“The president is throwing this nation into a crisis and we have an obligation to do our duty"

We aren't talking about immigration..We're talking about illegally entering the country. There's a difference.

Explain how allowing people who haven't been screened for disease, literacy, sanity, criminal background strengthens our nation?
What about smugglers, drugs, guns, sex slaves crossing? Are they a source of "strength" for the nation, too?

Are you for giving amnesty to all the illegals here?
Why or why not?


you misuse the term strawman again.
I asked two questions. Can you answer them?
you asked three questions.

Oh..no wonder you kept dodging...I asked THREE questions, not TWO..I understand now.
i'm all for screening immigrants. i think we should do our best to keep smugglers, drug runners, sex slavers, and other criminals out of the country.

So you agree that our immigration system that has worked for over 200 years would be sufficient.... if it were enforced?
and i'm not for giving amnesty to every illegal immigrant, either.
Which ones are you in favor of giving it to?

and the ones you DON'T favor?...can we deport them? Would that be ok with you?

that's why i kept calling your questions a strawman argument. they don't address reality, they make me answer for opinions that i've never voiced and disagree with, making them the very definition of a strawman.

You kept calling them strawman because you were trying to dodge...
i called them strawmen because that's what they were. instead of asking what my opinion was, once you knew that i disagreed with you you wanted to make me defend drug dealing criminals and slavers. seriously. how the hell can you not consider that incredibly dishonest?

If the border stays open slavers, smugglers, diseased people, insane people, illiterate people and criminals will come across...not to mention terrorists...You said you want the border open.
What other conclusion can one draw?

if we had the resources to enforce our immigration laws completely, i'd be in favor. however, the reality is that with some 12 million illegal immigrants in the country now something isn't working. we need to examine what that is, and why it's failing.
We have the resources.

I'll tell you why we have 20 million illegals in this country and I'll tell you what that "something" is that isn't "working".
Our border is open and our laws are not being enforced.

as for the people here, i have no problem with granting legal status to immigrants with family roots and no serious criminal history.

What about the people who have gone through the process the legal way? too bad for them..they got played?

Why would you allow ONE person who was here illegally to stay?
Why do you look for excuses to not enforce our laws strictly?
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We spend $Billions in Tax Dollars helping other Nations secure their Borders. It's time we start doing that here.
take it up with congress. convince them to appropriate the resources.

The resources are there right now. They're just being utilized the wrong way. Spend the $Billions in Tax Dollars securing our own Border instead. The resources are there. Now it's time to utilize them properly.
so you just find the border patrol to be inept?

We can't know because obama won't allow them to do their job of ENFORCING our border security and STOPPING illegals from entering.
was it obama's fault under bush? under clinton? under bush? under reagan? under carter? etc.
Nope they all were and are wrong. Just as you are today and Obama will be if he follows through. It will be an illegal task. And as such I say let the fun begin at obama, take his sorry but to task. feed him bill after bill after bill. Then announce each veto one after the other. That....is what the vote was about!!!!
What about the people who have gone through the process the legal way? too bad for them..they got played?

Why would you allow ONE person who was here illegally to stay?
Why do you look for excuses to not enforce our laws strictly?
again, you appear to have a binary understanding of the border.
What about the people who have gone through the process the legal way? too bad for them..they got played?

Why would you allow ONE person who was here illegally to stay?
Why do you look for excuses to not enforce our laws strictly?
again, you appear to have a binary understanding of the border.
I'd say it was you!!!!!!
We spend $Billions in Tax Dollars helping other Nations secure their Borders. It's time we start doing that here.
take it up with congress. convince them to appropriate the resources.

The resources are there right now. They're just being utilized the wrong way. Spend the $Billions in Tax Dollars securing our own Border instead. The resources are there. Now it's time to utilize them properly.
so you just find the border patrol to be inept?

We can't know because obama won't allow them to do their job of ENFORCING our border security and STOPPING illegals from entering.
was it obama's fault under bush? under clinton? under bush? under reagan? under carter? etc.

Is bush/clinton/reagon/carter the president now?

Obama is president now. if he were a patriot he'd close the border and THEN point at "bushreagancarterclinton" and say THIS is how a patriot handles border security...and he'd enjoy massive, widespread support.
..but he knows the illegals are being exploited by his cronies in business.
They don't have to follow child labor laws, or OSHA safety requirements...and if they get hurt on the job...tough..no workmens comp for illegals...just go get another one... and he knows that by granting amnesty he will suddenly gain millions of new voters for the dem party.
We spend $Billions in Tax Dollars helping other Nations secure their Borders. It's time we start doing that here.
take it up with congress. convince them to appropriate the resources.

The resources are there right now. They're just being utilized the wrong way. Spend the $Billions in Tax Dollars securing our own Border instead. The resources are there. Now it's time to utilize them properly.
so you just find the border patrol to be inept?

We can't know because obama won't allow them to do their job of ENFORCING our border security and STOPPING illegals from entering.
was it obama's fault under bush? under clinton? under bush? under reagan? under carter? etc.

Your Dear Leader's the President now.
What about the people who have gone through the process the legal way? too bad for them..they got played?

Why would you allow ONE person who was here illegally to stay?
Why do you look for excuses to not enforce our laws strictly?
again, you appear to have a binary understanding of the border.
I'd say it was you!!!!!!
rota appears to believe that either the border is completely open, or it is completely closed. either we deport every illegal immigrant, or we're in favor of letting them all stay.
either we enforce completely the laws that are on the books today, or we are in favor of enforcing none.

it's simple minded thinking.
take it up with congress. convince them to appropriate the resources.

The resources are there right now. They're just being utilized the wrong way. Spend the $Billions in Tax Dollars securing our own Border instead. The resources are there. Now it's time to utilize them properly.
so you just find the border patrol to be inept?

We can't know because obama won't allow them to do their job of ENFORCING our border security and STOPPING illegals from entering.
was it obama's fault under bush? under clinton? under bush? under reagan? under carter? etc.

Your Dear Leader's the President now.
so was it or was it not the fault of the prior presidents, during their presidencies, that the border was not 'closed'


you misuse the term strawman again.
I asked two questions. Can you answer them?
you asked three questions.

Oh..no wonder you kept dodging...I asked THREE questions, not TWO..I understand now.
i'm all for screening immigrants. i think we should do our best to keep smugglers, drug runners, sex slavers, and other criminals out of the country.

So you agree that our immigration system that has worked for over 200 years would be sufficient.... if it were enforced?
and i'm not for giving amnesty to every illegal immigrant, either.
Which ones are you in favor of giving it to?

and the ones you DON'T favor?...can we deport them? Would that be ok with you?

that's why i kept calling your questions a strawman argument. they don't address reality, they make me answer for opinions that i've never voiced and disagree with, making them the very definition of a strawman.

You kept calling them strawman because you were trying to dodge...
i called them strawmen because that's what they were. instead of asking what my opinion was, once you knew that i disagreed with you you wanted to make me defend drug dealing criminals and slavers. seriously. how the hell can you not consider that incredibly dishonest?

If the border stays open slavers, smugglers, diseased people, insane people, illiterate people and criminals will come across...not to mention terrorists...You said you want the border open.
What other conclusion can one draw?

if we had the resources to enforce our immigration laws completely, i'd be in favor. however, the reality is that with some 12 million illegal immigrants in the country now something isn't working. we need to examine what that is, and why it's failing.
We have the resources.

I'll tell you why we have 20 million illegals in this country and I'll tell you what that "something" is that isn't "working".
Our border is open and our laws are not being enforced.

as for the people here, i have no problem with granting legal status to immigrants with family roots and no serious criminal history.

What about the people who have gone through the process the legal way? too bad for them..they got played?

Why would you allow ONE person who was here illegally to stay?
Why do you look for excuses to not enforce our laws strictly?

dems don't want to loose the hispanic vote, so doing anything against mexico is a no no for them. hey dems, why not just admit it, we all know what it is about! Just admit it.You like winning so much you through your entire people under the bus.[/
The resources are there right now. They're just being utilized the wrong way. Spend the $Billions in Tax Dollars securing our own Border instead. The resources are there. Now it's time to utilize them properly.
so you just find the border patrol to be inept?

We can't know because obama won't allow them to do their job of ENFORCING our border security and STOPPING illegals from entering.
was it obama's fault under bush? under clinton? under bush? under reagan? under carter? etc.

Your Dear Leader's the President now.
so was it or was it not the fault of the prior presidents, during their presidencies, that the border was not 'closed'

It's his fault right now. He's encouraged and supported the Illegal Invasion. I don't consider him my President. He represents foreign interests and his own. He doesn't represent American Citizens' best interests. He's a criminal traitor.
What about the people who have gone through the process the legal way? too bad for them..they got played?

Why would you allow ONE person who was here illegally to stay?
Why do you look for excuses to not enforce our laws strictly?
again, you appear to have a binary understanding of the border.
I'd say it was you!!!!!!
rota appears to believe that either the border is completely open, or it is completely closed. either we deport every illegal immigrant, or we're in favor of letting them all stay.
either we enforce completely the laws that are on the books today, or we are in favor of enforcing none.

it's simple minded thinking.
so I supposed I don't quite follow where you're going. I don't think that the term means no one is ever allowed in. I believe it is that those who wish to come into the country follow the law. Why is that difficult for you to comprehend?
so you just find the border patrol to be inept?

We can't know because obama won't allow them to do their job of ENFORCING our border security and STOPPING illegals from entering.
was it obama's fault under bush? under clinton? under bush? under reagan? under carter? etc.

Your Dear Leader's the President now.
so was it or was it not the fault of the prior presidents, during their presidencies, that the border was not 'closed'

It's his fault right now. He's encouraged and supported the Illegal Invasion. I don't consider him my President. He represents foreign interests and his own. He doesn't represent American Citizens' best interests. He's a criminal traitor.
answer the question. was it the fault of former presidents during their presidency?
so you just find the border patrol to be inept?

We can't know because obama won't allow them to do their job of ENFORCING our border security and STOPPING illegals from entering.
was it obama's fault under bush? under clinton? under bush? under reagan? under carter? etc.

Your Dear Leader's the President now.
so was it or was it not the fault of the prior presidents, during their presidencies, that the border was not 'closed'

It's his fault right now. He's encouraged and supported the Illegal Invasion. I don't consider him my President. He represents foreign interests and his own. He doesn't represent American Citizens' best interests. He's a criminal traitor.
Wouldn't it be fun if anyone who said that could then be considered outside the protection of the laws of this great country? All voluntarily, of course.
What about the people who have gone through the process the legal way? too bad for them..they got played?

Why would you allow ONE person who was here illegally to stay?
Why do you look for excuses to not enforce our laws strictly?
again, you appear to have a binary understanding of the border.
I'd say it was you!!!!!!
rota appears to believe that either the border is completely open, or it is completely closed. either we deport every illegal immigrant, or we're in favor of letting them all stay.
either we enforce completely the laws that are on the books today, or we are in favor of enforcing none.

it's simple minded thinking.
so I supposed I don't quite follow where you're going. I don't think that the term means no one is ever allowed in. I believe it is that those who wish to come into the country follow the law. Why is that difficult for you to comprehend?

Spot On common sense. Most Americans fully support legal Immigration. What's going on now is criminal. It is an Illegal Invasion.
The resources are there right now. They're just being utilized the wrong way. Spend the $Billions in Tax Dollars securing our own Border instead. The resources are there. Now it's time to utilize them properly.
so you just find the border patrol to be inept?

We can't know because obama won't allow them to do their job of ENFORCING our border security and STOPPING illegals from entering.
was it obama's fault under bush? under clinton? under bush? under reagan? under carter? etc.

Your Dear Leader's the President now.
so was it or was it not the fault of the prior presidents, during their presidencies, that the border was not 'closed'
yes it was their fault. However, they are no longer there. Why is that difficult for you?
What about the people who have gone through the process the legal way? too bad for them..they got played?

Why would you allow ONE person who was here illegally to stay?
Why do you look for excuses to not enforce our laws strictly?
again, you appear to have a binary understanding of the border.
I'd say it was you!!!!!!
rota appears to believe that either the border is completely open, or it is completely closed. either we deport every illegal immigrant, or we're in favor of letting them all stay.
either we enforce completely the laws that are on the books today, or we are in favor of enforcing none.

it's simple minded thinking.

Distortion. Evasion.Strawman.Exaggeration.Mischaracterization.....

Close and enforce the border.
Deport all illegals.
No amnesty of any kind.
3 short sentences, 13 simple words....The problem is solved.
so you just find the border patrol to be inept?

We can't know because obama won't allow them to do their job of ENFORCING our border security and STOPPING illegals from entering.
was it obama's fault under bush? under clinton? under bush? under reagan? under carter? etc.

Your Dear Leader's the President now.
so was it or was it not the fault of the prior presidents, during their presidencies, that the border was not 'closed'
yes it was their fault. However, they are no longer there. Why is that difficult for you?
consistent, i like that.

so now i guess my question would by how, or why, you expect president obama to be able to 'fix' a problem that none of his predecessors have been able to fix?
is it because you consider him the greatest president ever?
The resources are there right now. They're just being utilized the wrong way. Spend the $Billions in Tax Dollars securing our own Border instead. The resources are there. Now it's time to utilize them properly.
so you just find the border patrol to be inept?

We can't know because obama won't allow them to do their job of ENFORCING our border security and STOPPING illegals from entering.
was it obama's fault under bush? under clinton? under bush? under reagan? under carter? etc.

Your Dear Leader's the President now.
so was it or was it not the fault of the prior presidents, during their presidencies, that the border was not 'closed'

Is obama the president now?

Why doesn't he close it?
What about the people who have gone through the process the legal way? too bad for them..they got played?

Why would you allow ONE person who was here illegally to stay?
Why do you look for excuses to not enforce our laws strictly?
again, you appear to have a binary understanding of the border.
I'd say it was you!!!!!!
rota appears to believe that either the border is completely open, or it is completely closed. either we deport every illegal immigrant, or we're in favor of letting them all stay.
either we enforce completely the laws that are on the books today, or we are in favor of enforcing none.

it's simple minded thinking.

Distortion. Evasion.Strawman.Exaggeration.Mischaracterization.....

Close and enforce the border.
Deport all illegals.
No amnesty of any kind.
3 short sentences, 13 simple words....The problem is solved.
and the resources to do that would come from where?

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