The president of Turkey at a news conference?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Maybe it was me but I though the flags representing Turkey were too prominent in Hussein's press conference today. We need leadership. Why the hell would the president of the United States need the president of Turkey to run interference for him while the Country was reeling form three or four or six scandals? Maybe Barry Hussein is going crazy.
Diplomacy involves hosting representatives from time to time.
Most of the time it is done by lower bureaucrats in ministries or by telephone.

Before going to Washington, Erdogan landed in Maryland Edwards Airbase with full military ceremony.
From Edwards Airbase he went to Lanham Maryland to break a ground ceremony for a mosque.

7 years ago he was in Maryland during Ramadan and had to break fasting in a shady place, and as a result this project was born.
Anadolu Ajansi


I don't get it. The president of Turkey didn't have much to say. There were no big treaty signings and yet Americans had to look at Turkish flags fully as big as the Stars and Stripes in a press conference that wasn't about Turkey.
Maybe it was me but I though the flags representing Turkey were too prominent in Hussein's press conference today. We need leadership. Why the hell would the president of the United States need the president of Turkey to run interference for him while the Country was reeling form three or four or six scandals? Maybe Barry Hussein is going crazy.

Trust your first impression. It is you.

As for the premise, maybe those three or four or six "scandals the country is reeling from" .... aren't, and it isn't. Maybe what it is is a slow news week.

Once again, imagination is the better part of crazy.
He's the Prime Minister of Turkey.

OK, Americans had to look at flags fully as big as the Stars and Stripes and I'm not sure of the political protocol but it seemed to me the Turkish flags were too prominent. Anyway what the hell was the premier of Turkey doing at a press conference that was clearly an effort by the president to get out from under scandal after scandal?
It's been a long time but the Marine holding the umbrella over the Turkish guy is clearly at parade rest while it seems the Marine holding the umbrella over the president is at some combination of parade rest and attention.
He's the Prime Minister of Turkey.

OK, Americans had to look at flags fully as big as the Stars and Stripes and I'm not sure of the political protocol but it seemed to me the Turkish flags were too prominent. Anyway what the hell was the premier of Turkey doing at a press conference that was clearly an effort by the president to get out from under scandal after scandal?

If only there were some kind of Google search engine to look these things up, and if only that search engine would return a document that outlined such protocol on page fourteen... alas and alack, life is tough when you're helpless.

If there existed such a document it would plainly state that the US and foreign flag are to be displayed at equal size and height. Which is exactly what they did:

[ame=]President Obama Holds a Press Conference with Prime Minister Erdogan - YouTube[/ame]

By the way "Hussein" was not there. Not only is Hussein not the PM of Turkey, but he's dead.

And by the other way, visits by foreign heads of state are not exactly scheduled on the spur of the moment. Duh.
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But why was he there for a press conference about the IRS? I don't get it.
Or was the conference about other stuff besides that?
But why was he there for a press conference about the IRS? I don't get it.
Or was the conference about other stuff besides that?

I don't either. Whiteballs seems to be under the impression a press conference is about comparing flag size.

I guess it's what he's used to. :dunno:
First of all, this press conference has nothing to do with the recent scandals, it has to do with a state visit by the prime minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Why was he there? Well, the trip was scheduled a long time ago. Why? It is like a game of chess. If anyone is truly interested, go look up my posting history. Look under my posts in the Boston bombing thread,

It all started a while back with the Boston bombing. A couple of low level CIA double agents that used to work in the northern Caucuses organizing a nationalistic resistance against Russia, were used as "terrorist" patsies in a game of international espionage intrigue. That's right, our own government used them as patsies in the bombing, THEY did the bombing, a Gladio style bombing, so that the Chenen resistance would no longer be looked on favorably in the beltway.

With in days, the Russian government got the green light to begin a crackdown on it's dissidents, and upon our clandestine NGO, CIA organized operatives, and that resistance. You can look it up. And what do you know? Guess who had a trip scheduled to Russia the very next week? What . . .What? Could it be Secretary of State Kerry? Maybe they were going to talk about Chenya, Dagestan, and Syria?

See, the only thing preventing the Western powers from exerting more overt pressure on the Syrian theater was Russia. But there was a trade off, one white pawn for a black pawn, and shifting in the game. We give them something, they give us something. If you watched news reports, the Russian's were pulling out the last of their assets while at the same time. . . coincidentally enough, reports started filtering in that a chemical weapon's shell had reportedly been found to had been fired.

Now why would Assad go and do a stupid thing like that when Russia had told them that their alliance would be broken if he dared do that? And the US told him that this would be the red line he should not and could not cross? What a mind blowing coincidence. :eek:

I really appreciate the poster that posted this thread. I had no idea that a conference was scheduled with the PM of Turkey for this month. It makes sense though. They have to talk about the US using Turkey's air bases, refueling our ships there, what we might have to do if ground forces are needed to push the regime over or if Turkey's territory is needed to shelter resistance forces or CIA trainers. Who knows? What one does know, is now that Russia is out of the way, what ever they need to do, they have carte blanche to do to get Assad out.

As far as all the questions concerning the various "scandals?" Distractions, simple distractions. Don't let them fool you. Remember, Obama is the product of a Ford foundation Mother. He used to work for the CIA, and started his career at a University that was set up to train CIA agents. Lying and obfuscation is what he is best at.
I don't get it. The president of Turkey didn't have much to say. There were no big treaty signings and yet Americans had to look at Turkish flags fully as big as the Stars and Stripes in a press conference that wasn't about Turkey.

Visiting heads of state normally have a joint news conference. They give joint news conferences in their own countries when our head of state visits.

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