you name another word in the dictionary that the dictionary says you shouldn't use? Even really bad swear words don't have a dictionary-imposed boycott. That just makes me want to use it more.

4.It simultaneously makes sense and doesn't make sense: You can think of the woid in one of two ways: (1) it should mean the opposite of "regardless," or something along the lines of "keeping the facts in regard," or (2) it could mean "regardless of the fact that something is regardless." The latter of the two is like double-super regardless, and it's the meaning I prefer. "Irregardless" really, really doesn't care what the facts are or what you think. It should only be used in extreme circumstances, such as when a course of action is ridiculously counterintuitive. "Irregardless of the fact that you are very thirsty, you should eat this pile of salt." Stuff like that.

5.It practices what it preaches: Irregardless of the rules of grammar, "irregardless" is a word. It's self-reflexive. It's the exception that proves the rule. It talks the talk and walks the walk. Is there another word like that? No, because "irregardless" is bad-ass. It is a text-based Chuck Norris, roundhouse-kicking everything else in the dictionary into submission.

6.If you think about it long enough, it will blow your mind: It's the Mobius Strip of words, but it's also packed with Eminem's aggressively apathetic attitude. It's completely unique, completely confusing, and it couldn't give a rat's ass about any of that. It just is what it is. If you don't like it, don't use it.

So that's my argument. I think "irregardless" should be embraced and celebrated. And damn it, I'm going to use it every chance I get.

Now dead wid dat....Chump! heh heh



noun: intelligence

1. the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

Damn, didn't I just say that?

There are many, many definitions of intelligence...the truth of the matter however is that we only have theories as to what it actually is.....though most can recognize some extent anyhow. Much easier to detect stupidity though.

That is one reason you will never see me claiming that someone with a high i.q. is thereby proved to have a superior intellect.

This post is amazing! It's unbelievable!

Obviously everyone reading this post is a member of this site. And this guy, sawbriars, who posts such imbecilic and embarrassing nonsense... has been rep'd by MULTIPLE people on THIS VERY SITE!!!

That's unbelievable to me. It's astounding. It makes me sad but I believe the good guys always win in the end so I guess I have to be fine with it.

You should never attempt to hide from the truth or reject the truth......"know the truth and the truth shall set you free".

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