The Post-Election Fallout Is Going to Be Brutal for the Party That Loses the White House Race

Let's be honest here. The fall out for the entire world is going to be brutal no matter who is elected. We are going to war.
We have been at war since 9-11. If you are saying we are sending another huge army overseas, that won't happen.
Once again jake shows his ignorance of the Bible. The LORD will put hooks in their mouths and draw all nations to the valley of decision
I had to correct a silly comment by a Mormon elsewhere yesterday about end days. When you understand scripture, I will let you know.
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You've never been a conservative Jake.
Once upon a time I was, then the paradigm shifted to the far crazy right. That I am not, you are right, a silly far right conservative.

When our GOP loses this election, the far right contards (the Cruzes) and the hard right cons (the Kasichs) are going to say I told you so.

The crazy rights that just wanted to punish the regular GOP and mainstream leaders are going to pay a very heavy price, just like they did back after the 1964 election when they were sent to the wilderness.

I disagree. Trump supporters aren't going anywhere. The GOP has cultivated this sort of rabid wingnut and now the GOP can't win with them because they are repugnant and since the GOP harbored these idiots in the first place they are more than half of the GOP base.

You guys really fucked yourselves and it started with Reagan.

Congratulations for speaking up about it now...a little late.

Meg Whitman just bailed from the GOP and is casting her vote for the best option to ensure Trump is never president. If only more could swallow their pride and do the right thing.

Spot on.
IMO, the two most damaging moves by the GOP in the last decade was embracing the Tea Party movement and supporting Citizens United. In an attempt to gain dominance they went too far. They allowed for unlimited money funding unlimited crazy.
Silly dems. Of course we can throw out the bad guys, and it will take time just as it did for you to get rid of the white supremacists.
Hillary losing to Trump would be a blunder of historic proportions. No candidate has ever had an easier path to the White House. But it doesn't look like she will lose

The Republicans are in the midst of a Civil War for the soul of the party. They have been cultivating the batshit crazy wing of the party for decades with Fox News feeding the beast. Now, Republicans are finding the batshit crazy wing of the party has taken over and there is nothing they can do about it. You can't unbreak an egg Republicans...this is now your party
No excuse will be acceptable if the GOP loses the WH: none. We had conservatives, real conservatives, that would have wiped out Clinton. Now we got Comrade Trump, who is likely to lose by historic proportions. And he should if he can't clean up his act. There is no plot to rig the elections, unless the only plot is to report the new inanity Comrade Donald seemingly performs each day.

The Post-Election Fallout Is Going to Be Brutal for the Losing Party in November

In the case of Trump, the nominee’s obnoxious personal attributes will be compounded if he loses by the ideological motives various Republicans have for burying his candidacy and salting the earth around it. “Real conservatives” will have another “I told you so” example of how a departure from the One True Path leads down the primrose path to defeat. Establishment Republicans will try to get the GOP to return to the prescriptions they offered in the post-2012 autopsy report, with its downplaying of cultural issues and its emphasis on friendliness toward Latinos. And the Reformicons, who actually think Trump was striking an essential chord on both immigration and middle-class economics, will be especially exercised in fighting to protect those goals while putting the blame on Trump personally. If Republicans not only lose the White House again but suffer serious down-ballot losses, the battle will be extra loud andfrantic.

A Hillary Clinton loss would affect Democrats a bit differently, insofar as she was the candidate of the Democratic Establishment from the get-go. But Democrats who look at the demographics of Bernie Sanders’s primary voters and see the future, and also credit those polls showing Bernie doing better than Hillary against Trump, will have an ostensibly open-and-shut case that the Donkey Party needs to bury the entire Clinton era of baby-boomer centrism and move left. All that’s missing for this argument is an obvious post-Bernie leader of the progressive Democratic cause (Elizabeth Warren will be 71 in 2020). Meanwhile, centrist Democrats may well argue that a more left-leaning candidate would have done worse than Clinton; they, too, will have a post-Clinton, post-Obama leadership crisis unlessFLOTUS picks up the banner. And if Clinton loses and her party doesn’t make down-ballot gains, there may be legitimate fears of long-term minority status for Democrats (though a Trump presidency could be just what the doctor ordered).

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan, it's been hijacked by the Reich wing. It isn't even recognizable anymore. It is now the TRUMP Party. Myself being a life long Republican am pissed off about this, because I had to change my party status to Independent because of Trump, and because of the Reich wing continual march on already settled U.S. Supreme court issues as their main focus, not the economy, deficits, jobs, etc. IOW--They've gone bat shit crazy. The Republican party no longer represents me. Their 2016 platform is more extreme an divisive than ever.

So I am following the advise of a long time friend and staffer of Ronald Reagan, and will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

We Republicans 54% of the party that didn't do this, should not feel any loyalty toward the new Trump Party. Maybe after this election we can rebuild the party--as to the way it was (without these Reich wing nut cases in it.)--if not I'll stay Independent.

They wanted Trump now they OWN Trump.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

And according to the above article--for all you that did support Trump for the nomination--this is a preview of what you get to look forward to on election night. Frankly, you should be wearing bags over your heads. You were warned time and time again, and you ignored it all.


I believe the only way for the GOP to get rid of it's dark side is to first ensure Trump does not win. Then crack open that autopsy report again and actually do something.

This country desperate needs a modern conservative party not hung up on social issues that have already been decided. We need competing ideas on how to lead this country, not one side hampered by the others inability to do anything. A debate of ideas and grand compromises. Something both sides have been hesitant to do though most obviously from Republicans.

First thing first, beat Trump then cast a wider net to attract more than just white males. It may be too late and the only save for the GOP on a national level will be if the Democrats get too big and begin to crack. Shit, did you see the DNC convention? There is no way that broad of a coalition will last.

The post Trump GOP would do well to spend the next four years being honest actors for the American people. They need to work with Clinton in tackling some of the larger issues that were swept aside by Congress while Obama was in office. They need to show that they are willing and able to govern in a thoughtful and responsible way that addresses the issues facing all Americans.
I Believe Ryan can be that guy but he needs to grow a pair and work to silence the crazies.
Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.
Worse than three additional leftists on the Supreme Court for life? You sure about that?

The pendulum swings both ways. Conservatives have had the majority for decades.
Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.
Worse than three additional leftists on the Supreme Court for life? You sure about that?

The pendulum swings both ways. Conservatives have had the majority for decades.

Conservatives think they own the Supreme Court. They have controlled the court since Nixon

Now, with the court swinging liberal, they are prepared to block all appointments to the court because they can't call the shots
No excuse will be acceptable if the GOP loses the WH: none. We had conservatives, real conservatives, that would have wiped out Clinton. Now we got Comrade Trump, who is likely to lose by historic proportions. And he should if he can't clean up his act. There is no plot to rig the elections, unless the only plot is to report the new inanity Comrade Donald seemingly performs each day.

The Post-Election Fallout Is Going to Be Brutal for the Losing Party in November

In the case of Trump, the nominee’s obnoxious personal attributes will be compounded if he loses by the ideological motives various Republicans have for burying his candidacy and salting the earth around it. “Real conservatives” will have another “I told you so” example of how a departure from the One True Path leads down the primrose path to defeat. Establishment Republicans will try to get the GOP to return to the prescriptions they offered in the post-2012 autopsy report, with its downplaying of cultural issues and its emphasis on friendliness toward Latinos. And the Reformicons, who actually think Trump was striking an essential chord on both immigration and middle-class economics, will be especially exercised in fighting to protect those goals while putting the blame on Trump personally. If Republicans not only lose the White House again but suffer serious down-ballot losses, the battle will be extra loud andfrantic.

A Hillary Clinton loss would affect Democrats a bit differently, insofar as she was the candidate of the Democratic Establishment from the get-go. But Democrats who look at the demographics of Bernie Sanders’s primary voters and see the future, and also credit those polls showing Bernie doing better than Hillary against Trump, will have an ostensibly open-and-shut case that the Donkey Party needs to bury the entire Clinton era of baby-boomer centrism and move left. All that’s missing for this argument is an obvious post-Bernie leader of the progressive Democratic cause (Elizabeth Warren will be 71 in 2020). Meanwhile, centrist Democrats may well argue that a more left-leaning candidate would have done worse than Clinton; they, too, will have a post-Clinton, post-Obama leadership crisis unlessFLOTUS picks up the banner. And if Clinton loses and her party doesn’t make down-ballot gains, there may be legitimate fears of long-term minority status for Democrats (though a Trump presidency could be just what the doctor ordered).

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan, it's been hijacked by the Reich wing. It isn't even recognizable anymore. It is now the TRUMP Party. Myself being a life long Republican am pissed off about this, because I had to change my party status to Independent because of Trump, and because of the Reich wing continual march on already settled U.S. Supreme court issues as their main focus, not the economy, deficits, jobs, etc. IOW--They've gone bat shit crazy. The Republican party no longer represents me. Their 2016 platform is more extreme an divisive than ever.

So I am following the advise of a long time friend and staffer of Ronald Reagan, and will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

We Republicans 54% of the party that didn't do this, should not feel any loyalty toward the new Trump Party. Maybe after this election we can rebuild the party--as to the way it was (without these Reich wing nut cases in it.)--if not I'll stay Independent.

They wanted Trump now they OWN Trump.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

And according to the above article--for all you that did support Trump for the nomination--this is a preview of what you get to look forward to on election night. Frankly, you should be wearing bags over your heads. You were warned time and time again, and you ignored it all.


I believe the only way for the GOP to get rid of it's dark side is to first ensure Trump does not win. Then crack open that autopsy report again and actually do something.

This country desperate needs a modern conservative party not hung up on social issues that have already been decided. We need competing ideas on how to lead this country, not one side hampered by the others inability to do anything. A debate of ideas and grand compromises. Something both sides have been hesitant to do though most obviously from Republicans.

First thing first, beat Trump then cast a wider net to attract more than just white males. It may be too late and the only save for the GOP on a national level will be if the Democrats get too big and begin to crack. Shit, did you see the DNC convention? There is no way that broad of a coalition will last.

The post Trump GOP would do well to spend the next four years being honest actors for the American people. They need to work with Clinton in tackling some of the larger issues that were swept aside by Congress while Obama was in office. They need to show that they are willing and able to govern in a thoughtful and responsible way that addresses the issues facing all Americans.
I Believe Ryan can be that guy but he needs to grow a pair and work to silence the crazies.

That is what Republicans SHOULD do.....return to sanity

But it won't happen. On the day of Obama's election, they met and decided rather than compromise to save whatever they could of their agenda, they would unite to obstruct EVERYTHING Obama tried to do. Obama did not receive a single Republican vote, even on positions they previously supported

Hillary will face the same stonewall. Republicans will even vote against their own best interests to block Hillary. Even if they wanted to, a moderate Republican would face immediate attacks from both the Teatards and the rightwing media for even thinking of working with Hillary for the common good
Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.
Worse than three additional leftists on the Supreme Court for life? You sure about that?

The pendulum swings both ways. Conservatives have had the majority for decades.

Conservatives think they own the Supreme Court. They have controlled the court since Nixon

Now, with the court swinging liberal, they are prepared to block all appointments to the court because they can't call the shots

They set themselves up for this. Denying appointments and Clinton's agenda like they did Obama will only compound their problems and maybe give Clinton another term IMO. They need to prove they can be reasonable again post Trump.
No excuse will be acceptable if the GOP loses the WH: none. We had conservatives, real conservatives, that would have wiped out Clinton. Now we got Comrade Trump, who is likely to lose by historic proportions. And he should if he can't clean up his act. There is no plot to rig the elections, unless the only plot is to report the new inanity Comrade Donald seemingly performs each day.

The Post-Election Fallout Is Going to Be Brutal for the Losing Party in November

In the case of Trump, the nominee’s obnoxious personal attributes will be compounded if he loses by the ideological motives various Republicans have for burying his candidacy and salting the earth around it. “Real conservatives” will have another “I told you so” example of how a departure from the One True Path leads down the primrose path to defeat. Establishment Republicans will try to get the GOP to return to the prescriptions they offered in the post-2012 autopsy report, with its downplaying of cultural issues and its emphasis on friendliness toward Latinos. And the Reformicons, who actually think Trump was striking an essential chord on both immigration and middle-class economics, will be especially exercised in fighting to protect those goals while putting the blame on Trump personally. If Republicans not only lose the White House again but suffer serious down-ballot losses, the battle will be extra loud andfrantic.

A Hillary Clinton loss would affect Democrats a bit differently, insofar as she was the candidate of the Democratic Establishment from the get-go. But Democrats who look at the demographics of Bernie Sanders’s primary voters and see the future, and also credit those polls showing Bernie doing better than Hillary against Trump, will have an ostensibly open-and-shut case that the Donkey Party needs to bury the entire Clinton era of baby-boomer centrism and move left. All that’s missing for this argument is an obvious post-Bernie leader of the progressive Democratic cause (Elizabeth Warren will be 71 in 2020). Meanwhile, centrist Democrats may well argue that a more left-leaning candidate would have done worse than Clinton; they, too, will have a post-Clinton, post-Obama leadership crisis unlessFLOTUS picks up the banner. And if Clinton loses and her party doesn’t make down-ballot gains, there may be legitimate fears of long-term minority status for Democrats (though a Trump presidency could be just what the doctor ordered).

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan, it's been hijacked by the Reich wing. It isn't even recognizable anymore. It is now the TRUMP Party. Myself being a life long Republican am pissed off about this, because I had to change my party status to Independent because of Trump, and because of the Reich wing continual march on already settled U.S. Supreme court issues as their main focus, not the economy, deficits, jobs, etc. IOW--They've gone bat shit crazy. The Republican party no longer represents me. Their 2016 platform is more extreme an divisive than ever.

So I am following the advise of a long time friend and staffer of Ronald Reagan, and will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

We Republicans 54% of the party that didn't do this, should not feel any loyalty toward the new Trump Party. Maybe after this election we can rebuild the party--as to the way it was (without these Reich wing nut cases in it.)--if not I'll stay Independent.

They wanted Trump now they OWN Trump.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

And according to the above article--for all you that did support Trump for the nomination--this is a preview of what you get to look forward to on election night. Frankly, you should be wearing bags over your heads. You were warned time and time again, and you ignored it all.


I believe the only way for the GOP to get rid of it's dark side is to first ensure Trump does not win. Then crack open that autopsy report again and actually do something.

This country desperate needs a modern conservative party not hung up on social issues that have already been decided. We need competing ideas on how to lead this country, not one side hampered by the others inability to do anything. A debate of ideas and grand compromises. Something both sides have been hesitant to do though most obviously from Republicans.

First thing first, beat Trump then cast a wider net to attract more than just white males. It may be too late and the only save for the GOP on a national level will be if the Democrats get too big and begin to crack. Shit, did you see the DNC convention? There is no way that broad of a coalition will last.

The post Trump GOP would do well to spend the next four years being honest actors for the American people. They need to work with Clinton in tackling some of the larger issues that were swept aside by Congress while Obama was in office. They need to show that they are willing and able to govern in a thoughtful and responsible way that addresses the issues facing all Americans.
I Believe Ryan can be that guy but he needs to grow a pair and work to silence the crazies.

That is what Republicans SHOULD do.....return to sanity

But it won't happen. On the day of Obama's election, they met and decided rather than compromise to save whatever they could of their agenda, they would unite to obstruct EVERYTHING Obama tried to do. Obama did not receive a single Republican vote, even on positions they previously supported

Hillary will face the same stonewall. Republicans will even vote against their own best interests to block Hillary. Even if they wanted to, a moderate Republican would face immediate attacks from both the Teatards and the rightwing media for even thinking of working with Hillary for the common good

Then they are truly doomed.
Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.
Worse than three additional leftists on the Supreme Court for life? You sure about that?

The pendulum swings both ways. Conservatives have had the majority for decades.

Conservatives think they own the Supreme Court. They have controlled the court since Nixon

Now, with the court swinging liberal, they are prepared to block all appointments to the court because they can't call the shots

They set themselves up for this. Denying appointments and Clinton's agenda like they did Obama will only compound their problems and maybe give Clinton another term IMO. They need to prove they can be reasonable again post Trump.

It is interesting to see how far Republicans will go with this

They have already shown indifference to having eight justices on the court. Will they let it drop to seven or six?
No excuse will be acceptable if the GOP loses the WH: none. We had conservatives, real conservatives, that would have wiped out Clinton. Now we got Comrade Trump, who is likely to lose by historic proportions. And he should if he can't clean up his act. There is no plot to rig the elections, unless the only plot is to report the new inanity Comrade Donald seemingly performs each day.

The Post-Election Fallout Is Going to Be Brutal for the Losing Party in November

In the case of Trump, the nominee’s obnoxious personal attributes will be compounded if he loses by the ideological motives various Republicans have for burying his candidacy and salting the earth around it. “Real conservatives” will have another “I told you so” example of how a departure from the One True Path leads down the primrose path to defeat. Establishment Republicans will try to get the GOP to return to the prescriptions they offered in the post-2012 autopsy report, with its downplaying of cultural issues and its emphasis on friendliness toward Latinos. And the Reformicons, who actually think Trump was striking an essential chord on both immigration and middle-class economics, will be especially exercised in fighting to protect those goals while putting the blame on Trump personally. If Republicans not only lose the White House again but suffer serious down-ballot losses, the battle will be extra loud andfrantic.

A Hillary Clinton loss would affect Democrats a bit differently, insofar as she was the candidate of the Democratic Establishment from the get-go. But Democrats who look at the demographics of Bernie Sanders’s primary voters and see the future, and also credit those polls showing Bernie doing better than Hillary against Trump, will have an ostensibly open-and-shut case that the Donkey Party needs to bury the entire Clinton era of baby-boomer centrism and move left. All that’s missing for this argument is an obvious post-Bernie leader of the progressive Democratic cause (Elizabeth Warren will be 71 in 2020). Meanwhile, centrist Democrats may well argue that a more left-leaning candidate would have done worse than Clinton; they, too, will have a post-Clinton, post-Obama leadership crisis unlessFLOTUS picks up the banner. And if Clinton loses and her party doesn’t make down-ballot gains, there may be legitimate fears of long-term minority status for Democrats (though a Trump presidency could be just what the doctor ordered).

The Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan, it's been hijacked by the Reich wing. It isn't even recognizable anymore. It is now the TRUMP Party. Myself being a life long Republican am pissed off about this, because I had to change my party status to Independent because of Trump, and because of the Reich wing continual march on already settled U.S. Supreme court issues as their main focus, not the economy, deficits, jobs, etc. IOW--They've gone bat shit crazy. The Republican party no longer represents me. Their 2016 platform is more extreme an divisive than ever.

So I am following the advise of a long time friend and staffer of Ronald Reagan, and will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

We Republicans 54% of the party that didn't do this, should not feel any loyalty toward the new Trump Party. Maybe after this election we can rebuild the party--as to the way it was (without these Reich wing nut cases in it.)--if not I'll stay Independent.

They wanted Trump now they OWN Trump.
You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

And according to the above article--for all you that did support Trump for the nomination--this is a preview of what you get to look forward to on election night. Frankly, you should be wearing bags over your heads. You were warned time and time again, and you ignored it all.


I believe the only way for the GOP to get rid of it's dark side is to first ensure Trump does not win. Then crack open that autopsy report again and actually do something.

This country desperate needs a modern conservative party not hung up on social issues that have already been decided. We need competing ideas on how to lead this country, not one side hampered by the others inability to do anything. A debate of ideas and grand compromises. Something both sides have been hesitant to do though most obviously from Republicans.

First thing first, beat Trump then cast a wider net to attract more than just white males. It may be too late and the only save for the GOP on a national level will be if the Democrats get too big and begin to crack. Shit, did you see the DNC convention? There is no way that broad of a coalition will last.

The post Trump GOP would do well to spend the next four years being honest actors for the American people. They need to work with Clinton in tackling some of the larger issues that were swept aside by Congress while Obama was in office. They need to show that they are willing and able to govern in a thoughtful and responsible way that addresses the issues facing all Americans.
I Believe Ryan can be that guy but he needs to grow a pair and work to silence the crazies.

That is what Republicans SHOULD do.....return to sanity

But it won't happen. On the day of Obama's election, they met and decided rather than compromise to save whatever they could of their agenda, they would unite to obstruct EVERYTHING Obama tried to do. Obama did not receive a single Republican vote, even on positions they previously supported

Hillary will face the same stonewall. Republicans will even vote against their own best interests to block Hillary. Even if they wanted to, a moderate Republican would face immediate attacks from both the Teatards and the rightwing media for even thinking of working with Hillary for the common good

Then they are truly doomed.

This is not Trumps fault

Republicans sold out their party to the bat shit crazies when Clinton was President. They have only gotten worse. Trump should be the final straw in forcing Republicans to return to sanity

But all anyone has to do is read the positions of conservative posters on this board to realize it won't happen
Silly dems. Of course we can throw out the bad guys, and it will take time just as it did for you to get rid of the white supremacists.

Yeah, it took a Democratic President the bravery to concede the South by doing the right thing and signing the civil rights bill. Today's GOP can't even un endorse a lunatic let alone do anything about kicking out much of it's base.

And voting for Gary Johnson isn't solving anything either.
Silly dems. Of course we can throw out the bad guys, and it will take time just as it did for you to get rid of the white supremacists.

Yeah, it took a Democratic President the bravery to concede the South by doing the right thing and signing the civil rights bill. Today's GOP can't even un endorse a lunatic let alone do anything about kicking out much of it's base.

And voting for Gary Johnson isn't solving anything either.
Trump is not denying or endorsing segregation or lynch law, as your people did for a century. HJ, getting rid of the trumpfucs will be much easier than you think.
Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.
Worse than three additional leftists on the Supreme Court for life? You sure about that?

The pendulum swings both ways. Conservatives have had the majority for decades.

Conservatives think they own the Supreme Court. They have controlled the court since Nixon

Now, with the court swinging liberal, they are prepared to block all appointments to the court because they can't call the shots

They set themselves up for this. Denying appointments and Clinton's agenda like they did Obama will only compound their problems and maybe give Clinton another term IMO. They need to prove they can be reasonable again post Trump.

It is interesting to see how far Republicans will go with this

They have already shown indifference to having eight justices on the court. Will they let it drop to seven or six?
Where do get this stuff? Indifference? Clearly you don't understand the meaning.
No matter who loses this election the entire idea of a unified country has been murdered. We will enter a whole new universe of division. The winner, no matter who it is deserves all the pity we can dig up.
Trump losing actually is in the best interests of conservatives.

The post-Trump GOP can't get here soon enough. A party that is for a smaller federal government, more individual liberty, less spending, and the importance of the nuclear family and values.

Trump represents non of these.

Trump winning would kill the conservative movement for a decade.

It's not even about ideology anymore. It's about keeping the retard from touching himself in public and embarrassing everyone around him at this point.
We're past that already. We're just hoping he doesn't bite the head off a baby
No excuse will be acceptable if the GOP loses the WH: none. We had conservatives, real conservatives, that would have wiped out Clinton. Now we got Comrade Trump, who is likely to lose by historic proportions. And he should if he can't clean up his act. There is no plot to rig the elections, unless the only plot is to report the new inanity Comrade Donald seemingly performs each day.

The Post-Election Fallout Is Going to Be Brutal for the Losing Party in November

In the case of Trump, the nominee’s obnoxious personal attributes will be compounded if he loses by the ideological motives various Republicans have for burying his candidacy and salting the earth around it. “Real conservatives” will have another “I told you so” example of how a departure from the One True Path leads down the primrose path to defeat. Establishment Republicans will try to get the GOP to return to the prescriptions they offered in the post-2012 autopsy report, with its downplaying of cultural issues and its emphasis on friendliness toward Latinos. And the Reformicons, who actually think Trump was striking an essential chord on both immigration and middle-class economics, will be especially exercised in fighting to protect those goals while putting the blame on Trump personally. If Republicans not only lose the White House again but suffer serious down-ballot losses, the battle will be extra loud andfrantic.

A Hillary Clinton loss would affect Democrats a bit differently, insofar as she was the candidate of the Democratic Establishment from the get-go. But Democrats who look at the demographics of Bernie Sanders’s primary voters and see the future, and also credit those polls showing Bernie doing better than Hillary against Trump, will have an ostensibly open-and-shut case that the Donkey Party needs to bury the entire Clinton era of baby-boomer centrism and move left. All that’s missing for this argument is an obvious post-Bernie leader of the progressive Democratic cause (Elizabeth Warren will be 71 in 2020). Meanwhile, centrist Democrats may well argue that a more left-leaning candidate would have done worse than Clinton; they, too, will have a post-Clinton, post-Obama leadership crisis unlessFLOTUS picks up the banner. And if Clinton loses and her party doesn’t make down-ballot gains, there may be legitimate fears of long-term minority status for Democrats (though a Trump presidency could be just what the doctor ordered).

The Kansas primary results are interesting. Obviously the Kochs don't support the party of Bush, but they also aren't teaparty folks, A Trump loss could usher in a positive contest for the soul of conservatism.

As for the dems, I don't see them losing absent something really earthshaking, because Donald is obviously imploding, and ... someone, even Hillary, has to win this thing. But win or lose the dems have interesting questions.

Hillary only won the nomination because of the blacks in southern states, and those states will never go dem .... unless Trump is the gop nominee or until Texas turns blue. In any event, the influence of black civil rights era voters will decline. The dems will have to become more economically progressive, with benefits not aimed what has become a black, permanent under class.

I think Tim Kaine's a good person, but he's not really the standard bearer. Nevertheless, I have to disagree with you just on whether the dems find young progressives. I don't think that will be a problem for them.
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Silly dems. Of course we can throw out the bad guys, and it will take time just as it did for you to get rid of the white supremacists.

Yeah, it took a Democratic President the bravery to concede the South by doing the right thing and signing the civil rights bill. Today's GOP can't even un endorse a lunatic let alone do anything about kicking out much of it's base.

And voting for Gary Johnson isn't solving anything either.
Trump is not denying or endorsing segregation or lynch law, as your people did for a century. HJ, getting rid of the trumpfucs will be much easier than you think.


They are more than half the republican base .. strong enough within the party to get a seemingly insane celebrity that has never held office to be the nominee.

The Republican Party absolutely deserves being torn apart by the very vermin they invited in.

How do they get rid of them?
Worse than three additional leftists on the Supreme Court for life? You sure about that?

The pendulum swings both ways. Conservatives have had the majority for decades.

Conservatives think they own the Supreme Court. They have controlled the court since Nixon

Now, with the court swinging liberal, they are prepared to block all appointments to the court because they can't call the shots

They set themselves up for this. Denying appointments and Clinton's agenda like they did Obama will only compound their problems and maybe give Clinton another term IMO. They need to prove they can be reasonable again post Trump.

It is interesting to see how far Republicans will go with this

They have already shown indifference to having eight justices on the court. Will they let it drop to seven or six?
Where do get this stuff? Indifference? Clearly you don't understand the meaning.
Yes...I mean indifference

Republicans do not give a damn about filling Supreme Court seats....especially if it means a Liberal Court

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