“The president is throwing this nation into a crisis and we have an obligation to do our duty"

consistent, i like that.

so now i guess my question would by how, or why, you expect president obama to be able to 'fix' a problem that none of his predecessors have been able to fix?
is it because you consider him the greatest president ever?

yeah..he's the greatest ever...

now he can close the border.
He's the president. He can order the border closed in 15 minutes if he wanted to.
Are you saying he's more incompetent than the presidents you just mentioned?

Shouldn't he be able to do something that simple?
you really think that's possible and yet all previous presidents failed to spend the '15 minutes' to get it done?

Why are you still making excuses?

You keep dodging and trying to change the subject.

Those people are not the president anymore..obama is.

Why doesn't he close the border?
He'd be a hero and save his legacy and his approval waould skyrocket...but those things aren't as important to him as undermining evil colonialist, imperialistic america that he was taught to hate is...
i'm trying to make you understand that 'closing' the border within 15 minutes is not possible through presidential power alone. clearly if it was, it would have been done.

Oh..ok...make it 20 minutes, then..you're just making excuses anyway.

If obama wanted the border closed he would have ordered it done years ago...make all the excuses you need to..no one is buying it.
so what's the reason for all the past presidents not securing the border?




Do you rubes EVER get tired of being cycled up into hysteria by your masters? Do you? Ever?

Christ, every fucking week you are shitting your pants over the panic-du-jour. Take some fucking Immodium, for chrissakes.

All that hack piss you guzzle is giving you the runs. FIGURE IT OUT!!!
Liberals = no class. Thanks for proving that point!!!!

BTW, there was never an ebola patient in the US. Ever.
Distortion. Evasion.Strawman.Exaggeration.Mischaracterization.....

Close and enforce the border.
Deport all illegals.
No amnesty of any kind.
3 short sentences, 13 simple words....The problem is solved.
and the resources to do that would come from where?
well isn't that the needed reform? So how does anything else get done in this country? holy crap that's your stance?
yep. that's my stance.
i also think that deporting stable illegal immigrants with family ties to the country and no serious criminal records is stupid so long as we have much more dangerous illegal aliens to worry about, and that our enforcement efforts should basically ignore them until we have a complete grip on the dangerous criminal element. wouldn't you agree?

Deport all illegals. Don't look for reasons to make exceptions.
Illegal means against the law...something is either legal or it isn't.
If they entered illegally, they have to go.
it's not as hard as you are pretending.

Got a visa? Got a green card?
Get in the truck.
so you'd put the same resources an effort into expelling a handyman father supporting his citizen family that you would into a drug cartel enforcer?

Why do you insist on inventing fantasy people doing things you concocted in your own mind to make excuses for obama? You've spent page after page making excuses...You're being dishonest and just playing games.."What if this"..."what about that"

Close and enforce the border.
Deport Illegals.
No amnesty of any kind.

If they are here illegally they must go.
yeah..he's the greatest ever...

now he can close the border.
He's the president. He can order the border closed in 15 minutes if he wanted to.
Are you saying he's more incompetent than the presidents you just mentioned?

Shouldn't he be able to do something that simple?
you really think that's possible and yet all previous presidents failed to spend the '15 minutes' to get it done?

Why are you still making excuses?

You keep dodging and trying to change the subject.

Those people are not the president anymore..obama is.

Why doesn't he close the border?
He'd be a hero and save his legacy and his approval waould skyrocket...but those things aren't as important to him as undermining evil colonialist, imperialistic america that he was taught to hate is...
i'm trying to make you understand that 'closing' the border within 15 minutes is not possible through presidential power alone. clearly if it was, it would have been done.

Oh..ok...make it 20 minutes, then..you're just making excuses anyway.

If obama wanted the border closed he would have ordered it done years ago...make all the excuses you need to..no one is buying it.
so what's the reason for all the past presidents not securing the border?
good question, let's ask them!!!!
and the resources to do that would come from where?
well isn't that the needed reform? So how does anything else get done in this country? holy crap that's your stance?
yep. that's my stance.
i also think that deporting stable illegal immigrants with family ties to the country and no serious criminal records is stupid so long as we have much more dangerous illegal aliens to worry about, and that our enforcement efforts should basically ignore them until we have a complete grip on the dangerous criminal element. wouldn't you agree?

Deport all illegals. Don't look for reasons to make exceptions.
Illegal means against the law...something is either legal or it isn't.
If they entered illegally, they have to go.
it's not as hard as you are pretending.

Got a visa? Got a green card?
Get in the truck.
so you'd put the same resources an effort into expelling a handyman father supporting his citizen family that you would into a drug cartel enforcer?

Why do you insist on inventing fantasy people doing things you concocted in your own mind to make excuses for obama? You've spent page after page making excuses...You're being dishonest and just playing games.."What if this"..."what about that"

Close and enforce the border.
Deport Illegals.
No amnesty of any kind.

If they are here illegally they must go.
Why not let them all submit paperwork legally and then decide on their fate.
yeah..he's the greatest ever...

now he can close the border.
He's the president. He can order the border closed in 15 minutes if he wanted to.
Are you saying he's more incompetent than the presidents you just mentioned?

Shouldn't he be able to do something that simple?
you really think that's possible and yet all previous presidents failed to spend the '15 minutes' to get it done?

Why are you still making excuses?

You keep dodging and trying to change the subject.

Those people are not the president anymore..obama is.

Why doesn't he close the border?
He'd be a hero and save his legacy and his approval waould skyrocket...but those things aren't as important to him as undermining evil colonialist, imperialistic america that he was taught to hate is...
i'm trying to make you understand that 'closing' the border within 15 minutes is not possible through presidential power alone. clearly if it was, it would have been done.

Oh..ok...make it 20 minutes, then..you're just making excuses anyway.

If obama wanted the border closed he would have ordered it done years ago...make all the excuses you need to..no one is buying it.
so what's the reason for all the past presidents not securing the border?

Why do you keep circling back to that?
Why doesn't obama close it?
Distortion. Evasion.Strawman.Exaggeration.Mischaracterization.....

Close and enforce the border.
Deport all illegals.
No amnesty of any kind.
3 short sentences, 13 simple words....The problem is solved.
and the resources to do that would come from where?
well isn't that the needed reform? So how does anything else get done in this country? holy crap that's your stance?
yep. that's my stance.
i also think that deporting stable illegal immigrants with family ties to the country and no serious criminal records is stupid so long as we have much more dangerous illegal aliens to worry about, and that our enforcement efforts should basically ignore them until we have a complete grip on the dangerous criminal element. wouldn't you agree?

Deport all illegals. Don't look for reasons to make exceptions.
Illegal means against the law...something is either legal or it isn't.
If they entered illegally, they have to go.
it's not as hard as you are pretending.

Got a visa? Got a green card?
Get in the truck.
so you'd put the same resources an effort into expelling a handyman father supporting his citizen family that you would into a drug cartel enforcer?
aren't they the same? Criminals?
This is a rogue president, and impeachment has got to be put on the table and seriously considered.

Republicans outraged by Obama's plan

Republicans on Capitol Hill began to lash out at President Obama Wednesday after he announced plans to unveil executive actions on immigration in a primetime address Thursday evening.

“The president is throwing this nation into a crisis and we have an obligation to do our duty, here, and in the Senate,” Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) told reporters.

Obama purposely timed the announcement, King said, to coincide with lawmakers leaving Washington Thursday for Thanksgiving recess. King said he’s staying behind in Washington to deal with the issue.
“I decided in an instant, I’m staying,” he said.

King laid out three steps the House could take to respond to Obama, including a resolution of rejection, censuring Obama and defunding the order to prevent its implementation. He stopped short of supporting impeachment.

“I don’t want to go down that path. We have lived through that and it put the nation through a lot of trauma,” he added.
Some Republicans expressed frustration that Obama invited only Senate and House Democrats to dinner Wednesday evening to huddle before the announcement.

Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) said the fact that Republicans were not invited signals that Obama is creating “the beginning of a political campaign” that provokes “partisan warfare” and not a bipartisan agreement.

“Why would you do this on the eve of Thanksgiving, going into holidays, unless you want to create a political fight?" Cole asked. "I mean I’m mystified by the political calculus."
Republicans should have been included in Wednesday’s dinner, said Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.).

“I think that’s endemic of how the president has run his office,” she said. “He has been unwilling to reach out to Republicans.”
Bachmann called Obama “cynical” for issuing the order after the midterm elections when so many Democrats faced tight reelection races.

“He chose not to do this before the election because he knew his party would take an absolute drubbing at the polls,” she said. “In all likelihood, Scott Brown would have won his race in New Hampshire. In all likelihood, that would have caused Ed Gillespie to win in Virginia.”

Bachmann and King both support the push to defund Obama’s immigration action through legislation that’s separate from a main government spending bill to avert a full government shutdown.
While Rep. Steve Stivers (R-Ohio) said he’s “bothered when somebody tries to pass laws through executive actions,” he said it’s not worth another government shutdown.

Republicans outraged by Obama s plan TheHill

Looks like it's your time to cry...your time to cry...your time to cry-yi-yi.
I've said many a time to sit back and watch...he's got nothing to lose, and now he's pissed.
yeah..he's the greatest ever...

now he can close the border.
He's the president. He can order the border closed in 15 minutes if he wanted to.
Are you saying he's more incompetent than the presidents you just mentioned?

Shouldn't he be able to do something that simple?
you really think that's possible and yet all previous presidents failed to spend the '15 minutes' to get it done?

Why are you still making excuses?

You keep dodging and trying to change the subject.

Those people are not the president anymore..obama is.

Why doesn't he close the border?
He'd be a hero and save his legacy and his approval waould skyrocket...but those things aren't as important to him as undermining evil colonialist, imperialistic america that he was taught to hate is...
i'm trying to make you understand that 'closing' the border within 15 minutes is not possible through presidential power alone. clearly if it was, it would have been done.

Oh..ok...make it 20 minutes, then..you're just making excuses anyway.

If obama wanted the border closed he would have ordered it done years ago...make all the excuses you need to..no one is buying it.
so what's the reason for all the past presidents not securing the border?
nope, they were all afraid of it. Just like today!!! Don't want to lose votes.
We've had more than enough Illegal Immigration. It's time to get back to Legal Immigration. It's time to start respecting the Law of the Land again. We are still a Nation of Laws, aren't we?




Do you rubes EVER get tired of being cycled up into hysteria by your masters? Do you? Ever?

Christ, every fucking week you are shitting your pants over the panic-du-jour. Take some fucking Immodium, for chrissakes.

All that hack piss you guzzle is giving you the runs. FIGURE IT OUT!!!
Liberals = no class. Thanks for proving that point!!!!

BTW, there was never an ebola patient in the US. Ever.

So high school...."...no class".
But G5000 is right. You righties are like trained seals at SeaWorld just waiting for the guy with the bucket of chum, chum.
This is a rogue president, and impeachment has got to be put on the table and seriously considered.

Republicans outraged by Obama's plan

Republicans on Capitol Hill began to lash out at President Obama Wednesday after he announced plans to unveil executive actions on immigration in a primetime address Thursday evening.

“The president is throwing this nation into a crisis and we have an obligation to do our duty, here, and in the Senate,” Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) told reporters.

Obama purposely timed the announcement, King said, to coincide with lawmakers leaving Washington Thursday for Thanksgiving recess. King said he’s staying behind in Washington to deal with the issue.
“I decided in an instant, I’m staying,” he said.

King laid out three steps the House could take to respond to Obama, including a resolution of rejection, censuring Obama and defunding the order to prevent its implementation. He stopped short of supporting impeachment.

“I don’t want to go down that path. We have lived through that and it put the nation through a lot of trauma,” he added.
Some Republicans expressed frustration that Obama invited only Senate and House Democrats to dinner Wednesday evening to huddle before the announcement.

Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) said the fact that Republicans were not invited signals that Obama is creating “the beginning of a political campaign” that provokes “partisan warfare” and not a bipartisan agreement.

“Why would you do this on the eve of Thanksgiving, going into holidays, unless you want to create a political fight?" Cole asked. "I mean I’m mystified by the political calculus."
Republicans should have been included in Wednesday’s dinner, said Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.).

“I think that’s endemic of how the president has run his office,” she said. “He has been unwilling to reach out to Republicans.”
Bachmann called Obama “cynical” for issuing the order after the midterm elections when so many Democrats faced tight reelection races.

“He chose not to do this before the election because he knew his party would take an absolute drubbing at the polls,” she said. “In all likelihood, Scott Brown would have won his race in New Hampshire. In all likelihood, that would have caused Ed Gillespie to win in Virginia.”

Bachmann and King both support the push to defund Obama’s immigration action through legislation that’s separate from a main government spending bill to avert a full government shutdown.
While Rep. Steve Stivers (R-Ohio) said he’s “bothered when somebody tries to pass laws through executive actions,” he said it’s not worth another government shutdown.

Republicans outraged by Obama s plan TheHill

Looks like it's your time to cry...your time to cry...your time to cry-yi-yi.
I've said many a time to sit back and watch...he's got nothing to lose, and now he's pissed.
correct he is a lame duck. However, once out of office he can be arrested for treason. I'm looking forward to that. I'm putting my faith in the repubs to announce that right after ole obama creates the illegal non constitutional act. Come on baby let's do it!!!
This is a rogue president, and impeachment has got to be put on the table and seriously considered.

Republicans outraged by Obama's plan

Republicans on Capitol Hill began to lash out at President Obama Wednesday after he announced plans to unveil executive actions on immigration in a primetime address Thursday evening.

“The president is throwing this nation into a crisis and we have an obligation to do our duty, here, and in the Senate,” Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) told reporters.

Obama purposely timed the announcement, King said, to coincide with lawmakers leaving Washington Thursday for Thanksgiving recess. King said he’s staying behind in Washington to deal with the issue.
“I decided in an instant, I’m staying,” he said.

King laid out three steps the House could take to respond to Obama, including a resolution of rejection, censuring Obama and defunding the order to prevent its implementation. He stopped short of supporting impeachment.

“I don’t want to go down that path. We have lived through that and it put the nation through a lot of trauma,” he added.
Some Republicans expressed frustration that Obama invited only Senate and House Democrats to dinner Wednesday evening to huddle before the announcement.

Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) said the fact that Republicans were not invited signals that Obama is creating “the beginning of a political campaign” that provokes “partisan warfare” and not a bipartisan agreement.

“Why would you do this on the eve of Thanksgiving, going into holidays, unless you want to create a political fight?" Cole asked. "I mean I’m mystified by the political calculus."
Republicans should have been included in Wednesday’s dinner, said Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.).

“I think that’s endemic of how the president has run his office,” she said. “He has been unwilling to reach out to Republicans.”
Bachmann called Obama “cynical” for issuing the order after the midterm elections when so many Democrats faced tight reelection races.

“He chose not to do this before the election because he knew his party would take an absolute drubbing at the polls,” she said. “In all likelihood, Scott Brown would have won his race in New Hampshire. In all likelihood, that would have caused Ed Gillespie to win in Virginia.”

Bachmann and King both support the push to defund Obama’s immigration action through legislation that’s separate from a main government spending bill to avert a full government shutdown.
While Rep. Steve Stivers (R-Ohio) said he’s “bothered when somebody tries to pass laws through executive actions,” he said it’s not worth another government shutdown.

Republicans outraged by Obama s plan TheHill

Looks like it's your time to cry...your time to cry...your time to cry-yi-yi.
I've said many a time to sit back and watch...he's got nothing to lose, and now he's pissed.

Great way to run a country. A petulant, narcissistic gay negro with a grudge against america who intends to punish us for not loving him enough.

these things will all be corrected after the collapse and partitioning.




Do you rubes EVER get tired of being cycled up into hysteria by your masters? Do you? Ever?

Christ, every fucking week you are shitting your pants over the panic-du-jour. Take some fucking Immodium, for chrissakes.

All that hack piss you guzzle is giving you the runs. FIGURE IT OUT!!!
Liberals = no class. Thanks for proving that point!!!!

BTW, there was never an ebola patient in the US. Ever.

So high school...."...no class".
But G5000 is right. You righties are like trained seals at SeaWorld just waiting for the guy with the bucket of chum, chum.
ok captain dan, way to watch out for old Forest!!!! run away now and go protect him. hahahhahahahahahahaa
A Nation of Laws must respect those laws. That clearly hasn't been happening in regards to Illegal Immigration for many years. It's time to change that.
We've had more than enough Illegal Immigration. It's time to get back to Legal Immigration. It's time to start respecting the Law of the Land again. We are still a Nation of Laws, aren't we?

No Nation governed by Leftists is 'governed by Laws'.

As Leftism rests entirely upon relativism; which rejects the objectivity essential to justice and absent justice, 'law' is merely an ever changing soup of indefinable rules.
and the resources to do that would come from where?
well isn't that the needed reform? So how does anything else get done in this country? holy crap that's your stance?
yep. that's my stance.
i also think that deporting stable illegal immigrants with family ties to the country and no serious criminal records is stupid so long as we have much more dangerous illegal aliens to worry about, and that our enforcement efforts should basically ignore them until we have a complete grip on the dangerous criminal element. wouldn't you agree?

Deport all illegals. Don't look for reasons to make exceptions.
Illegal means against the law...something is either legal or it isn't.
If they entered illegally, they have to go.
it's not as hard as you are pretending.

Got a visa? Got a green card?
Get in the truck.
so you'd put the same resources an effort into expelling a handyman father supporting his citizen family that you would into a drug cartel enforcer?
aren't they the same? Criminals?
no. we don't treat muderers and jaywalkers the same, do we?
incidentally, i'm pretty sure illegal immigration is a misdemeanor offense.
you really think that's possible and yet all previous presidents failed to spend the '15 minutes' to get it done?

Why are you still making excuses?

You keep dodging and trying to change the subject.

Those people are not the president anymore..obama is.

Why doesn't he close the border?
He'd be a hero and save his legacy and his approval waould skyrocket...but those things aren't as important to him as undermining evil colonialist, imperialistic america that he was taught to hate is...
i'm trying to make you understand that 'closing' the border within 15 minutes is not possible through presidential power alone. clearly if it was, it would have been done.

Oh..ok...make it 20 minutes, then..you're just making excuses anyway.

If obama wanted the border closed he would have ordered it done years ago...make all the excuses you need to..no one is buying it.
so what's the reason for all the past presidents not securing the border?

Why do you keep circling back to that?
Why doesn't obama close it?
i'm still just trying to make you understand that the president alone does not have the ability to commit the resources that would be necessary. if he did, it would have been done by one of his predecessors.

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