The president disrespected America

Allocated $50 billion to empower rural America to address the infrastructure needs of their communities.
Transportation projects which will rebuild roads, bridges, railways, and other vital infrastructure.
Broadband deployment projects which will improve access for rural communities.
Water and waste projects to help ensure rural families have access to clean water.
Power and electric projects to provide rural areas with reliable, affordable power.
Water resources projects to better manage flood risk and improve rural water supplies and waterways.
Made clear that broadband should be an infrastructure priority

Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments

Let's just look at this section to see how deep the lies go:

Where is this $50 billion? When was it allocated? What projects is it funding? Trump has famously done NOTHING for infrastructure except his failed attempt at building a wall. Roads, bridges and infrastructure are not being built, but you claim that that are.

Broadband isn't being expanded at all and is an issue for farmers and businesses in low population areas. Similarly, water quality in America (and air quality) is DETERIORATING because of Trump's policies of reversing. Trump's own EPA is issuing warnings that 1400 Americans will die every year because of the roll back of clean air and water regulation.

Broadband isn't expanding because in low population areas won't generate sufficient profit to make providing service worthwhile. This is one of the problems with "free market capitalism", and it's dragging the USA infrastructure requirements down.

Trump has done NOTHING on infrastructure investment. Saying you want to spend $50 billion, isn't the same thing as actually doing it.

You could not be more wrong. There are tons of infrastructure projects in-progress. Ever heard of "google"? Here are examples proving that Trump is improving infrastructure, however if more funding was appropriated more significant projects could be done:
Replacing I-95 thru Philadelphia: Home
The 5 biggest projects in-progress: The 5 Biggest U.S. Infrastructure Projects, Plus 5 at Risk

There is no lie, except by you.

None of those projects began under President Trummp and he had nothing to do with them. All of these big projects were airport expansions, and do nothing for clean air, water, improving broadband, and few had any impact on roads or bridges.

I asked you to show where Trump allocated money and moved projects forward, and you give me lists of projects Trump had NOTHING to do with.
When Trump farts the democommiecrats say its a grenade attack on a black church. They have no credibility left.
Now we all remember the big stink trump made about black NFL players kneeling for the national anthem. He claimed they were disrespecting the military and by doing so disrespected America and should be fired. Yesterday Trump disrespected a member of the military. Here we see the president who by his standards and according to all who drink trump-aid, disrespected America. Therefore the SOB needs to be fired. Why is it that trump is excused for doing things no other president before him from both parties would be excused for?

Sun, Nov 3rd, 2019 by Jason Easley
Trump Just Threatened War Hero and Impeachment Witness Vindman

In an attempt to intimidate an impeachment witness, Trump threatened to release information on war hero Lt. Col. Vindman.

Trump Just Threatened War Hero and Impeachment Witness Vindman

Trump Takes His Insults to a New Low
It’s one thing to throw mud at critics and competitors; it’s something new to attack the patriotism of one of his own soldiers.
Timothy L. O'Brien
‎October‎ ‎29‎, ‎2019‎

Trump, confronted by a mounting pile of damaging evidence, would have none of this. So he reverted to form, hopping on to Twitter to lash out at Vindman.

“How many more Never Trumpers will be allowed to testify about a perfectly appropriate phone call when all anyone has to do is READ THE TRANSCRIPT!” he offered. “I knew people were listening in on the call (why would I say something inappropriate?), which was fine with me, but why so many?”

A short while later, Trump tweeted again: “Supposedly, according to the Corrupt Media, the Ukraine call ‘concerned’ today’s Never Trumper witness. Was he on the same call that I was? Can’t be possible! Please ask him to read the Transcript of the call. Witch Hunt!”

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Ears disrespected the nation for eight long years.

Ops! Was that statement racist?

O continually threw the US to the bottom of the outhouse. O is a stain on this country. Fortunately his horrid policies are being undone and erased.
Long before the 2016 election, I could see far left liberal Democrat Donald Trump for what he really is. It fascinated me to see the pseudocons drinking his piss in big great gulps.

So I began to wonder something:

The GOP got control of Congress because of low voter turnout, but they are so retarded they think it means they are doing something right.

Trump is showing them just how wrong they are. He's showing them America is becoming more and more sick of both parties.

He's showing them the Republican party is followed by idiots, and he is their pied piper. "Look what I can make them go along with! The retards will follow me anywhere I lead them."

I wonder how far Trump the pied piper can lead these rubes. Will he get them all the way into the cave?

This is fascinating to watch.

On every political issue for which Trump is on record, he took the far left position.

The huckster is taking you rubes for a ride. He's the pied piper, leading you naive fools to the Democratic cave. You are paying the price for the breaking of every promise the GOP ever made.

Up to the election, I posted a picture of the Pied Piper to describe Trump and I wondered aloud how far into the liberal cave Trump would lead his rube herd.

Since then, Trump has made the parroting rubes defend and support his trillion dollar deficits. Just like liberals do.

Since then, Trump has made the parroting rubes defend his failing protectionist trade war. Just like liberals do.

Since then, Trump has gobbled a KGB thug's nuts and defended Putin for helping him get elected. He sucks up to Russia, and his parroting rubes go along, just like liberals do.

Since then, Trump has cut and run from the Middle East, and the parroting rubes defend his cowardice. Just like liberals do.

Since then, Trump has hit all new big government spending records, and his parroting rubes defend all that big government. Just like liberals do.

But never did I ever think Trump and his rats would go so far as to attack and spit on an Iraq combat wounded warrior like liberals used to spit on Vietnam vets.

I guess there really is no low too low for the pied piper and his rats to go.
Now we all remember the big stink trump made about black NFL players kneeling for the national anthem. He claimed they were disrespecting the military and by doing so disrespected America and should be fired. Yesterday Trump disrespected a member of the military. Here we see the president who by his standards and according to all who drink trump-aid, disrespected America. Therefore the SOB needs to be fired. Why is it that trump is excused for doing things no other president before him from both parties would be excused for?

Sun, Nov 3rd, 2019 by Jason Easley
Trump Just Threatened War Hero and Impeachment Witness Vindman

In an attempt to intimidate an impeachment witness, Trump threatened to release information on war hero Lt. Col. Vindman.

Trump Just Threatened War Hero and Impeachment Witness Vindman

Trump Takes His Insults to a New Low
It’s one thing to throw mud at critics and competitors; it’s something new to attack the patriotism of one of his own soldiers.
Timothy L. O'Brien
‎October‎ ‎29‎, ‎2019‎

Trump, confronted by a mounting pile of damaging evidence, would have none of this. So he reverted to form, hopping on to Twitter to lash out at Vindman.

“How many more Never Trumpers will be allowed to testify about a perfectly appropriate phone call when all anyone has to do is READ THE TRANSCRIPT!” he offered. “I knew people were listening in on the call (why would I say something inappropriate?), which was fine with me, but why so many?”

A short while later, Trump tweeted again: “Supposedly, according to the Corrupt Media, the Ukraine call ‘concerned’ today’s Never Trumper witness. Was he on the same call that I was? Can’t be possible! Please ask him to read the Transcript of the call. Witch Hunt!”

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

There seems to be a consensus among congressional republician's to disrespect our military. Nunes and Gym Jordan the voyeur certainly disrespected a military officer. This boards so called x military patriots have also disrespected their own and everyone who served in the military by sticking with trump.
Now we all remember the big stink trump made about black NFL players kneeling for the national anthem. He claimed they were disrespecting the military and by doing so disrespected America and should be fired. Yesterday Trump disrespected a member of the military. Here we see the president who by his standards and according to all who drink trump-aid, disrespected America. Therefore the SOB needs to be fired. Why is it that trump is excused for doing things no other president before him from both parties would be excused for?

Sun, Nov 3rd, 2019 by Jason Easley
Trump Just Threatened War Hero and Impeachment Witness Vindman

In an attempt to intimidate an impeachment witness, Trump threatened to release information on war hero Lt. Col. Vindman.

Trump Just Threatened War Hero and Impeachment Witness Vindman

Trump Takes His Insults to a New Low
It’s one thing to throw mud at critics and competitors; it’s something new to attack the patriotism of one of his own soldiers.
Timothy L. O'Brien
‎October‎ ‎29‎, ‎2019‎

Trump, confronted by a mounting pile of damaging evidence, would have none of this. So he reverted to form, hopping on to Twitter to lash out at Vindman.

“How many more Never Trumpers will be allowed to testify about a perfectly appropriate phone call when all anyone has to do is READ THE TRANSCRIPT!” he offered. “I knew people were listening in on the call (why would I say something inappropriate?), which was fine with me, but why so many?”

A short while later, Trump tweeted again: “Supposedly, according to the Corrupt Media, the Ukraine call ‘concerned’ today’s Never Trumper witness. Was he on the same call that I was? Can’t be possible! Please ask him to read the Transcript of the call. Witch Hunt!”

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Don't you think President Trump knows more about Vindman than you do?

Probably not.

Economy Grew at 1.9% Rate in Quarter, Hit by Trade Fight and Global Weakness


U.S. trade gap with China reaches all-time high under Trump


President Trump Urged Rex Tillerson to Help Drop DOJ Charges for Giuliani Client

Paul Manafort charged with conspiracy against the U.S.

First sentencing in Mueller probe: Dutch lawyer Alex van der Zwaan gets 30 days in prison, $20,000 in fines

Michael Cohen pleads guilty to making false statements to Congress

Rick Gates, Trump Campaign Aide, Pleads Guilty in Mueller Inquiry and Will Cooperate

Michael Flynn 'putting his life back together' after guilty plea in Mueller probe

How a future Trump Cabinet member gave a serial sex abuser the deal of a lifetime

George Papadopoulos: The Mueller Probe's First Guilty Plea
Six White House officials reprimanded for violating the Hatch Act

Interior Secretary Zinke resigns amid investigations

F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

VA nominee Ronny Jackson dished out opioids, wrecked vehicle while drunk, colleagues say

Lobbyist Sam Patten Pleads Guilty to Steering Foreign Funds to Trump Inaugural

Roger Stone guilty on all counts in federal trial of lying to Congress, witness tampering


U.S. Health Care Costs Skyrocketed to $3.65 Trillion in 2018

Health Insurance Costs Surpass $20,000 Per Year, Hitting a Record
Now we all remember the big stink trump made about black NFL players kneeling for the national anthem. He claimed they were disrespecting the military and by doing so disrespected America and should be fired. Yesterday Trump disrespected a member of the military. Here we see the president who by his standards and according to all who drink trump-aid, disrespected America. Therefore the SOB needs to be fired. Why is it that trump is excused for doing things no other president before him from both parties would be excused for?

Sun, Nov 3rd, 2019 by Jason Easley
Trump Just Threatened War Hero and Impeachment Witness Vindman

In an attempt to intimidate an impeachment witness, Trump threatened to release information on war hero Lt. Col. Vindman.

Trump Just Threatened War Hero and Impeachment Witness Vindman

Trump Takes His Insults to a New Low
It’s one thing to throw mud at critics and competitors; it’s something new to attack the patriotism of one of his own soldiers.
Timothy L. O'Brien
‎October‎ ‎29‎, ‎2019‎

Trump, confronted by a mounting pile of damaging evidence, would have none of this. So he reverted to form, hopping on to Twitter to lash out at Vindman.

“How many more Never Trumpers will be allowed to testify about a perfectly appropriate phone call when all anyone has to do is READ THE TRANSCRIPT!” he offered. “I knew people were listening in on the call (why would I say something inappropriate?), which was fine with me, but why so many?”

A short while later, Trump tweeted again: “Supposedly, according to the Corrupt Media, the Ukraine call ‘concerned’ today’s Never Trumper witness. Was he on the same call that I was? Can’t be possible! Please ask him to read the Transcript of the call. Witch Hunt!”

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

President Trump is certainly allowed to defend himself and fight back. Just because Mr. VIndman is in the military doesn't give him a pass to lie about his President.

And it isn't really isn't surprising he would be fighting back- he's always done so before.
Now we all remember the big stink trump made about black NFL players kneeling for the national anthem. He claimed they were disrespecting the military and by doing so disrespected America and should be fired. Yesterday Trump disrespected a member of the military. Here we see the president who by his standards and according to all who drink trump-aid, disrespected America. Therefore the SOB needs to be fired. Why is it that trump is excused for doing things no other president before him from both parties would be excused for?

Sun, Nov 3rd, 2019 by Jason Easley
Trump Just Threatened War Hero and Impeachment Witness Vindman

In an attempt to intimidate an impeachment witness, Trump threatened to release information on war hero Lt. Col. Vindman.

Trump Just Threatened War Hero and Impeachment Witness Vindman

Trump Takes His Insults to a New Low
It’s one thing to throw mud at critics and competitors; it’s something new to attack the patriotism of one of his own soldiers.
Timothy L. O'Brien
‎October‎ ‎29‎, ‎2019‎

Trump, confronted by a mounting pile of damaging evidence, would have none of this. So he reverted to form, hopping on to Twitter to lash out at Vindman.

“How many more Never Trumpers will be allowed to testify about a perfectly appropriate phone call when all anyone has to do is READ THE TRANSCRIPT!” he offered. “I knew people were listening in on the call (why would I say something inappropriate?), which was fine with me, but why so many?”

A short while later, Trump tweeted again: “Supposedly, according to the Corrupt Media, the Ukraine call ‘concerned’ today’s Never Trumper witness. Was he on the same call that I was? Can’t be possible! Please ask him to read the Transcript of the call. Witch Hunt!”

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Trump was asked what evidence he has that Colonel Vindman is a Never Trumper?

He replied, “We’ll be showing that to you real soon, OK?”

You guys are really getting desperate

Are you saying vindman has something to hide?
Presidents have been disrespecting the office and shitting on the country for a while now. Trump is just more open about it and he also has leakers out to wazoo. I guess that makes a difference to morons..
He is the most childish though! That is for sure

Bullshit what, dumbfuck? Abusing power and lying isnt disrespecting the office? Isnt that the same thing you accuse trump of doing?
You are an intellectual joke.
Nobody has done what Trump has since Nixon. Not even Reagan. So apparently you drink the trump aid.
I dont even like trump. I just see through the disingenuous outrage.

There is nothing disingenuous here. I have been alive for 11 presidents and Trump has been the most corrupt.
The opinion of an ignoramus.

Ops! Was that racist?
Now we all remember the big stink trump made about black NFL players kneeling for the national anthem. He claimed they were disrespecting the military and by doing so disrespected America and should be fired. Yesterday Trump disrespected a member of the military. Here we see the president who by his standards and according to all who drink trump-aid, disrespected America. Therefore the SOB needs to be fired. Why is it that trump is excused for doing things no other president before him from both parties would be excused for?

Sun, Nov 3rd, 2019 by Jason Easley
Trump Just Threatened War Hero and Impeachment Witness Vindman

In an attempt to intimidate an impeachment witness, Trump threatened to release information on war hero Lt. Col. Vindman.

Trump Just Threatened War Hero and Impeachment Witness Vindman

Trump Takes His Insults to a New Low
It’s one thing to throw mud at critics and competitors; it’s something new to attack the patriotism of one of his own soldiers.
Timothy L. O'Brien
‎October‎ ‎29‎, ‎2019‎

Trump, confronted by a mounting pile of damaging evidence, would have none of this. So he reverted to form, hopping on to Twitter to lash out at Vindman.

“How many more Never Trumpers will be allowed to testify about a perfectly appropriate phone call when all anyone has to do is READ THE TRANSCRIPT!” he offered. “I knew people were listening in on the call (why would I say something inappropriate?), which was fine with me, but why so many?”

A short while later, Trump tweeted again: “Supposedly, according to the Corrupt Media, the Ukraine call ‘concerned’ today’s Never Trumper witness. Was he on the same call that I was? Can’t be possible! Please ask him to read the Transcript of the call. Witch Hunt!”

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Don't you think President Trump knows more about Vindman than you do?

Probably not.

You don't think Trump's staff has access to all of Vindman's records? LOL
He's been spitting on the office of the Presidency since the day he came down the escalator.
After 8 years of Obama, 60+ million Americans were spitting on the Presidency. That's exactly why Trump was elected.
Lefties want to put General Flynn in freaking prison for lying to the FBI but Vindiman is a "war hero" so he is immune from criticism even though he leaked secrets to the media. Go figure.
Allocated $50 billion to empower rural America to address the infrastructure needs of their communities.
Transportation projects which will rebuild roads, bridges, railways, and other vital infrastructure.
Broadband deployment projects which will improve access for rural communities.
Water and waste projects to help ensure rural families have access to clean water.
Power and electric projects to provide rural areas with reliable, affordable power.
Water resources projects to better manage flood risk and improve rural water supplies and waterways.
Made clear that broadband should be an infrastructure priority

Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments

Let's just look at this section to see how deep the lies go:

Where is this $50 billion? When was it allocated? What projects is it funding? Trump has famously done NOTHING for infrastructure except his failed attempt at building a wall. Roads, bridges and infrastructure are not being built, but you claim that that are.

Broadband isn't being expanded at all and is an issue for farmers and businesses in low population areas. Similarly, water quality in America (and air quality) is DETERIORATING because of Trump's policies of reversing. Trump's own EPA is issuing warnings that 1400 Americans will die every year because of the roll back of clean air and water regulation.

Broadband isn't expanding because in low population areas won't generate sufficient profit to make providing service worthwhile. This is one of the problems with "free market capitalism", and it's dragging the USA infrastructure requirements down.

Trump has done NOTHING on infrastructure investment. Saying you want to spend $50 billion, isn't the same thing as actually doing it.

You could not be more wrong. There are tons of infrastructure projects in-progress. Ever heard of "google"? Here are examples proving that Trump is improving infrastructure, however if more funding was appropriated more significant projects could be done:
Replacing I-95 thru Philadelphia: Home
The 5 biggest projects in-progress: The 5 Biggest U.S. Infrastructure Projects, Plus 5 at Risk

There is no lie, except by you.

None of those projects began under President Trump and he had nothing to do with them. All of these big projects were airport expansions, and do nothing for clean air, water, improving broadband, and few had any impact on roads or bridges.

I asked you to show where Trump allocated money and moved projects forward, and you give me lists of projects Trump had NOTHING to do with.

1. Trump doesn't allocate money, congress does when they prepare the Budget which may or may not be based on the president's recommendations
2. The Senate reviews and approves the Budget
3. The president signs the Budget, and its official
4. There are always many "infrastructure" projects approved annually, including roads, bridges, airports, and grants to States.

I refuted your assertion that "Trump has nothing on infrastructure investment."
Trump has as much to do as any other president doing infrastructure, except Trump did more to secure wall funding than any other president.
Now we all remember the big stink trump made about black NFL players kneeling for the national anthem. He claimed they were disrespecting the military and by doing so disrespected America and should be fired. Yesterday Trump disrespected a member of the military. Here we see the president who by his standards and according to all who drink trump-aid, disrespected America. Therefore the SOB needs to be fired. Why is it that trump is excused for doing things no other president before him from both parties would be excused for?

Sun, Nov 3rd, 2019 by Jason Easley
Trump Just Threatened War Hero and Impeachment Witness Vindman

In an attempt to intimidate an impeachment witness, Trump threatened to release information on war hero Lt. Col. Vindman.

Trump Just Threatened War Hero and Impeachment Witness Vindman

Trump Takes His Insults to a New Low
It’s one thing to throw mud at critics and competitors; it’s something new to attack the patriotism of one of his own soldiers.
Timothy L. O'Brien
‎October‎ ‎29‎, ‎2019‎

Trump, confronted by a mounting pile of damaging evidence, would have none of this. So he reverted to form, hopping on to Twitter to lash out at Vindman.

“How many more Never Trumpers will be allowed to testify about a perfectly appropriate phone call when all anyone has to do is READ THE TRANSCRIPT!” he offered. “I knew people were listening in on the call (why would I say something inappropriate?), which was fine with me, but why so many?”

A short while later, Trump tweeted again: “Supposedly, according to the Corrupt Media, the Ukraine call ‘concerned’ today’s Never Trumper witness. Was he on the same call that I was? Can’t be possible! Please ask him to read the Transcript of the call. Witch Hunt!”

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
Obama sucks and embarrassed America all across the world.

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