The politics of I.Q.

What is interesting about self proclaimed liberals and progressives in the West is the claim to be staunch advocates of the theory of Evolution. They accept that over tens of thousands of years, isolated populations developed different physical characteristics and abilities. However, they reject the notion that isolated populations over tens of thousands of years developed different mental abilities as well. So they are only evolutionists from the neck down. They are creationists from the head up. They aren't really evolutionists at all.

The idea that intelligence is solely environmental is pure political dogma.
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It sure is because we all know you commiecrats have no problem wasting taxpayer money on friviolous idealistic nonsense.

Most people have no idea how much money has been wasted trying to upgrade a particular runs into the trillions of dollars...which most on here will find difficult to believe but it has been documented.

Further info on genetics and i.q.>>>>>Leftist Lies Destroyed as Scientists Discover the Gene Which Causes Brain Size and Intelligence | The New Observer

Hey dumb bigoted fuck, the Neanderthals had bigger brains than we do today. So where are they?

Neanderthals bred in with the ancestors of Modern humans throughout Eurasia. They had just as intelligent as modern humans, so much so our ancestors(those of us from Europe and Asia) bred with them.

Neanderthals were too smart for their own good - Telegraph

Half Sigma: Neanderthal intelligence
Oh voy! You profess your ignorance, ask me to instruct you and call me the idiot? Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Irregardless.................The first systematic studies of whether human behaviors are hereditary were conducted over 100 years ago by Sir Francis Galton, Charles Darwin's cousin. Galton was interested in determining whether human abilities, such as intelligence, could be inherited, and he realized that in order to do this, he must distinguish between those behaviors that were innate and those that were influenced by the environment. To make this distinction, Galton studied the behavioral characteristics of genetically identical twins who were raised in different environments. If twins who had similar traits at birth became dissimilar when reared under differing conditions, these results would support the idea that environment was the primary influence on human behavior. Using this method, Galton deduced that nature (genetics) rather than nurture (environment) played a significant role in behavior (Galton, 1874).

Now you need to learn the difference between a significant and determinate roll. There are many significant factors but the most determinate is self motivation. Play your game but sleep well tonight knowing full well that you are wrong.

There are many 'factors' but how much such 'factors' can influence or shape one's behavior depends upon your genetic blueprint.......... humans are biological creatures, as much as crocodiles, cougars, and birds.

We are the product of generations and generations of our ancestors. No matter how badly one might want to be the starting quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers and no matter how much you train...if you do not have the genetical makeup to be an outstanding will not happen. Yet...there are many areas in which motivation, education and environment can help...but the overwhelming influence remains genetics.

In todays technological society which is evolving at a faster and faster rate the importance of intelligence is more important than ever in the history of mankind. Yet, we as a society are working against ourselves....attempting to devalue the importance of intelligence and focusing on a fallacious approach to education and a equally fallacious approach to our social programs.

Our competitors are making us look ridiculous.....they are leaving us behind and our National Security is in extreme jeopardy due to the outrageous political correctness that hampers our ability to compete.

I've watched our education system go down hill for 50 years, it was one of the primary reasons I chose not to bring children into this world. The physical attributes you described would be useful if we were still hunter-gathers but have very little to do with today, unless you're an athlete. And today's technology is designed by people who are drawn to it, like Gates and Jobs, but designed for the average Joe to do marvelous things with it with very little understanding of what makes the technology do what it does. Actually intelligence is becoming somewhat less important as technology is made easier for the average person to use.
Negroes had it very good down on the plantation....good food, good fishing and no worries really. Everything was provided...all their needs taken care of. There was no crime....a happy time for the Negroes.

Negroes fishing in creek near cotton plantations outside Belzoni, Miss. Delta (LOC) | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Yes, life was perfect for the happy Negro. No worries about rent, unemployment, food stamps, health care, education, a future of any kind. It was all flowers and watermelons for the enslaved Negro, but they were uppity and ungrateful like always and kept complaining about getting raped and beaten by the white master, or having their children sold before they're even born, or being whipped repeatedly and then hung from a tree by a drunken mob of stupid Confederate hilljacks because that's just good wholesome American traditional Southern family Christian values.

People like you make humanity dumber when you speak.
et me ask you you ever see a conservative on here worrying about anyone being superior or thinking or accusing anyone of being superior.

If you consider yourself a conservative, then yes. Because I've seen YOU doing it on this very post. It is the core of your argument that you keep repeating over and over again.

Just because you are too stupid to grasp the hypocrisy of your two mutually exclusive posts, that doesn't mean the rest of us are.

You rant on and on about how inferior people shouldn't receive the same benefits and then you claim "it's the other guys" who obsess over inferior/superior.

That being said, I'm more conservative than you are. The positions you have posted here are reactionary. Real conservatives agree with me - you are a stupid piece of shit.

If you ever peak out through that confederate flag you have in the widow of your trailer, you will see that Americans have no use for scum like you.
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et me ask you you ever see a conservative on here worrying about anyone being superior or thinking or accusing anyone of being superior.

If you consider yourself a conservative, then yes. Because I've seen YOU doing it on this very post. It is the core of your argument that you keep repeating over and over again.

Just because you are too stupid to grasp the hypocrisy of your two mutually exclusive posts, that doesn't mean the rest of us are.

You rant on and on about how inferior people shouldn't receive the same benefits and then you claim "it's the other guys" who obsess over inferior/superior.

That being said, I'm more conservative than you are. The positions you have posted here are reactionary.

Show me one post where I have claimed anyone was inferior....that is a woid I never use in regards to people.

Regarding 'benefits' as you say....what benefits are you talking about?

In a nutshell not much coherence in your post...if you have a real point you need to expound upon it.
Do you have spellcheck? Don't use words like "woid" while you're trying to stress the importance of intelligence.
Negroes had it very good down on the plantation....good food, good fishing and no worries really. Everything was provided...all their needs taken care of. There was no crime....a happy time for the Negroes.

Negroes fishing in creek near cotton plantations outside Belzoni, Miss. Delta (LOC) | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Yes, life was perfect for the happy Negro. No worries about rent, unemployment, food stamps, health care, education, a future of any kind. It was all flowers and watermelons for the enslaved Negro, but they were uppity and ungrateful like always and kept complaining about getting raped and beaten by the white master, or having their children sold before they're even born, or being whipped repeatedly and then hung from a tree by a drunken mob of stupid Confederate hilljacks because that's just good wholesome American traditional Southern family Christian values.

People like you make humanity dumber when you speak.

You are just regurgitating yankee propaganda..............Now for a glimpse of how it reall way...........In the Great Depression The WPA commisioned writers to go down south and interview real live former slaves...many were still alive at that time.

Born in Slavery: Slave Narratives from the Federal Writers' Project, 1936-1938: Florida Narratives, Volume III
Do you have spellcheck? Don't use words like "woid" while you're trying to stress the importance of intelligence.

I make up my own grammar. Deal wid it chump. heh heh
It is so obvious that it hardly needs to be mentioned....irregardless the fact of the matter is the big boys aka the elitists aka the rich and powerful love cheap labor....and they know the ones with low i.q.'s make the best laborers....not so likely to cause trouble, to complain about anything...not wanting to draw attention to themselves.

The problem being the rich usually think in the short term....aka the Detroit Car makers who kept producing gas guzzlers...just to reap big profits in the short term.

A nation with a predominant constituency possessing low i.q.'s does not have much of a future....sure the rich will benefit in the short term....but they are sacrificing the future potential of the nation for short term profits.
I have known many people of other than white european heritage that were in the 160 IQ range.


Kim Ung-Yong. Korean. IQ estimated to be 210. Listed in the Guiness Book of World Records.

Philip Emeagwali. Nigerian. Engineer and computer scientist/geologist. IQ: 190

That's two of the five smartest people in the world.

First problem is that there are more than one scale by which IQ is measured. The one that is generally considered the most superior is the Weschler scale, which has a maximum score of 160. The Weschler is the most common test used in the US. IIRC, the Stanford-Binet test uses a maximum score of 190 (actually I think this changed with the most recent edition, and that they now use a 160 scale). I believe the SB test is more common in Europe. Those are the two most common scales used. There are other tests that have wider scales, but are not as common and are not considered to be as reliable.

A score of 160 on any scale is an extremely high score. You're talking about less than 1 in 10,000 people having that high of a score. Anyone who says they "have known many people" with that high of an IQ is full of shit, or the people they have known are full of shit, or a little of both. Many professional test administrators go their entire careers and never meet a single person who score above 3 standard deviations, much less encounter "many" people who approach 4 standard deviations.
"You are just regurgitating yankee propaganda..............Now for a glimpse of how it reall way..........."
Oh, please, Mr. Glorious Smart White Man, tell us how it reall way.

Kim Ung-Yong. Korean. IQ estimated to be 210. Listed in the Guiness Book of World Records.

Philip Emeagwali. Nigerian. Engineer and computer scientist/geologist. IQ: 190

That's two of the five smartest people in the world.

First problem is that there are more than one scale by which IQ is measured. The one that is generally considered the most superior is the Weschler scale, which has a maximum score of 160. The Weschler is the most common test used in the US. IIRC, the Stanford-Binet test uses a maximum score of 190 (actually I think this changed with the most recent edition, and that they now use a 160 scale). I believe the SB test is more common in Europe. Those are the two most common scales used. There are other tests that have wider scales, but are not as common and are not considered to be as reliable.

A score of 160 on any scale is an extremely high score. You're talking about less than 1 in 10,000 people having that high of a score. Anyone who says they "have known many people" with that high of an IQ is full of shit, or the people they have known are full of shit, or a little of both. Many professional test administrators go their entire careers and never meet a single person who score above 3 standard deviations, much less encounter "many" people who approach 4 standard deviations.

Exactly.....libtards will go to great lengths to try and prove that Negroes are just like white people excepting of course they have a nice tan. heh heh And the nigerian guy she listed as a genius is a proven phoney...par for the course...bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
There is no good reason to believe that any race has any more propensity for intelligence than any other race.
There is no good reason to believe that any race has any more propensity for intelligence than any other race.

Ridiculous simply are ignorant of all the studies that have been done...several of which are listed on this thread. Try and keep up.
A prophetic book that has much to teach to the Whi Man>>>>>>
There is no good reason to believe that any race has any more propensity for intelligence than any other race.

Ridiculous simply are ignorant of all the studies that have been done...several of which are listed on this thread. Try and keep up.
Yeah, like phrenology, right? Good, sound, respectable science. So far in this thread you've been touting how white people are superior in intellect to black people, and yet every single one of your posts is full of misspelled words. It's hilariously pitiful.

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