The politics of I.Q.

Actually Germany already practices something similar. Those that excel are promoted to higher education those that do not are earmarked for the trades.

humanity has been practicing this for ages.

Until affirmative action came into sight.

Interesting tidbit!!! Affirmative Action used to be called Segregation! For multiple hundreds of years!!!

Isn't history wonderful? :thanks:
Actually Germany already practices something similar. Those that excel are promoted to higher education those that do not are earmarked for the trades.

humanity has been practicing this for ages.

Until affirmative action came into sight.

Interesting tidbit!!! Affirmative Action used to be called Segregation! For multiple hundreds of years!!!

Isn't history wonderful? :thanks:

They still practice mental segregation in Africa. The smarter ones get promoted and the stupid ones are not.

Guess they did not ask Americans how to dumb down their public education and change merit based system of rewards to politically correct ones.
humanity has been practicing this for ages.

Until affirmative action came into sight.

Interesting tidbit!!! Affirmative Action used to be called Segregation! For multiple hundreds of years!!!

Isn't history wonderful? :thanks:

They still practice mental segregation in Africa. The smarter ones get promoted and the stupid ones are not.

Guess they did not ask Americans how to dumb down their public education and change merit based system of rewards to politically correct ones.

Well DUH until just a few decades ago America would've told them to screw the black people! And THEY'RE ALL BLACK PEOPLE!

Vox you so crazy :cuckoo:
It sure is because we all know you commiecrats have no problem wasting taxpayer money on friviolous idealistic nonsense.

Most people have no idea how much money has been wasted trying to upgrade a particular runs into the trillions of dollars...which most on here will find difficult to believe but it has been documented.

Further info on genetics and i.q.>>>>>Leftist Lies Destroyed as Scientists Discover the Gene Which Causes Brain Size and Intelligence | The New Observer

Hey dumb bigoted fuck, the Neanderthals had bigger brains than we do today. So where are they?

Watch the language......but interesting question. Neanderthals Were Too Smart to Survive
Actually Germany already practices something similar. Those that excel are promoted to higher education those that do not are earmarked for the trades.

humanity has been practicing this for ages.

Until affirmative action came into sight.

Interesting tidbit!!! Affirmative Action used to be called Segregation! For multiple hundreds of years!!!

Isn't history wonderful? :thanks: appears you have no idea of what affirmative action or segregation meant.

I think I saw you interviewed by Jay Leno once.

This post is amazing! It's unbelievable!

Obviously everyone reading this post is a member of this site. And this guy, sawbriars, who posts such imbecilic and embarrassing nonsense... has been rep'd by MULTIPLE people on THIS VERY SITE!!!

That's unbelievable to me. It's astounding. It makes me sad but I believe the good guys always win in the end so I guess I have to be fine with it.

You have been indoctrinated with stupid shit....that is why you have trouble with the truth.

If we are all equal what is the purpose of the olympic games? Why not just give everyone a gold medal and send them home?
I challenge any libtard on this board to tell me what is wrong with racism...I mean in it's true and pure form.
"What we have here is a failure to communicate." Who said dat?
I challenge any libtard on this board to tell me what is wrong with racism...I mean in it's true and pure form.

Well you're an inferior specimen of whatever the fuck nationality you happen to be. So go and find a champion for yourself and then we'll talk.

Is that Negro double talk? When you can post a coherent sentence ...we will talk.
That's stupid.

It sure is because we all know you commiecrats have no problem wasting taxpayer money on friviolous idealistic nonsense.

Most people have no idea how much money has been wasted trying to upgrade a particular runs into the trillions of dollars...which most on here will find difficult to believe but it has been documented.

Further info on genetics and i.q.>>>>>Leftist Lies Destroyed as Scientists Discover the Gene Which Causes Brain Size and Intelligence | The New Observer

You must not have that gene mutation, every race has a certain percentage of extremely bright people where learning and concepts come very easily. Then there are the rest of us that have to work to get it, doesn't mean we can't get it, just have to try. All people are the sum total of their own decisions, if you chose not to seek education, no one can teach you, and if you seek it, no one can deny you. That's the message for the future, not everyone is equal, because equal effort doesn't always produce the same results.
I challenge any libtard on this board to tell me what is wrong with racism...I mean in it's true and pure form.

Well you're an inferior specimen of whatever the fuck nationality you happen to be. So go and find a champion for yourself and then we'll talk.

Is that Negro double talk? When you can post a coherent sentence ...we will talk.

When you stop sitting on so many dicks then I will... ah fuck it I'll never take you seriously
"A small piece to the Puzzle"?.... Does it indicate how the union based US education system that spends an incredible taxpayer dollar per child manages to produce kids that score last in overall "intelligence"?
The Oxford English Deictionary......The King of Dictionaries

OED Definition of 'Racism'

[f. RACE n.2 + -ISM; cf. F. racisme (Robert 1935).]

a. The theory that distinctive human characteristics and abilities are determined by race

The above was the original definition of racism which however was changed circa 1958 due to the forces of political correctness.....they changed it in order to be able to use it as a political tool aka...playing the race card.

Unfortunately most republicans not being familiar with the history of the word have let the liberals define it for them....thus they constantly find themselves in the 'Tar Baby Trap' aka fighting a losing battle trying to deny they are racist.
It sure is because we all know you commiecrats have no problem wasting taxpayer money on friviolous idealistic nonsense.

Most people have no idea how much money has been wasted trying to upgrade a particular runs into the trillions of dollars...which most on here will find difficult to believe but it has been documented.

Further info on genetics and i.q.>>>>>Leftist Lies Destroyed as Scientists Discover the Gene Which Causes Brain Size and Intelligence | The New Observer

You must not have that gene mutation, every race has a certain percentage of extremely bright people where learning and concepts come very easily. Then there are the rest of us that have to work to get it, doesn't mean we can't get it, just have to try. All people are the sum total of their own decisions, if you chose not to seek education, no one can teach you, and if you seek it, no one can deny you. That's the message for the future, not everyone is equal, because equal effort doesn't always produce the same results.

People are much more than the sum total of their own fact their decisions are heavily unfluenced if not controlled by their genetics.

A more accurate statement would be that people are the sum total of their genetics.
Forget all that bullshite about environment, education, human will power, etc. and so on and so forth.

What is important is your genetic make-up. That is what will determine if you are a gifted athlete, of high intelligence or whatever you are or are not.....kinda nice....if you need a scapegoat...dont blame it on white racism.....blame it on yo mama and daddy and so and so forth back to the dawn of creation.

On the other hand if you are a success, gifted and so on and so forth you can thank yo mama and yo daddy..and so and so forth back to the dawn of creation.

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