The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Nope. The congress does not initiate the budget prossess nor does it sign budget laws into effect. No budget. No budget can be passed without the president’s signature or super majority which Dems did not have. GOP had total and majority control of the Govt for 6 of 8 years-under Bush. The administration is called the administration because they spend the money or not. The admin can spend money it does not have through a special budget process call reconciliation which Bush did to go into deep debt and drive the country into a recession to prosecute an a war it never paid for. They can even override a super majority decision.....which the Bush admin did.
The Sub standard lending practice was initiated by DEMOCRATS. Took a while. But most of 'em went bust.
The gop is the party of freebies. It spends and spends and cuts revenue going into debt with regularity. Since Reagan, Republicans have totally committed to trickle down, voodoo economics with all but one of the last 11 recessions under their budgets.’s all about the gop incompetence and now their support for treason. They are the most corrupt party in the history of the US.
Bullshit. Clinton got the BENEFIT of Reagans prosperity. That is why HE was mostly successful. His first 2 years sucked. When the Repubs trounced him in the Mid Year election ,Clinton learned to COMPROMISE ,something Senile Biden better learn.
Bullshit. Clinton got the BENEFIT of Reagans prosperity. That is why HE was mostly successful. His first 2 years sucked. When the Repubs trounced him in the Mid Year election ,Clinton learned to COMPROMISE ,something Senile Biden better learn.
His first two years sucked because we were still on Reaganomics. Clinton passed bills his first two years that ultimately mandated limited increases in spending……hilarious, since he proved he was more fiscally responsible then repugnants who spent like drunken sailors. They just refused to pay and run up deficits.

Btw, that wonderful Reagan had 2 recessions. His economic plans sucked for deficits and the environment. You’re FOS.
His first two years sucked because we were still on Reaganomics. Clinton passed bills his first two years that ultimately mandated limited increases in spending……hilarious, since he proved he was more fiscally responsible then repugnants who spent like drunken sailors. They just refused to pay and run up deficits.

Btw, that wonderful Reagan had 2 recessions. His economic plans sucked for deficits and the environment. You’re FOS.

Btw, that wonderful Reagan had 2 recessions.


One recession, July 1981-November 1982.
Btw, that wonderful Reagan had 2 recessions.


One recession, July 1981-November 1982.
You are ignorant aren’t you.
Yeah, the government shut down was because he wanted to spend less than the Republicans. DURR
oh, just one ? Just like all the rest of the gop along with the biggest increase deficits EVER to that point. Conservatives are fiscally irresponsible. You all want freebies.

btw, Reagan’s RECESSION was so bad it was a double dip and counts as two.
You are ignorant aren’t you.

oh, just one ? Just like all the rest of the gop along with the biggest increase deficits EVER to that point. Conservatives are fiscally irresponsible. You all want freebies.

btw, Reagan’s RECESSION was so bad it was a double dip and counts as two.

You are ignorant aren’t you.

oh, just one ?

I knew he only had 1 recession, moron.

Reagan’s RECESSION was so bad it was a double dip and counts as two.

Carter had one and Reagan had one, idiot.
You are ignorant aren’t you.

oh, just one ?

I knew he only had 1 recession, moron.

Reagan’s RECESSION was so bad it was a double dip and counts as two.

Carter had one and Reagan had one, idiot.
So Reagan is being compared to Carter. That’s hilarious.
So Reagan is being compared to Carter. That’s hilarious.

Hardly. Reagan was infinitely better than Carter.

Have you figured out yet that Reagan's recession was July 1981-November 1982
and Carter's recession was January 1980-July 1980?

Or are you still retarded?
You are ignorant aren’t you.

oh, just one ?

I knew he only had 1 recession, moron.

Reagan’s RECESSION was so bad it was a double dip and counts as two.

Carter had one and Reagan had one, idiot.
A double dipper…

The only thing liberals need to compromise on, is other liberal ideas. The gop has devolved into do nothing fear mongerers who let lobbyist actually write their budgets.
Fear mongerers? Global Warming is YOUR bag. Racism is YOUR bag. Yet the biggests RACISTS are Al Sharpton ,Louis Farrakhan , Lori Stinkfoot of Chicago , and BLM/ Global warming? That retard Grete Thornbird has a spaz attack at the UN. And that is Rational? Clinton ,in his first year ,did a massive TAX increase. Then he turned HealthCare over to his Bitch Wife. Which FAILED even with a Dem House and Senate. Then he got rational and compromised. Doing that ,he won a second term. Try a History book ,numbnuts.
The only thing liberals need to compromise on, is other liberal ideas. The gop has devolved into do nothing fear mongerers who let lobbyist actually write their budgets.
It's funny how everything you accuse Republicans of is what Democrats are guilty of.
Global Warming is YOUR bag.
Global warming is the “bag “ of every cl8mate reader h facility in the world, every govt, university, military major corporation. Sure, it’s only a liberal bag. That means everyone is liberal. Btw,mis Moscow Mitch now a liberal ?

That it’s not your bag simply means you're admitting to stupidity.
Global warming is the “bag “ of every cl8mate reader h facility in the world, every govt, university, military major corporation. Sure, it’s only a liberal bag. That means everyone is liberal. Btw,mis Moscow Mitch now a liberal ?

That it’s not your bag simply means you're admitting to stupidity.
Nope. Global Warming is fake science. Ya know what they are bellyaching and fearmongering about? That the mean Temp might go up 2 degrees by 2050. FACT. Will the world burn up? NO. Clue to the Clueless--There are OTHER issues far more important right now. China ,the BORDER ,and a massive RECESSION. In case ya haven't heard.

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