The Post-Election Fallout Is Going to Be Brutal for the Party That Loses the White House Race

Conservatives think they own the Supreme Court. They have controlled the court since Nixon

Now, with the court swinging liberal, they are prepared to block all appointments to the court because they can't call the shots

They set themselves up for this. Denying appointments and Clinton's agenda like they did Obama will only compound their problems and maybe give Clinton another term IMO. They need to prove they can be reasonable again post Trump.

It is interesting to see how far Republicans will go with this

They have already shown indifference to having eight justices on the court. Will they let it drop to seven or six?
Where do get this stuff? Indifference? Clearly you don't understand the meaning.
Yes...I mean indifference

Republicans do not give a damn about filling Supreme Court seats....especially if it means a Liberal Court

They absolutely care about the court and are following recent precedent established by Harry Reid and the Dems. It's not my fault you suffer from a poor vocabulary.

They care about a conservative court. They are willing to go with a court of eight, seven and even six justices if it means keeping it conservative
They set themselves up for this. Denying appointments and Clinton's agenda like they did Obama will only compound their problems and maybe give Clinton another term IMO. They need to prove they can be reasonable again post Trump.

It is interesting to see how far Republicans will go with this

They have already shown indifference to having eight justices on the court. Will they let it drop to seven or six?
Where do get this stuff? Indifference? Clearly you don't understand the meaning.
Yes...I mean indifference

Republicans do not give a damn about filling Supreme Court seats....especially if it means a Liberal Court

They absolutely care about the court and are following recent precedent established by Harry Reid and the Dems. It's not my fault you suffer from a poor vocabulary.

They care about a conservative court. They are willing to go with a court of eight, seven and even six justices if it means keeping it conservative
Which is far different then the claimed indifference.
It is interesting to see how far Republicans will go with this

They have already shown indifference to having eight justices on the court. Will they let it drop to seven or six?
Where do get this stuff? Indifference? Clearly you don't understand the meaning.
Yes...I mean indifference

Republicans do not give a damn about filling Supreme Court seats....especially if it means a Liberal Court

They absolutely care about the court and are following recent precedent established by Harry Reid and the Dems. It's not my fault you suffer from a poor vocabulary.

They care about a conservative court. They are willing to go with a court of eight, seven and even six justices if it means keeping it conservative
Which is far different then the claimed indifference.

It is the definition of indifference
Given that Trump has about a 25% chance of winning the election, what will be the fallout to Republicans?

After Romney lost in 2012, Republicans conducted an autopsy of why they lost and what they need to do by 2016

The key finding was ....they need to appeal more to women and Hispanics. They need to stop being the party of stupid

So what do they do? They nominate Trump

The post Trump GOP would do well to spend the next four years being honest actors for the American people. They need to work with Clinton in tackling some of the larger issues that were swept aside by Congress while Obama was in office. They need to show that they are willing and able to govern in a thoughtful and responsible way that addresses the issues facing all Americans.
I Believe Ryan can be that guy but he needs to grow a pair and work to silence the crazies.

That is what Republicans SHOULD do.....return to sanity

But it won't happen. On the day of Obama's election, they met and decided rather than compromise to save whatever they could of their agenda, they would unite to obstruct EVERYTHING Obama tried to do. Obama did not receive a single Republican vote, even on positions they previously supported

Hillary will face the same stonewall. Republicans will even vote against their own best interests to block Hillary. Even if they wanted to, a moderate Republican would face immediate attacks from both the Teatards and the rightwing media for even thinking of working with Hillary for the common good

Then they are truly doomed.

This is not Trumps fault

Republicans sold out their party to the bat shit crazies when Clinton was President. They have only gotten worse. Trump should be the final straw in forcing Republicans to return to sanity

But all anyone has to do is read the positions of conservative posters on this board to realize it won't happen

Well to make it happen the Tea Party needs to be crushed, so sanity can come back into the party. Republican elected leaders needs to say NO to the Tea Party, the religious far right. If they don't, you're right this party will never come back. They need to take the anger, the emotion out of this party, and put the brains back in.


It took Republicans 25 years to get to the state they are in

They are not going to turn things around on a dime and be a whole new party by 2020. Expect them to double down on dumb and see what happens

That is why I say....The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Very True--instead of the Republican party learning anything from prior loses, they just double down on the rhetoric and try it again 4 years later. I doubt most of them even know why they lost in 2012. They chased off women by dragging the party into abortion, that then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into what is legal-legitimate rape questions, that sent women running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by 36 points. There was also some very harsh rhetoric coming out of their mouths over immigration--so they lost the Latino vote, another large voting block. Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

So in 2016 they just doubled down on women's issues, now gay marriage issues, aka U.S. Supreme court issues (something that prior GOP candidates never brought up, much less campaigned on) and went full throttle on Latino's. Their 2016 platform is now more extreme and divisive than ever.
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

As long as Rush Limbaugh, and other Reich wing talk show hosts, including those on FOX News are filling their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of Reich wing hyperbole, half truths, misconceptions, and conspiracy theories, the Republican party may never get back to the party of Lincoln or Reagan.

Last edited:
Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.

The GOP will never recover unless it rids itself of its racist moron base .. thus losing half of its constituency.

Will they do that .. who knows .. but if it doesn't, it will be reduced and diminished as a major party.

Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.

The GOP will never recover unless it rids itself of its racist moron base .. thus losing half of its constituency.

Will they do that .. who knows .. but if it doesn't, it will be reduced and diminished as a major party.
The most conservative county in the US elected Mia Love.
She is behind Owens.
Did he go on a mission like that worthless dad of his
His dad was a good man, as was Gunn McKay, Ron Inkley and some of the other congressional winners and losers in the seventies. You judge by political party, ty, and as Hugh B. Brown would have said of you, "He thinks politics is religion. It is not."
Let's be honest here. The fall out for the entire world is going to be brutal no matter who is elected. We are going to war.
We have been at war since 9-11. If you are saying we are sending another huge army overseas, that won't happen.
Once again jake shows his ignorance of the Bible. The LORD will put hooks in their mouths and draw all nations to the valley of decision
I had to correct a silly comment by a Mormon elsewhere yesterday about end days. When you understand scripture, I will let you know.
whatever you say Charles T. Russell.
He was the one who thought Jehovah Witnesses and Mormons were quite similar. I never understood his reasoning and did not pursue it.
Let's be honest here. The fall out for the entire world is going to be brutal no matter who is elected.

We are going to war.
You're taking a lot of heat for this comment, but i definitely agree this election doesn't end in a quiet concession. Trump is openly talking about rigged elections in preparation for losing. During the primary his "concession" speeches were anything but. Go to Twitter and you'll find he's got a lot of support in the Gamergate, #AltRight and #WhiteHolocaust movements. Those guys are freaking terrifying. They're definitely not "all talk" folks and they routinely make death threats and doxx folks they disagree with. Trump's got them stirred up enough that if he vows to fight the election results come November I don't see this turning out well.
The truly scary ones are the liberal democrats that have turned executing cops into a national pastime.
Those guys don't represent the entire movement any more than abortion clinic bombers represent the Pro-Life movement.

As for Black Lives Matter though, they aren't likely to protest the national election if HRC loses. BLM is more focused on government closer to home and police accountability. It's almost the exact opposite of the Trump supporters that tend to support homegrown government but distrust the Feds. In general, the odds you'd see protesting or rioting or any kind of violence on the left if HRC loses is almost minimal. The most agitated folks were already shut out when Bernie lost and HRC simply isn't liked enough for folks to really care all that much if she loses.

Trump's side though is a different story than I've seen in any election since I've been alive. Go look at the folks that support Trump on Twitter and Reddit or search the #GamerGate or #AltRight hashtags. If you want to be really sick look at the #whitegenocide hashtag. Those folks are ardently in Trump's corner and feel VERY empowered by him. They're already willing to ruin a person's life or harrass a person endlessly. They're not going to take it well when they lose.
That is what Republicans SHOULD do.....return to sanity

But it won't happen. On the day of Obama's election, they met and decided rather than compromise to save whatever they could of their agenda, they would unite to obstruct EVERYTHING Obama tried to do. Obama did not receive a single Republican vote, even on positions they previously supported

Hillary will face the same stonewall. Republicans will even vote against their own best interests to block Hillary. Even if they wanted to, a moderate Republican would face immediate attacks from both the Teatards and the rightwing media for even thinking of working with Hillary for the common good

Then they are truly doomed.

This is not Trumps fault

Republicans sold out their party to the bat shit crazies when Clinton was President. They have only gotten worse. Trump should be the final straw in forcing Republicans to return to sanity

But all anyone has to do is read the positions of conservative posters on this board to realize it won't happen

Well to make it happen the Tea Party needs to be crushed, so sanity can come back into the party. Republican elected leaders needs to say NO to the Tea Party, the religious far right. If they don't, you're right this party will never come back. They need to take the anger, the emotion out of this party, and put the brains back in.


It took Republicans 25 years to get to the state they are in

They are not going to turn things around on a dime and be a whole new party by 2020. Expect them to double down on dumb and see what happens

That is why I say....The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Very True--instead of the Republican party learning anything from prior loses, they just double down on the rhetoric and try it again 4 years later. I doubt most of them even know why they lost in 2012. They chased off women by double digits by dragging the party into abortion, that then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into what is legal-legitimate rape questions, that sent women running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by 36 points. There was also some very harsh rhetoric coming out of their mouths over immigration--so they lost the Latino vote, another large voting block. Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

So in 2016 they just doubled down on women's issues, now gay marriage issues, aka U.S. Supreme court issues (something that prior GOP candidates never brought up, much less campaigned on) and went full throttle on Latino's. Their 2016 platform is now more extreme and divisive than ever.
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

As long as Rush Limbaugh, and other Reich wing talk show hosts, including those on FOX News are filling their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of Reich wing hyperbole, half truths, misconceptions, and conspiracy theories, the Republican party may never get back to the party of Lincoln or Reagan.


Lose the women's and Hispanic vote and it will cost you Florida, Texas, Arizona, Colorado and Nevada. They may eventually recapture the women's vote if they can tone down their rhetoric. I think the Hispanic vote is lost for good
Then they are truly doomed.

This is not Trumps fault

Republicans sold out their party to the bat shit crazies when Clinton was President. They have only gotten worse. Trump should be the final straw in forcing Republicans to return to sanity

But all anyone has to do is read the positions of conservative posters on this board to realize it won't happen

Well to make it happen the Tea Party needs to be crushed, so sanity can come back into the party. Republican elected leaders needs to say NO to the Tea Party, the religious far right. If they don't, you're right this party will never come back. They need to take the anger, the emotion out of this party, and put the brains back in.


It took Republicans 25 years to get to the state they are in

They are not going to turn things around on a dime and be a whole new party by 2020. Expect them to double down on dumb and see what happens

That is why I say....The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Very True--instead of the Republican party learning anything from prior loses, they just double down on the rhetoric and try it again 4 years later. I doubt most of them even know why they lost in 2012. They chased off women by double digits by dragging the party into abortion, that then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into what is legal-legitimate rape questions, that sent women running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by 36 points. There was also some very harsh rhetoric coming out of their mouths over immigration--so they lost the Latino vote, another large voting block. Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

So in 2016 they just doubled down on women's issues, now gay marriage issues, aka U.S. Supreme court issues (something that prior GOP candidates never brought up, much less campaigned on) and went full throttle on Latino's. Their 2016 platform is now more extreme and divisive than ever.
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

As long as Rush Limbaugh, and other Reich wing talk show hosts, including those on FOX News are filling their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of Reich wing hyperbole, half truths, misconceptions, and conspiracy theories, the Republican party may never get back to the party of Lincoln or Reagan.


Lose the women's and Hispanic vote and it will cost you Florida, Texas, Arizona, Colorado and Nevada. They may eventually recapture the women's vote if they can tone down their rhetoric. I think the Hispanic vote is lost for good
I don't know about this. I've said for a long time that if the GOP can find a way to get rid of xenophobic parts of their party the Hispanic vote more naturally fits with them due to a lot of religious and economic philosophies in that community. As it is, illegal immigration should be a moral issue. It's the modern version of slavery and finding a solution to it shouldn't be a xenophobia issue but a human dignity issue.

As it is though, I'm thinking we are seeing the start of something historic here. Think the flip of the South from Blue to Red. A lot of the GOP are finding they want nothing to do with the populist/nativist version of the GOP that Trump represents and are finding they have more in common with the hawkish, pro-Wall Street Hillary Clinton. I could see the Foreign Policy Hawks, Rockefeller Republicans, and (Non-Religious) small Government Conservatives flipping to the DNC in the long run while the more Pro-Government elements of the DNC meld with the populists in the GOP. The Bernie Bros and the Trump supporters had quite a few issues where they had common cause.
Last edited:
Then they are truly doomed.

This is not Trumps fault

Republicans sold out their party to the bat shit crazies when Clinton was President. They have only gotten worse. Trump should be the final straw in forcing Republicans to return to sanity

But all anyone has to do is read the positions of conservative posters on this board to realize it won't happen

Well to make it happen the Tea Party needs to be crushed, so sanity can come back into the party. Republican elected leaders needs to say NO to the Tea Party, the religious far right. If they don't, you're right this party will never come back. They need to take the anger, the emotion out of this party, and put the brains back in.


It took Republicans 25 years to get to the state they are in

They are not going to turn things around on a dime and be a whole new party by 2020. Expect them to double down on dumb and see what happens

That is why I say....The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Very True--instead of the Republican party learning anything from prior loses, they just double down on the rhetoric and try it again 4 years later. I doubt most of them even know why they lost in 2012. They chased off women by double digits by dragging the party into abortion, that then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into what is legal-legitimate rape questions, that sent women running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by 36 points. There was also some very harsh rhetoric coming out of their mouths over immigration--so they lost the Latino vote, another large voting block. Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

So in 2016 they just doubled down on women's issues, now gay marriage issues, aka U.S. Supreme court issues (something that prior GOP candidates never brought up, much less campaigned on) and went full throttle on Latino's. Their 2016 platform is now more extreme and divisive than ever.
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

As long as Rush Limbaugh, and other Reich wing talk show hosts, including those on FOX News are filling their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of Reich wing hyperbole, half truths, misconceptions, and conspiracy theories, the Republican party may never get back to the party of Lincoln or Reagan.


Lose the women's and Hispanic vote and it will cost you Florida, Texas, Arizona, Colorado and Nevada. They may eventually recapture the women's vote if they can tone down their rhetoric. I think the Hispanic vote is lost for good

Agree with you there too. But I think women have had their fill of Republicans--they view the party as being oppressive to them. They may come back-- but it may take years. Latino's like blacks may never come back, and that's a fatal death blow to the party, because they are the fastest growing population in the country. In fact, minorities in our grade schools today outnumber whites. It's a shame because Latino's are actually closer in ideologically to Republicans, than they are Democrats, and they have been chased off.
Last edited:
This is not Trumps fault

Republicans sold out their party to the bat shit crazies when Clinton was President. They have only gotten worse. Trump should be the final straw in forcing Republicans to return to sanity

But all anyone has to do is read the positions of conservative posters on this board to realize it won't happen

Well to make it happen the Tea Party needs to be crushed, so sanity can come back into the party. Republican elected leaders needs to say NO to the Tea Party, the religious far right. If they don't, you're right this party will never come back. They need to take the anger, the emotion out of this party, and put the brains back in.


It took Republicans 25 years to get to the state they are in

They are not going to turn things around on a dime and be a whole new party by 2020. Expect them to double down on dumb and see what happens

That is why I say....The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Very True--instead of the Republican party learning anything from prior loses, they just double down on the rhetoric and try it again 4 years later. I doubt most of them even know why they lost in 2012. They chased off women by double digits by dragging the party into abortion, that then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into what is legal-legitimate rape questions, that sent women running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by 36 points. There was also some very harsh rhetoric coming out of their mouths over immigration--so they lost the Latino vote, another large voting block. Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

So in 2016 they just doubled down on women's issues, now gay marriage issues, aka U.S. Supreme court issues (something that prior GOP candidates never brought up, much less campaigned on) and went full throttle on Latino's. Their 2016 platform is now more extreme and divisive than ever.
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

As long as Rush Limbaugh, and other Reich wing talk show hosts, including those on FOX News are filling their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of Reich wing hyperbole, half truths, misconceptions, and conspiracy theories, the Republican party may never get back to the party of Lincoln or Reagan.


Lose the women's and Hispanic vote and it will cost you Florida, Texas, Arizona, Colorado and Nevada. They may eventually recapture the women's vote if they can tone down their rhetoric. I think the Hispanic vote is lost for good

Agree with you there too. But I think women have had their fill of Republicans--they view the party as being oppressive to them. They may come back-- but it may take years. Latino's like blacks may never come back, and that's a fatal death blow to the party, because they are the fastest growing population in the country. In fact, minorities in our grade schools today outnumber whites. It's a shame because Latino's are actually closer ideologically to Republicans, than they are Democrats, and they have been chased off.

I agree.

The Republican Party was the natural fit for Hispanic voters who are conservative by nature, have strong family values and are very religious

But Republicans sold out to the xenophobes for short term votes. The long term impact of losing the Hispanic vote will mean they have no path to 270 electoral votes once Texas is lost.

Meaning: The next Republican President hasn't been born yet
Well to make it happen the Tea Party needs to be crushed, so sanity can come back into the party. Republican elected leaders needs to say NO to the Tea Party, the religious far right. If they don't, you're right this party will never come back. They need to take the anger, the emotion out of this party, and put the brains back in.


It took Republicans 25 years to get to the state they are in

They are not going to turn things around on a dime and be a whole new party by 2020. Expect them to double down on dumb and see what happens

That is why I say....The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Very True--instead of the Republican party learning anything from prior loses, they just double down on the rhetoric and try it again 4 years later. I doubt most of them even know why they lost in 2012. They chased off women by double digits by dragging the party into abortion, that then went into who's not going to pay for birth control pills, that then went into what is legal-legitimate rape questions, that sent women running into Obama's column by double digits, younger women by 36 points. There was also some very harsh rhetoric coming out of their mouths over immigration--so they lost the Latino vote, another large voting block. Romney's fate was sealed long before he even became the nominee.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

So in 2016 they just doubled down on women's issues, now gay marriage issues, aka U.S. Supreme court issues (something that prior GOP candidates never brought up, much less campaigned on) and went full throttle on Latino's. Their 2016 platform is now more extreme and divisive than ever.
Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump

As long as Rush Limbaugh, and other Reich wing talk show hosts, including those on FOX News are filling their audiences with 3 or more daily hours of Reich wing hyperbole, half truths, misconceptions, and conspiracy theories, the Republican party may never get back to the party of Lincoln or Reagan.


Lose the women's and Hispanic vote and it will cost you Florida, Texas, Arizona, Colorado and Nevada. They may eventually recapture the women's vote if they can tone down their rhetoric. I think the Hispanic vote is lost for good

Agree with you there too. But I think women have had their fill of Republicans--they view the party as being oppressive to them. They may come back-- but it may take years. Latino's like blacks may never come back, and that's a fatal death blow to the party, because they are the fastest growing population in the country. In fact, minorities in our grade schools today outnumber whites. It's a shame because Latino's are actually closer ideologically to Republicans, than they are Democrats, and they have been chased off.

I agree.

The Republican Party was the natural fit for Hispanic voters who are conservative by nature, have strong family values and are very religious

But Republicans sold out to the xenophobes for short term votes. The long term impact of losing the Hispanic vote will mean they have no path to 270 electoral votes once Texas is lost.

Meaning: The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Again totally agree. In fact it was G.W. Bush who stated he's worried that he will be the last Republican President.
The bigger question is...What will happen to Trump?

He will be soundly defeated. For most defeated candidates they disappear from the public eye. Think Mondale, Dukakis, Dole

But Trump can never stand for that. Will he come back in 2020? 2024? thinking he can recapture the magic?

Will he break off into a third party?
Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.

The GOP will never recover unless it rids itself of its racist moron base .. thus losing half of its constituency.

Will they do that .. who knows .. but if it doesn't, it will be reduced and diminished as a major party.

Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.

The GOP will never recover unless it rids itself of its racist moron base .. thus losing half of its constituency.

Will they do that .. who knows .. but if it doesn't, it will be reduced and diminished as a major party.
The most conservative county in the US elected Mia Love.
She is behind Owens.
Did he go on a mission like that worthless dad of his
His dad was a good man, as was Gunn McKay, Ron Inkley and some of the other congressional winners and losers in the seventies. You judge by political party, ty, and as Hugh B. Brown would have said of you, "He thinks politics is religion. It is not."
I was on a mission with Gunn Mckays son. The kid was dumber than box of rocks...really
The GOP will never recover unless it rids itself of its racist moron base .. thus losing half of its constituency.

Will they do that .. who knows .. but if it doesn't, it will be reduced and diminished as a major party.

The GOP will never recover unless it rids itself of its racist moron base .. thus losing half of its constituency.

Will they do that .. who knows .. but if it doesn't, it will be reduced and diminished as a major party.
The most conservative county in the US elected Mia Love.
She is behind Owens.
Did he go on a mission like that worthless dad of his
His dad was a good man, as was Gunn McKay, Ron Inkley and some of the other congressional winners and losers in the seventies. You judge by political party, ty, and as Hugh B. Brown would have said of you, "He thinks politics is religion. It is not."
I was on a mission with Gunn Mckays son. The kid was dumber than box of rocks...really
We thought McKay was as well. Do you remember when he beat Inkley? Even the pubs voted for McKay.
Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.

The GOP will never recover unless it rids itself of its racist moron base .. thus losing half of its constituency.

Will they do that .. who knows .. but if it doesn't, it will be reduced and diminished as a major party.

Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.

The GOP will never recover unless it rids itself of its racist moron base .. thus losing half of its constituency.

Will they do that .. who knows .. but if it doesn't, it will be reduced and diminished as a major party.
The most conservative county in the US elected Mia Love.
She is behind Owens.
Did he go on a mission like that worthless dad of his
His dad was a good man, as was Gunn McKay, Ron Inkley and some of the other congressional winners and losers in the seventies. You judge by political party, ty, and as Hugh B. Brown would have said of you, "He thinks politics is religion. It is not."
Say what??? Owens wanted Nixon impeached on his Vietnam policies when Nixon was trying to get us out. You forget owens was trouced by Garn.
So trying to say my disgust of owens was influenced by religion is bogus
Ya I voted for a democrat once, you know what his name was? ....Allen Howe
Learned my lesson
The bigger question is...What will happen to Trump?

He will be soundly defeated. For most defeated candidates they disappear from the public eye. Think Mondale, Dukakis, Dole

But Trump can never stand for that. Will he come back in 2020? 2024? thinking he can recapture the magic?

Will he break off into a third party?
The most conservative county in the US elected Mia Love.
She is behind Owens.
Did he go on a mission like that worthless dad of his
His dad was a good man, as was Gunn McKay, Ron Inkley and some of the other congressional winners and losers in the seventies. You judge by political party, ty, and as Hugh B. Brown would have said of you, "He thinks politics is religion. It is not."
I was on a mission with Gunn Mckays son. The kid was dumber than box of rocks...really
We thought McKay was as well. Do you remember when he beat Inkley? Even the pubs voted for McKay.
Ed Mckay was the poorest excuse of doctor I've ever seen. He almost killed my Dad. If he hadn't had switched doctors Mckay would have killed him.
The disease??? appendicitis

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