The politics of I.Q.

"A small piece to the Puzzle"?.... Does it indicate how the union based US education system that spends an incredible taxpayer dollar per child manages to produce kids that score last in overall "intelligence"?

The failure of the Public Schools has more to do with the children and the politically correct bureaucrats who want to label them all equal.

Thus when it becomes obvious that not all the children are achieving at the average rate...they try and blame the teachers or the unions.

That is the problem...i.e. the problem is not being identified.

Until they can identify the solution is possible.
Most people have no idea how much money has been wasted trying to upgrade a particular runs into the trillions of dollars...which most on here will find difficult to believe but it has been documented.

Further info on genetics and i.q.>>>>>Leftist Lies Destroyed as Scientists Discover the Gene Which Causes Brain Size and Intelligence | The New Observer

You must not have that gene mutation, every race has a certain percentage of extremely bright people where learning and concepts come very easily. Then there are the rest of us that have to work to get it, doesn't mean we can't get it, just have to try. All people are the sum total of their own decisions, if you chose not to seek education, no one can teach you, and if you seek it, no one can deny you. That's the message for the future, not everyone is equal, because equal effort doesn't always produce the same results.

People are much more than the sum total of their own fact their decisions are heavily unfluenced if not controlled by their genetics.

A more accurate statement would be that people are the sum total of their genetics.

Your really are a fucking idiot aren't you. How about you show some science to back that up.
Interesting tidbit!!! Affirmative Action used to be called Segregation! For multiple hundreds of years!!!

Isn't history wonderful? :thanks:

They still practice mental segregation in Africa. The smarter ones get promoted and the stupid ones are not.

Guess they did not ask Americans how to dumb down their public education and change merit based system of rewards to politically correct ones.

Well DUH until just a few decades ago America would've told them to screw the black people! And THEY'RE ALL BLACK PEOPLE!

Vox you so crazy :cuckoo:

it is you who are crazy. or, which is much more probable, simply uneducated on the issue and brainwashed.
any society which wants to excel will reward merit based only.

and that is a practice of thousands years in the societies of all shapes and colors.

yet here comes the idiot policy of "let's reward based on quotas" and the rapid deterioration of the general educational level ensues. with inability to read and write upon graduation from the HS.

If you consider that an achievement - it is you, who are absolutely crazy :cuckoo:
You must not have that gene mutation, every race has a certain percentage of extremely bright people where learning and concepts come very easily. Then there are the rest of us that have to work to get it, doesn't mean we can't get it, just have to try. All people are the sum total of their own decisions, if you chose not to seek education, no one can teach you, and if you seek it, no one can deny you. That's the message for the future, not everyone is equal, because equal effort doesn't always produce the same results.

People are much more than the sum total of their own fact their decisions are heavily unfluenced if not controlled by their genetics.

A more accurate statement would be that people are the sum total of their genetics.

Your really are a fucking idiot aren't you. How about you show some science to back that up.

Oh voy! You profess your ignorance, ask me to instruct you and call me the idiot? Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Irregardless.................The first systematic studies of whether human behaviors are hereditary were conducted over 100 years ago by Sir Francis Galton, Charles Darwin's cousin. Galton was interested in determining whether human abilities, such as intelligence, could be inherited, and he realized that in order to do this, he must distinguish between those behaviors that were innate and those that were influenced by the environment. To make this distinction, Galton studied the behavioral characteristics of genetically identical twins who were raised in different environments. If twins who had similar traits at birth became dissimilar when reared under differing conditions, these results would support the idea that environment was the primary influence on human behavior. Using this method, Galton deduced that nature (genetics) rather than nurture (environment) played a significant role in behavior (Galton, 1874).
People are much more than the sum total of their own fact their decisions are heavily unfluenced if not controlled by their genetics.

A more accurate statement would be that people are the sum total of their genetics.

Your really are a fucking idiot aren't you. How about you show some science to back that up.

Oh voy! You profess your ignorance, ask me to instruct you and call me the idiot? Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Irregardless.................The first systematic studies of whether human behaviors are hereditary were conducted over 100 years ago by Sir Francis Galton, Charles Darwin's cousin. Galton was interested in determining whether human abilities, such as intelligence, could be inherited, and he realized that in order to do this, he must distinguish between those behaviors that were innate and those that were influenced by the environment. To make this distinction, Galton studied the behavioral characteristics of genetically identical twins who were raised in different environments. If twins who had similar traits at birth became dissimilar when reared under differing conditions, these results would support the idea that environment was the primary influence on human behavior. Using this method, Galton deduced that nature (genetics) rather than nurture (environment) played a significant role in behavior (Galton, 1874).

Now you need to learn the difference between a significant and determinate roll. There are many significant factors but the most determinate is self motivation. Play your game but sleep well tonight knowing full well that you are wrong.
Alfred Binet, the founder of the "IQ test" stressed that such a test was subjective at best.

Intelligence is not quantifiable by a culturally biased test.
Idiots debating intelligence. This would be entertaining, except it's so pathetic.
Alfred Binet, the founder of the "IQ test" stressed that such a test was subjective at best.

Intelligence is not quantifiable by a culturally biased test.

And Einstein, the father of quantum physics, rejected the validity of quantum physics.
Alfred Binet, the founder of the "IQ test" stressed that such a test was subjective at best.

Intelligence is not quantifiable by a culturally biased test.

And Einstein, the father of quantum physics, rejected the validity of quantum physics.

Einstein? he was just a thieving patent clerk. Rejected?, likely because he only had a vague grasp on what he was stealing. Ya know... hedging the bets and what not?
Not the same as someone who actually put work into their ideals. So, let us get back on the subject at hand?

Still, I suppose your point stands?
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Actually Germany already practices something similar. Those that excel are promoted to higher education those that do not are earmarked for the trades.

typical dumb-shit head-up-the-ass bureaucratic approach... they think they know what's best for the rest of us...

myself, I have an M.S. in engineering and a P.E. license to practice...

an I.Q. measured at around 140...

and a GRE nearly off the charts...

but I've left that all behind and gone back to what I used to do before I went to college...

being an electrician...

i.e., a "lowly tradesman"...
Actually Germany already practices something similar. Those that excel are promoted to higher education those that do not are earmarked for the trades.

typical dumb-shit head-up-the-ass bureaucratic approach... they think they know what's best for the rest of us...

myself, I have an M.S. in engineering and a P.E. license to practice...

an I.Q. measured at around 140...

and a GRE nearly off the charts...

but I've left that all behind and gone back to what I used to do before I went to college...

being an electrician...

i.e., a "lowly tradesman"...

Yep, some times it's easier to do the grunt work and leave the grand ideas to others. Been there done that.
Actually Germany already practices something similar. Those that excel are promoted to higher education those that do not are earmarked for the trades.

typical dumb-shit head-up-the-ass bureaucratic approach... they think they know what's best for the rest of us...

myself, I have an M.S. in engineering and a P.E. license to practice...

an I.Q. measured at around 140...

and a GRE nearly off the charts...

but I've left that all behind and gone back to what I used to do before I went to college...

being an electrician...

i.e., a "lowly tradesman"...

Yep, some times it's easier to do the grunt work and leave the grand ideas to others. Been there done that.

not a matter of what's "easier"... more a matter of being able to do what I wanna do...
Your really are a fucking idiot aren't you. How about you show some science to back that up.

Oh voy! You profess your ignorance, ask me to instruct you and call me the idiot? Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Irregardless.................The first systematic studies of whether human behaviors are hereditary were conducted over 100 years ago by Sir Francis Galton, Charles Darwin's cousin. Galton was interested in determining whether human abilities, such as intelligence, could be inherited, and he realized that in order to do this, he must distinguish between those behaviors that were innate and those that were influenced by the environment. To make this distinction, Galton studied the behavioral characteristics of genetically identical twins who were raised in different environments. If twins who had similar traits at birth became dissimilar when reared under differing conditions, these results would support the idea that environment was the primary influence on human behavior. Using this method, Galton deduced that nature (genetics) rather than nurture (environment) played a significant role in behavior (Galton, 1874).

Now you need to learn the difference between a significant and determinate roll. There are many significant factors but the most determinate is self motivation. Play your game but sleep well tonight knowing full well that you are wrong.

There are many 'factors' but how much such 'factors' can influence or shape one's behavior depends upon your genetic blueprint.......... humans are biological creatures, as much as crocodiles, cougars, and birds.

We are the product of generations and generations of our ancestors. No matter how badly one might want to be the starting quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers and no matter how much you train...if you do not have the genetical makeup to be an outstanding will not happen. Yet...there are many areas in which motivation, education and environment can help...but the overwhelming influence remains genetics.

In todays technological society which is evolving at a faster and faster rate the importance of intelligence is more important than ever in the history of mankind. Yet, we as a society are working against ourselves....attempting to devalue the importance of intelligence and focusing on a fallacious approach to education and a equally fallacious approach to our social programs.

Our competitors are making us look ridiculous.....they are leaving us behind and our National Security is in extreme jeopardy due to the outrageous political correctness that hampers our ability to compete.
Actually Germany already practices something similar. Those that excel are promoted to higher education those that do not are earmarked for the trades.

Germany has had more experience than most in judging the value of individual Human Beings.

This is the sort of politically correct nonsense that is so rampant in America and doing such damage to our potential. Essentially it is like tying one hand behind you before engaging in a fight.

Make no mistake...America is in a struggle for our very survival....and those who would dominate us are not restrained or hampered by the stupidity of political correctness.
Inherited genetic diseases are the second most common reason why babies die but people who carry defective genes, such as the ones that cause cystic fibrosis, are being helped by a technique called PGD - pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. This involves growing embryos in the lab, screening them for cystic fibrosis before placing one in the womb. The programme also explores ways in which eggs can be grown outside the body which could help an enormous group of people such as cancer patients who want to avoid exposing their eggs to chemotherapy. Genetic diseases might also be prevented by the genetic engineering of sperm.

The future of Eugenics has never been more the science of genetics progresses one can easily envision the emergence of Super-Humans.....incredibly smart with awesome disease free bodies.

However, a big stumbling block in the field of genetics is the political power of the devotees of the ideology of political correctness.....constantly attempting to interfere with genetical research...devoted to preventing any scientific advance that might reveal the inequality of some minority. The political harassment has caused many gifted researchers in the field of genetics to get out...because they dare not risk endangering their careers by being demonized as racist. Some fields of genetic research are severely neglected or even taboo now because of academic political correctness.
As can be seen 'politics' enters into the process of identifying the more talented or the gifted or whatever term one might choose to define those more capable of learning.

For a society to neglect the gifted children in favor of wasting money and resources on the less capable is outrageous and a disaster for any nation.

I am not saying that we should not help the less fortunate...but the most important thing for any society that wishes to survive and especially one that strives to be a super power is to utilize the intellectual capacities of its citizens to the highest degree possible.

In other words you either utilize your potential as a people to the highest degree possible or you will fall into the second tier of nations....those that are dominated and at the mercy of the nation or nations that do utilize all of their potential capabilities to the highest degree possible.

Anyone familiar with our public schools today understands the unfolding disaster taking place there and its ramifications for the country as a whole...we are being dumbed down and it has been going on since the late 60's when with the help of LBJ and his cronies poitical correctness became the dominant force in our educational system.

So the central question...the most important question really today in our educational system is how to recognize the gifted and how to promote them so that their abilities can be manifested and then utilized to the highest degree possible.

Conversely........those who are not so talented also need to be utilized...there is a place for everyone....just not at the same table.

The first thing that needs to be done is to get rid of the so called 'Philosophy of 'Equalism' a philosophy of stupidity and failure.
Actually Germany already practices something similar. Those that excel are promoted to higher education those that do not are earmarked for the trades.

typical dumb-shit head-up-the-ass bureaucratic approach... they think they know what's best for the rest of us...

myself, I have an M.S. in engineering and a P.E. license to practice...

an I.Q. measured at around 140...

and a GRE nearly off the charts...

but I've left that all behind and gone back to what I used to do before I went to college...

being an electrician...

i.e., a "lowly tradesman"...

No tradesmen, no industry, period! A millwright with 50 years experiance.

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